KR> Today's Test

2008-10-12 Thread James c Ferris
get the 1.1 hours, but how do you do 1.1 landings? Jim On Sun, 19 Nov 2006 16:09:37 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time) "Dan Heath" writes: > Today, I flew the Black Bird for 1.1 hours and got in 1.1 landings. > For the > FIRST time, I can go fly again without having to fix anything. That > does >

KR> trailing wing edges.

2008-10-12 Thread James c Ferris
The GAW-1 airfoil is a spin off from the first Supercritical airfoil tested in flighton the Navy 2TC trainerand as I said in my eariler post we used thickness of 0.075 at the trailing edge. Yours is slightly thicker but should be O.K. This airfoil is also used on the very easy wing and was shown t

KR> Aileron trailing edge question

2008-10-12 Thread James c Ferris
I believe you can increase the thickness to about one percent of the chord without adversily changing the performance. When we were developing the supercritical airfoil for transonic performance gaines we increased the trailing edge to about .075 chord without reducing the performance, this was mo

KR> Landing KR's

2008-10-12 Thread James c Ferris
You have the right idea,I read Bill Rents page on KRnet about taxing his KR-1 for ten hoursbefore he flew it but he flew it for more than Twenty years, having a lot of fun. I had started one in the early seventies but my friends said i would kill myself in it so I sold the project and lost twenty y

KR> WAF Plasma cutting

2008-10-12 Thread James c Ferris
Larry Your posts are some of best, keep on postings and leave it all in there, don't pay any attention to the bitching from those who rhink thay kmow it all. Like he said cutting and pasting is for the 5 to 8 year olds. Thanks Jim On Sat, 26 Aug 2006 07:56:42 -0700 (PDT) "Larry H." writes: > Th

KR> Losing Weight

2008-10-12 Thread James c Ferris
What kind of a diet was that? thats one pound a day, Mark Jones and I could use that diet. Thanks Jim

KR> gap seals

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Is that slick or sick mispelled? On Tue, 9 May 2006 09:43:02 +1000 "Barry Kruyssen" writes: > Its going to take more than gap seals to make something as slick as > C-150 go > faster. I would say that on my KR2 there is a noticable > difference. > > Regards > Barry Kruyssen > Cairns, Australia

KR> A few questions before I buy the plans

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
It cost 4 times as much as a Corvair. Jim On Wed, 10 May 2006 16:57:24 +0100 (BST) JAMES DUFF writes: > I'm surprised that no US builders consider the Jabiru 2200 > engine > > Colin Hales in the UK built G-BSTL with a Type 1 VW, canned it in > favour of a Type 4, junked that too and ev


2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Hi Don, Where did you getthe AirCalc program and how much did it cost? i would like to try it, I don't think its a big deal to redesign the KR to be an LSA and call it something else. sincerely Jim On Tue, 02 May 2006 09:54:42 -0500 D F Lively writes: > Kenny:: > > I have taken over a KR2 proj


2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Thanks , I was loking for that. Jim On Tue, 02 May 2006 12:15:21 -0400 Ron Butterfield writes: > Sorry, didn't mean that last post to go to the list :-( > > > Regards, > RonB > > > ___ > Search the KRnet Archives at >

KR> Armoural

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
.This is absolutely nuts, comparing the flight of a golf ball to an airplane is like comparing the weight of a bowling ball to a ballon. The airplane with a laminar flow airfoil on the wing is the lowest drag you can get and is the fastests, but to get laminar flow the surface must be very smooth

KR> Horizontal stab stall

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
You can put a stall strip on the wing to make it stall first look at the inboard leading edge of a Beech Bonanza and the Tiger and Traveler of American Aviation Co. Easy quick fix. Jim

KR> Armoural

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Aeronautical Engineer jim

KR> Cowling project

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Man thats rougher a cob, but it turned out great in the end. Jim

KR> Long wings

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
More lift may not mean more drag, the increased skin friction drag will be off set by the reduced induced drag. jim On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 10:03:44 -0800 larry severson writes: > At 09:36 AM 3/23/2006, you wrote: > >I have wondered what affect these long wings will have. I am also > > >concerned

KR> more lift <> more drag?

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
span, this is good. Jim On Thu, 23 Mar 2006 14:30:47 -0600 writes: > Why would there be less induced drag? > > Dan > > From: JAMES C FERRIS > More lift may not mean more drag, the increased skin friction drag > will > be off set by

KR> nice day-visit

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
You know what they say about FUN, either its senful or it makes you fat and I don't see you getting fat. I'm praying for you every day. jim On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 20:38:18 -0600 "Mark Langford" writes: > Brian Kraut wrote: > > >I put gap seals on my Stang in about 15 minutes. My conclusion? > Mar


2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Read you Dec 11, 2005 note on hershey bar wings, why would you put a hershey bar wing on anything, especially a LSA airplane? That would put the increased lift out at the wing tip where you don't want it. I have looked at redesigning the KR-2, of course it would not be a KR-2 anymore, but it would

KR> Carbon Fibre

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
KR-1 planes just give an idea as to how it should be built, I would just use the new airfoils for the stub wings and the outboard wings, its a powered sailplane and needs the laminar flow airfoils. Jim On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 13:28:57 -0600 Bart Ferguson writes: > > I believe I smell a good idea brewi

KR> Tail Graphics

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Mark it looks great but two things missing "Chevy" and "THE HEART OF AMERICA". You could maybe get GM to sponser you with a great job like that. Jim On Wed, 15 Feb 2006 18:37:27 -0600 "Mark Jones" writes: > Just in case anyone is interested :-) here is a link which shows > the tail graphics I

KR> Tim Haynes engine information

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
David! we should not let ourselves get so weak that a gentle breeze makes us sway out of control, thats all that is "the wind blowing" this is the best website on the web,stick with it. Sincerely Jim On Thu, 16 Feb 2006 06:26:35 - "David Kopanski" writes: > Yea, well said Gary! I don't own an

KR> my unveiling

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
People like to seethe wings level in an airplane and they are the same way on a motorcycle when you go around a curve they go verticle, takes so getting acomstom to. Jim On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 21:52:52 -0600 "Oscar Zuniga" writes: > Mark, I predict that the fuselage will heat up excessively under th

KR> Food for thought.................

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Turn it upsidedown and put it on top of a station wagon, thats what i did to transport from virginia to missouri. Jim On Mon, 6 Feb 2006 17:40:32 -0600 "Richard And Donya" writes: > Keep me in the loop on this one, I'm currently in Tulsa but > relocating to > Broomfield in May. > > Anyone have a

KR> How many flight hours before flying KR ??

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
This is very good Dan, but I would also suggest going to KRNET and Langfords website and read Bill Reents account about his KR-1 He taxied it for ten hours to get the feel before he flew it and it made me sick because I started the KR-1 in 1970 and built the fuselage and tail and the wing spars and

KR> vw engine rear drive prop

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
I think this was first done by Steve Whitman on the V- whit racer. Jim On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 05:03:29 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time) "Dan Heath" writes: > Would the 2S plans be the "supplement". I think that for a KR2S, you > buy > the standard KR2 plans and a KR2S supplement. > > Rear drive is n

KR> Type IV engines

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
What size cylinders and where are you located? thanks Jim On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:41:32 -0600 "JIM VANCE" writes: > I have two type IV engines, an extra set of cylinders, pistons, and > head, and other miscellaneous parts that are in the way in my shop. > If Orma or anyone else are interested,

KR> Type IV engines

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
what size cylinders and where are you located? Thanks Jim On Tue, 24 Jan 2006 08:41:32 -0600 "JIM VANCE" writes: > I have two type IV engines, an extra set of cylinders, pistons, and > head, and other miscellaneous parts that are in the way in my shop. > If Orma or anyone else are interested, p

KR> Update

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
What does Corvair smoked turkey tast like? It may be better than Virginia smoked ham. Jim On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 09:10:10 -0600 writes: >Mark, >Your culinary skills are unique. Congratulations. > Ray > - Original Message

KR> buying KR plans

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Rand was before Rutain and Alvarez with the construction technique but not before Wright. He borrowed from the Taylor monoplane whereas Rutain borrowed from Wright and Rand. Jim On Fri, 20 Jan 2006 15:33:21 -0500 "patrusso" writes: > I think you are correct Kevin. I regard my plans as a guide and

KR> Polliwagen

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Hi Jeff:: Ian cell number is (505) 259-1488. He says the surface is smooth and doesn't need to be sanded. Jim On Tue, 10 Jan 2006 20:50:37 -0700 writes: > > On Mon, 09 Jan 2006 23:53:36 -0600 "Steve Bray" > > writes: > > Jeff in Los Alamos > > Look at e-bay #4602717806. > >

KR> Who needs a KR?

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
What is the endurance time? 5 minutes ? Jim

KR> kr2 sport pilot

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
I don't think it is a lot of grief, thats all I did for thirty years is redesign aircraft to make them fly at transonic speeds or increase the drag rise Mach number from speeds like 0.82 to as high as 0.98. The KR-1B is a good idea, but single place and the Sonex has all those rivit head turbulato

KR> Deceiving numbers

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Good point. Jim PS for the same reason I don't want gas heat in my house. Seeen too many of them blow up. On Sun, 8 Jan 2006 00:28:49 -0500 "Doug Rupert" writes: > A bunch of years back a trucking company up here in Canada > was > working with Caterpillar as well as Cummins and Detroit Di

KR> kr2 sport pilot

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
I have looked at this also, and on the list of performance of the flying KR-2's started by Orma about half of them have performance in the sport aircraft rules,however it would be better if we redesigned the aircraft to fit the rules and called it something else only useding the Ken Rand constructi

KR> kr2 sport pilot

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Your right Larry, I was thinking of a 10 or 15 percent increase in the wing span and area and the same with the tail and increase the fuselage length also, and may decrease the elevator area like Steve Jones and some of the others did. Jim

KR> VW and Corvair

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Right on, and the same reason no two KR's are alike. Jim

KR> found a note

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
That one is great. Jim On Sat, 24 Dec 2005 16:44:58 -0600 Larry&Sallie Flesner writes: > > > Fellow Netters, > > I found this note on the seat of my KR tomorrow morning. > Enjoy... > > Larry Flesner > + > > > 'Twas the day before Christ

KR> Props

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
You are correct, props are airfoils and the airfoil one uses can have a large effect on the performance. A supercritical airfoil can increase the drag rise Mach number as much as 15 percent which means a larger diameter prop can be used at the same RPM if the outside20 percent used a supercritical

KR> Vortex gen

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Vortex generators, if located in the correct position will not decrease the cruise speed. for most airfols the vortex generators are placed far enough back on the chord that the boundary layer is already turbulent and it will energize the boundary layer by mixing high energy air from outside the b


2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Someone posted on here before that Bill Clapp built his KR for about 7 or 8K including the corvair engine and I notice that in Orma's list of performance charistics that 7 out of 18 listed have stall speeds of 51 MPH or less this is the biggest problem and many of these stall speeds may not be at g


2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Colin is absolutely right, there is no way to certify a LR-2 as a LSA, most of them that fly with two people are well over 1,000 lb. more like 1,200 lb and the oly way toget that to stall under 51 MPH is with a Fowler flap and maybe slats. I like the construction tecnique of the KR Ken developed a

KR> smoke system

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Man I feel for you , my uniform for the last ten months has been t-shirt and swimming trunks, thats all I ever wear, I 'm in Sanford Florida,but its gona get cold tonight they are forcasting 48 degrees. Jim On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 17:25:11 -0600 "Mark Jones" writes: > - Original Message - > F

KR> Re: KRnet Digest, Vol 347, Issue 192

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
You could use a T-tail and sweep the verticle to move the horizontal tail back. Jim Sanford fl. On Sat, 14 May 2005 09:17:33 EDT writes: > What about just moving the tail back away from the boat? Leave the > original > boat and add 12"? may look a bit unusual but that's never stop

KR> blah, blah, blah, blah, blah the old days

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Great to hear that you are getting ready to haule that time sucker to the airport. Jim sanford, Fl On Sat, 14 May 2005 21:51:55 -0500 "Mark Langford" writes: > Kevin Jarvis wrote: > > > So why do we stick with an antiquated email/digest system when we > can > > have a full blown multi-subject, m

KR> taxi testing?

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
I think you need to get a new flight advisor. The big mistake I made is to stop building my KR-1 back in 1970, it was coming along good but some of my flight advisors advised that i would kill myself in it because it would be too sensitive in pitch. But i read in 2005 of this guy on KR-net that h

KR> a better day of taxi testing

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
I feel good about you getting all the pratice, it will pay off in the long run. jim On Tue, 17 May 2005 22:01:06 -0500 "Mark Langford" writes: > NetHeads, > > Today was a good day. The weather's been great, with slight wind > right down the runway. Acting on the advice that several KRnetHeads


2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
You state that the strengthof a properly designed wooden spar does not depend on the grain orientation. I believe this is missleading, would you use wood that had a splope on th grain of 1 to 3 or 1 to 5 or 1 to 20?. Jim On Thu, 05 May 2005 09:13:57 -0400 Donald Reid writes: > At 11:30 PM 5/4/200

KR> Synthetic oil

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
I put Amsoil in two of my vehicles in 1980 and both of them failed within 5,000 miles, the VW swolled a valve and busted the piston and rod and the Peugeot wore out the valve guides. The auro's only had 25,000 miles when i changed to Amsoil. Needles to say, I would not use it on anything. Jim On

KR> Learn from my mistake. (long)

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Right on, climbrate is a function of excess thrust amd the belly borad does a goog job on reducing this and thus the climb rate. Jim On Sun, 1 May 2005 09:09:57 -0400 "Orma" writes: > I'm sure that every KRnet reader is glad that you are here telling > the story > as a lesson learned. The only

KR> the internet: friend or foe?

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
No question that William is the expert on corvair engines and that Mark is the KR expert but there are other experts on the list thst have forgot more than someone has learned from building and been flying a KR-2 for twenty years. Marks work on bringing the new airfoil subject is a good point and

KR> Stability

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Stability is a function of the tail volume (area of the tail X the moment arm), so you can increase this by strecheing the fuselage or by increasing the area of the horizontal tail. JIm On Tue, 19 Apr 2005 13:17:17 -0400 "Golden, Kevin" writes: > SoIf I were to build a KR1, the airfoil wou

KR> Checklists

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
what time do you plan to go over on Friday? Jim On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 03:29:48 -0400 "Colin & Bev Rainey" writes: > Hey Jim > Carpooling would be cool, if you want to go on Sunday. We are also > going to > the KR dinner Friday night. I have to work Wed & Thur nights, but am > off the > weekend.

KR> Mechanical

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
What time do you plan to go over to SNF on Friday? jim On Tue, 12 Apr 2005 12:27:29 -0400 "Colin & Bev Rainey" writes: > Have you priced a mechanical up to date fuel injection system from > say a IO-360 lately? > I can build a whole carbureted Corvair for the cost of the injection > system alone


2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
I can't believe you don't know what an F-16 and an F-4 is for sure, where have you been for the last 20 years? Building? Jim On Sun, 17 Apr 2005 21:51:06 -0500 "Mark Langford" writes: > NetHeads, > > Here's my favorite photo from SNF this year. > See

KR> Checklists

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Colin are you going to sun and fun? do you still have your KR to gether or have you pulled the engine? I am going to drive over, if you don't have a plane now maybe we can car pool? Jim On Mon, 11 Apr 2005 09:36:31 -0400 "Colin & Bev Rainey" writes: > Quick note to anyone using my checklists modif

KR> Video of First Flight

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
This is a bunch of crap there is no flight here I have ran it three times already. Jim

KR> Video of First Flight

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
I saw it, I just diden't pay the first few times, it really sounded great. Jim

KR> Yahoo! Photos - My KR2 S Project

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Very good show. Jim

KR> blue foam

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
I am missing something here are you talking about fitting Diehle RF-48 skins to the new airfoil? or what?Thanks Jim

KR> Corvair turbo

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Hi Doug: areyou really going to put a rotary in KR, the are derated as much as a covair so of the auto drag racers Were able to turn them up to 14,000 RPM so 8 or 9 k they would hold up pretty good. Keep us posted on this. Thanks Jim

KR> Corvair turbo

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Doug: I think you are right, it would need some beefing up, maybe at othe places also, But it would make a great machine. Who is Dana that you referred to in the other post? Thanks Jim

KR> tech advisors

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
If you diden't learn enough from Sept. 11 and the ninety percent of them danceing in the street afterward them you had your head in the sand. Jim

KR> Safety first

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
We have no problem with shops that charge less! they know what there worth.

KR> Seat position, rudder pedals

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
but Mark has zero belly

KR> Regulator & windshear answers

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Colin: you're having too much fun.

KR> Re:wing area

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Larry is correct, the portion of the wing enclosed by the fuselage is always considered to be part of the wing area on all aircraft. jim

KR> Re:wing area

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
This area is used in all of the calculations, wing loading, aspect ratio, induced drag, and all of the coefficients etc. Drag coefficient = drag/qS, Lift coefficient = lift /qS, pitching-moment coefficient = pitching-moment/qSc etc. Sincerely Jim

KR> Fw: [] Re: GlassGauge Air Data Instruments

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Do you have an e-mail address or phone number for the FBI that handles fraude cases? Thanks Jim

KR> Agreement for Co-Ownership - Dispute Resolution???

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
You don't want to own an airplane with anyone but a good friend and you don't need a lawyer to screw things up. I have owned and airplane with a friend that I rebuilt the airplane with, NO PROBLEMS. He sold is half to another person and still no problems. this guy sold his half back to me as he was

KR> Dispute Resolution??? - Why I need this to be covered in the contract " agreement "

2008-10-12 Thread JAMES C FERRIS
Your right! I was very luckie none of these came up. Jim