KR> Swift Fuel

2010-02-10 Thread Dann Johnson
    The Swift Fuel Web FAQ page ( apparently written about 18 months ago ), stated that their goal was  to have Swift Fuel for sale at airplane gas pumps in Spring 2010.  Maybe they will be able to make it in time for Oshkosh   Dann Johnson Thompson

KR> kr2 model on ebay

2010-02-08 Thread Dann Johnson
Maybe this is old news, but i stumbled a cross a mdodel   a  KR-2S ? Ebay item 120058142248 Copy on the ebay item read: RAND ROBINSON KR-2On June 1, 1974, the KR-2, a two seat version emerged into the world of experimental aviation with its maiden flight. The prototype KR-2, N4KR, was powered

KR> getting registered on the forum

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
Forums are a NO GO for me. Old School Email krnet Dann wrote: Send KRnet mailing list submissions to

KR> Re: Delay in e-mail postings KRnet

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
I think the flood of mal-ware emails is plugging up the email system. I nolonger open any "bounced" return to sender email. I think that they are hacker / spyware originated. Here is why. For several weeks, I have been flooded with junk emails being sent, identified as if I had sent th

KR> Re: EBAY kr2 cd plans

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
RR / Jeannet will need to have her lawyer send that guy and ebay letters if she wants to defend her copywrite. Maybe she hasn't extended her copywrite claims and so it becomes public domain? Else if the cd guy is 'just' offering scanned 'original' 30 plus year-old version of the KR2 Pract

KR> KR2 gathering info

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
Could you refresh me on this years KR2 gathering. Still in Illinois ? Oh.. on Ebay there is a listing for an interesting VW powered airplane. Looks like it would be really heavy. Past the item number ( 290015467228 ) into the ebay search slot.

KR> Re: KR 1b

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
Most of the cars that I see driving down the road have a single person in them. My goal now, is my plans built version of the kr2 will fly with me, sometimes with a grand kid. I see the KR2 as bascially a sport motorcycle of the air. At age 54, my blood pressure and heart are still ok,

KR> Re: KR2 on Ebay again

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
same plane as was sold as item number 4633434916 , which ended april 27th. South Carolina Dann Johnson Thompson, Iowa

KR> Re: Head Sets

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
Netters, My KR2 is "a ways" from flying, and rather than getting "stalled out" I have been reading posts on several different lists. Head sets, and the high noise level in another (non KR2 experimental had gotten a thread going on which kinds of headsets were best. I would ho

KR> Re Alcohol in Fuel

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
Ethel Alcohol is a good solvent, but not a super solvent, perhaps not as good a solvent as gasolene itself. I was a bio major in college, with a chem minor... just 8 hours worth ofp chem short of a major. Organic Chemistry is wonderful stuff. My 50 cent opinion is that mo

KR> FAA Inspections

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
will be preformed by civilian contractors approved by the FAA at $500 / inspection. What does it cost now?Anyone else heard of this, as it was all news to me. Dann Johnson List-Post: Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 21:25:26 EST From: Subject: KR> faa ins

KR> Re: Avionic Instruments

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
I am wondering about instrumentation sources. When I got my private pilots' lic back in 1969, I got most of my first 40 hours learning to fly, in a 1946 ( or maybe it was a 47 ?) Aeronca Champ. As I recall, it had only 5 instruments: an airspeed indicator, a tach, a magnet

KR> vw engine rear drive prop

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
As of Sunday night, there is still a 2 place mid engine sonerai being sold on ebay with a 2180 engine. Reading the questions, the seller responded that the propeller was a " rear drive ". So.. he must have had the engine reversed ? How common is this? Reading on plans from Sunday's

KR> Re: KR Retract Hickeys

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
Dan My KR2 also has the original kr2 retract gear. The fellow that I bought it from said that I could make it non-retractable by locking up the linkage. I figured if the gear ever retracted at the wrong time, it would mean a prop strike, ruin the prop and probably also cost a crank shaft, plus

KR>Newbie -- VW and Corvair

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
using VW jugs, and shortened connecting rods.. etc. Kind of a hybrid VW/ Corvair. More horse power, less weight. Dann Johnson Thompson, Iowa List-Post: Date: Thu, 29 Dec 2005 19:02:00 -0600 From: "Mark Langford" Subject: Re: KR>Newbie -- VW and Corvair To: &q

KR> Mark Jones phto p 78 Sport Aviation

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
Mark, If I remember correctly the Corvair College is this coming weekend. Florida is a long drive, and my Mankato Mn chapter 642 meeting is this weekend, but the temptation is strong. I have a half built tail dragger KR2 plus a Corvair engine sitting in a crate / box in my quonset. Dann

KR> Re: KR2 VW reduction Tork...KRnet vol 347, Issue 379

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
d he got flying for $500, including engine, gages, everything. Dann Johnson Thompson, Iowa P.S. After finding this list... for about 5 months I have been mostly lurking.

KR> Re: Gear reduction / Tork Digest, Vol 347, Issue 382

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
Ron, Actually, The more I read, the more I am "sold" on the TT-2000 and the TT-2200 with the reduction drive. The big selling point for me is less chance of a crank failure/ more efficent prop. Will the tt-2000 fit my Great planes motor mount? What are the listed prices? Da

KR> KR Down

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
. Does anyone have statitics on how many KR2 / or perhaps other experimental craft that generally use VW, like the Sonerai that are flying with VW / or Covair vs "rea" airplane engines like Continental. Dann Johnson - Original Message - From: "Brian Kraut" To

KR> udate- fire control/ Larry

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
Larry, Speaking of Fire Control on Mother's Day... so you really think that if I make a run for the airport and am gone all day.. that will be seen as a gift for my bride of 30 years.. Maybe you have a point... Dann - Original Message - From: "larry flesner" To: KRnet Subject: KR>

KR> wing gap seals/covers/Keith Crawford

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
Keith, Enjoyed look your site.. Looked at your url links... is this a KR2 ??? Dann - Original Message - From: "Mark Jones" To: KRnet Subject: Re: KR> wing gap seals/covers List-Post: Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 22:29:01

KR> internet friend or foe

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
of numbers of flying KR1, KR2, and KR2S. = Reading the online FAA accident reports, it looked like the majority of= the KR crashes are due to engine failure during takeoff. ( Now, I am defi= nately leaning to a duel ignition system ). Dann Johnson Thompson, Iowa =20=20 - Original

KR> Anyone interested in a 95% finished KRS

2008-10-12 Thread Dann Johnson
Bob, Ditto. Dann Johnson - Original Message - From: "Frank Tomko" To: KRnet Subject: Re: KR> Anyone interested in a 95% finished KRS List-Post: Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2005 15:31:09 -0700 > > Send me info on the one in the 83 years young g