I am wondering about instrumentation sources.   When I got my  private 
pilots' lic back in  1969,   I got most of my  first 40 hours learning to  fly, 
 in a 1946 ( or maybe it was  a  47 ?) Aeronca Champ.   As I recall,  it   had  
only 5 instruments:  an  airspeed indicator, a  tach, a magnetic compas,  a 
slip- turn bank indicator, and an  altimeter.

  So far the only gage that I have from my KR2 is an airspeed indicator.
  I definately don't want a  massive 20 = pound gyro compus, or  similar 
massive artificial horizon, like I saw sell on eBay last month.

  What kind of instruments are  most commonly going into the KR2 .. 
  What instruments  populate your KR2 panels?

  There are so many choices of used stuff on ebay. Even in used turn-bank  
indicators there is a choice of vacume, or electric ?  


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