Don has a good point.  When I was a college student traveling in Mexico, my=
 Spanish teacher had warned me that I should  always ask directions from 3 =
different (sets of ) people.  He warned me that, "one seldom gets the same =
directions, 3 times in a row".  However, if you get 2 sets of people tellin=
g you the same thing, the directions are usually  safe to follow.=20

Beginning with the GOOGLE internet search engine , a couple of months ago, =
I was able to find and join a local EAA chapter. I made my first EAA chapte=
r meeting in April, after missing the March meeting by a couple hours...  (=
 the time posted on the web page was wrong.. the chapter  now meets  at 1:3=
0 PM rather than 4 PM).=20=20=20

The internet has helped give me the confidence to finally act on my dream. =
 I started flying when I was 16 and have held a private pilot's lic since I=
 was 17.  The realities of raising a large family has contributed to keepin=
g me out of the air most of the last 30 years.  With a CFI on board,  I ren=
ted a Cessna 172 and went flying last Saturday. How I love flying!

I was a member of the national EAA back in the 1980s, and took my wife and =
children with me on several pilgramiges to Oshkosh to oogle  KR2 (s).  More=
 than 30 years ago..  circa 1974,   a college buddy and I got a set of KR1 =
plans, so I have been lurking around the dreamy KR fringes for a long time.=
   In the early 1990s I hung around the garage of a pilot friend who was tr=
ying to complete a KR2 that he had purchased in boat stage.=20=20=20

Now I hope to do similar, when I can get it hauled home to my garage.   My =
wife says that it can't occupy our  garage before #3 son's High School  Gra=
duation on May 22... <grins>.=20
I wonder, what is a good estimate of numbers of flying KR1, KR2, and KR2S. =
   Reading the  online FAA accident reports, it looked like the majority of=
 the KR crashes are due to engine failure during takeoff.  ( Now, I am defi=
nately leaning to a duel ignition system ).

Dann Johnson
Thompson, Iowa


----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Rupert" <>
To: "'KRnet'" <>
Subject: RE: KR> internet friend or foe
Date: Tue, 3 May 2005 23:16:47 -0400

>       Good point Don. I for one appreciate any and all comments as anyone
> who hangs around here for long ends up broadening their horizons as well =
> education. Anyone that takes one comment that is not substantiated as gos=
> is well on the way to destruction. <SNIP>

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