During my engine re-assembly I found an oil galley plug that was removed when
the engine was cleaned. Not knowing this engine as well as others I have built,
I do not know where to return it. I removed it from one end, and I believe that
it resides right behind the cam gear, but I do not
I think we should have T-Shirts made up to celebrate and get the momentum going
that Jim talked about:
Slogan: 35 for the 35th!!
Thanks Bob for the help on the Corvair.
I plan to fly to the next Corvair College, Sun n Fun and the next Gathering,
just to mention a few
Colin Rainey
Not to upset anyone, but I have been thinking for a while that we should have 2
events a year. Nascar has 2 major races at the same tracks each year, football
and baseball play the same teams at least twice, and clubs like the Bonanza
Club and Mooney Club meet once a week to once a month for bre
Well, finally had time today to drive over and pickup my motor mount from
William Wynne's hangar. He has had it ready since Monday but work kept me from
getting it until today. I ordered it just before Sun n Fun knowing that it
would be after the flyin before it was ready. Clark's Corvair runnin
For those of you building a Corvair engine and are not fortunate enough to have
an extra block lying around, I discovered a handy helper for installing the
pistons into the cylinders. By installing the ring compression tool first, then
inserting the piston/rod assembly carefully into the cylinde
A search in the archives on the topic of auto engines vs. aircraft engines
should reveal a large amount of data relating to their design differences and
several educated opinions concerning their use airplanes.
At the risk of over simplification, the biggest difference that I now see
between th
To expand on what Brian stated, there are some constants in aviation about CG
movement and adding weight that we CIF's teach. More thorough discussions can
be found in the Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, and the Airplane
Flying Handbook both available at any decent pilot store printe
Recently I have taken the position to allow others to comment and just read,
seeing how others have the answers, and my time being short due to the new job.
However, this one needs a comment...
A point to remember when changing intake manifold designs is what makes what
kind of power. Long skin
To elaborate on Mark's comment, if working with wood and fiberglass is your
thing, consider the Vision, which by all my observations is the next generation
KR2S, and install a Corvair engine, and get a sweet flying airplane, plans
built like the KR, glass like the KR but with a long wing version
Although I encourage the development of one's own aircraft several builders and
pilots alike on the net here have tried to make sure that builders do not get
the wrong impression about what they are building and what their expectations
should be for operation. In the commentary that I referred t
The way I read what you cut and pasted is the same thing that has been said all
along. If by chance the aircraft receives an Experimental Certificate for
operations AS an LSA or ELSA then a Sport Pilot can operate it. If not he is
disqualified from its operation even if it is flown solo. I apolo
The other alternative would be to open up the openings underneath and use the
already high pressure air being forced under the cowling to assist in being
drawn into the cowling, and install vents near the firewall baffles, closing
off the openings in the front behind the prop. If you look at the
Dennis and netters
The reason that some planes can "lift" a wing in slow flight while others can't
has to do with a long "arm" or simply the leverage that the rudder has due to
the length of the tailboom. Although some of the trainers allow for use of the
rudder alone to lift a wing during slow
To add to what Larry's said
Jet engines also cause significant turbulence behind the aircraft in question.
I personally will not takeoff behind any aircraft larger than a light twin,
including an MD80 or DC8, Gulfstream 5 etc... even though ATC does not consider
these aircraft to produce signif
Speed in any plane is a function of excess thrust overcoming whatever drag is
present in a given plane. I am over simplifying but basically the less drag
the plane makes for a given horsepower the faster it flies. And drag reduction
has MORE effect than more hp. Several companies have do
It is a common mis-conception that you cannot use ailerons when either
practicing stalls or when actually experiencing stalls. Young CFI's typically
make such a big deal about this that pilots mis-understand the warning that
goes along with the statement watch how much aileron you use w
Sounds like DOT 4 auto fluid.
I made a simple recess box by glassing over the end of a box large enough to
hold the sender base and that is all, then cut the hole just large enough to
allow the sender "box" to be pressed into the tank and floxed into place, after
having cut open for the sender/float assembly and drillin
Regretfully we will not make Oshkosh this year. We are thrashing to get the
Corvair motor in the plane and tested for the Gathering. Almost all new parts
are here, awaiting just a few more. Bought glass and some other support stuff
for modifications. New job to hopefully give me more time for fl
If you are not VERY motor experienced than I would stick to the basic 2700 cc
or 164 CID Corvair and be able to count on the reliability. If you don't have a
very good reason for building the extra power in (i.e. heavy plane 750# or
better empty etc...) than the basic 164 will be just fine.
Those who have heard it before I am repeating so bear with me.
Jeff and all netters reading: There is NO FUEL ECONOMY savings with fuel
injection! You are only changing the way that the fuel is delivered and its
accuracy, so it helps in overall horsepower and torque, but does not make ANY
I agree with Jim Faughn with a couple of additions:
Flaps and/or a belly board will change or modify some of what Jim said about
both speeds, power settings, and landing attitude.
The increased drag from these devices causes slightly higher power settings, or
lower nose position to maint
Just a side note about approaches.
For those advocates of power off approaches, think about this: the reason that
power on approaches have become so popular is not what the big flight schools
would have you believe, that they are teaching airline procedures. It is
because the FAA did a study o
Lets keep it simple.
Each builder should pay attention to two things: how he takes off and what the
speed is. If you cannot separate from the runway until just after 60 mph, then
it stands to reason that you will not WHEEL land lower than that, and your
landing attitude will be the same. And
One other point:
There are NO differences between taildraggers and tri-gear planes of the exact
same model, except when wheel landing and tailup taking off the taildragger. If
one is performing a 3 point with a taildragger, it is identical to the tri-gear
boys until taxi time. The same holds tru
Larry I am gonna knock just alittle more dust off.
Ground effect actually begins the height above the ground that equals the width
of the wingspan, and is most pronounced at half the width of the wingspan
(where we feel its effects the most). Ground effect for fixed wing aircraft is
defined as
There is a good one that is an example annual in Part 43 of the regs, that they
are supposed to use for certified planes. If you do not have a copy of Part 43
you can either download it off AOPA, the FAA website or let me know and I will
scan it in and email it.
Yes it lowers the stall speed due to the reduced drag of the aircraft in ground
effect as compared to a measured stall speed in flight say at 2000'.
I stand corrected if someone finds it in print from a reputable source but I
don't believe there is a set amount. It has a great deal to do wi
Jim and netters
This is why I have said that if you are not familiar you really need to get
schooling on why things are done the way they are in fuel injection different
from carbs.
The return line from the pressure regulator side MUST return to the fuel tank,
below or at the pickup point (fuel
Jim and netters
After reading my own post, I wanted both Jim and the other netters to not feel
that my post was negative or meant to be a flaming or slam dunk. It was not.
I merely wanted to point out that it is impossible for this group to completely
supplement a builder with little or no back
That is exactly how Vans sells his gascolator and furnishes the builder with a
plug if no primer is desired or used.
Ken, a low pressure fuel injection system like aircraft uses can have the fuel
dump above the fuel level. You cannot use this method with high pressure, high
volume recircula
I see a very prudent cautious pilot making sure that experience protects his
investment of time and money and his family. My hat is off to Troy Pettiway for
being such a true friend to be the test pilot for Mark, and to conduct such a
thorough pre-flight that some routine things were discovered
I don't know Dan but I am tired of reading posts related to tools that have
nothing to do with Krs! Take it off line fellows.
Colin Rainey
Sanford, FL
Incredible I can contribute once again to the "master" of KRs...LOL
Seriously, Mark I would continue to taxi around until you feel as comfortable
as driving your car. I did, and was so glad because there were no surprises
when landing later. I just took a tour of the airport and began maneuverin
I had the 1835 cc VW and also have the RAF48 wing, so take with a grain of salt:
Once the static port was accurate, stall power on was 49mph, power off 52mph.
Anything under 60 and it was really mushy and about half the response from the
controls as above that. I found my Vx climb to be 85 m
I have a KR2 built to plans, I am 5'5" tall, and 195 and I had to move the seat
forward 5 inches to comfortably reach the rudder pedals, and see over the nose
at the same time. The KR2S has even more room having added an additional bay
forward and aft of the spar. Larry Flesner is not a small m
Yea Mark but do you have Todd's Canopy's latest product? It is the bi-focal
windshield for us older pilots who need that extra magnification for reading.
Sorry could not resist.
KR2(td) N96TA
Sanford, FL
Apex Lending, Inc.
One wire O2 sensors located near the head in the exhaust in order to quickly
heat up are the most reliable and simplest. The multi-wire have heating
elements in them to allow the manufacturer to place them further downstream for
wiring convenience and for things like monitoring catalytic co
Phillip and netters
I would like to point out in brief responses to the comments by Ron Slender
having been trained to diagnose vehicles the way that Ron has described his
research with his aviation EFI.
First off let me say that no aircraft I know of without a turbine engine has
had its engine
Using a wideband sensor is pretty much useless because if you get richer than
12:1 at anything above sea level, except on acceleration maybe, you will
completely foul out the plugs, and your fuel gauge will race your tachometer to
zero! Anything leaner than 15:1 will probably make the cyli
Mark's experience shared here is exactly what we should all try to do when
things "happen". We just might save a life. That is the reason I became an
Aviation Safety Counselor with the FAA. It is a volunteer position that assists
the FAA Safety Program in putting on Safety Seminars, and
Any builder looking to run with carb on top needs to run one that is similar to
an auto carb in that it has a good needle and seat style control for regulating
fuel into the bowl. The problem that I have seen with alot of carbs being
adapted to the KR engines is that they are purpose built, jus
Just to share a couple of specs from auto engines:
Engine oil needs to have viscosity matched to temp range, the lower the "W"
number the lower the temp it is designed to handle. 5W30 is the best for really
cold temps AND for all modern small oil port engines. The 5W allows it to still
flow in t
I do not disagree with the fact that high volume is not the same as high
pressure, and I see from the way I said it how one could infer that. My remarks
are geared at using either when not necessary. William states several times in
his conversion manual that the stock oiling system is more than
Not being as familiar with the Corvair as other 6 cyl engines I don't know what
the "overfill" limit would be. What we always cautioned against happening with
an overfill situation was the crankshaft getting completely covered with oil
and then "beating" the oil like an egg beater and causing it
John to answer your question, in the higher rpm situations the oil pump can
pump under pressure the oil volume from the pan faster than gravity can return
the oil to the pan. Our system and virtually every auto engine made has a
gravity return, unless it is using a dry sump setup, which I will n
Again correct me if I am wrong but I believe the cam won't cause the foaming
issue due to the lack of the counter balance weights. In all of the discussions
from the automotive engineers I have read they always stated that this is the
reason for it happening, that the crank weight have the flat
Serge its Society of Automotive Engineers, lol, and they have a National group
in the US and an International one that advocates as much standardization as
reasonable among auto manufacturers. Their main function as I understand them
is to create and maintain standards by which automobiles are m
I have a Facet pump on my Camaro due to changing engines to a late model 3.4
which had no provision for a mechanical pump, so it necessitated use of an
electric. The fuel lines were very difficult to get to in the back near the
tank which is where the Facet directions said to put it. I installe
I was always taught that stability in flight depended on several things, some
that relate to one another and some that can be considered independently. For
instance: a single example of improving aircraft stability that will effect
other flight characteristics but can be accomplished singularly
I got 104.6 to catch Larry. You got 20.2 to catch me Mark, and I think you will
before I get back in the air
KR2(td) N96TA
Sanford, FL
Apex Lending, Inc.
407-323-6960 (p)
407-557-3260 (f)
Jeff Scott just mentioned about increasing stability by making the horizontal
stab longer but still having issues with the pitch sensitivity of the plane. I
cannot say for other pilots, but I have flown more than 15 different models of
aircraft and find that there are quite a few aircraft that c
Jeff and I have both presented 2 different ways of modifying a KR, specifically
in my case a KR2, to correct some of the complaints other pilots have had with
the original design. The internal changes I spoke of make corrections that do
not require any airframe re-construction, but only
Well said Mark L.
My position is and always has been that we are all collaborating to assist
builders in constructing the safest airplanes that they can. My purpose in
contrasting the different developments was to assure builders who have done
like me and purchased nearly complete aircraft, or a
No flame war necessary or considered
As a current CFI and ASC with FAA I do practice and teach RISK MANAGEMENT.
However, just like so many of things we post here get converted to layman's
terms, so does my recommendation to all pilots to remain as safe as possible
given we are delving into an a
Have you priced a mechanical up to date fuel injection system from say a IO-360
I can build a whole carbureted Corvair for the cost of the injection system
Point is not that it isn't available or good. It is whether for the money does
it meet the builders needs or is it affordable
Here you go Paul
Let me know if you need hardcopy.
If you have windows it will convert to wordpad if you don't have Word. Just
choose to save it as a wordpad doc instead of word.
Colin & Beverly Rainey
Apex Lending, Inc.
407-323-6960 (p)
407-557-3260 (f)
Sorry gang not meant for net
Colin & Beverly Rainey
Apex Lending, Inc.
407-323-6960 (p)
407-557-3260 (f)
Selfish plug here but don't forget the CFI's who go WAY beyond the average
pilot to be able to teach students like yourself the art of flying. I
personally think it is a labor of love because you don't make any money at it
to speak of, but there is a REAL thrill when your student finally solo's
Richard Finch reports how several builders have used the common 9 inch Ford
station wagon or truck axle with success. It is bi-metal so it will flex with
loads instead of breaking, is rated for far more than the prop stress, and has
its own bearing assembly that is bolted on to the outer
The design specs are in the adds for the KR on their website, which clearly
spell out a gross design weight of 1050 for the S model and I believe 980 for
the KR2. Don't remember the KR1 specs. I believe Mark Langford's site also
recaptures this information as well.
I will try to make thi
Several questions need to be asked of the RV pilot before rendering any form of
evaluation of whether he made a good call or not, and just got bit by
unexpected wind gusts.
How much recency did he have at the time of the accident?
How much of that time was cross country, and how much was maintai
I have not posted them to my site, not that Dan would not put them there, but
just didn't think to, but I have a normal checklist, and an emergency checklist
that I put together for my KR2 from a Cessna 152 set and just omitted or added
as necessary for my KR.
I also have a flight test summary r
Quick note to anyone using my checklists modified or not:
They are set to be printed landscape not portrait, so you need to change your
printing preferences for best results. Also, the layout is for being able to
fold them, and then laminate them for long lasting. Office depot charges $1 per
Hey Jim
Carpooling would be cool, if you want to go on Sunday. We are also going to
the KR dinner Friday night. I have to work Wed & Thur nights, but am off the
weekend. Ted is coming up on Sat to pick up the engine, so Sunday looks best
for going to Lakeland.
Are you planning on going to the
Corvair weight minus prop on the front starter setup and basic carb setup is
240# per WW. Different props would have to be added to the and the CG center of
the engine is slightly further forward, but the WW mount relocates the engine
closer to the firewall, so this is a moot point. Carb/intake
That engine was originally designed to be a 20 degree V6 so that manufacturing
costs could be significantly reduced by only having to make one head for a V6.
The idea originated from the Volvo 5 cylinder which is cut from a block of cast
aluminum. It also simplifies the intake system du
Not to start a new thread on a topic that has been much discussed and bunches
of information can be found by a search in the archives, but to summarize for
the new builders, at the risk of over simplifying:
Fuel injection is the cats meow for a combustion engine. It solves all kinds
of problem
Read carefully Southeast pilots
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 3:50 PM
Hey gang
Listen REAL close to that Corvair as Mark lifts off and tell that engine
doesn't sound ALOT like a Rolls Royce Marlin in a P51! That thing sounds
awesome! Makes me get goose bumps. Sorry ladies but that is better than sex.
Can't wait until I get my Corvair together.
Colin & Beverly
Well being in Florida has its advantages.
Today I drove over and checked out the Wynne Engine Plant at Massey Ranch
Airport, and let me tell youhis place is chock full of good stuff. They
are thrashing in high gear to be ready for Sun n Fun, so I didn't expect much
but a few words, drop off
Orma and netters
Those who read regularly will remember that I made a post not long ago stating
what I had found was the demonstrated crosswind capability for my KR2. This
aircraft being a standard KR2 built to plans with no airframe, or control
surface modifications in size or amount of deflec
Air fuel mixtures are not easy to light off in a cylinder, that is why the gap
is so important. You can get the spark to jump across nearly 1/2" of open
uncompressed air, when just holding a grounded plug. But put that same plug
into the engine with just twice its recommended gap, and it will
Mine uses the oil cooler as an air dam, or as part of the air dam as you will.
The baffling comes up to it, and then it provides the necessary restriction to
make air go thru either it or heads.
Colin & Beverly Rainey
Apex Lending, Inc.
407-323-6960 (p)
407-557-3260 (f)
This post is for William Jefferies and netters
First off let me dispel a myth that fuel injection ALONE improves engine
performance and economy. It does not. What is does do is improve engine
operation by providing better fuel atomization which results in smoother
operation of the engine through
Mark the backing plate needs inspection each pre-flight as well because that is
what failed on mine and almost cost me the front cowling. I think mine got
damaged during the hurricanes when the spinner took that hit, but the crack
took 24 hours of flight time to show itself. By then it had crack
Not to talk down or belittle anyone, but read closely what the wording is: each
occupant shall That means anyone on board pilot included. No exception is
made to while solo, or receiving dual, or not in an approved acrobatic
aircraft. The aircraft does not determine the requirement, the mane
I would like to try and close out this topic, simply because this thread only
applies to those who desire to perform acrobatic maneuvers with their KRs.
(c) Unless each occupant of the aircraft is wearing an approved parachute,
no pilot of a civil aircraft carrying any person (other than a crewmem
I have a firewall forward VW type I 1915cc engine with Zenith updraft carb,
dual ignition, Diehl case and mounts, complete with mounts for standard KR2,
engine has hydraulic lifters so no valve adjustments, at Steve Bennett kit
engine built by hi-performance shop in OK, with a prop, spar
Oh Forgot!
PLEASE save everyone from reading inquiry posts and contact me off net.
Colin & Beverly Rainey
Apex Lending, Inc.
407-323-6960 (p)
407-557-3260 (f)
I believe the WW manual details that this carbon will get cleaned up during the
3 angle valve job, so don't mess up the chambers trying to get it out. If it
doesn't then you can clean it up during the CC process Mark L details on his
page. I will check it again tonight. I am studying to replace
Mark Jones and others
I don't want to imply that your prep is not good, but rather suggest some
variation or substitution that will raise your skill level and better sharpen
your skill "pen" for handling your first flights (we are hoping for many for
Don't do the approaches at the speeds
Brain and netters
The publication AFS-600 has all the pertinent Advisory Circulars for
Experimentals from beginning to end.
The separate A/Cs contained within are:
A/C 20-27E, A/C 20-139, A/C 21-12B, A/C 39-7C, A/C 65-23A, A/C 90-89A,
A/C 103-7.
Also necessary for review is FA
Well done Mark
Even though it is with a training wheelLOL
Gotta love it!
Hey I will race ya if you take 2 plug wires off...
Colin & Beverly Rainey
Apex Lending, Inc.
407-323-6960 (p)
407-557-3260 (f) 2005 Sun N Fun.wmv
Here is the correct link but you will have to copy and paste the entire line
into your browser.
Colin & Beverly Rainey
Apex Lending, Inc.
407-323-6960 (p)
407-557-3260 (f)
That was precious!! I love that one about the slot! LMAO.
I got tears laughing so hard. I am very proud of you man, and if the man
had told me it would have taken less than 2 weeks to change over this one to
tri-gear I probably would have had it done. I just didn't want to wait, and
Thought this might help more, one netter already wrote me about it. The Sun n
Fun correct link is:
Colin & Beverly Rainey
Apex Lending, Inc.
407-323-6960 (p)
407-557-3260 (f)
Common sense might say that it does, but the letter of the FAR says each
occupant must wear a personal parachute, and a reserve chute, etc
No it does not. Ballistic chute is viewed like a fire extinguisher, additional
safety equipment.
Colin & Beverly Rainey
Apex Lending, Inc.
407-323-6960 (
I resemble that remark about MG Midgets!
I personally would not have a problem with driving an MG Midget everywhere I
went, as long as there was someone on the other end to winch me out of the car
when I arrived at my destination! One doesn't get out of the Midget (having
owned a 1973 model) bu
The closest airport is Tampa but the best transportation network is going to be
from OIA in Orlando, due to all the support given to Disney and the surrounding
area of attractions. I have driven that way many times as a ASC volunteer for
the FAA at Lakeland and over half the trip there has built
Adjustable rudder pedals can be accomplished in a closed loop, but it will be
alittle elaborate, possibly get alittle heavy. To "steal" a design from the RV
camp, you make and "S" bracket on each outboard edge of the rudder pedal where
the attachment of the cable is, so that the cable passes thr
First I will answer the easy one. A phone call to Dan Diehl and describing how
I was losing charging once the plane got hot (engine temp at 190 degrees
normal), got a question from Dan as to where the regulator was located. I told
him on the firewall. He said that the regulator during use gets t
Mine is always slow to respond after fueling, due to the tail being low, so the
float is working at an angle, but it does come up after a little taxiing, or in
level flight.
Changed prop back to Culver today due to lots of little cracks found in used
Otto prop, so it is now good for a wall
I can fly up and get the cake for you if you are coming down Tuesday during the
day. I will have the 40 flown off way before then, and can get up and we can
flight of 2 back down to LAL. Tue night is HOA meeting and I am on the board.
Wed & Thur are work nights, but Fri, Sat, & Sun are
For those of you who don't know what a "whoop te do's" is, it is the rolling
mounds in a motorcycle moto cross race that the riders try to jump over 2 or 3
at a time, but end up having to ride up and down one to the next.
27L and 27C at Sanford has their approach over a HUGE orange orchard, and w
I would definitely run the K&N over the Fram. Fram oil filters are too
restrictive, and can cause problems if the oil volume is low also. Some here
may like them, and I run them when there is no other filter for my vehicle, but
that is the only time. Some GM vehicles actual prohibit the using
Flew again today (sorry guys up north, sunny and 70 degrees here).
Added cooling tube to the voltage regulator today and prevented the alternator
from falling out when hot. Dan Diehl says not to locate the regulator on the
firewall with out having at a minimum a dedicated cooling tube blo
Took the camcorder in the plane today to try and make inside flying video of at
least a takeoff and landing. All strapped up and started filming on takeoff
from Sanford, landing at Massey Ranch for fuel. Went back to review film
Glare on the windshield washed out the video enti
Hello all
Not been posting due to work and flying...YEHAAA!
2nd & 3rd flights in Feb this week with another 2 flights planned for today.
The new prop is working great, has a 1000 fpm climb at 105 mph IAS, yields an
economy cruise 120 mph (105 knots )IAS @ 26-2700 rpms, and fast cruise of
My combination that is working for me is an 1835cc with large cylinders makes
it 1915cc with an Otto 52 x 36 prop direct drive with Zenith side draft carb,
dual exhaust ( 2 into one each side ), standard plans built KR2, conventional
gear, Dan Diehl wing skins, belly board speed brake set for 25
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