My combination that is working for me is an 1835cc with large cylinders makes it 1915cc with an Otto 52 x 36 prop direct drive with Zenith side draft carb, dual exhaust ( 2 into one each side ), standard plans built KR2, conventional gear, Dan Diehl wing skins, belly board speed brake set for 25 & 50 degrees actuation, wheel fairings and wing gaps seals.
Just got back from airport and did a flight of just pattern work, my favorite stuff. 18 circuits in 1.3 on hobbs averaging just over 4 min a lap. Temp was 65 degrees when started, and rose to 70 while flying. Wind was calm in the beginning, and grew to 10 gusting to 15 knots by the halfway point, 45 degrees to runway and variable. I believe that I found the maximum demonstrated cross wind today. By the time I finished pattern work today, the wind was 15 gusting to 20 knots from 150 degrees, which according to the wiz wheel puts the crosswind portion at 90 degrees to be a value of 15 knots, the other 5 knots would be headwind. I was touching down on the right main first, and directly after the left touched down, I was running out of aileron to hold the wing down and prevent weather-vaning. I was also using just over half rudder which is unusual for this KR. So, I think I established my max crosswind: 15 knots @ 90 degrees. WHEW! Fun but hard work. WAAHHEEEYYY...ooops YEEEEHAAAW! I am Tired!!! FLY SAFE! Colin & Beverly Rainey Apex Lending, Inc. 407-323-6960