Jim and netters After reading my own post, I wanted both Jim and the other netters to not feel that my post was negative or meant to be a flaming or slam dunk. It was not.
I merely wanted to point out that it is impossible for this group to completely supplement a builder with little or no back ground in a field with all he needs to safely complete a job or installation. Not seeing the setup first hand, and following it all the way through, all the unseen things become a potential for problems. There are so many components in most systems that it is easy to make an assumption that this part is standard, or that setup is done standard, and it would not be so. I will be the first to say that fuel injection is a wonderful thing for engines, and their performance. My fear for builders is the fact that for years I watched people who were "mechanics" screw up fuel injections systems because they would do things that they thought would be okay, without realizing the consequences. A car on fire on the side of the road or broken down on the shoulder is bad enough; but a poorly engineered conversion due to lack of knowledge or poor choice of materials/setup in an airplane is a death trap. We all no there is no shoulder to pull off onto. PLEASE make sure that the proper research is done, and if at all possible get a REAL performance mechanic (not a hot rod wanna be) to shadow your installation. Also, no offense to any, but A&P's that do not have auto injection system exposure and background are also worthless because the two styles of engineering and setup are TOTALLY different and will only cause you to induce new problems, that the car guys have long since cured. Stick to consulting with performance auto people for advice and know how. Colin KSFB