Brian I can fly up and get the cake for you if you are coming down Tuesday during the day. I will have the 40 flown off way before then, and can get up and we can flight of 2 back down to LAL. Tue night is HOA meeting and I am on the board. Wed & Thur are work nights, but Fri, Sat, & Sun are wide open, and I intend on FLYING in to SnF! I got to fly up to give you back your tools anyhow. Probably give the Porkopolis Pig a run for his money, but hey she flies great!
Flew this morning and had 25 knot tailwind out to practice area so with 100 KIAS I was showing 125 knot ground speed on GPS! Paid for it coming back though, with forward ground speed of 69 knots as the wind increased to 30 knots. Coming down final was like riding an elevator. I waited until a 1 mile final at 1300' MSL and then cut power to 1600 rpms, and added 25 degrees of speed brake. At 1/4 mile out added last 25 degrees of brake, and had to add power to not land on displaced threshold! Kinda road the "whoop te dos" up & down as the wind gusted and died, over and over until finally I wheel landed about 500' down the runway and then just let it roll out all on its own with no brakes needed. Had to add power to reach the taxiway! Had half rudder input all the way down Charlie taxiway since wind was quartering headwind at 280-290 degrees at 25 gusting to 30 knots. Sure was fun though watching the spam cans wig wag all the way up and all the way down! 15 hours and counting, and off all week... Colin & Beverly Rainey Apex Lending, Inc. 407-323-6960