Well being in Florida has its advantages.
Today I drove over and checked out the Wynne Engine Plant at Massey Ranch 
Airport, and let me tell you....his place is chock full of good stuff.  They 
are thrashing in high gear to be ready for Sun n Fun, so I didn't expect much 
but a few words, drop off my list of stuff I wanted from the online catalog, 
and feel grateful that they opened the door when I knocked.  MAN WAS I MISTAKEN!

I was met by Grace at the door with a very pleasant hello, I will get William, 
and you are?  Next walks up William, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich 
I think, and grinning from ear to ear. He greeted me warmly, shook my hand, and 
said "Come on, I will give you the tour".  I proceeded to walk through an 
engine guy's paradise!  I love motors, and William does too. There was a wall 
covered with Corvair cases, no less than 12 in varying stages of buildup, and 
modification, one that looked like Pat Panzerra's, built by a "hot rod" shop 
with what the owner called "lots of good stuff", that had the plug wires on all 
wrong for starters, LOL!  There were 2 skunkworks setups that I wasn't allowed 
to see, that will be unveiled at Sun n Fun, the Tri-Motor project, and more....

After I forced my bottom jaw back closed, and quit looking like a 2 year old 
seeing Santa for the first time, I was actually able to carry on an intelligent 
conversation with William, and we discussed my KR2.  Well one thing lead to 
another, and 2 hours later I drove away with a complete Corvair engine, and 
almost all the fixins for an aircraft engine.  I talked to my wife all the way 
home about the visit.  The most impressive thing was not the level of caring 
and consideration that everyone there had, but the fact that William himself 
stopped what he was doing and helped me for 2 hours, even with Sun n Fun right 
around the corner.  Anyone can be gracious when they are having a good day, but 
everyone there was most interested in ME having a good day, and then smiling 
for the effort!


Colin & Beverly Rainey
Apex Lending, Inc.
407-323-6960 (p)
407-557-3260 (f)

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