se not too. The only reason
> > could see to do so on a list like this is an attempt to browbeat people
> into
> > accepting your views.
> Your choice. This one is of a personal pride in a accomplishment
> and is only intended for that.
A lot of us could put plenty of
ft is the standards authority for Windows
> protocols (OLE, ActiveX controls).
Methinks she is referring to people with guns and clubs who have the
authority to make you use certain programs and protocols.
And no, Bill Gates hasn't bought the US Army yet. Next week, maybe.
But so far he hasn't.
-- Julie.
issues mailing list
t he fucked off and went to some group
for men.
-- Julie.
issues mailing list
> If I knew of such places, I wouldn't have just bought a sewing machine.
> (Or maybe I would have...)
> Anyone want to volunteer for such a FAQ-section? :)
And if anyone knows of such a thing, a source for tall-sized patterns.
It's 45" (114cm) from my waist to the dam
- Original Message -
From: Vinnie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 16:27
Subject: Re: [issues] the pain of finding clothes that work
> On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Julie wrote:
> > It's 45" (114cm) from my wais
; example
sounds a bit like. I mean, it is a bit counter-intuitive that "rename"
is called "mv" ;-) On the other hand, I think UNIX/Linux users
should be expected to learn the basic commands -- which begs
the question "Does Linux have a `learn' command?"
-- Julie.
issues mailing list
ir usefulness to me,
> but defined in terms of their usefulness to men for sex.
Feminism is the theory, lesbian separatism is the practice.
-- Julie (in need of more practice ...).
issues mailing list
not lesbians by mainstream definitions.
Could you ellaborate on that?!? I'm friends with a number of
seps (as well as an ex-lover of one) and can't think of any
definition by which a lesbian separatist isn't a lesbian.
-- Julie.
[1] Of radical feminism and Ms. Daly's work "
tuation?! Surely they would have to ACT on those thoughts in some
> way for you even to know about them?!
Is this an honest question or are you intentionally pretending to
be stupid?
-- Julie.
issues mailing list
or not initiating
the kinds of relationships needed for them to get their rocks off.
Now I'm going to say this in the kindest possible way so as to
avoid offending any more men than necessary -- if you are a man
and you believe the solution to all your dating problems is getting
women to ask men out more often, you probably suffer from the
same kinds of behavior problems that I would use to conclude
you're a jerk.
-- Julie.
issues mailing list
> Julie wrote:
> > Could you ellaborate on that?!? I'm friends with a number of
> > seps (as well as an ex-lover of one) and can't think of any
> > definition by which a lesbian separatist isn't a lesbian.
From: Vinnie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Fri, 6 Apr 2001, Julie wrote:
> > I don't know about "philosophy" and "practice". I think lesbian
> > separatism is only noticible because men believe they have the
> > right to women's energy. Rem
From: Conor Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 10:53:59AM -0500 or so it is rumoured hereabouts,
> Julie thought:
> > Ah, well that explains it. I always use "separatist" like "lesbian"
> > just magically goes in front of it. Never en
horts must be mid-thigh length
or longer, t-shirts must be worn over whatever you have on
underneath. Makes the environment much nicer.
-- Julie.
issues mailing list
From: Conor Daly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 01:19:31AM -0500 or so it is rumoured hereabouts,
> Julie thought:
> > I think his thing only makes "fairly reasonable points" if you view
> > women as sex objects to be conned into going to bed wit
address, the license plates on my car, and at least
one of my web pages ;-)
I don't think it's wrong for women to refer to =ourselves= by
any term we want. But it needs to be =us= refering to =us=,
and not someone else using a term we didn't create or we
don't control.
For those of you who care, my new e-mail
address is
Please update your address book.
-- Julie.
issues mailing list
not compete in the field. We need to see women writing and
> producing publicly, not behind pseudonyms.
The problem was created and is maintained by men. What we
need is men respecting women as their equals.
Women have been producing code and writing all manner of
things for millenia _with
> Several times when reading this book, I thought of my sister and I. We are
> both jeans-and-tshirt kind of girls, uncomfortable in dresses and makeup.
Well, as a heterosexual female who does not choose to wear dresses every day
and only wears makeup on special occasions, I must say that this is
automated weekly newsletter that tells
people about what different contributors have done that week.
Julie Melonii2i Interactive (east)
Technical Director or wait for my PHP Essentials book, due out
in April. :)
- Julie
Julie Melonii2i Interactive (east)
Technical Director 703-813-5526
d to "Gentlemen"
or "Sir" are our trouble ticket responses from our ISP. An _I_ usually
end up closing the ticket by fixing it myself, so I always take the
opportunity to tell them that the issue they "could't replicate or fix"
was fixed by a girl.
- Julie
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