----- Original Message -----
From: Vinnie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 16:27
Subject: Re: [issues] the pain of finding clothes that work
> On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Julie wrote:
> > It's 45" (114cm) from my waist to the damned floor and I have a hard
> > time buying pants with the correct rise.
> duh question: have you tried men's pants?
I have a couple pair I wear for yard work, but they ride so far
down on my waist you'd think it was the 70's and I'd stocked up
on hip-huggers.
> I'm one of those ridculously short people with a short waist (I'm not sure
> why they call it that, since the net effect is that I need more length
> from crotch to waist than a non 'short waisted' person of the same height,
> but okay :) ) and I've found that buying pants with a 34" or 36" inch
> inseam and hemming (I sew out of self defense, okay? :) ) them up is the
> most reliable way of getting pants that fit comfortably.
I wear either 36 or 38" inseam jeans, but I've also got the same
problem another woman here mentioned -- hips. I have a 28 or 29"
waist (depending on breakfast taco consumption ...) and 40" hips. So
men's jeans are pretty much out. On the other hand, a pair of men's
501's can be =hot= (sports bra, jersey, chunky dyke sandals .... yum!)
I discovered Rocky Mountain jeans a couple of years back and
their "Relaxed Long Rise" style fits =perfectly=. But they are
about US$50 a pair and wear out too easily. They have more
room in the hips (and thighs) than the Guess jeans I used to wear,
which I =swear= are made for teenaged boys.
-- Julie.
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