> So I was pretty surprised to receive an email the other day, addressed to
> three of us in IT (two of the guys, and me), which started
> "Gentlemen, ...."


> I'm not so much offended by it, it was a pretty minor mistake to make. But
> I'm just really surprised that he routinely starts emails with
> "Gentlemen", considering that he *must* be corresponding with women every
> day.

I used to get this a lot when I worked in the middle of the
Asian/Complex Text Language Localization Group at Sun, but then again, I
_was_ one of the few women.  I got used to it really fast, plus I was
always mistaken for a little boy growing up, so....

At my current position, there are only 7 of us - 5 women and 2 men, and
the 2 men are in positions where they rarely speak to clients (a go-fer
and an artist).  

When we meet with new clients, though, it usually takes them about the
first meeting to realize that a girl will be taking the "million dollar
idea" and actually making it work.  And yes, that usually involves math.
After some blank stares, they catch on. 

The only e-mails we consistently get that are addressed to "Gentlemen"
or "Sir" are our trouble ticket responses from our ISP.  An _I_ usually
end up closing the ticket by fixing it myself, so I always take the
opportunity to tell them that the issue they "could't replicate or fix"
was fixed by a girl.

- Julie


Julie Meloni            i2i Interactive (east)
Technical Director      703-813-5526
[EMAIL PROTECTED]            www.i2ii.com


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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