[Harbour] Getting errors and warnings in MinGW compile

2009-09-08 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
(85) Warning W0001 Redefinition or duplicate definition of #define HB_SYMBOL_UNUSED The commands given to compile are: Win-make clean Win-make install TIA for your answer. Maurizio la Cecilia ___ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbo

R: [Harbour] Getting errors and warnings in MinGW compile

2009-09-09 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
I confirm the persistence of the problem also after updating to: ChangeLog 12446 2009-09-09 00:24:54Z druzus No other one reports same problem? Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio originale- > Da: Maurizio la Cecilia [mailto:m.laceci...@gmail.com] >

R: R: [Harbour] Getting errors and warnings in MinGW compile

2009-09-09 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> Da: Przemyslaw Czerpak [mailto:dru...@acn.waw.pl] > Inviato: mercoledì 9 settembre 2009 10.10 > A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. > Oggetto: Re: R: [Harbour] Getting errors and warnings in MinGW compile > > On Wed, 09 Sep 2009, Maurizio la Cecilia wrote: > >

R: R: [Harbour] Getting errors and warnings in MinGW compile

2009-09-09 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
After this commit: 2009-09-09 18:12 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu) * bin/postinst.bat ! Fixed for dos shells. (cmdline lenght problems, end of .cfg extension was clipped on the longest line to .cf) all returned to work fine. Thanks. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia

R: R: R: [Harbour] Getting errors and warnings in MinGW compile

2009-09-10 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Ok. As usual, you're right. I missed some changes in environment variables naming and solved updating the settings. Gone confused because was in postinst.bat execution that i received the error messages. My apologies to you and Przemek. Best regards. Maurizio la Ce

R: [Harbour] How do I know if the button was pressed?

2009-09-17 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio originale- > Da: Guillermo Varona Silupú [mailto:gvar...@ec-red.com] > Inviato: giovedì 17 settembre 2009 0.31 > A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. > Oggetto: [Harbour] How do I know if the button was presse

Re: [Harbour] LETODB to harbour svn ?

2009-09-26 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
and not ever present, so the partecipation of a greater team of developers can guarantee the life of the project, giving value to the very strong and effective Alex's work. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/LETODB-to-harbou

[Harbour] hbQT don't builds

2009-10-23 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
usly, i use the MinGW compiler in a XP environment. The command given is: win-make clean install Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/hbQT-don%27t-builds-tp26030069p26030069.html Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Re: [Harbour] HBIDE - An Overview

2009-11-16 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
, and best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia -- View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/HBIDE---An-Overview-tp26379927p26385643.html Sent from the Harbour - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit

Re: [Harbour] HBIDE - An Overview : Application Icon

2009-11-17 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
This is based on the wizard idea. Pritpal Bedi wrote: > > Hello All > > Can some of you provide a descent icon for HBIDE.exe ? > > Regards > Pritpal Bedi > > http://old.nabble.com/file/p26386453/hbIde1.ico hbIde1.ico -- View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/HBIDE---An-Overv

Re: [Harbour] HBIDE - An Overview : Application Icon

2009-11-17 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
... and this on the creative work of programming. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia Pritpal Bedi wrote: > > Hello All > > Can some of you provide a descent icon for HBIDE.exe ? > > Regards > Pritpal Bedi > > http://old.nabble.com/file/p26386461/hbIde2.ico hbIde2

Re: [Harbour] HBIDE - An Overview

2009-11-18 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
sources simultaneously. The behaviour of the first hbIDE release mantains the same as xMate, so i think better to evaluate if a tab rearranging or a MDI approach could be a solution. Waiting for your thought about. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia Maurizio la Cecilia wrote: > > Hi Pritpal

Re: [Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12922] trunk/harbour

2009-11-18 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Environment: XP win workstation, MinGW compiler, latest CVS Harbour build. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia vouchcac wrote: > > Revision: 12922 > > http://harbour-project.svn.sourceforge.net/harbour-project/?rev=12922&view=rev > Author: vouchcac > Date:

Re: [Harbour] HBIDE - An Overview

2009-11-18 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
mething similar to store > the file list and options. Ideally it should store these > in .hbp files. This will need a hbmk2 compatible option > parser. > > Brgds, > Viktor > > On 2009 Nov 18, at 10:44, Maurizio la Cecilia wrote: > >> >> Again, about

R: [Harbour] HBIDE - An Overview

2009-11-18 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> I don't plan to add subproject layout support to hbmk2 > itself ATM, but it seems to be easily doable by calling > hbmk2 with .hbp files in _proper order_. Such job can be > done by hbide. I agree. I think that the concept would be encapsulated in hbIDE, not in hbmk2. > To be more precise h

R: [Harbour] hbformat, Where is the error?

2009-11-18 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
No errors in your code. The problem is the: IF ; This format is not handled by hbformat. Avoiding the ; and splitting as usual into multiple lines does the job. Anyway, a thing to signal to Alex Kresin. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia

Re: [Harbour] hbformat, Where is the error?

2009-11-18 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
tura.prg > <. > Error 3 on line 38 : END BROWSE > > But appears to be reformated ok > > Its posible ? I think that Hbformat reformat ok but not recognizes an > oohg > command > > I am right ? > > Bruno > > > > 2009/11/18

[Harbour] GTwin console window

2009-11-20 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Ther'is a way to maximize the windows of a console application (GTwin)? I means no fullscreen mode, but resize avoiding any scrollbar. In my compiled app, the horizontal size don't match the 80 chars * charwidth pixel and is needed to click the maximize button on the titlebar to avoid the display

Re: [Harbour] GTwin console window

2009-11-21 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Forget previous message... Found the -gui switch and solved the problem. Best regards. Maurizio Maurizio la Cecilia wrote: > > Thanks for the clarification. > Anyway, i tested the gtwvt approach and crashed in the double console > window problem. > Also compiling wvtext.prg

Re: [Harbour] GTwin console window

2009-11-21 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Thanks for the clarification. Anyway, i tested the gtwvt approach and crashed in the double console window problem. Also compiling wvtext.prg in tests folder with the command: hbmk2 wvtest.prg gives me the same result. The gtapi.txt in the doc folder gives some directive to avoid this empty consol

R: [Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12956] trunk/harbour

2009-11-21 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
I confirm this behaviour. And i suggest also to take in count of the .INI files in the project structure, as could be useful to rebuild the app after a change in one of these files. xMate hitself has support for ini files, but don't includes this files in the search and replace function. I think t

Re: [Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[12965] trunk/harbour

2009-11-21 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Please, Viktor, add this line: METHOD GetDocumentProperties() INLINE win_GetDocumentProperties( ::PrinterName, @::FormType, @::Landscape, @::Copies, @::BinNumber, @::fDuplexType, @::fPrintQuality ) to win_prn class declaration as missed from source of Xavi. Best regards. Maurizio vszakats w

Re: [Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[13291] trunk/harbour

2009-12-18 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
S' is assigned but n ot used in function 'XBPWINDOW_DESTROY(0)' ../../../xbpwindow.prg(800) Warning W0032 Variable 'LSUCCESS' is assigned but n ot used in function 'XBPWINDOW_DISCONNECT(0)' Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia vouchcac wrote: > >

[Harbour] hbide build problem

2009-12-29 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Surely, as usual, it's my problem... At link time quite all modules fails due to undefined reference to "_Unwind_Resume" and "__cxa_get_exception_ptr" and "__gxx_personality_v0". What i missed? TIA Maurizio -- View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/hbide-build-problem-tp26958110p26

Re: [Harbour] hbide build problem

2009-12-30 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
build, but this it's no true for hbide. Thx for your aid. Maurizio Pritpal Bedi wrote: > > Hi > > > Maurizio la Cecilia wrote: >> >> Surely, as usual, it's my problem... >> At link time quite all modules fails due to undefined reference

Re: [Harbour] I migrated... thank you !

2010-01-02 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Hi Francesco, i'm glad to have contributed in orienting your choice to Harbour world and happy to have you in our community. Happy new year and good Harbour developing!!! Maurizio francesco perillo-2 wrote: > > I just want to tell you that last 28 Dec I finally migrated a company > from a clipp

Re: [Harbour] CDX RDD question (live usage/compatibility)

2010-01-25 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Sorry for reopening a very old and OT thread, but my needs are quite the same as Viktor's one and i think something changed after 2005. I ported successfully a large clipper 5.2e application, working on many networks, to Harbour 2.0. Now, before to swap the installation to Harbour version, i woul

Re: [Harbour] CDX RDD question (live usage/compatibility)

2010-01-25 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
I forgotten to say that the same piece of code works fine in Clipper 5.2e+DBFNTX and in Harbour+DBFCDX. Maybe the opportunistic lock take a rule in that? TIA. Maurizio Maurizio la Cecilia wrote: > > Sorry for reopening a very old and OT thread, but my needs are quite the > same as

R: [Harbour] CDX RDD question (live usage/compatibility)

2010-01-26 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> CL52 DBFCDX/SIX3 SIXCDX drivers are broken and can corrupt > index files. > so I cannot give you any guaranties that it will work. Anyhow if > you want to use it and access the same index files by Harbour then > you should use in Harbour SIXCDX RDD which tries to replicate some > low level SIXC

R: R: [Harbour] CDX RDD question (live usage/compatibility)

2010-01-26 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> -Messaggio originale- > Da: Przemyslaw Czerpak [mailto:dru...@acn.waw.pl] > Inviato: martedì 26 gennaio 2010 20.05 > A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. > Oggetto: Re: R: [Harbour] CDX RDD question (live usage/compatibility) > > 1 works like CL52/CL53 DBFNTX if you do not link ntxlo

Re: Re: [Harbour] hbpqtui class

2010-01-27 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
>All users should see that the URL (f.e.: sf.net/harbour vs. sf.net/hbqt) >of a project (or library) won't make it less useful / sexy / used / >developed or less desirable. It stays the same project, with same >users and volunteer contributors. This is true, but... >In fact, in separate rep

R: [Harbour] HB_BYTE vs. HB_UCHAR

2010-02-11 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
I agree with the uniqueness of the type, but i like HB_UCHAR. The 'unsigned' qualifier is declared, despite of HB_BYTE (signed or unsigned?). I know that it's more familiar, but not so precise as the HB_UCHAR (leaving no doubt about the sign). Maur

[Harbour] Lack of Bin2U in the last SVN trunk

2010-02-24 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
After a clean rebuild of the current SVN version i can't no more link the Bin2U function. undefined reference to `HB_FUN_BIN2U' In effect, the function was disapparead in the rtl sources. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia -- View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Lac

Re: [Harbour] Lack of Bin2U in the last SVN trunk

2010-02-24 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
I've found the Bin2U() function in the contrib\hbxpp\binnumx.c file. So, i realized that was treated as compatibility function. Please, ignore my prevfious message. Maurizio la Cecilia -- View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Lack-of-Bin2U-in-the-last-SVN-trunk-tp27714124p277

[Harbour] gtwvt compatibility issue

2010-02-25 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
f color no more return the same color as the clipper or the harbour with the standard console gt driver. By example, the code 103 results different. I noticed that using the hb_DispBox() function. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia -- View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/gtwvt-compatibi

R: [Harbour] gtwvt compatibility issue

2010-02-25 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Hi Viktor, I see it and this was the point of the fix, now the color resembles to original Clipper color, which is "brown". Now Harbour also shows brown in GTWVT, just like in GTXWC and in Clipper on original MS-DOS, or on emulators which properly mimic

R: [Harbour] Re: Anyone using hbqt ?

2010-02-25 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> francesco perillo wrote: > > > > Not only this little samples (I already wrote last week that little > > "dedicated" samples are better that a monolithic source full of > > everything... > > > > Probbaly some others should jump into this stream... I agree with Francesco. Also in HwGUI experie

R: [Harbour] Re: gtwvt compatibility issue

2010-02-28 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
areas are buggy. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio originale- > Da: harbour-boun...@harbour-project.org > [mailto:harbour-boun...@harbour-project.org] Per conto di Pritpal Bedi > Inviato: giovedì 25 febbraio 2010 17.22 > A: harbour@harbour-p

R: R: [Harbour] Re: gtwvt compatibility issue

2010-02-28 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
rbour-boun...@harbour-project.org [mailto:harbour-boun...@harbour-project.org] Per conto di Viktor Szakáts Inviato: domenica 28 febbraio 2010 16.27 A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. Oggetto: Re: R: [Harbour] Re: gtwvt compatibility issue Maurizio la Cecilia wrote: > > a build with GTQT

R: R: [Harbour] Re: gtwvt compatibility issue

2010-02-28 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Ok. Not necessarely GTQTC, but a chance to start with a working console based application and gradually mix pure GUI interface as HBQT. I don't was sure if this could be possible. I'll try to do. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio originale- >

R: R: [Harbour] Re: gtwvt compatibility issue

2010-02-28 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Good news. Thanks a lot. I'm waiting for wvtqt.prg sample, as i'm using GTWVT at this time. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio originale- > Da: harbour-boun...@harbour-project.org > [mailto:harbour-boun...@harbour-project.org] Per co

R: [Harbour] hbIDE and Intellisense

2010-03-08 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
t hbQt and hbIDE. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio originale- > Da: harbour-boun...@harbour-project.org > [mailto:harbour-boun...@harbour-project.org] Per conto di Pritpal Bedi > Inviato: lunedì 8 marzo 2010 3.43 > A: harbour@harbour-project.org > Oggetto


2010-03-26 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
tation? TIA. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia ___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour


2010-03-27 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
I confirm same behaviour also using GTWIN as driver. So, could be my misunderstood in using extended keycodes? Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio originale- > Da: Maurizio la Cecilia [mailto:m.laceci...@gmail.com] > Inviato: sabato 27 marzo 2010 0.15 > A: 

R: [Harbour] SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14277] trunk/harbour

2010-04-07 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
I receive a QT_STRONGFOCUS non existing variable running hbide, as in attached error message. Harbour SVN + Qt 2010.02.1 + MinGW TIA Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio originale- > Da: harbour-boun...@harbour-project.org > [mailto:harbour-boun...@harbour-project

R: [Harbour] To Pritpal and Viktor on problems in hbide compiling

2010-04-08 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Hi Viktor and Francesco, > Yes, it should. But it's easy to forget when doing > an update, or it's possible that different HB_INSTALL_PREFIX > was used across subsequent builds. > This was not possible as i launch same simple stored command line from many months ago and i ever used to install i

[Harbour] hbIde error selecting into output console window

2010-04-08 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
he context isn't clear. TIA. Maurizio la Cecilia <>___ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

R: [Harbour] Re: hbIde error selecting into output console window

2010-04-08 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
defined in despite that is contained in main prg? Same sources compile fine in xMate. The others errors have reason to arise, but i don't understand why the symbol isn't resolved. TIA. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio originale- > D

R: R: [Harbour] Re: hbIde error selecting into output console window

2010-04-09 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> Just to confirm my beliefe, can you carry the same operations > after bringing > "Main" editors panel before carrying them ? > I will fix it in a while. > Sorry, but i'm not sure to have understood your request. I selected the edit panel and done same operation. I updated the screenshot at htt

R: R: R: [Harbour] Re: hbIde error selecting into output consolewindow

2010-04-09 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> This is what I wanted to know, will fix shortly. > Thank you. Thank you for your courtesy and your effective work. I have minor suggestions: 1. I noticed that enabling the pages tab in the right panel, via menu or via toolbar it's the same, don't give focus to the page itself. Could be done? 2

R: R: R: R: R: [Harbour] Re: hbIde error selecting intooutputconsolewindow

2010-04-09 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> Which Harbour revision you are using. > It has already been fixed a couple of days before. > SVN 14292 2010-04-08 21:23 UTC+0200 Viktor Szakats (harbour.01 syenar.hu) It's a Harbour problem? > Added .fmg. "Custome extension" wide opens the scope though I > will think. I'll use the availabl

R: R: R: R: R: R: [Harbour] Re: hbIde error selectingintooutputconsolewindow

2010-04-09 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> Is it not simpler to not limit extensions, just offer '*' / '*.*'? > > IMO, adding user or 3rd party (non-free) specific extensions > hard-wired into hbide (or any Harbour code) is very bad idea. > > Of course another more complicated way is to make this configurable > (f.e. via hbide.ini).

R: [Harbour] Re: someone uses hbqt for "business" applications ?

2010-04-23 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> francesco perillo > Inviato: venerdì 23 aprile 2010 13.38 > A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. > Oggetto: Re: [Harbour] Re: someone uses hbqt for "business" > applications ? > Personally, I did some tests in the past with hwgui and used the text > based coordinates as multipliers of font h

R: [Harbour] Re: someone uses hbqt for "business" applications ?

2010-04-24 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
fective test of migration. Question: hbxbp isn't a GT, so I figure that not will be possible to migrate incrementally the UI objects linking gtWvt+hbxbp... It's true? I'm waiting for you thought about. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio o

R: [Harbour] Re: someone uses hbqt for "business" applications ?

2010-04-24 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> Lorenzo Fiorini > Inviato: sabato 24 aprile 2010 7.38 > A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. > Oggetto: Re: [Harbour] Re: someone uses hbqt for "business" > applications ? > > On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 8:34 PM, Pritpal Bedi > wrote: > > I've nothing against hbqt. > The discussion is about u

R: [Harbour] Re: someone uses hbqt for "business" applications ?

2010-04-24 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> francesco perillo > Inviato: sabato 24 aprile 2010 8.52 > A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. > Oggetto: Re: [Harbour] Re: someone uses hbqt for "business" > applications ? > > It is not its job ! > hbqt maps the Qt classes, and it's something we must have. Also > hwgui/minigui have such c

[Harbour] Error unZipping a crypted archive

2010-04-26 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
cFName + "_unzipped", "AnyPassword" ) ) != 0 Alert( "Error " + hb_NToS( nErr ) ) ENDIF nErr := HB_UNZIPFILENEXT( hUnzip ) ENDDO HB_UNZIPCLOSE( hUnzip ) ENDIF - Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia -- View this m

R: [Harbour] Error unZipping a crypted archive

2010-04-26 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
pty password is supplied, if NOUNCRYPT is defined. But NOUNCRYPT would'nt be defined, so the thing would work as expected. Maybe the NOUNCRYPY is unexpectedly set? Just my thought. I'll try to set some tracepoint. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio ori

Re: [Harbour] Error unZipping a crypted archive

2010-04-26 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
yzip.zip --pass mypass >> >> Can somebody take a look for this issue? >> >> -- >> Regards, >> Grigory Filatov >> >> >> Maurizio la Cecilia wrote: >>> >>> If I try to unZip a crypted zipped archive, a -102 ( UNZ_PARAMERR

R: [Harbour] Error unZipping a crypted archive

2010-04-26 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
ect Main Developer List. > Oggetto: Re: [Harbour] Error unZipping a crypted archive > > Hi Maurizio, > > You're right. (I missed a '-' in my test cmdline) > > Please retest after my latest commit. > > Viktor > > On 2010 Apr 26, at 20:40, Mauriz

[Harbour] Mingw compile error of last svn version in wvgsink

2009-06-19 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
ent of `->' ../../wvgsink.c:634: error: called object is not a function ../../wvgsink.c:639: error: invalid type argument of `->' ../../wvgsink.c:639: error: invalid operands to binary & ../../wvgsink.

R: [Harbour] Mingw compile error of last svn version in wvgsink

2009-06-19 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Good catch, Viktor... Maybe some update from svn crashed sometime ago. Many thanks and best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio originale- > Da: Viktor Szakáts [mailto:harbour...@syenar.hu] > Inviato: venerdì 19 giugno 2009 13.35 > A: Harbour

[Harbour] MinGW last cvs version compile error

2009-07-03 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
x27; mingw32-make: *** [source.inst] Error 2 Harbour GNU Make returned: 2 Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia ___ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

[Harbour] About hb_FEof()

2009-07-21 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
only. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia ___ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

Re: [Harbour] About hbextern...

2009-07-21 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia Massimo Belgrano-3 wrote: > > instead organize in plain .txt i suggest organized in dbfMore easy to > organize,order,publish > is a clear demo of harbour capability > > 2009/7/8 Pritpal Bedi > >> >> Hello Vailton >> >

Re: [Harbour] About hb_FEof()

2009-07-21 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
could give back the HB_FEof() name to the rtl lib function, as is expected... I hope that someone will solve the lacks and the bugs of the NF set of functions as i find they are very useful and more complete than the hbmisc counterpart. Again my thanks. Maurizio la Cecilia Viktor Szakáts wrote

[Harbour] Memory blocks not released

2008-10-25 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
ecuted form same folder of prg), but before is needed to add the line: Maurizio la Cecilia ___ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

[Harbour] (no subject)

2008-10-25 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
omefilename, .t. ) at the start the prg and test how the output varies between cvs and stable version. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia ___ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

R: [Harbour] Memory blocks not released

2008-10-25 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Sorry, forgot the previous message as was a HwGUI problem. I gone confused because the stable version don't signal this waste of memory (but still exists also in stable...). Thanks anyway. Maurizio -Messaggio originale- Da: Maurizio la Cecilia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Inviato: s

R: [Harbour] Which "standard" GUI for Harbour

2008-10-30 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Hi Lorenzo, > We are launching our new web site where we say "Terminal/GUI" but we > miss the ( full ) GUI part. > We can add a list of the several h*, x* and v* guis created so far for > Harbour but then we need to find answers to questions like "which is > the best?", "which one to choose?". > C

R: R: [Harbour] Which "standard" GUI for Harbour

2008-10-30 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> What I meant was: > what we'll answer when a user will ask > "Which is the Harbour's GUI lib?" > > Also in Java there are Swing, SWT and many others but if you buy a > book about Java you'll find that Swing IS the Java GUI for desktop > apps. > Just this i was meaning. None of existing GUI can

[Harbour] Make_b32 install?

2008-11-14 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
I no longer obtain the command "make_b32 install" to work. Any hint? TIA Maurizio la Cecilia ___ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

R: [Harbour] 2008-11-14 20:49 UTC+0100 Viktor Szakats

2008-11-15 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Hi Viktor. Thx. Fixed for me. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia ___ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

[Harbour] [hwguiwiki] - Wiki project about HwGUI

2008-03-03 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
. Any suggestion for improving this templates or for implementing the other areas currently not published wil be appreciated. If interested, look at home page for information on how to contact the wiki masters for starting a collaborative job. Regards. Maurizio la Cecilia Skype ID


2008-06-05 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Maybe the current rearrangement of code in view of a new stable release could be a good time for analyzing this problem. In hwGUI development some weird coding is needed in mantaining source compatibility with either compilers. Best regards. Maurizio la Ce


2008-06-05 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Hi Massimo, not at all. My target is strong encapsulation of data and methods in class implementation and i can obtain this, IMHO, only having in the same source the (x)harbour and C code. Otherwise the static function, i think obviously, will remain local to C module and cannot be reached by xBase


2008-06-06 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Hi Viktor, > I see that even in hwgui, there are plenty of .c and > .prg files anyway, so I wonder why the mixed ones? > > One reason might be that this way, they can make > those C functions 'static' to the .prg file that uses > them (hence the recent question and all the hacking > to achieve t


2008-06-06 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di > Przemyslaw Czerpak > Inviato: giovedì 5 giugno 2008 18.56 > A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. > Oggetto: Re: [Harbour] HB_STATIC_FUNC > > On Thu, 05 Jun 2008, Maurizio la Cecilia wrote: > >

R: R: [Harbour] HB_STATIC_FUNC

2008-06-06 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
> -Messaggio originale- > Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Per conto di > Szakáts Viktor > Inviato: venerdì 6 giugno 2008 9.40 > A: Harbour Project Main Developer List. > Oggetto: Re: R: [Harbour] HB_STATIC_FUNC > Notice that amongst the 7 files using "inline" C, > ha

R: R: R: [Harbour] HB_STATIC_FUNC

2008-06-06 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Hi Victor, > From a purely practical POV regarding hwgui, the only > thing I don't see here is what makes ANIMATE > class so different from the other classes, that this > problem is present here, but not in other places. > Simply because this was first class in alphabetical order and when i sta

R: R: R: [Harbour] HB_STATIC_FUNC

2008-06-06 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Hi Massimo, > What do you think about using a robodoc for extract from source > Also here you see that separing prg and c will be more useful for > generating documentation I don't know this tools. I'll take a look. Also Francesco was interested to similar solution in aiding on documentation work

[Harbour] Define for version recognition

2008-06-26 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
the stable, by example...). TIA. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia ___ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour

R: [Harbour] Define for version recognition

2008-06-27 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
#defines in include/hbver.h, > on .prg level __HARBOUR__ has the version as its value. > > Brgds, > Viktor > > On 2008.06.26., at 19:19, Maurizio la Cecilia wrote: > > > I don't know if is possible, but i would know if ther'is in > Harbour > > a pre >

R: [Harbour] Define for version recognition

2008-06-27 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
Thanks Massimo. Luckly i've always used the __XHARBOUR__ before the __HARBOUR__ test (or only it) and the things have worked. Never thought __HARBOUR__ have same behaviour in both compilers... Now i stay tuned. Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio o

R: R: [Harbour] Define for version recognition

2008-06-27 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia
with newer feature more timely. My thanks for your courtesy and collaboration: same question posted to xHarbour group before this thread started never answered... Best regards. Maurizio la Cecilia > -Messaggio originale- > Da: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL P

Re: [Harbour] Re: SF.net SVN: harbour-project:[14476] trunk/harbour

2010-05-16 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia (GMail)
Il 16/05/2010 10.06, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: I use vi (actually, vim) on both windows and linux... I used to use E2 (was it pe2??) I was given in 1987 by some programmers I met... it could do block copy/paste, I don't remember how but it could do... you could also select a box on the screen an

Re: [Harbour] Extended .mem file handling

2010-05-17 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia (GMail)
Il 17/05/2010 18.32, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto: An evolution library I was thinking to include it in hbvm, but for this it needs to be rewritten in .c and we need a new SET() (or similar) to enable the feature. Or it can be added as is as HB_MVSAVE() and HB_MVRESTORE() with somewhat frien

Re: [Harbour] hbvpdf: how set the Page Size?

2010-05-22 Thread Maurizio la Cecilia (GMail)
Il 22/05/2010 13.32, Jarosław Kądzioła ha scritto: Hi, function main() local oPdf oPdf := tPdf():New( 'test.pdf' ) oPdf:NewPage( "A4", "P", 6 ) oPdf:Center("Test") oPdf:Close() return nil The "test.pdf" file has always the same size: 8,5 in. x 11 in., alth