> Da: Przemyslaw Czerpak [mailto:dru...@acn.waw.pl] 
> Inviato: mercoledì 9 settembre 2009 10.10
> A: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
> Oggetto: Re: R: [Harbour] Getting errors and warnings in MinGW compile
> On Wed, 09 Sep 2009, Maurizio la Cecilia wrote:
> Hi,
> > I confirm the persistence of the problem also after updating to:
> > ChangeLog 12446 2009-09-09 00:24:54Z druzus
> > No other one reports same problem?
> There is no problem with current SVN code but we have
> never ending problem with asking users to make _CLEAN_
> build after syncing with SVN and before reporting problems ;-)
> Please execute:
>    make clean
> before:
>    make
> I believe it will help. If not then please report the problem.
> Otherwise such messages only confuse other users.
> best regards,
> Przemek

As said in my first message:

> The commands given to compile are:
> Win-make clean
> Win-make install

Thus, if i don't missed something, the problem is real.
I ever compiled fine using those commands.
I advise also that, to avoid conflicts with old versions, i tried to compile
after a fresh checkout from repository, but the result is the same.
Anyway, if i risk only to confuse other users, don't worry about this
problem if seems to be only of mine.
Best regards,

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