Hi Viktor, 

> I see that even in hwgui, there are plenty of .c and
> .prg files anyway, so I wonder why the mixed ones?
> One reason might be that this way, they can make
> those C functions 'static' to the .prg file that uses
> them (hence the recent question and all the hacking
> to achieve this). To me this seems like something
> which can be resolved using some internal namespaces,
> or other logical distinction between published and
> private API. All in all this is a fully regular problem,
> present in all projects using more than one source
> file, and everyone solves it without mixing.

IMHO, i think that the solutions obtained without mixing prg and c code have
as side effect that the function declared as static have still public scope
and thus reachable by other modules of application.
> BTW, hwgui main source folder has two hb_inline()s,
> both seems easy to replace with one hb_bit*() call
> each, plus there are a few files with BEGINDUMP, no
> C code there has any special properties (and only some
> of them are 'static') which would prevent moving them
> into .c files, IMO. I had similar experience when porting
> code with inline C from xhb to Harbour.

In the hwgui CVS repository you can find source/hanimat.prg and take a look
to what i'm meaning. This code works in xHarbour but in Harbour (stable
version) don't resolves the HB_STATIC_FUNC correctly giving error at compile
time. Avoiding the STATIC, the functions, also if present in the prg file,
obviously become freely callable by other modules, and this is what i would
to avoid.
I think, after all, this is a real problem when is needed some C
implementation AND encapsulation of class or standalone functions.
Best regards.

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