Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
>> "toggle" does not require start/stop constructs.
> So, how can I start and end selection?
>> Tell me if it is not sufficient.
> No, it's not sufficient:
> 1)
> ::toggleLineSelectionMode() (starts selection - ok)
> Down
> Down
> ::clearS
On 2010.05.17 17:43, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
I do not find:
There are three methods:
Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
> I do not find:
There are three methods:
"toggle" does not require start/stop constructs.
On 2010.05.17 17:05, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
Please examine.
Alternatively you can look into ideshortcuts.prg.
Let me know it more constructs are needed.
I do not find:
Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
>> iif( ::isMarking, ::stopMarking(), ::setColumnSelectionMode() .and.
>> ::startMarking() )
>> This is not an elegant solution but it can work.
> OK, I can write inline IF. I do not care about elegance, but I will not
> use editor until it does not have the f
I still can. Screencast at www.dbtopas.lt/hrb/f11.avi
f11.avi clearly indicates that your claim is valid.
But for "mysterious" reasons I cannot reproduce
it on my machine.
Can you so test after hbQT rebuild ?
It seems hbqt clean rebuild helped. Thank You.
I want implement the follo
2010/5/16 Massimo Belgrano
> and now you can use qscintilla to pritpal's wrapper
> I think it is not needed, but could be useful if present on HbIDE. Looking
at surface I like the idea of using QScintilla, but it is not my call.
Certainly using QScintilla it would things behave more standard by
and now you can use qscintilla to pritpal's wrapper
2010/5/16 Antonio Maniero :
>> There is QScintilla though, which could be interesting:
>> http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/qscintilla/intro
> Very interesting. I knew just the original Scintilla.
> []'s Maniero
> There is QScintilla though, which could be interesting:
> http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/qscintilla/intro
Very interesting. I knew just the original Scintilla.
[]'s Maniero
Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)
> >> - The menu hbide is very similar to Visual studio the look and feel no
> > The major problem is not look & feel, is too.
> Wich are your pratical suggestion for hbide?
> wich Philosophics like Consistency about menus, context menus, toolbar
> and keyboard mapping ?
> what hbide need to b
>> could be better to allow to launch an external editor form hbIde? Just a
> provocation, as Harbour programmer's could obtain same productivity without
> to spend learning time.
> I think that the choice of emulating xMate was a very useful path to
> obtain a quick and effective skeleton and
hi Maniero
>> - The menu hbide is very similar to Visual studio the look and feel no
> The major problem is not look & feel, is too.
Wich are your pratical suggestion for hbide?
wich Philosophics like Consistency about menus, context menus, toolbar
and keyboard mapping ?
what hbide need to be w
2010/5/16 Massimo Belgrano
> I apreciate xmate because i have used and found high consistence
> But can suggest Pritpal Use a model different from xmate because
> xmate is a project born in 2003 as possible read in Pritpal's page at
> http://www.vouchcac.com/Community/WowXMate.htm
> IMO can be
> To me the most alien is that users are forced to
> use toolbars for various everyday tasks, and toolbar
> is their only option (*). Plus many times I hear that as
> a final argument:
> "it's done that way in xMate so it will be like that in HBIDE"
> For a non-xMate user like me, this conveys a s
> To me the most alien is that users are forced to
> use toolbars for various everyday tasks, and toolbar
> is their only option (*). Plus many times I hear that as
> a final argument:
> "it's done that way in xMate so it will be like that in HBIDE"
> For a non-xMate user like me, this conveys
> - A look and feel based on icon on tool bar (that will be easy
> trasformed if Pritbal give us
>add/remove tolbar or better Customize toolbar icon
> - The menu hbide is very similar to Visual studio the look and feel no
The major problem is not look & feel, is too.
> -
> Alt-b now I remember...
>>> Actually PE2 still exists:
>>> http://www.pe32.com
> Nice to know !!!
> About the integrated editor... notepad++ is a windows only editor
> based on Scintilla Scintilla works both in Windows and Linux and
> so it cuold be used as a base editor... but
Alt-b now I remember...
>> Actually PE2 still exists:
Nice to know !!!
About the integrated editor... notepad++ is a windows only editor
based on Scintilla Scintilla works both in Windows and Linux and
so it cuold be used as a base editor... but hbide was a proj
Il 16/05/2010 10.06, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto:
I use vi (actually, vim) on both windows and linux... I used to use E2
(was it pe2??) I was given in 1987 by some programmers I met... it
could do block copy/paste, I don't remember how but it could do... you
could also select a box on the screen an
> I apreciate xmate because i have used and found high consistence
> But can suggest Pritpal Use a model different from xmate because
> xmate is a project born in 2003 as possible read in Pritpal's page at
> http://www.vouchcac.com/Community/WowXMate.htm
I also appreciate it because it's nicely
I apreciate xmate because i have used and found high consistence
But can suggest Pritpal Use a model different from xmate because
xmate is a project born in 2003 as possible read in Pritpal's page at
IMO can be right use a more recent/modern model
Hi Massimo,
> Hi Viktor
> Can you help me describe wich are feature implemented in not stardard way
Others have described it already much better than I could.
I can agree with Antonio's and Mindaugas's almost every word.
To me the most alien is that users are forced to
use toolbars for various
> I use vi (actually, vim) on both windows and linux... I used to use E2
> (was it pe2??) I was given in 1987 by some programmers I met... it
> could do block copy/paste, I don't remember how but it could do... you
> could also select a box on the screen and then add borders...
PE2 :) It was my fi
Hi Viktor
Can you help me describe wich are feature implemented in not stardard way
Hi try
- The idea of project perstitence different from open,close,recent
file metafora . this idea is not
born from xmate but from multiproject file that will be allowed
opening two project from
I use vi (actually, vim) on both windows and linux... I used to use E2
(was it pe2??) I was given in 1987 by some programmers I met... it
could do block copy/paste, I don't remember how but it could do... you
could also select a box on the screen and then add borders...
> I am really sorry
> to hear about so ridiculous comments about xMate. I would suggest you
> just to give it a try before repeatedly shouting against it.
> xMate was my first try when I come back to xBase programming. I will never
> use it or nothing with same behavior.
> Maybe my comments are
>> BTW, Far Manager's editor is extremely simple,
>> yet quite powerful. Two selection modes: stream/line
>> (shift+arrows), block (alt+arrows), copy, cut,
>> paste and delete selection. There is also a setup
>> option to make selection persistent (I use it
>> that way). That's it.
>> [ Ha
> I am really sorry
> to hear about so ridiculous comments about xMate. I would suggest you
> just to give it a try before repeatedly shouting against it.
xMate was my first try when I come back to xBase programming. I will never
use it or nothing with same behavior.
Maybe my comments are ridi
Viktor Szakáts wrote:
> I agree to go standard, rather than replicating
> such a very niche editor like xMate. Harbour's
> goal isn't to create an xMate copycat. Probably
> there is a good middle ground between making
> xMate users happy and not cut off everyone else.
Keyboard Mappings
Antonio Maniero wrote:
>> Great, but I would like to have a possibility to implement MultiEdit way
>> using key binding macro. I guess hbide should be flexible enough to do
>> this.
>> Exactly.
> xMate is a sub and non standard IDE. IMO it's ok and I can understand the
> reason to
Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
>> I cannot reproduce. Can you try again after r14500 ?
> I still can. Screencast at www.dbtopas.lt/hrb/f11.avi
f11.avi clearly indicates that your claim is valid.
But for "mysterious" reasons I cannot reproduce
it on my machine.
Can you so test after hbQ
> Great, but I would like to have a possibility to implement MultiEdit way
> using key binding macro. I guess hbide should be flexible enough to do this.
> Exactly.
> xMate is a sub and non standard IDE. IMO it's ok and I can understand the
> reason to reproduce his behavior, but if HbIDE w
> Great, but I would like to have a possibility to implement MultiEdit way
> using key binding macro. I guess hbide should be flexible enough to do this.
> Exactly.
xMate is a sub and non standard IDE. IMO it's ok and I can understand the
reason to reproduce his behavior, but if HbIDE wishes
On 2010.05.16 02:13, Pritpal Bedi wrote:
4) Persistent selection does not work if a use a mouse to position
cursor. Test:
Position cursor before the block using mouse
Position cursor after the block using mouse
(block is not select
Pritpal Bedi wrote:
> However a function is provided
> already in public API ::toggleCurrentLineHilight().
::toggleSelectionMode() => any - stream
::toggleLineSelectionMode() => any - line
enjoy hbIDEing...
Pritpal Bedi
Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
> Now line block remembers its mode, but Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V overwrites lines
> on paste. Normally Paste operation inserts new text, but do not
> overwrites text.
Fixed. r14500.
>>> 4) Persistent selection does not work if a use a mouse to position
>>> cursor.
Can you please check after r14491.
3) Block forget about makting mode on paste
Test (continuation of previous test):
Ctrl+C (one line copied to clipboard)
move cursor to the middle of any line
Ctrl+V (line is pasted in a stream mode instead of line mode - bad)
Now line blo
Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
> 6) Could not find a button to start column block marking
It is "Toggle Selection Mode" icon on the main toolbar.
It toggle between "Stream" and "Column/Line".
"Line" mode can only be set with F11 and this icon changes
appearance. Line mode is switched off
Itamar Lins-2 wrote:
> Buttons and of window environment not working.
> If select option menu environment, if window already open, not show
> window. Sujestion, open window "environment" with modal option.
This dialog is still in infant stage, is scheduled to be implemented
next weeken
Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:
> 1) Line selection mode excludes last line after selection is finished.
> Test:
> (two lines are marked - it's OK)
> (Last line is not marked any more - bad)
> 2) line marking display artifact
>In previous test after m
Buttons and of window environment not working.
If select option menu environment, if window already open, not show
window. Sujestion, open window "environment" with modal option.
Best regards,
Itamar M. Lins Jr.
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