> To me the most alien is that users are forced to
> use toolbars for various everyday tasks, and toolbar
> is their only option (*). Plus many times I hear that as
> a final argument:
>  "it's done that way in xMate so it will be like that in HBIDE"
> For a non-xMate user like me, this conveys a scary message.
> Toolbar is useful to learn the software. Keyboard is useful to day-by-day. 
> Consistency about menus, context menus, toolbar and keyboard mapping is a 
> must have.
> HbIDE being xMate clone scares me too.
> (*) besides macros. But macros for basic tasks will
> never compensate for well thought out basic design.
> And most users will never use them. It's a new language
> after all to understand and maintain.
> If basic features is done in a right way, macros exists only to extraordinary 
> tasks. I have thoughts about API too. I don't write down details now but 
> HbIDE is open source and written in same language that user knows well. These 
> two points allow API be simple (not like VS or Eclipse) and could be very 
> powerful to extend the core. It doesn't need complex plugin or macro system. 
> User could just compile extensions together. This is only general words about 
> this topic.

Agreed with all above.

Just a minor comment: Even if the language itself 
is familiar you must learn to use it in context 
of the macro feature: what to call, how to call, 
how to achieve something, it's like programming 
to a specific API in a special environment. 
Which makes it have a steep learning curve, 
whatever the language syntax actually is.


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