I apreciate xmate because i have used and found high consistence
But can suggest Pritpal Use a  model different from xmate because
xmate is a project born in 2003  as possible read in Pritpal's page at
IMO can be right use a more recent/modern model
My proposal is follow Microsoft Visual studio 2010 The Alternative can
be eclipse or Delphi

2010/5/16 Viktor Szakáts <harbour...@syenar.hu>:
> Hi Massimo,
>> Hi Viktor
>> Can you help me describe wich are feature implemented in not stardard way
> Others have described it already much better than I could.
> I can agree with Antonio's and Mindaugas's almost every word.
> To me the most alien is that users are forced to
> use toolbars for various everyday tasks, and toolbar
> is their only option (*). Plus many times I hear that as
> a final argument:
>  "it's done that way in xMate so it will be like that in HBIDE"
> For a non-xMate user like me, this conveys a scary message.
> (*) besides macros. But macros for basic tasks will
> never compensate for well thought out basic design.
> And most users will never use them. It's a new language
> after all to understand and maintain.
> Viktor
Massimo Belgrano
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