>> BTW, Far Manager's editor is extremely simple, 
>> yet quite powerful. Two selection modes: stream/line 
>> (shift+arrows), block (alt+arrows), copy, cut, 
>> paste and delete selection. There is also a setup 
>> option to make selection persistent (I use it 
>> that way). That's it.
>> [ Having to click on a toolbar icon to change 
>> selection mode is not very good idea IMO. ]
> It has two modes and those I explained are inbuilt 
> in Qt, stream == inbuild, line == quiet easy.

These are the same thing. I can see no reason 
why separate stream and line are needed. Line = stream 
when started at first column and moving up/down.

> Also in GUI mode you have two ways, keyboard and mouse,
> increasing the complexity.

Yes, though I'm not sure mouse selection have 
too much of a point in a programmer's editor.
At least I've never missed it, and for sure 
(it's a usability fact) it causes a big hiccup 
when switching to mouse in a keyboard session, 
and back.

> You can configure it in Keyboad Mappings, API is there.

I think it's a very bad thing if the first 
thing is to start reconfiguring with a complicated 
macro language, just to make a tool work 
intuitively. I've once configured pe2 and 
than qedit that way, ever since I chose and 
editor which works out of the box.

Sane and familiar defaults is key in an editor.

Look at Eclipse, Visual Studio (NOT MS Word, 
please, it's a document editor) if you want to 
stay in the 'mainstream'. xMate is used by 
_very_ few people, so if it's pushed too much, 
most of the users will feel HBIDE alien, and for 
good reason.

I also don't understand why the strong concept 
of not having all functionality put into the 
menu (with keyboard shortcut), but only putting 
them in toolbars? For me, a small icon tells 
_nothing_, so I have to go above, wait for the 
tooltip to appear. But anyway, in a programming 
session, reaching for the mouse and clicking 
to a very small area IS very slow. Pls don't 
tell me that I have to configure keyboard 
mappings just to have standard behavior and 
access those functions from keyboard.


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