Re: [GNC] GnuCash 4.4 Announcement/GnuCash 4.3 Announcement

2020-12-30 Thread John Ralls
Following up, Derek reconfigured his network so that supports IPv6. This is a first test to see if that changes the way my mail gets routed. If it goes through I'll try resending the 4.4 announcement with the copies. Regards, John Ralls > On Dec 30, 2020, at 8:41

[GNC] GnuCash 4.4 Released

2020-12-30 Thread John Ralls
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.4, the fifth release in the stable 4.x series. This is an unscheduled snap release to fix bug 798063. Between 4.3 and 4.4, the following bugfixes were accomplished: • Bug 798038 - Incorrect spelling in german account templates 'common' a

Re: [GNC] Can't get GNUCASH to work on OSX

2021-01-02 Thread John Ralls
Adrien, Please don't tell users to change the priority or severity of bugs in bugzilla except to mark enhancements. That's the only thing we use those fields for. Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 2, 2021, at 10:49 AM, Adrien Monteleone > wrote: > > Crashes should be fil

Re: [GNC] Can't get GNUCASH to work on OSX

2021-01-02 Thread John Ralls
Yves, Thanks for the report. 4.1-2 is pretty old, but please open a bug report at and attach the crash report. Thanks, Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 1, 2021, at 12:57 PM, Yves Forget via gnucash-user > wrote: > > Hello, > > First, I’m a few days

Re: [GNC] Support message:// for transaction associations

2021-01-02 Thread John Ralls
can easily use File>Export as PDF in Apple Mail and link to the saved PDF in GnuCash. Regards, John Ralls [1] > On Jan 2, 2021, at 6:15 AM, Derek Atkins wrote: > > Hi. > First, the more cross-platform uri would be mailt

Re: [GNC] Does GNUCash support IRR in 2021?

2021-01-04 Thread John Ralls
e relevant transactions and run a transaction report on the resulting ledger. From the report you can copy-and-paste into a spreadsheet and set up an IRR calculation. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update yo

Re: [GNC] What does OFX Direct Connect do?

2021-01-04 Thread John Ralls
tting Quicken. Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 4, 2021, at 1:19 PM, Steve Cohen wrote: > > and if your financial institution, like American Express, forces you to > maintain an account with Quicken in order to download QFX files, what, short > of closing your account with th

Re: [GNC] What does OFX Direct Connect do?

2021-01-04 Thread John Ralls
See the list in File>Import. OFX/QFX, QIF, and CSV are what US banks use, the others are European. Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 4, 2021, at 1:33 PM, Steve Cohen wrote: > > "steadily dwindling list" - doesn't sound good. I never got direct > connection t

Re: [GNC] Linked document indicator not appearing.

2021-01-05 Thread John Ralls
's in the cell *under* the reconciliation cell in double-line view. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] balance sheet - eguile version: cannot change fonts

2021-01-05 Thread John Ralls
rt would be helpful; it's hard to make useful comments based only on "one of them looks ugly". Remember to attach the screenshots to the very bottom of your reply so that the list server doesn't discard them. Regards, John Ralls ___

Re: [GNC] balance sheet - eguile version: cannot change fonts

2021-01-05 Thread John Ralls
fonts ~/.fonts You can use TextEdit or any other editor that can write plain text. Don't use a word processor like LibreOffice Write. Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 5, 2021, at 1:47 PM, Jürgen Jatzkowski wrote: > > $ spctl --assess -vv /Applications/ > /Applications

Re: [GNC] Best way to upgrade from an old version (2.6.14) to current

2021-01-08 Thread John Ralls
the same transfer account; just right-click after selecting and pick Assign Account from the context menu (it's the only option). Remember to save frequently so that you can easily go back if something goes wrong. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-u

Re: [GNC] How to use/add GAU currency?

2021-01-11 Thread John Ralls
gold priced in grams, just that you shouldn't turn on online quotes for it. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Commission sales

2021-01-15 Thread John Ralls
e an asset account for the other part of the transactions. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: If y

Re: [GNC] Upgrade from portable 2.6 to 4.4

2021-01-15 Thread John Ralls
lute safety we strongly recommend that you load into the last dot release of each major series and run check and repair, then save and move to the next major. Since your' starting at 2.6.19 you should first install 3.11 and load your book(s), run check and repair, and save before tr

Re: [GNC] Recent list in file menu

2021-01-18 Thread John Ralls
You can also use the domain directly, e.g. defaults read org.gnucash.Gnucash Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 18, 2021, at 6:08 AM, wrote: > > Note: If you have Gnucash in a non-standard location like I do, you probably > will have to give the full

Re: [GNC] Recent list in file menu

2021-01-18 Thread John Ralls with those instructions. Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 18, 2021, at 8:32 AM, Chris Graves wrote: > > If you open the plist file with Xcode or bbedit or ... you may see t

Re: [GNC] Upgrade from portable 2.6 to 4.4

2021-01-18 Thread John Ralls
Thanks for the kind words, but please remember to copy the list on all replies. Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 18, 2021, at 9:58 AM, W. Michael Schoel wrote: > > Dear John > Thanks for your help and that from the rest of Gnucash, I am a strong > supporter of the open sourc

Re: [GNC] Where does gnucash put the lock file on Linux?

2021-01-20 Thread John Ralls
oks just like a file) when there's a lock record in the lock table then GnuCash will put up the "unable to obtain the lock" dialog box. Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 20, 2021, at 6:24 AM, Chris Green wrote: > > On Wed, Jan 20, 2021 at 09:04:52AM -0500, Derek Atkins

Re: [GNC] GnuCash on macOS Big Sur "Finance::Quote isn't installed properly"

2021-01-21 Thread John Ralls
(last >> . #e45.19) (currency . "USD"))) > BigSur absolutely is supported. What's not yet available yet is a native build for Apple Silicon, but I've found so far that the Intel build of GnuCash works fine with Rosetta2. The BigSur upgrade seems to have messed up perl; I ha

Re: [GNC] Updates on Windows

2021-01-21 Thread John Ralls
t's going on is that the pinned shortcut in the taskbar is a pointer or flag of some sort on the Start menu shortcut. The uninstaller deletes that and the installer makes a new one that doesn't have the flag set. You might try creating

Re: [GNC] GnuCash on macOS Big Sur "Finance::Quote isn't installed properly"

2021-01-22 Thread John Ralls
suspicion about having a non-Apple-supplied perl. That will never work with the bundle launched from Finder because your shell environment, which includes the path to the Homebrew-installed perl, isn't read when launching an app bundle from Finder. You may be able to get it to work from the

Re: [GNC] GnuCash on macOS Big Sur "Finance::Quote isn't installed properly"

2021-01-23 Thread John Ralls
alue in the getgroupcount message and happens to be the signed int representation of 0x8000. Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 22, 2021, at 5:10 PM, John Ralls wrote: > > Justin, > > To answer your earlier question, no, F::Q doesn't work for me either on my > DTK. I hadn

Re: [GNC] USAA FSB requires newer QWIN support

2021-01-29 Thread John Ralls
Bob White already posted a sanitized OFX log file yesterday morning. The response from USAA is a fancy web page saying "Server Error" with no details about what kind of error. Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 29, 2021, at 6:57 PM, David Reiser via gnucash-user > wrote: >

Re: [GNC] Description Field

2021-01-31 Thread John Ralls
w in the View menu to access those. All of those names are indeed hard-coded. Regards, John Ralls > On Jan 31, 2021, at 7:13 AM, David Carlson > wrote: > > That's getting into an area that is hard coded. Some field names will > change depending on your language settings,

Re: [GNC] Run GNUcash from Mac Cloud iDrive

2021-02-04 Thread John Ralls
so keep in mind that GnuCash works on Linux and MSWindows too. Regards, JOhn Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: If

Re: [GNC] Run GNUcash from Mac Cloud iDrive

2021-02-04 Thread John Ralls
. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 4, 2021, at 10:44 AM, John Donnee wrote: > > Thanks John,, Im just going to print out some invoices with advanced dates on > them. > > is there anyway to take a invoice template and save as an XL or CVS file. > > That would work for

Re: [GNC] Scheduled Transaction Mystery?

2021-02-04 Thread John Ralls
you do? Does the scheduled transaction have a variable that requires user input? Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 4, 2021, at 10:48 AM, Jack Slater wrote: > > It should be listed in the register for sure regardless and I have not > deleted it. I simply opened GnuC and looked and i

Re: [GNC] 4.4 slow

2021-02-05 Thread John Ralls
Does it beachball long enough to get a process sample out of Activity Monitor? Better yet, do you know your way around Xcode well enough to get a time profile? Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 5, 2021, at 9:57 AM, R. Victor Klassen wrote: > > I should also say I’m using the SQLite bac

Re: [GNC] How to record in-kind transfers?

2021-02-05 Thread John Ralls
on, but don't understand how this > applies to in-kind transfers of stocks. Probably because it doesn't. You can transfer the shares in a regular two-split transaction but depending on the circumstances it might make more sense to just re-

Re: [GNC] USAA aqbanking stopped working

2021-02-07 Thread John Ralls
into a new release of AQBanking. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 7, 2021, at 8:34 PM, Daffy Duck wrote: > > Hello, > > I have been using multiple USAA accounts for years, and it seems they > stopped working just recently through gnucash. > > gnucash-4.4-1.fc33.x86_64 > a

Re: [GNC] Get no suitable back end found

2021-02-08 Thread John Ralls
doesn't and they won't, but they're already included along with the necessary MySQL, Postgresql, and SQLite3 libraries in c:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list

Re: [GNC] flatpak 4.4 reports anomaly

2021-02-09 Thread John Ralls
Elmar, A fair amount of Scheme API was deprecated in 3.x and removed in 4.x. Look through the NEWS file for which ones. There should be Scheme backtraces in the trace file that will help identify the source of the crash. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 9, 2021, at 3:01 PM, Elmar wrote: >

Re: [GNC] Blurry Font Issue on Windows

2021-02-13 Thread John Ralls
ttings. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 13, 2021, at 2:30 PM, David Carlson > wrote: > > I seem to recall that GnuCash uses a couple of fonts that are not available > in Windows, so Windows substitutes something else. If you can find those > and make your own substitutions that

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] USAA FSB requires newer QWIN support

2021-02-14 Thread John Ralls
mparison. This makes me a bit leery of publishing it on the wiki, because if Quicken or USAA catch on that it's been compromised they might change it and lock us out again. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 13, 2021, at 9:06 PM, Randy Johnson wrote: > > The CLIENTUID is also part of


2021-02-14 Thread John Ralls
mmarize them on soon. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 14, 2021, at 3:44 PM, Richard wrote: > > John, > > I read your message on the GNUCash digest email. I am brand new to gnu so I > have a lot to learn. > >

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] USAA FSB requires newer QWIN support

2021-02-14 Thread John Ralls
I tried it both ways, capitalized and not. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 14, 2021, at 11:31 AM, Randy Johnson wrote: > > I ended up with two during my experimentation - I ended up requesting access > twice, I got the same access is and password both times but different client &

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] USAA FSB requires newer QWIN support

2021-02-14 Thread John Ralls
the Client UID instructions, which reflect getting them from the URL, are not correct. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 14, 2021, at 3:59 PM, John Ralls wrote: > > I tried it both ways, capitalized and not. > > Regards, > John Ralls > > >> On Feb 14, 2021, at 11:31

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] USAA FSB requires newer QWIN support

2021-02-14 Thread John Ralls
What flavor of Quicken did you use? Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 14, 2021, at 6:19 PM, Keith Bellairs wrote: > > My USAA checking and credit card seem to be working. My users/0.conf is > using this client UID: I got it from quicken's OFXlog.txt file. > > c

Re: [GNC] Tab Rendering Flaw

2021-02-15 Thread John Ralls
> On Feb 15, 2021, at 8:51 AM, Tommy Trussell wrote: > > I noticed this morning John Ralls pushed an update to the Flatpak so I > installed the update. I am now running the latest flatpak version (Version: > 4.4 Build ID: Flathub 4.4-4). It's still behaving similarly

Re: [GNC] USAA online setup

2021-02-15 Thread John Ralls
That might be a older AQBanking6 issue. Try creating a dummy account on the AQBanking Setup Dialog's Accounts tab then go back to Users and retrieve your USAA accounts again. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 15, 2021, at 12:28 PM, Richard via gnucash-user > wrote: > &g

Re: [GNC] Finance::Quote not Working on Macbook

2021-02-15 Thread John Ralls
ki/Online_Quotes#Installing_Finance::Quote_on_macOS_from_a_Terminal_prompt Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] USAA FSB requires newer QWIN support

2021-02-16 Thread John Ralls
end to change the link on the website nor to add the 4.4-2 dmg to the Github release because this affects only a few users. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 16, 2021, at 6:07 AM, John Haiducek wrote: > > The instructions on the wiki say that GnuCash 4.4 and aqbanking 6.1.6 are >

Re: [GNC] Crash when updating scheduled template amount, repeatedly.

2021-02-18 Thread John Ralls
that you find appealing, for example if you're a USAA member who wants to download transactions. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 17, 2021, at 6:16 AM, David G. Pickett via gnucash-user > wrote: > > I hope it is fixed, does not happen in 3.8, no 4.4 for ubuntu 20.04 lts yet. &g

Re: [GNC] OFX connections

2021-02-18 Thread John Ralls
ond the reach of the DMCA. Ideally Congress would mandate something like Germany's FinTS for the US. That campaign would need some very wealthy donors to bankroll it, the lobbying against such a mandate from the banking industry and from Intuit will be intense and they have a lot of money and l

Re: [GNC] OFX connections

2021-02-19 Thread John Ralls
ou can associate columns in the CSV with GnuCash fields and adjust CSV parameters. Once you have it set up you can save the configuration for reuse. The configs are saved in the book state file and aren't amenable to sharing. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 19, 2021, at 8:36 AM, Tom Browder

Re: [GNC] Blurred titles and Language issues

2021-02-23 Thread John Ralls
macOS isn't Windows. On Windows the problem is generally with display scaling of HiDPI displays because Windows allows fractional scaling while cairo supports only integral scaling (which is x2 on macOS). > On Feb 23, 2021, at 6:33 AM, Taull Boi wrote: > > I believe I have the same issue regar

Re: [GNC] Blurred titles and Language issues

2021-02-23 Thread John Ralls
. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 22, 2021, at 7:04 PM, Adrien Monteleone > wrote: > > Unless I'm looking at a different screenshot, or my eyesight is terrible > (certainly possible) I read all of the column headings the same, and just > fine. They are slightly more bold t

Re: [GNC] Blurred titles and Language issues

2021-02-24 Thread John Ralls
it works on Linux, which is the old POSIX locales method. Customizing in System Preferences doesn't work; GnuCash looks for a locale to use. The best you can do is edit and add LC_NUMERIC=en_US and LC_TIME=en_US to set those particular

Re: [GNC] currency symbol problem in reports

2021-02-27 Thread John Ralls
most. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 27, 2021, at 1:37 PM, D. via gnucash-user > wrote: > > ISTR that there is a place in the settings to choose the character to display > with each currency. Never tried it though. > > > Original Message > From: Gio Ba

Re: [GNC] entry point error after recent automatic windows 10 update

2021-02-28 Thread John Ralls
86). Delete the gnucash directory if there is one. If you have ever installed GnuCash to some other location check that as well and make sure that the gnucash directory is deleted. If you're not sure about that use Windows File Explorers search to search all disks for

Re: [GNC] Wrong numeric separators in new file

2021-02-28 Thread John Ralls
native Windows app and doesn't understand custom settings in Region & Language. Regards, John Ralls > On Feb 28, 2021, at 7:28 PM, Adrien Monteleone > wrote: > > Preferences > Accounts > Separator Character > > Regards, > Adrien > > On 2/28/21 9:11 PM,

Re: [GNC] gnucash finance quote not installed properly

2021-03-03 Thread John Ralls
Note that 3.900 isn't 3.9. 3.900 was an unstable build from git master before 4.0; the git version corresponds to the flatpak nightly build of the master branch on 2019-09-29. A current git master nightly would be version 4.900. Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 3, 2021, at 7:53 PM,

Re: [GNC] gnucash finance quote not installed properly

2021-03-04 Thread John Ralls
to run such a build to test some new feature not for everyday use. Please follow Geert's instructions to remove that flatpak, it was for testing and is now thoroughly obsolete. Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 4, 2021, at 5:36 AM, David G. Pickett wrote: > > So why, on U

Re: [GNC] Access GNUCash From Different Devices

2021-03-04 Thread John Ralls
Unfortunately no. The GUI framework GnuCash is built on doesn't support iOS. Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 4, 2021, at 2:27 PM, John Donnee wrote: > > Hi, I’ve been using GNYCash for nine years. > > Question: I run my GNU system from a iMac. Is there a way to also access

Re: [GNC] Access GNUCash From Different Devices

2021-03-05 Thread John Ralls
This just in: A developer just now requested a wiki editing account because he's created a simple GnuCash data-entry app for iOS and iPadOS. See Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 5, 2021, at 4:58 AM, John Donnee wrote: > > Th

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] Finance Quote 1.50 release candidate 1 is available

2021-03-07 Thread John Ralls
there are others that don't pass a "symbol" element so if it doesn't find the "symbol" entry in the F::Q results hash it uses the user-supplied symbol instead. There's probably something about the results hash that messes up retrieving the right entry. Yo

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] Finance Quote 1.50 release candidate 1 is available

2021-03-07 Thread John Ralls
> On Mar 7, 2021, at 11:31 AM, Rainer Dorsch wrote: > > Am Sonntag, 7. März 2021, 19:12:35 CET schrieb John Ralls: >>> On Mar 7, 2021, at 9:15 AM, Rainer Dorsch wrote: >>> >>> [ move this thread from gnucash-devel to gnucash-user, the original >>

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] Finance Quote 1.50 release candidate 1 is available

2021-03-07 Thread John Ralls
> On Mar 7, 2021, at 11:39 AM, John Ralls wrote: > > > >> On Mar 7, 2021, at 11:31 AM, Rainer Dorsch wrote: >> >> Am Sonntag, 7. März 2021, 19:12:35 CET schrieb John Ralls: >>>> On Mar 7, 2021, at 9:15 AM, Rainer Dorsch wrote: >>>>

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] Finance Quote 1.50 release candidate 1 is available

2021-03-07 Thread John Ralls
> On Mar 7, 2021, at 2:25 PM, Rainer Dorsch wrote: > > Am Sonntag, 7. März 2021, 22:00:04 CET schrieb John Ralls: >>> On Mar 7, 2021, at 11:39 AM, John Ralls wrote: >>>> On Mar 7, 2021, at 11:31 AM, Rainer Dorsch wrote: >>>> >>>> Am

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] Finance Quote 1.50 release candidate 1 is available

2021-03-08 Thread John Ralls
> On Mar 8, 2021, at 2:37 AM, Geert Janssens wrote: > > Hmm, my mail client insists on munging part of my original message on re- > sending, so here's a manually edited one with my full comment... > > Op zondag 7 maart 2021 20:39:00 CET schreef John Ralls: >>

Re: [GNC] [GNC-dev] Finance Quote 1.50 release candidate 1 is available

2021-03-10 Thread John Ralls
== one of these > price: <=/ > timezone: <=== optional > rd@h370:/usr/share/doc/libfinance-quote-perl/examples$ Ranier, You need to set ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY in the shell in order to use gnc-fq-dump or gnc-fq-helper. To use it in G

Re: [GNC] Strange message on launching app

2021-03-12 Thread John Ralls
ults to C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash--before reinstalling GnuCash 4.4. Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 12, 2021, at 3:20 AM, Mahon Finbar wrote: > > Oops the screen grab didn't transfer - > > "the procedure entry point gmc_scm_call_1_symbol_to_string could not be > l

Re: [GNC] Moving to Linux

2021-03-13 Thread John Ralls
or each datafile, is there > a Linux terminal command I can issue to get rid of all of them? I've never encountered ._* files, but you can get rid of them all with `find path -name ._* -delete`, substituting the actual path you w

Re: [GNC] Strange message on launching app

2021-03-13 Thread John Ralls
t for them so that you can easily roll back after an update or restore more quickly after a disk failure. Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 13, 2021, at 6:06 AM, Mahon Finbar wrote: > > OK, I'll try that, thanks. > > I have the most recent version for Windows 10, afaik. Haven

Re: [GNC] Strange message on launching app

2021-03-15 Thread John Ralls
cash", and files of the form "GNU FEB 12 2019.gnucash.20210219151108.gnucash.MMDDHHMMSS.gnucash" which will be backups of your GnuCash sessions since you opened the backup file instead of the original. Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 15, 2021, at 7:13 AM, Mahon Finbar wrote: > >

Re: [GNC] Error on report over time

2021-03-15 Thread John Ralls
Michael, Please do not contradict core developers when they request that a user submit a bug report. Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 15, 2021, at 11:27 AM, Michael or Penny Novack > wrote: > > On 3/15/2021 11:48 AM, Christopher Lam wrote: >> This is a strange report indee

Re: [GNC] Missing file messages when starting Gnucash

2021-03-16 Thread John Ralls
's at the top of the menu), then navigate to C:\Program Files (x86) in File Explorer and delete the gnucash folder. Finally re-run gnucash-4.4-setup.exe. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your

Re: [GNC] Strange message on launching app

2021-03-16 Thread John Ralls
explains how GnuCash organizes your data files. If they're spread out over several folders that's your doing, not GnuCash's. Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 16, 2021, at 7:08 AM, Mahon Finbar wrote: > > OK, I found the GNU FEB 12 2019.gnucash file saved on 19.2.2021, but no

Re: [GNC] Importing Accounts with non-English Characters

2021-03-16 Thread John Ralls
n-u-u makes a ü as it should, but option-o still operates the OK button. Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 16, 2021, at 7:39 PM, wrote: > > On MacOS, you can access all those special characters from the Keyboard menu. > One of the tabs in the Keyboard System Prefere

Re: [GNC] Importing Accounts with non-English Characters

2021-03-17 Thread John Ralls
umflex, and cedilla respectively. Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 17, 2021, at 8:26 AM, Adrien Monteleone > wrote: > > Not sure if this is related with the overload, but I noticed that when > triggering the accented character selector/pop-up in MacOS, I can't type the &

Re: [GNC] Editing "Import Map Editor"

2021-03-18 Thread John Ralls
g your data directly and won't provide any support at all if you do. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] weird price for LU0067412154

2021-03-19 Thread John Ralls
This is all very good but it would be a heck of a lot more useful as an issue or pull request at Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 18, 2021, at 10:35 PM, Peter West wrote: > > It works because there is now a linebreak in there within the te

Re: [GNC] Had to download application again

2021-03-19 Thread John Ralls
folder before running it. Once you've done that you can eject the disk image (control click and select eject or use the eject symbol next to the disk image name in Finder's sidebar). Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-us

Re: [GNC] namespaces vs import prices

2021-03-21 Thread John Ralls
Please don't reply when you want to start a new thread, especially not to a digest. No problem, you can arrange non-currency commodities in namespaces however you like and you can change a non-currency commodity's namespace in Tools>Security Editor. Regards, John Ralls > On

Re: [GNC] asset discrepancy in change of year

2021-03-27 Thread John Ralls
Andrea, The most likely reason is that you failed to book a capital gain/loss from a stock sale or a currency exchange. Regards, John Ralls > On Mar 27, 2021, at 9:39 AM, Andrea Borgia wrote: > > Hi. > > > As previously mentioned, each year I close the current gnucash

[GNC] GnuCash 4.5 Released

2021-03-28 Thread John Ralls
The GnuCash development team announces GnuCash 4.5, the sixth release in the stable 4.x series Between 4.4 and 4.5, the following bugfixes were accomplished: • Bug 783283 - Multi-Currency payments use wrong date Also properly handles the user clicking the cancel button on the transfer d

Re: [GNC] Trading accounts functionality

2021-04-02 Thread John Ralls
calculated price is as exact a fraction as can be represented with two 64-bit integers. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe:

Re: [GNC] Trading accounts functionality

2021-04-02 Thread John Ralls
> On Apr 2, 2021, at 8:37 AM, John Ralls wrote: > > On Apr 2, 2021, at 4:05 AM, wrote: >> >> which by the way it >> does not use the default security fraction which is 1/ but >> 1/. > > The price is in Euro

Re: [GNC] Trading accounts functionality

2021-04-02 Thread John Ralls
> On Apr 2, 2021, at 9:42 AM, wrote: > > On Fri, 2021-04-02 at 08:47 -0700, John Ralls wrote: >> >> >>> On Apr 2, 2021, at 8:37 AM, John Ralls wrote: >>> >>> On Apr 2, 2021, at 4:05 AM, wro

Re: [GNC] Trading accounts functionality

2021-04-02 Thread John Ralls
> On Apr 2, 2021, at 12:23 PM, wrote: > > On Fri, 2021-04-02 at 11:58 -0700, John Ralls wrote: >> >> >>> On Apr 2, 2021, at 9:42 AM, wrote: >>> >>> On Fri, 2021-04-02 at 08:47 -0700, John Ral

Re: [GNC] Tax deferred account transfers suggestion

2021-04-02 Thread John Ralls
t Options to tag the account and notice credits to it. Whether and how that might be wired into the TXF format I have no idea, I don't use the TXF report. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To upd

Re: [GNC] Preferences reset

2021-04-03 Thread John Ralls
I haven't noticed anything and so far everyone who's reported this uses the flatpak build. My guess for the most likely cause is that we upgraded the Gnome runtime and there's some change to GSettings in there. Regards, John Ralls > On Apr 3, 2021, at 9:33 AM, David Carls

Re: [GNC] Gnc 4.5 report charts do not render (blank screen)

2021-04-04 Thread John Ralls
thread that renders the chart not sending the bits back to the GtkWebKitWebView thread for drawing. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubscribe: https://lists.g

Re: [GNC] Keyboard shortcut to open split dialog—Mac

2021-04-05 Thread John Ralls
Mac. No, but you can make one easily enough: The action is SplitTransactionAction. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscript

Re: [GNC] asset discrepancy in change of year

2021-04-09 Thread John Ralls
interlocutor's home currency is CAD rather than EUR. You need to create a capital gains transaction as explained in Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list gnucash-user@

Re: [GNC] Tracking Precious Metals

2021-04-09 Thread John Ralls
es like a stock does? You treat it just like a stock. Regards, John Ralls ___ gnucash-user mailing list To update your subscription preferences or to unsubs

Re: [GNC] Help with Gnucash 4.5 installation problem

2021-04-09 Thread John Ralls
p; Features. Is the program installed where you told the installer to put it (the default is C:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash)? If it is you can launch it by navigating there in Windows File Explorer and double-clicking on bin\gnucash.exe. As long as that works you can create your own shortcut

Re: [GNC] asset discrepancy in change of year

2021-04-10 Thread John Ralls
> On Apr 10, 2021, at 9:24 AM, Andrea Borgia wrote: > > Il 09/04/21 18:59, John Ralls ha scritto: >>> On Apr 9, 2021, at 9:37 AM, Andrea Borgia wrote: >>> >>> Il giorno dom 28 mar 2021 alle ore 03:04 Christopher Lam < >>> christopher@gma

Re: [GNC] Changing Currency in Price Data

2021-04-11 Thread John Ralls
k is priced to be the currency of the stock account's immediate parent, so you would create a parent account of type ASSET denominated in JPY and make that new account the stock account's parent. But why exactly did the stock's quote c

Re: [GNC] asset discrepancy in change of year

2021-04-11 Thread John Ralls
> On Apr 11, 2021, at 5:01 AM, Andrea Borgia wrote: > > Il 10/04/21 20:33, John Ralls ha scritto: > > >> 1) No, but that's separate from trading accounts. That's the point of the >> bug report. >> >> 2) No, the trading accounts just mak

Re: [GNC] Stock Account Type Not Listed

2021-04-12 Thread John Ralls
in a digest quote only the one message you're replying to and change the subject back to the one you're replying to. You can't create accounts of type STOCK with a parent of type EQUITY, EXPENSE, or INCOME. For best results the parent should be of type ASSET and be denominated in the c

Re: [GNC] Stock Account Type Not Listed

2021-04-12 Thread John Ralls
That's weird. What happens if you set the parent to be "New top-level account"? What account types are visible when the parent is set to an ASSET account? What did the upgrade change the STOCK and MUTUAL FUND to? Regards, John Ralls > On Apr 12, 2021, at 4:06 PM, Steven Anter

Re: [GNC] asset discrepancy in change of year

2021-04-17 Thread John Ralls
> On Apr 17, 2021, at 8:01 AM, Andrea Borgia wrote: > > Il 11/04/21 18:41, John Ralls ha scritto: > > >> You may be confusing "recognized gains" and "realized gains". A realized >> gain (or loss) is the change in value between a buy and a sell

Re: [GNC] asset discrepancy in change of year

2021-04-20 Thread John Ralls
> On Apr 20, 2021, at 2:51 PM, Andrea Borgia wrote: > > Il 17/04/21 19:47, John Ralls ha scritto: > > >> But if you sold only 50 shares Trading:XYZ would have a balance of -50 and >> Trading:EUR has a balance of €400. To find the capital gain you have to

Re: [GNC] difficulties I am having

2021-04-22 Thread John Ralls
o do: You have to start GnuCash with the --extra command-line option and open registers from the Extensions>Reg2>Open Account menu item. But you chose to illustrate the problem with transaction reports from 2018 and 2019 instead of a screen shot so I wonder if you really mean

Re: [GNC] Command Line Args

2021-04-22 Thread John Ralls
t need a shell window. gnucash is a Windows program (no basic FDs) and gnucash-cli is a Console program (has basic FDs). Regards, John Ralls [1]

Re: [GNC] difficulties I am having

2021-04-22 Thread John Ralls
e dialog box that pops up see if you can select Bank, then click OK. That should put your column headings back. While you're at it I suggest that you change the account name (first line in the dialog box) to something more descriptive of a checking account, maybe "Business Checking&qu

Re: [GNC] Command Line Args

2021-04-22 Thread John Ralls
Glenn, I know, and that's what Derek posted and what I added to the wiki page. Regards, John Ralls > On Apr 22, 2021, at 4:35 PM, Glenn Fowler wrote: > > Hi John, I was referring to gnucash command line switches, not gnucash-cli > command line switches as you mentioned

Re: [GNC] difficulties I am having

2021-04-22 Thread John Ralls
and change its parent to Assets:Current Assets. Regards, John Ralls > On Apr 22, 2021, at 5:21 PM, Jay Bouxsein wrote: > > Thanks so much for such a prompt reply. I have attached a couple of photos of > the screens that I have up on my computer right now which should answer your >

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