A user on gnucash-devel has worked out what USAA changed and even better how to 
get connections working, see 

If that's gibberish you'll need to be patient for a while until Martin can get 
it integrated into a new release of AQBanking.

John Ralls

> On Feb 7, 2021, at 8:34 PM, Daffy Duck <suffsuccot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been using multiple USAA accounts for years, and it seems they
> stopped working just recently through gnucash.
> gnucash-4.4-1.fc33.x86_64
> aqbanking-6.1.4-2.fc33.x86_64
> Now, no matter what I do, I get no results for transactions.  
> First, it seems to force all of my USAA accounts to use the wrong user.
>  So I updated that user, since I don't use it, to the USAA user.  Same
> problem.
> When I go to aqbanking wizard, and do retrieve account list, I just
> get:
> 22:26:06 Sending request...
> 22:26:06 Using GnuTLS default ciphers.
> 22:26:06 TLS: SSL-Ciphers negotiated: TLS1.3:ECDHE-RSA-AES-256-GCM:AEAD
> 22:26:06 Waiting for response...
> 22:26:07 Parsing response...
> 22:26:07 Operation finished, you can now close this window.
> When I try to get transactions for any usaa account, it says:
> Locking customer "7"
> Sending request...
> Connecting to server...
> Resolving hostname "service2.usaa.com" ...
> IP address is ""
> Connecting to "service2.usaa.com"
> Connected to "service2.usaa.com"
> Using GnuTLS default ciphers.
> TLS: SSL-Ciphers negotiated: TLS1.3:ECDHE-RSA-AES-256-GCM:AEAD
> Connected.
> Sending message...
> Message sent.
> Waiting for response...
> Receiving response...
> HTTP-Status: 200 (OK)
> Response received.
> Disconnecting from server...
> Disconnected.
> Parsing response...
> Unlocking customer "7"
> ---
> any ideas?
> Thank you,
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