ono, and
>ultimately support an Apache.Web.Hosting interface with complete bindings
>into the Apache httpd Web Server 2.0 - supporting an array of platforms.
>Votes, comments and volunteers appreciated :)
>At 03:52 PM 2/3/2004, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
At 05:03 PM 3/15/2004, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>All in all, I think it is a fine idea. One thing caught my attention, and
>that was the comment:
>> The initial code contribution would consist of:
>> Support the Microsoft ASP.NET System.Web.Hosting interface from
>> within the Apache httpd
At 07:00 PM 3/15/2004, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>At 05:03 PM 3/15/2004, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>>The phrase "Support the Microsoft ASP.NET System.Web.Hosting interface"
>>raises concern with me, due to Microsoft's .NET patents and copyrights.
At 05:03 PM 3/15/2004, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>The phrase "Support the Microsoft ASP.NET System.Web.Hosting interface"
>raises concern with me, due to Microsoft's .NET patents and copyrights.
Here is something fascinating...
to support a wide range of CLI bindings.
Referred to Incubation: Apache HTTP Server project
Code Origin: William A. Rowe, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED], Covalent
Assignment: CLA on file; code grant from Covalent on file
Developer's List: [...?] (need to locate existing list)
Initial Codebase: http:/
and solicit the support of CLI implementors
to support a wide range of CLI bindings.
Referred to Incubation: Apache HTTP Server project
Code Origin: William A. Rowe, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED], Covalent
Assignment: CLA on file; code grant from Covalent on file
Developer's List: [...?] (need to
Gents, could someone assist in creating the following SVN structure...
httpd/ [for incubating any httpd subproject efforts]
cli/ [for the cli - asp.net efforts]
site/[website/docs area]
mod_aspdotnet/[module contributio
In March '04, the httpd PMC referred the mod_aspdotnet contribution
(Code Grant ack'ed in rev 1.7 of foundation/grants.txt) for incubation.
The project was recently picked back up, with Will Rowe now having
the cycles to devote to the care and feeding required of incubation.
Ian Holsman, also an h
At 07:21 PM 9/30/2004, hammett wrote:
>- Original Message -
>From: "Noel J. Bergman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> We have a CLI project in the Incubator to run CLI applications (.NET being
>> Microsoft's proprietary and patented technology on top of the CLI). There
>> are people interested in
At 01:50 PM 10/1/2004, hammett wrote:
>I've submitted the first draft for your appreciation.
FYI, the understanding of mono and the mod_aspdotnet projects
is that it's not a violation to connect to a Microsoft ASP.NET
implementation, but t
At 07:02 PM 10/1/2004, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>FYI, the understanding of mono and the mod_aspdotnet projects
>is that it's not a violation to connect to a Microsoft ASP.NET
>implementation, but that some of the ASP.NET implementation
>itself is trademarked, and best avoide
At 09:51 PM 10/1/2004, hammett wrote:
>- Original Message -
>From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I'm curious about the interoperability this could provide us, as
>> we hope to extend to MS NET, mono, etc, an httpd module API.
At 09:56 PM 10/1/2004, hammett wrote:
>- Original Message -
>From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> FYI, the understanding of mono and the mod_aspdotnet projects
>> is that it's not a violation to connect to a Microsoft ASP.N
Can someone with the right apmail karma ensure we don't discard
such commit messages? I forwarded all to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
so the record is straight.
>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Date: 7 Oct 2004 14:34:58 -
>From: "William A. Rowe, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: mod_aspdotnet release candidate, please vote
>RC1 available for testing, from http://httpd.apache.org/dev/dist/
>Please download and vote for or against 2.0.0 rel
At 08:47 PM 10/31/2004, you wrote:
>wrowe wrote:
>> Thanks Ian for harvesting these from the forrest - could someone
>> migrate his perms from incubator-site to the incubator/public tree?
>I don't understand what you mean Bill.
I didn't have forest installed - I just finished fighting th
ree +1's (beyond my own +1's) for it's adoption
by the httpd pmc as its own subproject, and no 0's / -1's.
The incubation committees' vote to graduate the cli-dev subproject
at this point would be most appreciated.
At 07:06 PM 10/30/2004, William A
Committee folk,
the cli-dev incubating subproject recently voted to release
the v2.0.0 of mod_aspdotnet, and the httpd project has voted
to adopt this subproject as incubated.
Is another vote of the incubator itself needed? If so, and
there was any objections to my earlier call for a vote, w
On this issue I will vote if I have a voice; +1 here. Believe that
httpd and the cli group themselves have both made good decisions.
At 02:47 AM 11/16/2004, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>> Calling for a vote to graduate this project from the incubator,
>> for [EMAIL PROTECTED] to further manage i
At 07:51 AM 12/8/2004, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
>+1 to choose another name. we had a terrible time with "Apache SOAP" :)
Apache Bubbles?
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At 01:29 PM 12/8/2004, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
>Apache Lozen ( warrior woman of Geronimos days, said to be able to predict the
>movement of the enemy).
For good or ill, Apache (a-patch-y) or the collective name
attributed to some tribes by outsiders, the name isn't going
to go away any sooner than
CVS vs. the new SVN?
Ken could fix it faster if you copy him and share the proper
resource locator on svn.
At 10:57 PM 2/9/2005, David Crossley wrote:
>Where is the automated job that sends this announcement?
>It is using an old version of the content. It was updated
>ages ago to fix those
At 02:01 PM 4/19/2005, Roy T.Fielding wrote:
>On Apr 18, 2005, at 3:16 PM, Doug Cutting wrote:
>>I suppose we could also transfer the Nutch copyright, trademark, logo, etc.
>>if desired. Nutch does not have a registered trademark. I don't know
>>whether any of this is worthwhile. The Nutch n
At 03:43 PM 6/1/2005, Martin Sebor wrote:
>GNU libstdc++ is a fine implementation of the standard but its
>big limitation is its dependency on gcc. What differentiates
>our implementation is its portability to all the other compilers
>besides gcc, which on most platforms other than Linux is still
At 06:45 PM 6/1/2005, Martin Sebor wrote:
>William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>>Can you give us a sense of the 'currently' supported platforms
>>and compilers?
>The C++ Standard Library project has been ported to the following
>compilers and operatin
At 10:10 PM 6/1/2005, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
>On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 09:55:01PM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
>> I'm willing to serve as either mentor or ppmc member, as you will.
>> +1 to STDCXX -entering- incubation.
>Glad to hear it. You can help me and
At 09:15 AM 6/6/2005, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
>I think its getting to be the right time to move HiveMind to
>Subversion. It's part of the plan at Jakarta that all projects
>eventually be under SVN.
Thanks for the update Howard. As a general comment about SCC
and the incubator, perhaps it is time
At 09:16 AM 6/21/2005, Ted Husted wrote:
>Is it mandatory that Committer votes be held on a public list?
The Foundation is modeled after the "Apache Group", which always
held discussion of individuals on private 'core' lists.
>Or is the decision between pmc@ and dev@ left to the discretion of a
At 02:49 AM 7/6/2005, David Crossley wrote:
>Roy T. Fielding wrote:
>> [snip]... What the vote does is three things:
>> 1) it provides a legally binding, public decision of the project;
>I am confused by that statement. We conduct our committer votes on
>the project's private mailing li
At 10:24 PM 7/6/2005, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>Notice that Roy said legal AND public. Haven't you ever noticed the seeming
>disconnect between having the discussion (and vote) in private, and the
>instructions to the PMC that they should send a link to the vote thread as
>part of the account reque
At 05:42 AM 7/7/2005, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
>On Jul 6, 2005, at 3:42 AM, Ted Husted wrote:
>>IMHO, the idea of discussing the vote on the PMC list and then having
>>the vote on the dev@ list sounds better on paper than in practice. In
>>practice, the discussion becomes the vote, and creating a s
At 12:16 PM 7/7/2005, Ted Husted wrote:
>On 7/7/05, Roy T. Fielding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I don't believe we should have PMC
>> lists (only dev and private), which is why your scenario doesn't
>> apply in my model of how a project works.
>Could someone clarify on the difference between
At 01:12 PM 7/7/2005, Jean T. Anderson wrote:
>For example, from various list threads (including some on this list) I'm
>gathering that a private list is necessary for discussions about:
> - personnel decisions
> - legal points
> - negotiations (could use a little expansion)
Personnel de
At 02:16 PM 7/7/2005, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
>Roy T. Fielding wrote:
>> I understand the concerns, but I still feel that project decisions
>> should always be made in public. How about if the vote takes place
>> in private and the announcement includes the final vote naming
>> those who voted?
At 04:30 PM 7/15/2005, Andrew McIntyre wrote:
>Andrew McIntyre wrote:
>> Hello Incubator,
>> On behalf of the Derby development community, I'd like to request
>> permission to post the files you can find here:
>> http://people.apache.org/~fuzzylogic/derby_10.1/
>Should I have posted
At 02:39 AM 7/16/2005, Andrew McIntyre wrote:
>On behalf of the Derby development community, I'd like to request
>permission to post the files you can find here:
>as an incubating release on the Derby website.
Ahhh, I did miss the point of you
At 01:40 PM 7/20/2005, Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
>So please vote on graduating Derby to a sub-project of Apache DB.
>The developer community continues get the Apache Way and its diversity
>has increased since the last graduation vote (where it got good reports).
>We've added five new commit
Jim Jagielski wrote:
On Sep 1, 2005, at 10:24 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:
IMHO, Incubator CANNOT take a decision based on a proposal. A badly
written proposal with best of intentions will not make it and folks
will not resubmit stuff just because a similar proj got rejected
before. I've always
Davanum Srinivas wrote:
Am still waiting for someone to point
out to an actual problem ("factually incorrect press releases"). Last
time i checked, people pay to put out press releases to make them look
good. ("seek to spin Synapse into something that makes other companies
look good.").
May be j
Martin Sebor wrote:
Pursuant to the Releases section of the Incubation Policy, we would now
like to request the permission of the Incubator PMC to make the snapshot
available via a link from the stdcxx Download page:
+1 - the next threshold/metr
Incubator PMC must ratify any votes by the incubated projects, IIUC.
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
--On September 2, 2005 4:13:31 PM -0500 "William A. Rowe, Jr."
Martin Sebor wrote:
Pursuant to the Releases section of the Incubation Policy, we w
Rana Bhattacharyya wrote:
I think SFTP is FTP over SSH. It is not same as
using implicit or explicit FTP SSL connection.
It's not even. SFTP (as opposed to implicit (ftps:) or explicit ftp:)
is a binary protocol that doesn't even resemble ftp, it more closely
resembles a client/server
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Rana Bhattacharyya wrote:
I think SFTP is FTP over SSH. It is not same as
using implicit or explicit FTP SSL connection.
It's not even. SFTP (as opposed to implicit (ftps:) or explicit ftp:)
is a binary protocol that doesn't even resemble ft
It's also in incubation; the mod_ftp module for Apache implements this.
It's not in a (trivially) buildable state just yet, but after some serious
deliverables later this week for my work - I do intend to return to it and
have it compiling for participants in the incubator by early next week.
Although the proposed project has an excellent .pdf overview, I suspect most
folks except Mads and I are still a bit clueless of exactly what TMCg2 does
today, and whether it fills a need in their own organization or for ASF infra.
So Neil will hold a roundtable in the hacker's corner (the loadin
Stein, Neil S wrote:
To allow my team to manage an ever growing range of web assets, we have developed
a web based tool set to manage the entire web infrastructure. Throughout the
development of the tool set, the idea of releasing it back to the community that
has provided me with so many wo
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
since it's so easy to move them, should we move the latest projects
coming into incubator to @incubator?
If the list is relatively new, then yes.
It would seem silly to do this to a project that's been around 6 mos+
and is nearing graduation (or the -other- alternati
It's been 6 days since the introduction to this project at ApacheCon, and two
weeks, today, since it was proposed.
Votes +1; wrowe, mads, jerenkrantz, jimjag
Votes -1; [none]
I'll give this one last day to stew, and without further objection, will call
the vote and begin creating the incubation-
Craig L Russell wrote:
Excuse me, but don't we have a -1 on this vote thread already? Is the
idea to get Dain to change his vote by piling on more +1? Or have I
completely missed the Tao of the voting process in Apache?
I think perhaps you have, and are mixing two concepts...
Any PMC member (
Final Results of incubation vote;
Votes +1; wrowe, mads, jerenkrantz, jimjag, geirm
Votes -1; [none]
As such the project is accepted for incubation.
Mads and I will handle the TMCg2-ppmc list moderation, while Neil and I will
handle the TMCg2-dev list moderation. Jira requests have been create
To publish the initial page the following need to be threshed out...
Stein, Neil S wrote:
At this time I would like to propose the adoption of the TMCg2 as
an incubator project under the ASF.
>> [Snip]
Need names here, including those who plan to actually participate from beyond
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On Sat, Jan 07, 2006 at 11:15:25PM -0800, Roy Fielding wrote:
The proposal was voted +1 by four of the most over-committed members of
the ASF. The mentors are already mentoring other podlings. Mads
offered to mentor as well, which seems to have been lost in the proc
Folks could I ask a favor? It seems that Incubator has the worst track
record of hijaaking threads. I never mind one thread spawning off new
thoughts, but could we please change subject lines accordingly when it
becomes appropriate?
Niclas, I'm sure you see how your posting clearly didn't match
Roy T. Fielding wrote:
On Jan 7, 2006, at 8:15 PM, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Final Results of incubation vote;
Votes +1; wrowe, mads, jerenkrantz, jimjag, geirm
Votes -1; [none]
As such the project is accepted for incubation.
The proposal was never added to the wiki.
Correct, I
Doug Cutting wrote:
The Lucene PMC would be happy to accept Solr as a Lucene sub-project
once it graduates from the incubator.
Doug, you can only make this statement with a vote by the Lucene PMC. I'd
suggest that the Lucene PMC vote on incubating the proposal. In doing so,
the Lucene proje
Totally agree with Justin straight down the line. One additional thought;
-1 / No:
- Petition the Board to require Incubator PMC VOTE to begin incubation
process even for projects that other PMC's want to sponsor.
Now, we are the Board's committee to found new projects. That said, we can't
+1 - Any proposal should hit [EMAIL PROTECTED] first, No PR before that.
You state 'should'. Reality dictates mistakes will be made on this point.
+1 - Any PR should be vetted by PRC, No Excuses.
Although it's the PRC that dictates PRC policy.
-1 - Any new proposal should have 3 ASF Members /
Brian McCallister wrote:
[ -1 ] - IP Clearance needs to be preceded by a proposal posted to
A PMC isn't allowed to discuss wanting to bring code in?
[ +1 ] - IP Clearance has to be OK'ed by Incubator PMC VOTE (before code
gets checked in to a sponsoring project's
Stein, Neil S wrote:
It'd be
nice to have an alternative."
Point taken An alternate would be "Ohana" --->
Although TMC is fairly bland (and therefore, fine ;-) I rather like both
of the proposed alternatives. Kowa, unlike alot of other Native Am
Following literal directions in projects/incubation-status-template.xml
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Greg Wilkins wrote:
I disagree that all contributions must go via the incubator. This is
clearly within the scope of servicemix and there is no need to
develope a community around this code.
All code contributions MUST be vetted by the incubator PMC. Only a PMC is
authorized by the board to
In this case, if the Xerces folks don't want to take responsibility for
creating the community / committment to the code, then they absolutely
can ask for the code to undergo the full incubuation process. But if they
choose instead to assume responsibility for the long term committment to
this ac
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
I don't think anyone has told the Incubator this (perhaps we have and
I just missed it), but, at the last Board meeting, the Board discussed
that the Incubator should divide its projects for reporting purposes
and submit a sub-collection of podling reports each month rath
You don't; that is - it's up to the iCLA signer to represent that they have
the legal authority to sign the darned thing.
A cCLA kicks in when 1) the -company- is granting code, on a continuing basis,
and wants to make clear that all ongoing corporate-owned IP continues to be
granted to the ASF f
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
Leo Simons wrote:
Well, that's I think the official rules of most projects. In practice
what I've seen happen usually is that when someone throws a -1 its for
a serious reason and the vote is simply aborted, the problem is fixed,
and a new release is made.
Just t
I'm sorry to report, as I was preparing projects/ohana.xml, that I've come
in a simple search of "ohana program" on google :-/
Brings up another question, why are we still pointing our template.xml for
the project to look at nameprot
ustin Erenkrantz wrote:
On 2/15/06, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
project name, I think we shouldn't have any issues. Is "Apache Ohana" enough
of a multiword mark, though?
I believe so. -- justin
Neil Stein
phone -- 908-423-4297
-Original Message-----
From: William A. Rowe, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:17 PM
To: general@incubator.apache.org; Stein, Neil S
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] Incu
n, Neil S wrote:
If Ohana proves to have enough negative drivers,
The name can go to Apache Lokahi
Which translates to "harmony and unity."
Neil Stein
phone -- 908-423-4297
-Original Message-----
From: William A.
Mads Toftum wrote:
I'm sorry, but I'll have to withdraw my offer to help mentoring this
Understandable, and thanks for being honest with the time you can commit...
it's probably the hardest thing for dedicated voulenteers to do.
With that said, are there others with the energy to help
Stein, Neil S wrote:
If Ohana proves to have enough negative drivers,
The name can go to Apache Lokahi
Which translates to "harmony and unity."
Other than the one link which was not apparently adopted, and several
community/pen pal pro
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
I personally find googling a project far more useful, and there appear
to be no conflicts with your new proposal, other than the fact that another
project, Echo, seems to have floated the same potential name. As long
as we clarify with them that they haven't/
Trying to prepare lohaki.xml for commit; the existing format's impossible
to 'visualize' without generating the site (damn, where did .cwiki format
go, anyways). So trying to gen it here...
Jean T. Anderson wrote:
The incubator site has a build.sh at
This appeared with an svn up, thank you for the pointer Jean :)
(After, of course, I surrendered and got ant configured lol)
Toback, Steve wrote:
As far as I can tell, we have our paperwork in, name chosen, and proposal
accepted. Is there anything else we need at this point in order to get our
space as a podling and begin growing our community?
Not alot you can do but thank you for some help in composing the startin
is project does, I'd certainly understand,
and encourage you at least to subscribe to the mailing list, once provisioned,
from the beginning.
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Mads Toftum wrote:
I'm sorry, but I'll have to withdraw my offer to help mentoring this
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
i've prepared the paperwork to clear a donation of code to Jakarta. i
don't have incubator site karma so i've attached the patch to this JIRA:
The stuff must be filed properly in source control, not attach
Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
On 3/7/06, William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
AIUI only the ASF secretary has the authority to modify code grants, because
they are only valid when received at the ASF central office.
Any Director or Officer can receive documents on behalf
Thanks for your question Noel, it's the one answer I'm looking for before
casting a vote.
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
In general, looks fine. Would you please put JackRabbit on this month's
Board report, since it is going up for a vote?
Can you confirm the community diversity? That is
Roy T. Fielding wrote:
On Mar 13, 2006, at 9:02 AM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
Can you confirm the community diversity? That is one thing I could not tell
straight off, although I do note the comment in July 2005 about crossing the
threshold, and observe that there have been at least 4 committers
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
I wouldn't have the same concern graduating this podling into a diverse
TLP as a new subproject, so I cast +1 at graduating into an existing TLP.
As a subproject of a larger existing PMC they would address the issue of
diversity in that forum, instead of in incu
Noel J. Bergman wrote:
We have the notion of a PPMC, but I don't believe that we are making as
effective use of them as we should. This is effecting our ability to scale,
and allowing things to fall into the cracks. In addition, people are not as
clear as they should be on how the Incubation Pr
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
-- We should require 3+ Mentors for each project
-1. +1 to encourage 3+ to mentor, but it's not worth having folks
step up to mentor a project simply because 'they need three' -
quoting Justin's tho
Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
I'm curious, how does one get into the Incubator PMC?
It's open to all members now with a simple ping - ack - short wait cycle.
All members interested in contributing to this effort are welcomed if they
would help provide the mentoring and oversight that Incubator require
Since this didn't hit general@incubator.apache.org, it looks like we can simply
submit next month (when there will be more to report.)
drtobes wrote:
Project is just starting incubation. [i]CLAs are on file for the initial
committers. A CCLA has been received for the initial contribution of Java
Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
So, ASF corporate members can become members. That fits in with my
understanding as well since, IIUC, ASF corporate members can join any
PMC that they wish.
That's not -quite- accurate. ASF Foundation members can read and chime
in on any PMC, as most internal corresp
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
I'm not complaining, just making an observation which may be incorrect.
No, your point was dead on. Which is why I expect very few if any new
Incubator PMC members to be brought in.
s/new Incubator PMC members/new non-ASF m
Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
Please vote on acceptance of this proposal. The vote will run 1 week
until Sunday, March 26, 2006 or until all Incubator PMC members have voted.
[X] +1 Accept the OpenJPA proposal
and +1 to lazy commit access,
Mark Womack wrote:
The log4net project and Logging Services PMC voted on and has approved a
proposal to release log4net 1.2.10 (rc2). Pursuant to the Releases
section of
the Incubation Policy and we would now like to request the permission of
Incubator PMC to publish the distribution on th
Don't crosspost public and private lists!
Votes about projects belong on the public general@ list.
Votes about individuals belong on the pmc@ private list.
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Mark Womack wrote:
The log4net project and Logging Services PMC voted on and has approved a
Davanum Srinivas wrote:
Have you looked at the Lokahi proposal?
One console to admin Apache/Tomcat/Axis/Axis2
FWIW - the source code arrived last week (if you hadn't noted this yet
from the Lokahi board status report). Lokahi is welcom
... don't forget to update your respective
files and keep them in sync with 'reported' status ;-)
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Davanum Srinivas wrote:
There has not been any traffic at all on any of the ws mailing
lists...nor any votes. If lokahi folks are interested then they can
push the effort.
lokahi is pull not push :) That is, any project with committers interested
in integrating into the Lokahi management frame
Understand there is a radical difference between majority, consensus and
unanimity. The HTTP Server project has successfully operated by unanimity,
although many of us have experience of having the single holdout block progress.
I don't believe majority is sufficient in these sorts of matters.
On 11/23/2010 8:11 PM, James Purser wrote:
> While Google owns the Google Wave trademark, they don't own the very generic
> "Wave".
> Apache Wave will be a separate thing and unaffected by any trademark that
> Google owns.
Wrong. The ASF is always affected by other's Trademarks, which is why w
On 1/31/2011 11:22 AM, Aida Rivas wrote:
> Hello
> Our Open64.net steering committee is exploring the idea of submission as an
> Apache Incubator Project, and one of the concerns is the Apache 2.0 license
> status regarding whether or not it's compatible with GPL
> since Open64 is currently using
On 2/12/2011 10:57 AM, Niall Pemberton wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Daniel Shahaf
> wrote:
>> Phil Steitz wrote on Sat, Feb 05, 2011 at 22:32:24 -0500:
>>> On 2/5/11 4:16 PM, Scott O'Bryan wrote:
I agree. The good thing about a vibrant community is that the
On 2/15/2011 5:33 PM, Niall Pemberton wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 11:54 PM, William A. Rowe Jr.
> wrote:
>> On 2/12/2011 10:57 AM, Niall Pemberton wrote:
>>> On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 10:31 AM, Daniel Shahaf
>>> wrote:
>>>> Phil Steitz wrote on Sat,
On 2/21/2011 5:18 PM, Ate Douma wrote:
> The Apache Rave project proposal is a joined effort of Hippo, the MITRE
> Corporation, the
> Open Gateway Computing Environments project (OGCE), the SURFnet SURFConext
> Portal project,
> OSS Watch, and several other individuals.
Keep in mind that only
On 2/25/2011 4:25 AM, Troy Howard wrote:
> My point was:
> Bill made a statement, which though rather neutral and ambiguous,
> seemed to indicate that he (or perhaps a silent mass of others) did
> not think the proposal was such a good idea, due to the risks
> associated with a significant amoun
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