At 08:47 PM 10/31/2004, you wrote:
>wrowe wrote:
>>   Thanks Ian for harvesting these from the forrest - could someone
>>   migrate his perms from incubator-site to the incubator/public tree?
>I don't understand what you mean Bill.

I didn't have forest installed - I just finished fighting through
the httpd-docs-2.0 process and was just starting to attack our 
incubator build process this weekend.

More to the point - Ian was a committer to cvs but didn't seem
to have commit access for the incubator/public site repositories.

>Also, i notice that Ian is using Forrest-0.7-dev
>That is not the version agreed to by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>... should be using the current release, i.e. forrest-0.6

Noted - thank you.


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