In March '04, the httpd PMC referred the mod_aspdotnet contribution
(Code Grant ack'ed in rev 1.7 of foundation/grants.txt) for incubation.

The project was recently picked back up, with Will Rowe now having
the cycles to devote to the care and feeding required of incubation.
Ian Holsman, also an httpd PMC member, stepped up to co-shepherd
the incubation.

Invites to the interested parties were sent last week to join the mailing
list [EMAIL PROTECTED], followed by an invitation to the [EMAIL PROTECTED]
community.  The status page/ip incubation template was created, with
Ian managing the site.  Will has imported the initial contribution into
SVN (under asf/incubator/httpd/cli/).

Next steps are documented in status, first posts will be sent to this
list this week.  mod_aspdotnet should have an initial release soon,
followed by the refactoring of code to support an Apache.Web model
that is entirely independent of the Microsoft ASP.NET technology,
usable in C# with one of several CLI environments, including mono.

The cli-dev team would like to thank Noel and Sander for their advise 
and handholding through initial mailing list creation, SVN setup, and 
general guidance on the incubation process.

Will Rowe
19 July 2004 

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