Re: Proposal for STDCXX

2005-06-01 Thread Martin Sebor
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- ... There's at least one open implementation out there now: the GNU STL. What differentiates the RW codebase from the GNU one? If there are bugs or performance, uh, deficiencies in the GNU one, why not submit the changes to the

Re: Proposal for STDCXX

2005-06-01 Thread Martin Sebor
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote: At 03:43 PM 6/1/2005, Martin Sebor wrote: GNU libstdc++ is a fine implementation of the standard but its big limitation is its dependency on gcc. What differentiates our implementation is its portability to all the other compilers besides gcc, which on most

CVS integration with Bugzilla

2005-06-02 Thread Martin Sebor
We're trying get a better understanding of the pros and cons of using either Bugzilla or Jira as the bug tracking database for the stdcxx project. One of the important features I look for in a bug tracking database is the integration with CVS/Subversion in order to track patches. From what I've se

Re: SVN repository disappeared?

2005-07-20 Thread Martin Sebor
Heidi Buelow wrote: Did anyone else notice that the svn repository seems to have disappeared? Yes, something bad seems to have happened to the SVN repos. I haven't been able to get to svn since sometime between 10 and 11 this morning (US mountain time). Here's the error I've been gettin since

Re: SVN repository disappeared?

2005-07-21 Thread Martin Sebor
Simon Kitching wrote: On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 17:04 -0600, Martin Sebor wrote: Heidi Buelow wrote: Did anyone else notice that the svn repository seems to have disappeared? Yes, something bad seems to have happened to the SVN repos. I haven't been able to get to svn since sometime be

Re: [STATUS] (incubator) Wed Jul 27 23:46:19 2005

2005-07-28 Thread Martin Sebor
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: ... Resolved Issues ... o All projects under incubation must use a STATUS file (or a status.xml file if the project prefers XML) that contains information the PMC needs about the project. This file must live at the root of the project cvs mod

Re: [Fwd: Question about stdcxx development snapshots]

2005-08-01 Thread Martin Sebor
ften" a good thing. Maybe we'll change policy if it proves too cumbersome. But we'll stick with it until that's actually the case :-) Thanks! Leo On 01-08-2005 17:46, "Martin Sebor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi, Could someone kindly clarify for us the process

searchable mailing list archives (was: Re: [Fwd: Question about stdcxx development snapshots])

2005-08-04 Thread Martin Sebor
Martin Sebor wrote: ... FWIW, I am subscribed to the incubator mailing list and have read some (although obviously not all) of the past posts. I have been using as the interface to browse the archives. I don't see any way to search through them, though. Is

Re: committer account request

2005-08-30 Thread Martin Sebor
Martin Sebor wrote: [...] I'm trying to request a user account for [...] one our committers who only recently faxed in his CLA (on 8/24 to be exact). The instructions on the page below say to monitor the file iclas.txt in the foundation/officers repository to see whether the CLA has

Re: committer account request

2005-08-31 Thread Martin Sebor
David Crossley wrote: Martin Sebor wrote: Martin Sebor wrote: [...] I'm trying to request a user account for [...] one our committers who only recently faxed in his CLA (on 8/24 to be exact). The instructions on the page below say to monitor the file iclas.txt in the foundation/off

stdcxx snapshot

2005-09-02 Thread Martin Sebor
In an effort is to make it easier for people to download and experiment with the stdcxx library and become interested in contributing to the development of the podling, the stdcxx community voted on and approved a proposal to make a stable snapshot of the stdcxx sources available for download. Fol

questions about PPMCs

2005-09-06 Thread Martin Sebor
I have a few questions about PPMCs that I can't find answers to in the documentation. Could someone help me with the answers? 1. Where do I get the member list for a given PPMC (such as stdcxx)? 2. Who can subscribe to a podling's ppmc mailing list? (If I'm one of the moderators of the list, h

Re: questions about PPMCs

2005-09-07 Thread Martin Sebor
David Crossley wrote: Leo Simons wrote: Martin Sebor wrote: I have a few questions about PPMCs that I can't find answers to in the documentation. Could someone help me with the answers? 1. Where do I get the member list for a given PPMC (such as stdcxx)? There is a facility for that

Re: stdcxx snapshot

2005-09-12 Thread Martin Sebor
Noel J. Bergman wrote: Justin, If you are satisfied that the prior issues have been addressed, and if you will verify that the incubation release guidelines are followed (e.g., disclaimers in the right places), you have my +1 as well. If my count is right with this vote there are 3 +1s in favo

[VOTE RESULT] (was: Re: stdcxx snapshot)

2005-09-16 Thread Martin Sebor
The result of the vote on the request to publish a stdcxx snapshot is below: +1 votes: 3 William A. Rowe, Jr. (binding):[EMAIL PROTECTED] Justin Erenkrantz (binding):


2005-09-16 Thread Martin Sebor
Noel J. Bergman wrote: Martin Sebor wrote: I plan to put the tarball with the snapshot in They would go under /www/ Thank you! I thought there was a better place but for the life of me I couldn't fi

Re: *** URGENT: Provide your Board Report *NOW* ***

2005-10-20 Thread Martin Sebor
Noel J. Bergman wrote: [...] Also, a number of projects have not updated their STATUS files. Please do so immediately. If you do not know how, ask your Mentor. If that doesn't work, please notify the Incubator PMC. Am I correct in assuming that the STATUS file is the same as the status Web p

Re: [STATUS] (incubator) Wed Nov 16 23:55:44 2005

2005-11-17 Thread Martin Sebor
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: APACHE INCUBATOR PROJECT STATUS: -*-indented-text-*- Last modified at [$Date: 2005-01-20 01:12:13 -0500 (Thu, 20 Jan 2005) $] It has been pointed out a couple of times in the past (see the posts below) that this status report is out of date

Re: [STATUS] (incubator) Wed Nov 16 23:55:44 2005

2005-11-19 Thread Martin Sebor
robert burrell donkin wrote: On 11/17/05, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: APACHE INCUBATOR PROJECT STATUS: -*-indented-text-*- Last modified at [$Date: 2005-01-20 01:12:13 -0500 (Thu, 20 Jan 2005) $] It has been pointed out a couple of times

Re: [STATUS] (incubator) Wed Nov 16 23:55:44 2005

2005-11-21 Thread Martin Sebor
David Crossley wrote: [...] The note that you have patched below is something that is listed under the "Resolved Issues" section. In my opinion that stuff should have been long ago moved to another file because it is old resolved issues. Those notes are not completely relevant now. David, thank

Re: [STATUS] (incubator) Wed Nov 16 23:55:44 2005

2005-11-22 Thread Martin Sebor
David Crossley wrote: [...] You have raised two completely separate issues in the one email ... 1) The STATUS file for the Incubator project as a whole is way out-of-date and is confusing. 2) The requirements for each incubating project to declare their status, are misleading and confusing. Th

Re: Incubator Guidelines Documentation

2005-12-16 Thread Martin Sebor
Noel J. Bergman wrote: Jean Anderson and Eddie O'Neil have volunteered to help redact our collected wisdom into a coherent guide. Cliff Schmidt will contribute on the legal/IP side. Henri Yandell has volunteered to review as a guinea pig. Anyone who wishes to volunteer is welcomed. We'll want

Re: [doc] "How to graduate from the incubator" topic

2005-12-19 Thread Martin Sebor
Dain Sundstrom wrote: On Dec 18, 2005, at 6:46 PM, Jean T. Anderson wrote: [...] Here's a starting checklist based on one I started last summer when Derby graduated: [ ] Move svn repo [ ] Request svn repository/karma move from incubator to new location. ***Who should make this requ

Re: [doc] "How to graduate from the incubator" topic

2005-12-20 Thread Martin Sebor
David Crossley wrote: [...] There are two separate issues in that item. One is moving the SVN repository or asking infra@ to move it. The other is amending the svn-authorization files to provide access to the newly-named repositories. The project PMC chair or other mentor can do that and there

Re: [policy] bring in full code history on incubated project?

2005-12-23 Thread Martin Sebor
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote: Sorry to change the subject... Can someone make a definitive statement on whether or not code history is brought into our repo from elsewhere when a podling brings code over? I can't make a definitive statement but stdcxx didn't (although I would have liked it to).

Re: [doc] [draft #2] "How to graduate from the incubator" topic

2005-12-23 Thread Martin Sebor
Jean T. Anderson wrote: [...] What did I miss? changes? corrections? thanks, -jean Incubator Graduation Check List --- [...] [ ] Project updates the STATUS file to reflect graduation FWIW, references to the "STATUS file" have recently been replaced by "proj

Re: [doc] [draft #2] "How to graduate from the incubator" topic

2005-12-23 Thread Martin Sebor
Jean T. Anderson wrote: [...] Actually, the STATUS file was in the context of the repo move: [ ] Move svn repo from incubator to new location ... [ ] Project updates the STATUS file to reflect graduation In other words, the STATUS file in the top level directory of the project'

Re: Corporations and the incubator

2005-12-24 Thread Martin Sebor
Dain Sundstrom wrote: [...] I suggest we add a "For corporations" section to the "Incubator Guidelines Documentation" which would contain things, like: +1 so far. I agree that better, more detailed guidelines would help organizations or communities not familiar with the process prevent confusi

Re: Corporations and the incubator

2005-12-30 Thread Martin Sebor
Steven Noels wrote: [...] IMHO, actually very _few_ companies issue PR around their ASF involvement, considering the fact that the ASF biosphere is one of a myriad of tiny (one-person), small (a few people), and then larger companies employing individuals which contribute to ASF projects, quite

Re: Corporations and the incubator

2005-12-30 Thread Martin Sebor
Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote: On Sat, 2005-12-24 at 13:00 -0700, Martin Sebor wrote: Don't do a press release. An incubating project is not officially part of the ASF, and a press release will imply that the project is part of the ASF. This one really makes ASF members angry, so don&

Re: [VOTE] Changes to Incubator process(es)

2006-01-11 Thread Martin Sebor
Davanum Srinivas wrote: Folks, Let's VOTE for the following changes to incubator processes (majority rules, no vetos). Anyone can vote, but only the PMC member vote's are binding. If you want to bring up an issue, PLEASE DON'T hijack this thread, but start a new one. As usual use +1/+0/-0/-1 not

Re: [doc] "Getting Started in the Incubator" topic

2006-01-23 Thread Martin Sebor
Jean T. Anderson wrote: Jean T. Anderson wrote: Here's another starter installment for the "Incubator Guidelines Documentation" project Noel posted at[EMAIL PROTECTED] I initialized a page for new committers here and

[VOTE] publish stdcxx 4.1.3

2006-01-25 Thread Martin Sebor
The stdcxx community voted on and has approved a proposal to release stdcxx 4.1.3. Pursuant to the Releases section of the Incubation Policy and with the endorsement of two of our mentors we would now like to request the permission of the Incubator PMC to publish the tarball on the stdcxx Download

Incubator PMC members

2006-01-25 Thread Martin Sebor
Is this list up to date? I assume Justin and Bill Rowe are both members but I don't their names there. Thanks Martin - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EM

Re: Incubator PMC members

2006-01-26 Thread Martin Sebor
Noel J. Bergman wrote: [...] Referential integrity. :-\ The OFFICIAL LIST of PMC members for all PMCs is maintained in the committers module. If someone wants to write a script that will keep the web site current with the official roster, fine. Else it will get updated when someone rememebers

Re: Incubator PMC members

2006-01-26 Thread Martin Sebor
Noel J. Bergman wrote: Martin Sebor wrote: May I suggest to include a link to the document on the page along with a date when the names were last updated from the document? There are dates in the file. Those without

[VOTE RESULT] (was Re: [VOTE] publish stdcxx 4.1.3)

2006-01-30 Thread Martin Sebor
ceeded the required minimum of 3 votes with none opposed the request is granted. Thanks everyone for their vote! Martin Martin Sebor wrote: The stdcxx community voted on and has approved a proposal to release stdcxx 4.1.3. Pursuant to the Releases section of the Incubation Policy and with the endo

Re: [heads-up] docs: please commit any outstanding changes

2006-01-31 Thread Martin Sebor
David Crossley wrote: David Crossley wrote: If anyone has any outstanding changes to project status reports or to the main docs, then please commit those changes. The conversion process will be commenced on Tuesday GMT. Please speak up if you need us to hold-off for a while. Okay, the conv

Re: SSH and SVN passwords

2006-02-01 Thread Martin Sebor
Could someone kindly describe (or point us to a document explaining) how to reset a user password at The XMLBeans/C++ committers would like to start setting up the Web site and working on the project but none of them apparently ever got their user passwords from root. I assume

Re: SSH and SVN passwords

2006-02-02 Thread Martin Sebor
robert burrell donkin wrote: On 2/1/06, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Could someone kindly describe (or point us to a document explaining) how to reset a user password at i don't that this is documented anywhere (or indeed whether there's con

Re: SSH and SVN passwords

2006-02-05 Thread Martin Sebor
Martin Sebor wrote: robert burrell donkin wrote: On 2/1/06, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Could someone kindly describe (or point us to a document explaining) how to reset a user password at i don't that this is documented anywhere (or indeed whet

Re: XmlBeans/C++

2006-02-06 Thread Martin Sebor
Michael Yoder wrote: Or actually, as an XmlBeans/C+ committer, how would I log into my account? Michael, as I said to you privately, I would suggest the following strategy: 1. Vote on INFRA-443 that I recently updated with a request to have all your passwords re-sent: http://issues.apach

Re: [doc] podling software releases

2006-02-09 Thread Martin Sebor
Jean T. Anderson wrote: This is a follow up on, which I opened to track this doc topic. [...] (2) Process details I'd like to modify this sentence: "Therefore, should a Podling decide it wishes to perform a release, the Podling SHALL formal

Re: [doc] podling software releases

2006-02-09 Thread Martin Sebor
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 [...] "Therefore, should a Podling decide it wishes to perform a release, the Podling SHALL hold a vote on the Podling -dev list. dev list or ppmc list? Only PMC members' votes are binding for full TLPs; I suggest

Re: [doc] podling software releases

2006-02-09 Thread Martin Sebor
Jean T. Anderson wrote: [...] it should be public vote, so on the public -dev list. Here's a suggested refinement: "Therefore, should a Podling decide it wishes to perform a release, the Podling SHALL hold a vote on the Podling's public -dev list and notify the Podling's PPMC list that the vote

Re: [doc] podling software releases

2006-02-09 Thread Martin Sebor
Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Good info, thanks! The relationship (committers == PPMC) seems reasonable to me, especially in light of the current discussion of releases. Martin Martin Sebor wrote: I thought every committer's vote count

Re: Status page committed

2006-02-11 Thread Martin Sebor
Justin Erenkrantz wrote: On 2/9/06, Allen Brookes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: The xmlbeanscxx status page has been committed. I'm told that needs to be updated with a link to our status page. Can

Re: how to request new project resources

2006-02-23 Thread Martin Sebor
David Crossley wrote: [...] So how about this ... For mail issues, send to apmail@ + Jira. Use the provided template. For svn creation, send to infrastructure@ + Jira Use the provided template. For account creation, send to root@ using separate requests for each new committer. Follow the instr

Re: ezmlm stripping Outlook attachments

2007-08-08 Thread Martin Sebor
Robert Burrell Donkin wrote: On 8/7/07, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi, We've had a number of complaints about ezmlm stripping plain text attachments to posts such as patches sent by Microsoft Outlook. Other mailers (e.g., Mozilla) don't have this problem. IIRC th

Jira closure and resolution user and date tracking

2007-09-12 Thread Martin Sebor
In an effort to improve our scheduling processes stdcxx is trying to find a better way to manage our issues. One feature that I think would help us is the ability to search for issues resolved and/or closed between given dates. Our Jira doesn't seem to provide the feature out of the box, although

Re: Jira closure and resolution user and date tracking

2007-09-12 Thread Martin Sebor
be used to query existing records. Perhaps we should start by requesting that first. Martin -Marshall Martin Sebor wrote: In an effort to improve our scheduling processes stdcxx is trying to find a better way to manage our issues. One feature that I think would help us is the ability to searc

Re: Jira closure and resolution user and date tracking

2007-09-18 Thread Martin Sebor
FYI: I've filed an INFRA request to reindex Jira to populate the Resolved custom field for existing issues: Martin Martin Sebor wrote: > > Marshall Schor wrote: >> To search for issues resolved or closed between given dates

[VOTE] graduate stdcxx to TLP

2007-10-11 Thread Martin Sebor

Re: [VOTE] graduate stdcxx to TLP

2007-10-14 Thread Martin Sebor
Noel J. Bergman wrote: Justin Erenkrantz wrote: Noel J. Bergman wrote: I would like to see the legal stuff resolved first. I don't believe that we should release a project with existing copyright issues. If this were to mean that stdcxx graduation would wait until November's Board meeting, I'

Re: [VOTE] graduate stdcxx to TLP

2007-10-15 Thread Martin Sebor
Zaripov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Liviu Nicoara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Mark Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * Tim Triemstra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * William A. Rowe, Jr. <[EMAIL PR

[VOTE RESULT] graduate stdcxx to TLP

2007-10-16 Thread Martin Sebor
A. Rowe, Jr. Thanks again! Martin Martin Sebor wrote: > > Thank you all for your comments. I assume everyone's questions > so far have been satisfactorily answered and concerns addressed. > Below is the resolution updated as Bill suggested. In the absence > of further discus

Re: Graduation: how do we check "three or more independent committers" ?

2007-10-18 Thread Martin Sebor
Roland Weber wrote: Bertrand Delacretaz wrote: [...] c) If yes, to what extent (along the lines of Matt's "more than 4 hours a workday" threshold)? 4 hours a day sounds like a very high threshold to me. I'm active on my private time, and I often can't spend 4 hours a week. FWIW, it's not cl

[VOTE] approve stdcxx 4.2.0 release

2007-10-23 Thread Martin Sebor
The stdcxx community has just successfully closed a vote to release stdcxx 4.2.0. In accordance with the Releases section of the Incubation Policy we request the permission of the Incubator PMC to publish the tarball containing the release on the stdcxx Download page. This vote will close in the

Re: [VOTE] approve stdcxx 4.2.0 release

2007-10-26 Thread Martin Sebor
Has anyone had a chance to review this release? Did we miss something that needs to be addressed in order to appove the request? Thanks Martin Martin Sebor wrote: > > The stdcxx community has just successfully closed a vote to release > stdcxx 4.2.0. In accordance with the Releases s

Re: [VOTE] approve stdcxx 4.2.0 release

2007-10-26 Thread Martin Sebor
following page for the new countdown: Martin Sebor wrote: > > Has anyone had a chance to review this release? Did we miss something > that needs to be addressed in order to appove the request? > > Thanks > Martin > > > Martin Sebor wrote: >>

Re: [VOTE] approve stdcxx 4.2.0 release

2007-10-28 Thread Martin Sebor
Thank you! We need one more binding vote to approve the release. For conveniece, the link to the tarball is here: Martin Matthieu Riou-5 wrote: > > On 10/26/07, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: [VOTE] approve stdcxx 4.2.0 release

2007-10-28 Thread Martin Sebor
Kevan Miller wrote: > > +1. I'm not sure if my vote is binding or not. > Thank you! Only votes of Incubator PMC members are binding. Unless you are one we still need one more IPMC vote. Could we have an IPMC member either confirm that Kevan's vote counts or kindly check out the tarball and giv

[VOTE RESULT] approve stdcxx 4.2.0 release

2007-10-29 Thread Martin Sebor
The request to release stdcxx 4.2.0 has reached the required minimum of three binding +1 votes with no other votes recorded. Kevan Miller Matthieu Riou Thilo Goetz (non-binding) William A. Rowe, Jr. Thank you! Martin Martin Sebor wrote: The stdcxx community has just successfully

[ANNOUNCE] Apache C++ Standard Library 4.2.0 released

2007-10-29 Thread Martin Sebor
October 29, 2007 -- The Apache C++ Standard Library project is pleased to announce that the official stdcxx 4.2.0 release is now available for download from the following location: For additional details see the stdcxx Download page: http:/

Re: [Fwd: ASF Board Meeting Summary - November 14, 2007]

2007-11-15 Thread Martin Sebor
s held face-to-face with all directors physically present. At the meeting we voted on 2 resolutions, both of which handily passed. As a result, we have 2 new TLPs: o The Apache C++ Standard Library Project - Incubator graduation - Martin Sebor PMC Chair o The Apache HttpComponents P

Re: [VOTE] Graduate FtpServer

2007-12-13 Thread Martin Sebor
Niall Pemberton wrote: On Dec 13, 2007 5:46 AM, Niclas Hedhman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Wednesday 12 December 2007 19:45, Niall Pemberton wrote: I couldn't see a STATUS file in svn You have mention this for the Yoko project as well, and I start to wonder who of us two has misunderstood w

Re: REMINDER: *** Board Reports DUE! ***

2006-05-14 Thread Martin Sebor
Henri Yandell wrote: I thought the incubated projects had been split into 3 groups, leaving the Incubator to report every month but each project to report every quarter? That is my understanding as well, although I'm not clear on which projects are in which group or what each group's reporting

Re: [VOTE] Incubator PMC to approve ActiveMQ 4.0 Release

2006-05-28 Thread Martin Sebor
Bruce Snyder wrote: On 5/27/06, Jim Jagielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: README.txt and userGuide.html (at least) should be updated to reflect Apache ActiveMQ, not just 'ActiveMQ' Is STATUS appropriate to be bundled in the release? I've found some information on the STATUS file but I think

Re: STATUS files in podling release

2006-05-30 Thread Martin Sebor
robert burrell donkin wrote: On 5/27/06, Jeremy Boynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On 5/27/06, Jim Jagielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Is STATUS appropriate to be bundled in the release? > I had the same question relating to the Tuscany release. In general I don't think it should as STATUS

Re: STATUS files in podling release

2006-06-02 Thread Martin Sebor
Hiram Chirino wrote: On 5/30/06, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: robert burrell donkin wrote: > On 5/27/06, Jeremy Boynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> >> On 5/27/06, Jim Jagielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> > Is STATUS appropriate t

Re: [STATUS] (incubator) Wed Jun 21 23:53:03 2006

2006-06-22 Thread Martin Sebor
Leo Simons wrote: On Wed, Jun 21, 2006 at 11:53:04PM -0400, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote: APACHE INCUBATOR PROJECT STATUS: -*-indented-text-*- Last modified at [$Date: 2006-02-05 04:40:19 -0500 (Sun, 05 Feb 2006) $] ^^^ This fil

Re: Branding of Incubator projects

2006-06-28 Thread Martin Sebor
Justin Erenkrantz wrote: [...] 5. Until the Incubator PMC approves a podling proposal *and* the podling initial drop code is in our source code repositories, a project or any affiliated persons SHOULD NOT issue any 'press releases' or affirmatively seek positive publicity (such as 'seeding news s

Re: Branding of Incubator projects

2006-06-29 Thread Martin Sebor
robert burrell donkin wrote: On 6/29/06, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: [...] if this document doesn't work in it's current form, please post your proposed improvements so we can all take a look (that goes for everyone BTW :-) I see no problem with the rest of the d

Re: Branding of Incubator projects

2006-06-29 Thread Martin Sebor
sophitia que wrote: [...] I don't think it's unreasonable that we expect proposing parties to at least browse and read parts of the incubator web site prior to a submission. Our obligation, as the incubator, would be to 1) ensure that any official guidelines we develop are prominently and visibl

Re: piling on

2006-07-19 Thread Martin Sebor
Garrett Rooney wrote: On 7/19/06, Ian Holsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: are you referring to mentors as well? Personally, yes, I feel this should apply to mentors as well. While there are cases where a mentor needs commit access for some sort of procedural issues (maintaining STATUS files,

question about naming

2006-07-31 Thread Martin Sebor
The Naming section of the Branding Guidelines states (among other things) that ...podling MUST be referred to as Apache "Podling-Name" AND mention that the project is under Incubation. Suitable mentions include: * Inclusion of the"podling-name"; URL * Apache

errors updating site

2006-11-13 Thread Martin Sebor
This is my first time using the new infrastructure to update the site after updating the stdcxx status page. I'm running into some errors that I could use help with. I'm using ant 1.6.2 and gcc 3.4.4 on Linux 2.6.9/EM64T. First, I get the error below (and seems to either hang or spin indefinetly

Re: errors updating site

2006-11-13 Thread Martin Sebor
Yoav Shapira wrote: Hi, On 11/13/06, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: First, I get the error below (and seems to either hang or spin indefinetly after that.) Is gcc required in order to run ant? gcc is not required and not used. gcj is GNU Classpath Java, an alternative Java

Re: [Podlings] mailing list

2006-11-16 Thread Martin Sebor
Craig L Russell wrote: [...] I think it makes sense to automatically subscribe new committers in incubation projects to the general mailing list. They can unsubscribe if they are uninterested. This task might be one of the items done by the initial setup by the PPMC. Out of curiosity, abou

missing posts in archives

2007-03-13 Thread Martin Sebor
I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed the problem noted in INFRA-1185 (, namely that not all posts appear in our browsable archives. Also, do people use the Apache mbox browser or do they prefer some other interface? If the latter, which one? I'

Re: missing posts in archives

2007-03-14 Thread Martin Sebor
wrote: On 3/13/07, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed the problem noted in INFRA-1185 (, namely that not all posts appear in our browsable archives. Weird. I tossed the mod_mbox index fo

Re: Mentors and members (was: Re: Mentors On IPMC [WAS Re: [Vote] RCF proposal

2007-04-05 Thread Martin Sebor
Henning Schmiedehausen wrote: Well, incubator policy is able to contradict itself on one and the same page: FWIW, the two statements aren't contradictory. "At least one" doesn't imply "not all." The second requirement is simply a strengthening of the first one ;-) I do agree that the text cou

Re: Graduation T-Shirts

2007-05-13 Thread Martin Sebor
Craig L Russell wrote: I have a slightly different view of this. The phrase "I survived the Incubator" and "all I got was this lousy T-shirt" seem incongruous, and combining them doesn't quite work. "I survived..." stands alone. I like it. It's funny. And I agree with Noel that the surviv

Re: guides/graduation

2007-05-14 Thread Martin Sebor
Yoav Shapira wrote: Hi, On 5/14/07, Craig L Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: "The community mailing list is open to all Apache committers. This is the right list for questions about community and on community building. Subscriptions should be from an Apache email address." In my experience,

Re: Questions raised by May report

2007-05-16 Thread Martin Sebor
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote: William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote: * I'm qurious about Why some people are following CTR and others RTC? quoting that page "Stdcxx Committers are Developers with commit (or write) access to the stdcxx codebase. Except where

Re: [VOTE] Change "Mentor" to "Mentors" in Incubator Policy

2007-05-21 Thread Martin Sebor
Out of curiosity, what form does the reporting to the Sponsor and Incubator PMC take? If it's in writing and public, where can the rest of the podling community see it? Martin Craig L Russell wrote: Would this be ok? Change Mentors are chosen by the Sponsor to actively monitor the podling, gu

Re: PPMC guidance on new committers

2007-05-31 Thread Martin Sebor
Craig L Russell wrote: [...] So IMHO, best practice for podlings is to hold a [DISCUSS] Joe Bleau for committer on the PPMC private list, followed by a [VOTE] on the PPMC private list, and then a formal [VOTE] on the private incubator PMC list with references to the discussion and vote of the P

Re: PPMC guidance on new committers

2007-05-31 Thread Martin Sebor
Craig L Russell wrote: Hi Martin, On May 30, 2007, at 11:07 AM, Martin Sebor wrote: Craig L Russell wrote: [...] So IMHO, best practice for podlings is to hold a [DISCUSS] Joe Bleau for committer on the PPMC private list, followed by a [VOTE] on the PPMC private list, and then a formal

Re: Podling Committer policy

2007-06-07 Thread Martin Sebor
FWIW, the process outlined below fully addresses my concerns I had with the original change. Martin ant elder wrote: [...] How about changing it so; (1) incubator-private is notified that discussion of a new committer is starting on the poddling's private list so IPMCers can participate in tha

Re: STDCXX progress to graduation

2007-06-23 Thread Martin Sebor
William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote: Noel J. Bergman wrote: William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote: [...] things are as quiet as expected for a mature implementation of a reference standard. Any concern that because of the maturity, it could stagnate and lose community? Not at this time. Because it is widely d

Re: STDCXX progress to graduation

2007-06-23 Thread Martin Sebor
Leo Simons wrote: On Jun 22, 2007, at 9:55 AM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote: I think the community, as-is, can manage itself for now. ... I believe stdcxx is a nice, small, healthy little community doing what the committers are interested in - producing a world-class STL implementation under the AL

Re: STDCXX progress to graduation

2007-06-25 Thread Martin Sebor
Leo Simons wrote: On Jun 23, 2007, at 10:06 PM, Martin Sebor wrote: Leo Simons wrote: I also believe/hope the status file might need an update or perhaps two: In progress Check and make sure that the files that have been donated have been updated to reflect the new ASF

Re: [doc] [VOTE] Promote

2007-07-10 Thread Martin Sebor
+1 This will be helpful. Thanks for putting it together! Martin robert burrell donkin wrote: we've been working on for a while now and i think it's good enough now to be promoted from draft status and added to the documentation indexes. status

ezmlm stripping Outlook attachments

2007-08-07 Thread Martin Sebor
Hi, We've had a number of complaints about ezmlm stripping plain text attachments to posts such as patches sent by Microsoft Outlook. Other mailers (e.g., Mozilla) don't have this problem. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to deal with it other that to switch to a different mailer? More g

[jira] Created: (INCUBATOR-5) status file requirement unclear

2005-08-02 Thread Martin Sebor (JIRA)
status file requirement unclear --- Key: INCUBATOR-5 URL: Project: Incubator Type: Improvement Environment: all Reporter: Martin Sebor The Incubation Policy mentions two requirements

[jira] Commented: (INCUBATOR-5) status file requirement unclear

2005-11-17 Thread Martin Sebor (JIRA)
[ ] Martin Sebor commented on INCUBATOR-5: -- See also:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ and: http://mail

[jira] Commented: (INCUBATOR-5) status file requirement unclear

2005-11-17 Thread Martin Sebor (JIRA)
[ ] Martin Sebor commented on INCUBATOR-5: -- Note that the Ongoing Activities link mentioned in the issue description has changed. It is now:

[jira] Created: (INCUBATOR-7) STATUS file out of date, confusing

2005-11-22 Thread Martin Sebor (JIRA)
STATUS file out of date, confusing -- Key: INCUBATOR-7 URL: Project: Incubator Type: Bug Environment: all Reporter: Martin Sebor The STATUS file (

[jira] Commented: (INCUBATOR-7) STATUS file out of date, confusing

2005-12-01 Thread Martin Sebor (JIRA)
[ ] Martin Sebor commented on INCUBATOR-7: -- David, thanks for clarifying the STATUS file! Since it's up to date now I'm fine with you closing the issue (but fe

[jira] Commented: (INCUBATOR-5) status file requirement unclear

2005-12-01 Thread Martin Sebor (JIRA)
[ ] Martin Sebor commented on INCUBATOR-5: -- Yes, I believe you're referring to this post:[

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