tkregister2 help to figure this out but am still
unsure how to register the polar and eccentricity data to the
Any help would be most appreciated.
-Michelle Umali
Freesurfer mailing list
> Try using bbregister.
> Cheers
> Bruce
> On Jul 31, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfers,
>> During my retinotopy analysis, I was getting very strange fieldsign
>> data (blue and red speckles) and my polar and eccentrici
Hi Michelle
Try using bbregister.
On Jul 31, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Michelle Umali wrote:
Dear Freesurfers,
During my retinotopy analysis, I was getting very strange fieldsign
data (blue and red speckles) and my polar and eccentricity data was
limited to the occipital pole. It was
Dear Freesurfers,
I've been troubleshooting my bizarre looking fieldsign data. I ran
bbregister for my polar and eccentricity images, then re-ran the
retinotopy analysis. The data still look the same. The fieldsign
image is still a mass of blue and red speckles.
Any tips on how I should p
Hi Freesurfers,
I'm troubleshooting my retinotopy data and am still having issues with
wonky fieldsign data. The registration looked ok, so now I am trying
to look at the retinotopy results using rtview. I got an error
message saying it can't find the register.dof6.dat file. So, now I am
a, is it -map eccen?
Quoting Douglas N Greve :
> How do the eccen and polar look by themselves? You can look at them
> with tksurfer-sess
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Hi Freesurfers,
>> I'm troubleshooting my retinotopy data and am still hav
a, is it -map eccen?
Quoting Douglas N Greve :
[Hide Quoted Text]
How do the eccen and polar look by themselves? You can look at them
with tksurfer-sess
Michelle Umali wrote:
Hi Freesurfers,
I'm troubleshooting my retinotopy data and am still having issues
with wonky
Dear Freesurfers,
Is this the correct command for viewing eccentricity data using tksurfer:
tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s sj09 -map eccen
Freesurfer mailing list
s. The first time
> point is eccen, the 2nd is polar. These are unmasked angles in radians
> (I think). For masked use (masked by p<.01)
> tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s sj09 -map angle.masked
> To see the significance maps use
> tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.l
Dear Freesurfers,
In an effort to figure out why my field sign data is a bunch of
blue/red speckles, I looked at the polar and eccentricity maps
separately on the surface.
In both maps, I found that the values range from 0 to approximately
65. Does that seem to be OK, and if so, what do th
d go from -pi to +pi.
> What is you visualization command-line? You can change the color scale
> from the View->Configure->Overlay window.
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfers,
>> In an effort to figure out why my field sign data is a bunch
Hi Doug,
The z-values are consistently near or greater than 4. It just seems that the
visualization of the angles is somehow incorrect...
Is there be anything else that I need to check?
Freesurfer mailing list
oting Douglas N Greve :
> Try smoothing (eg, -fwhm 5) when running fieldsign-sess. You can also
> try using the sphere instead of the occip patch.
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> Thanks again for your advice, the heat maps look much better. Howev
Alsouoting Douglas N Greve :
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> I've already smoothed by 5 during preproc-sess, so does this mean I
>> should do additional smoothing during fieldsign-sess step?
> Try the additional one now to see if it fix
Hi Freesurfers,
When looking at the surfaces in tkmedit, I noticed that quite a bit of
the tip of the temporal lobe was not included in pial/wm surfaces. I
need to extend both surfaces.
In what order does one do the edits? Does one paint in wm voxels
first or pial first?
Hi Freesurfers,
I've been looking at the wiki for information on doing an surface analysis
using GFEAT results for within subject, across multiple runs. On the wiki,
a fixed effects analysis was used because there were only two runs. I have
four runs and FSL uses FLAME 1 and FLAME 1+2.
1. Shoul
Hi Freesurfers.
Is there text describing the retinotopy analysis in Freesurfer
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in t
Dear Freesurfers,
I have recently installed Freesurfer 5.1 and FSL 4.1.4 on a linux machine.
When I run tksurfer, I can't rotate the hemisphere. It will show the
curvature, but the hemisphere just won't turn. I was able to do this
through virtual box on my windows laptop.
Is there another softwa
acceleration under Ubuntu?
On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> nope, nothing else should be required. Did you push any "rotate" buttons
> first?
> On Sun, 25 Sep 2011, Michelle Umali wrote:
> Dear Freesurfers,
>> I have recentl
pt. Something sounds like it is very wrong as it should be
> less than a second, not a minute. You aren't running over vnc or something,
> are you?
> On Sep 25, 2011, at 1:28 PM, Michelle Umali wrote:
> Dear Bruce and the Freesurfers,
> It turns out t
nt angle make sure you hit return. Tk is strange
> that way
> On Sep 25, 2011, at 1:50 PM, Michelle Umali wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> I got 28063 microseconds per iteration. No, I'm not running remotely.
> Also, no matter what angle I choose, the rotation is always by 9
tksurfer in an email? I'm not sure what's
> going on. When Nick/Krish/Ruopeng start reading email tomorrow, maybe they
> can help
> Bruce
> On Sun, 25 Sep 2011, Michelle Umali wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
>> Pressing return after entering the angle doesn'
Dear Bruce and the Freesurfers,
I had to update my ATI graphics driver and set the doublebufferflag to 1.
Everything is working just fine.
Thanks for your help.
On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 2:49 PM, Michelle Umali wrote:
> Hi Bruce and the Freesurfers,
> Sadly instead of .028 s
Dear Freesurfers,
I am working on a retinotopy analysis and I got this error:
ERROR: dimension mismatch between mask and surf when trying to look at
map angle in tksurfer-sess
Do I need to add --reshape flag? If so, where?
Any help would be most appreciated.
Here are the analysi
er 27, 2011, Douglas N Greve
> Hi Michelle, did you change the structural after you ran the retinotopy
analysis? It looks like the number of vertices changed. If so, then you'll
need to re-run the fMRI analysis.
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfer
Hi Doug and Freesurfers
I didn't change any of the structural After the retinotopy analysis.
First, I ran recon-all -all.
Second, I made edits to to brainmask.mgz and wm.mgz and then ran
autorecon2-wm and autorecon3.
Third, I cut the occipital patches in tksurfer and then flattened them.
Dear Freesurfers,
This is related to my retinotopy analysis tksurfer-sess dimension
mismatch error message.
So another subject had these errors come up during fieldsign-sess
selxavg3-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s sjXX -force
(which ran without error)
then I ran fieldsign
fieldsign-sess -a rtopy.self.l
it run if you use
> -sphere instead of -occip?
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfers,
>> This is related to my retinotopy analysis tksurfer-sess dimension
>> mismatch error message.
>> So another subject had these error
Hi Freesurfers,
I want to do a PPI in FSL FEAT using the V1 left and righ found
generated in recon-all as seeds using:
I know for each subject I have to get a timecourse for my seeds
fslmeants -i filtered_func.nii.gz -o my_timecourse.txt -m V1_mask.nii.gz
For each subject, I've run reg-feat2anat
when doing setting up the PPI feat?
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Hi Freesurfers,
>> I want to do a PPI in FSL FEAT using the V1 left and righ found
>> generated in recon-all as seeds using:
>> I know for each subject I hav
If everything is in synch, then it should print
> make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
> If not, it should print out the steps that it would have run (if not for
> -dontrun option).
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> I get the s
on-all -vno-check -s subject
> This looks at the number of vertices in each of the surfaces to make sure
> they are consistent.
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Hey Doug and Freesurfers,
>> At the bottom is the output showing what steps didn't run.
Dear Freesurfers,
I wanted to generate binary masks for areas found in the Freesurfer Color
Lookup Table.
For example, I wanted to use number 433, the Visual_V3d_l. I tried to use
aseg2feat -feat featdir --aseg aparc+aseg
fslmaths -featdir/reg/freesurfer/aparc+aseg.nii.gz -thr 433v uthr 433 \
Dear Freesurfers,
I wanted to generate binary masks for areas found in the Freesurfer Color
Lookup Table.
For example, I wanted to use number 433, the Visual_V3d_l. I tried to use
aseg2feat -feat featdir --aseg aparc+aseg
fslmaths -featdir/reg/freesurfer/aparc+
aseg.nii.gz -thr 433v uthr 433 \
Dear Freesurfers,
I'm still getting a MRISripZeros() and MRIScopyMRI Surf/src mismatch error
when running fieldsign-sess. You suggested that this problem was due to the
surfaces being out of synch. When I ran recon-all -s subject -make all
-dontrun, I saw that several steps had not run. The dat
Hi Bruce,
Will this undo my wm and pial edits?
On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> try running
> recon-all -s subject -make all
> and leave the -dontrun off. It should bring everything up to date
> Bruce
anat should not have to be
> re-run.
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Hi Bruce,
>> Will this undo my wm and pial edits?
>> Thanks.
>> Michelle
>> On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Bruce Fischl
>> > fis...@nmr.mgh.**harvar
> polar/real.nii
> polar/imag.nii
> in the /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/retinotopy/sj12/bold/**rtopy.self.lh
> directory?
> And the result of
> mris_info /usr/local/freesurfer/**subjects/retinotopy/sj12/surf/**
> lh.sphere
> doug
Hi Freesurfers,
I've run reg-feat2anat to register my FSL FEAT data to the freesurfer
anatomical data.
And for most subjects the registration needs a little manual editing (which
sometimes includes stretching).
But for a few subjects, registration is terrible, e.g. coronal is switched
with horizont
ss it sees the anatomical
What else do you recommend?
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 4:36 PM, Michelle Umali wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> I keep my retinotopy (sj) and anatomical (ld) data separate. I named the
> retinotopy directory sj12 with the subjectname file says
hi Freesurfers,
I am trying to upload a 1.4 GB tgz file and I can't register as a new user
through Accellion File Transfer. When I try uploading through regular File
Drop, the connection times out (because the file is too big?).
How can I upload this file?
Dear Freesurfers,
I've analyzed a run of functional data in FEAT and then used reg-feat2anat
to register the FEAT results to the Freesurfer anatomicals. It turns out
the original FLIRT registration was bad. When I looked at the reg-feat2anat
results, images were flipped 90 degrees. I made edits
Hey Freesurfers,
I've been trying to register my FEAT data to my Freesurfer data via
reg-feat2anat in order to get V1 binary masks:
reg-feat2anat --->aparc/aseg2feat --->fslmaths.
It seemed to work ok, and I extracted time series for my areas of interest
and ran a PPI analysis in FSL. When revi
Dear freesurfers,
I've been analyzing my retinotopy , have finally been able to run
fieldsign-sess without running into dimension mismatch errors.
Everything seemed ok until I tried looking at the fieldsign maps on flat
patches. Some patches are warped with odd out of plane swirls. In others,
Dear Freesurfers,
I am trying to describe how freesurfer conducts it's retinotopy analysis to
make the polar, eccen and fieldsign maps.
Is there a detailed description of this somewhere? I can't seem to find an
indepth description on the wiki.
t; surfaces after flattening, so the flattening needs to be redone. The swirls
> can be a number of things, possibly incorrect cuts. If you want to upload an
> example I'll take a look.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Thu, 6 Oct 2011, Michelle Umali wrote:
> Dear f
pic data analysis, especially in the endnotes of the article. also
> for more details you can look at the MATLAB code embedded in the command
> 'selfreqavg', which is used for the basic retinotopy analysis and is quite
> readable.
> hope this helps,
> -jon
Dear Freesurfers,
I've generated individual polar, eccentricity, and fieldsign maps for each
of my subjects. I would like to generate group average maps of these that I
can visualize on the fsaverage brain.
When I ran:
isxconcat-sess -sf sessid -analysis rtopy.self.lh -o group_lh
I got:
Hi Doug,
I'm a little confused as to how to assign functional data to the fsaverage
1) Do you mean just change each subject's subjectname file to fsaverage and
then do the same thing as before for each person?
2) Also, when I specify the analysis do I change -rtopy.self.lh to
Dear Freesurfers,
I know this is a very simple question. I'm just having trouble specifying
the correct directories for rtview based on the example. When I run rtview,
it can't find the image files that really do exist in the directory.
For the following example in the help section: I did what I
Hi Freesurfers,
I've run reg-feat2anat on several subjects in order to generate binary masks
to use in an FSL ppi.
For 3 subjects, this completely failed.
When I looked at the fsl's own registration of fsl feat 2 standard (via
tkregister2), the registration is fine, but after running reg-feat2anat
editing the
Is there something I am doing wrong?
On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Douglas N Greve
> How are you generating the masks?
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Hi Freesurfers,
>> I've run reg-feat2anat on sever
las N Greve wrote:
> When you run preproc-sess use -surface fsaverage lhrh instead of -surface
> self lhrh. Then create a new analysis with the same parameters, except use
> -surface fsaverage lh instead of -surface self lh.
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
patch and not
on lh.sphere?
On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 7:34 PM, Michelle Umali wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> Two problems happened (I'm attaching a picture).
> 1) The fieldsign map looks like it needs lots of smoothing. When I ran the
> individual subjects on the surface,
Hi Freesurfers,
I would like to make a custom V1 and V2 label based on my fieldsign results
and then later use aseg2feat and fslmaths to make binary masks based on this
label to later use in an FSL feat analysis.
I made the additions to a a modified (and differently named) version of each
Dear Freesurfers,
I've previoiusly run reg-feat2anat on some fsl feat data, but now my
advisor things i should re-preprocess my fsl data with a larger kernel size.
Since it's the same dataset , do I have to re-run reg-feat2anat on this or
can I just copy the registration folder from the old analys
Dear Freesurfers,
I am using seeds based on Freesurfer masks to run a PPI analysis and am
wondering if I am using reg-feat2anat at the right fsl feat registration
First, I ran an fsl analysis to generate a feat directory.
Then I ran reg-feat2anat using that feat directory.
Next I ran aseg2fe
Dear All,
I am still having trouble generating polar and eccen maps with rtview.
I did this:
cd $SUBJECTS_DIR/retinotopy/sj07/bold/rtopy.self.lh --s sj07 --lh --eccen \
--real eccen/real.nii --imag eccen/imag.nii --fsig eccen/fsig.nii
The subjectname file is in $SUBJECTS_DIR/retinot
M, Douglas N Greve
> Can you run it with --debug and send me the terminal output?
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I am still having trouble generating polar and eccen maps with rtview.
>> I did this:
a-ha! I forgot to add .gz
sorry for the silly error.
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person
Hi Freesurfers,
I've been using Freesurfer for a while, and have had no trouble with
launching tksurfer. But recently I have tried to view an inflated
hemisphere of a subject I have had no problem viewing before. The window
no longer opens. This the case for all of my subjects, with whom I hav
n Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 8:43 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Michelle,
> hmmm, no idea. Do you want to upload the the subject and we'll see if we
> can replicate the problem? Do you have enough memory on that machine?
> Bruce
> On Mon, 19 Mar 2012, Michelle U
Hi Freesurfers,
I've done a group feat analysis in FSL and I'd like to do an ROI
analysis of V1/V2. I've also done recon-all on all my subjects.
How would one generate the V1 and V2 binary masks from the fsaverage
brain and then register it to the common MNI-152 brain used for the
group feat analys
Hi Freesurfers,
I ran reg-feat2anat and am now checking registration. For some
subjects I had to edit the registration of feat to standard space.
So, do I have to replace the example_func2standard.mat fsl's
example_func2standard.mat in the reg folder or is this done
Is this the onl
Hi Freesurfers,
I ran reg-feat2anat to register freesurfer data to FSL feat in order
to generate some binary masks.
Afterwards I edited the FEAT registration to standard space via:
reg-feat2anat --feat subjectX.feat --manxfm func2std
and saved the registration.
i want to use these example_func2s
Dear All,
recon-all was killed during mri_gcut.
Here is the error:
mri_gcut -110 -mult T1.mgz
How does one deal with this?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear All,
I was wondering if anyone knows of a step-by-step guide on how to do
retinotopic analysis with freesurfer.
Freesurfer mailing list
t; c. Display angle masked by by sig
> tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s sessid -map angle.masked
> d. Display field sign
> tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s sessid -fieldsign
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I was wondering if anyone
topy.self.lh -s sessid -map angle
> c. Display angle masked by by sig
> tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s sessid -map angle.masked
> d. Display field sign
> tksurfer-sess -a rtopy.self.lh -s sessid -fieldsign
> Mi
Dear Freesurfers,
I am still struggling with the retinotopy analysis. Whenever I try to
run preproc-sess, I get this message:
Session: /home/fsl/structural/LD08
Tue Apr 5 07:22:28 BST 2011
is not in SUBJECTS_DIR
SUBJECTS_DIR is /home/fsl/structural
I put the retinotopic
ake sure that your subjectname file has the name of the FreeSurfer
> subject folder as found in $SUBJECTS_DIR (it looks like it is empty).
> You don't need the retinotopy data in the $SUBJECTS_DIR.
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfers,
>> I am still stru
ory, create a
> text file called "subjectname". Put the subject name (ie, LD08-anat)
> into the subjectname file.
> doug
> On 4/5/11 2:15 PM, Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> Does the $SUBJECTS_DIR folder have to be where the FreeSur
Dear Freesurfers,
I'm having issues trying to display the polar angle data using the
color wheel. Unfortunately, I can't resizing the Configure Overlay
Display window. No matter what I try, I can't actually see the Apply
Any suggestions?
Also, is there a quickie guide on defining th
polar, and fieldsign info?
Thanks very much.
Quoting Douglas N Greve :
> Michelle,
> Can you give more details of what you are doing? How did you generate
> the files you are trying to load?
> doug
> Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Dear Freesurfers,
>> I
Hi Doug,
I'm having issues with choosing the Color Wheel option inConfigure
Overlay and not being able to see the Accept button (please see
below). Can I change to Color Wheel via command line?
I've been able to view the significance ma
Dear Freesurfers,
I've noticed some problems in some inflated brains with the curvature
displayed that I know will require manual intervention:
-random spots of abnormally intense green or very intense red
-tiny protrusions
-falx cerebri obscuring parietal region
-subcallosal splotches of red-gree
Hi Freesurfers!
I ran rtview, and I couldn't find a color bar/legend. I'm just
wondering how thow the colors get assigned. Is each color a position
of wedge stimulus?
I'm trying to define V1/V2/V3 boundaries and was wondering how to get
the horizontal and vertical meridians.
Any help wo
Hi All,
I am running a retinotopy analysis, and when I look at the fieldsign
image all I see are a bunch of red and blue speckles.
Is this normal?
I am trying to figure out the horizontal and vertical meridians and am
not sure how to use the fieldsign image to do this. It's for my
thesis, i
Hi All,
I am running a retinotopy analysis, and when I look at the fieldsign
image all I see are a bunch of red and blue speckles.
Is this normal?
Freesurfer mailing list
Dear all,
I've been having issues with my fieldsign images all I get are
speckles. I did the following and did not get any errors:
1) ran recon-all -all
2) cut and saved occipital patches (rh.occip.patch.3d) from inflated surface
3) ran mris_flatten -w 0 distances 20 7 rh.occip.patch.3d
Dear Freesurfers,
Is there a way to generate automatically generate an amygdala mask
from recon-all results to fead into an FSL feat analysis?
Freesurfer mailing list
? There's
no legend.
Quoting Douglas N Greve :
> Hi Michelle, do the eccen and polar maps look ok? Also, I would
> probably smooth them a little bit. The field sign calculation is
> basically a spatial derivative so it can be sensitive to noise.
> doug
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