Dear Bruce and the Freesurfers,

It turns out that the hemisphere does rotate, but only if I press the same
button again after at least a minute or so. Then I have to wait for a while
before I can press another rotation button. Do I maybe need to do any
display setup for using hardware acceleration under Ubuntu?


On Sun, Sep 25, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Bruce Fischl <>wrote:

> nope, nothing else should be required. Did you push any "rotate" buttons
> first?
> On Sun, 25 Sep 2011, Michelle Umali wrote:
>  Dear Freesurfers,
>> I have recently installed Freesurfer 5.1 and FSL 4.1.4 on a linux
>> machine.
>> When I run tksurfer, I can't rotate the hemisphere.  It will show the
>> curvature, but the hemisphere just won't turn.  I was able to do this
>> through virtual box on my windows laptop.
>> Is there another software package/toolbox that is needed?  Is either
>> Matlab
>> or AFNI required as well?
>> Thanks.
>> Michelle
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