Hi Doug,

I've run recon-all -all.  I ended up inputing an .mgz file converted  
from a .nii file that was converted from a .dicom.  Was needed info  
lost somewhere along the way?

Anyway, I thought I ran recon-all -all LD08 (wasn't LD08-anat, does  
one need -anat?)successfully, because it generated the following  
bem, label, mri, scripts, src, stats, surf, tmp, touch, trash.  And  
the bem, src, and trash folders are empty, but the others are full of  



> Hi Michelle,
>   the SUBJECTS_DIR is an environment variable that you have to set prior
> to running the anatomical analysis (disregarding the functional analysis
> for a moment). Before running the functional analysis, you must run
> recon-all on the anatomical data, eg
> recon-all -all -subject LD08-anat -i anatomical.dicom
> this will create a folder in $SUBJECTS_DIR called LD08-anat. If you have
> not done this, you should do this first. Look at the wiki for how to run
> the anatomical analysis.
> Once this is done, you should unpack your functional data (looks like
> you might have done this already). In the session directory, create a
> text file called "subjectname". Put the subject name (ie, LD08-anat)
> into the subjectname file.
> doug
> On 4/5/11 2:15 PM, Michelle Umali wrote:
>> Hi Doug,
>> Does the $SUBJECTS_DIR folder have to be where the FreeSurfer program
>> is?  I had done this:
>> setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /home/fsl/structural
>> So this SUBJECTS_DIR is not located where FreeSurfer is.
>> Is the following the exact correct path:
>> FreeSurfer/$SUBJECTS_DIR/LD08/subjectname
>> where LD08 is the file subjectname says LD08 and freesurfer must be
>> capitalized as FreeSurfer?
>> and all the retinotopy data can be in:
>> /home/fsl/structural/bold
>> and recon-all subfolders and data in
>> /home/fsl/structural
>> Sorry for such a basic question.
>> Thanks.
>> Michelle

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