Hi Letitia,
Can you send the full command lines that you ran and the output?
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
On Behalf Of Schneider, Letitia Maria
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2024 10:43 AM
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol
External Email - Use Caution
I am using Freesurfer version 7.3.2 on a mac.
I am using the mri_label2vol function to project an anatomical label into
volume space, but I realised the label comes out wrong when I use the
--fill-ribbon flag: its orientation changes to RSP.
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Doug,
That solved the problem like a charm. By the way, the volume came from
Thank you!
On Sat, Jan 14, 2023 at 12:28 AM Douglas N. Greve
> What volume did the TF.label come from? Whatever it is, try adding
> --tk
What volume did the TF.label come from? Whatever it is, try adding
--tkr-template volume.nii.gz
On 1/12/2023 9:12 PM, Shao-Min (Sean) Hung wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Here's the command line:
mri_label2vol --label
External Email - Use Caution
Here's the command line:
mri_label2vol --label
/Users/xxx/Documents/MRI/UNSTP/data/$subj/bold/Retinolabels/TF.label --temp
/Users/xxx/Documents/MRI/UNSTP/data/$subj/bold/004/fmc.nii.gz --reg
Can you send your command line and full terminal output?
On 1/8/2023 9:37 PM, Shao-Min (Sean) Hung wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Doug,
I have been having the following issue and haven't figured out a way
to get around it. I have also searched the archive and did not find
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Doug,
I have been having the following issue and haven't figured out a way to get
around it. I have also searched the archive and did not find
anything relevant enough to be helpful.
The context is, I am drawing functional ROIs on volumetric data
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
On Behalf Of Benjamin Deck
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2022 5:04 PM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol fill-ribbon segmentation fault
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Yujing,
It seems that this did not solve
mris_label2annot, ‘—offset 1’ should also
>> be specified.
>> Yujing
>> *From:* Huang, Yujing
>> *Sent:* Thursday, June 16, 2022 1:59 PM
>> *To:* Freesurfer support list
>> *Subject:* RE: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol
How was H-O_subcortical_parcellation_thr50.nii created? Those
instructions are for when you have a segmentation in the FS conformed
space and you want to get them back to the native space. So your
segmentation must be in FS conformed space of the individual
On 6/10/2022 6:49 PM, Christopher P
> If ‘--no-unknown’ is used with mris_label2annot, ‘—offset 1’ should also
> be specified.
> Yujing
> *From:* Huang, Yujing
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 16, 2022 1:59 PM
> *To:* Freesurfer support list
> *Subject:* RE: [Freesurfer]
support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol fill-ribbon segmentation fault
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Yujing,
Thanks for taking a look. What do you mean by mismatch?
The LUT was used to make the annot file. What would generate this mism
by one.
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
On Behalf Of Benjamin Deck
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2022 10:58 AM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol fill-ribbon segmentation fault
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Yujing,
Thanks for taking
sure what
> the right action is to work around this.
> Yujing
> *From:* freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <
> freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> *On Behalf Of *Benjamin Deck
> *Sent:* Friday, June 10, 2022 11:47 AM
> *To:* Fr
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
On Behalf Of Benjamin Deck
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2022 11:47 AM
To: Freesurfer support list
Subject: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol fill-ribbon segmentation fault
External Email - Use Caution
Hi there,
Having issues with the following
Hi Junjie,
Can you specify the Freesurfer version you are running?
From: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
On Behalf Of Wu, Junjie
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2022 11:15 AM
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol with fill-ribbon option
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Freesurfer experts,,
I tried to use mri_label2vol with fill-ribbon option to covert the
surface-based label of perirhinal cortex into the volume (an ROI in mgz
file). However, when I typed "mri_label2vol --fill-ribbon --label
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Freesurfer Devs,
I’m attempting to transform the Harvard-Oxford subcortical atlas (obtained from
External Email - Use Caution
I would like to unsubscribe from these emails.
Thank you.
On Fri, Jun 10, 2022 at 8:47 AM Benjamin Deck wrote:
> External Email - Use Caution
> Hi there,
> Having issues with the following command:
> mri_label2vol --annot
External Email - Use Caution
Hi there,
Having issues with the following command:
mri_label2vol --annot lh.yeo_2011.annot --temp
/mnt/c/Users/Ben/freesurfer/subjects/sub-DAEK/mri/orig.mgz --hemi lh
--fill-ribbon --identity --subject sub-DAEK --o lh.sub-DAEK_annot_nat.nii.gz
: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol error
External Email - Use Caution
I get the following error message when I run mri_label2vol (freesurfer v 6.0)
in a jupyter notebook(6.1.4) with python (v3.8.5):
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ___emutls_get_address
Referenced from
External Email - Use Caution
I get the following error message when I run mri_label2vol (freesurfer v 6.0)
in a jupyter notebook(6.1.4) with python (v3.8.5):
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ___emutls_get_address
Referenced from: /Applications/freesurfe
: Re: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol - Questions about label file and
missing voxels?
On 3/23/2021 4:54 PM, Devavrat Vartak wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hello freesurfer experts,
I am using mri_label2vol to convert my surface drawn label (of functional
activity) to
On 3/23/2021 4:54 PM, Devavrat Vartak wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hello freesurfer experts,
I am using mri_label2vol to convert my surface drawn label (of
functional activity) to functional space (nifti) for more analysis (prf).
When I open the label file in text editor -
External Email - Use Caution
Hello freesurfer experts,
I am using mri_label2vol to convert my surface drawn label (of functional
activity) to functional space (nifti) for more analysis (prf).
When I open the label file in text editor - it shows two lines at the top
#!ascii label
It looks like it should work. The only other thing I would suggest is to
use --regheader orig.mgz instead of --identity (though I would have
thought --identity would have worked).
On 4/29/2020 2:12 PM, Mason Wells wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Experts,
I want to take an ROI
External Email - Use Caution
Hi Experts,
I want to take an ROI label that I have drawn on the surface and transform this
into the volume. I have drawn the label in the T1 anatomical space and I want
to keep the label in this space during the conversion. I am currently using
Hi Joshua
hmmm, label2vol takes our text label file format as input, not a .gii
file. You probably need to ask the Wash U HCP folks how to do this
conversion as I believe there should be a step before label2vol
On Thu, 9 Mar 2017,
Burks, Joshua D (HSC) wrote:
Hello FreeSurf
Hello FreeSurfer Developers,
I’m attempting to convert a dlabel file from the Human Connectome Project to a
volumetric ROI that I can use for fiber tractography on other platforms. I
followed the tutorial provided by HCP (hcp-users FAQ #9: How do I map data
between FreeSurfer ... - HCP
Dear. Experts.
Please ignore the previous email.
It works.
Thank you.
Ji Won
2016-03-23 17:24 GMT-04:00 Ji Won Bang :
> Dear. Freesurfer experts.
> Hi. How are you?
> I'd appreciate it a lot if you can help me with this problem.
> I'm trying to check the ROI (.nii) after creating
Dear. Freesurfer experts.
Hi. How are you?
I'd appreciate it a lot if you can help me with this problem.
I'm trying to check the ROI (.nii) after creating it by using mri_label2vol
I used the command:
mri_label2vol --label $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJECT/label/lh.v1vt.label --label
I just wanted to post back the problem was solved (Thanks Doug). The
solution is this:
1. use mri_aparc2aseg
mri_aparc2aseg --s $SUBJECT --o .mgz --annot
[Note, in my case I was using 3 different values, 1, 2, 3 for the
labels with only left hemisphere labels (the details wi
I am having trouble with the projfrac option in mri_label2vol (on the
current dev freesurfer environment). When I use the following command:
mri_label2vol --annot label/lh.lang.annot --subject nmr00937 --o
lang_seg.mgz --hemi lh --identity --temp mri/T1.mgz --proj frac 0 1
I get many mis
if this refers to a previous email, then make sure to include previous
correspondence. in any event, I don't know what you did and can't help
you until I find out
On 12/14/2015 06:11 PM, Arnaud Boré wrote:
> Dear Freesurfer's experts,
> I wanted to add this picture so you can understand better
Dear Freesurfer's expert,
I want to create a 3d volume using an annot file and I'm using
mri_label2vol command.
When running this command line:
mri_label2vol --annot sub1/label/lh.Yeo2011_7Networks_N1000.annot
--identity --subject sub1 --hemi lh --o sub1/mri/lh.Yeo.nii.gz --temp
Hi Freesurfer listserve,
I hope you are well. I emailed the freesurfer listserve also but got no
response. I am trying to take an functional ROI that is anatomically constrined
that I created using tkmedit and transform it to MNI152 space. I saved it as
$label.label. Then did this command:
Hi Freesurfer experts,
I have a label with 1500+ vertices I'd like to convert to a nifti file.
Right now I use mri_label2vol and output a file
I'd like to do this in matlab, is there any way?
More specifically, I'd like to get the native co-ordinate for each vertex
in the nifti file.
The vox2ras co
I am trying to combine 236 labels into one volume (for the left
hemisphere). However after 233 volumes I get an 'Segmentation fault (core
dumped)' which I believe is related to a memory issue. If it is relevant I
am using a GIFTI image as the surface (I am using HCP data).
mri_label2vol $(cat
Hi all, I am having a problem with moving aparc+aseg to different dimensions. I
have successfully resliced aparc+asegs for several other subjects, but the
resliced volume for one subject appears cut-off at the bottom. The dimensions
match for this subject's template and output volumes, and the o
Hi Doug,
I have tried the command that you suggested below. Still not working.
System gave the same error message again "segment fault".
Any other ideas?
Best wishes,
try running this command
mri_label2vol --label lh.words10_10.label --temp rawavg.mgz --reg
rawreg.dat --fillthresh .5
De : Douglas N Greve
Cc : "freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu"
Envoyé le : Vendredi 28 juin 2013 21h23
Objet : Re: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol problem
Hi Laouchedi, I still cannot figure out why you are getting a volume of
all 0s. Are you sure it is all 0s an
013 18h41
Objet : Re: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol problem
Hi Laouchedi, I have asked you two times now to include all previous
correspondences in each email. This is the 3rd time. If you are going to
make it hard for us to answer your question, then the result will be
that they won't be answ
À : freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Envoyé le : Vendredi 28 juin 2013 16h49
Objet : Re: [Freesurfer] mri_label2vol problem
How does the annot look on the surface (ie, intksurfer)? What is the
full terminal output of mri_label2vol?
On 06/28/2013 10:19 AM, LAOUCHEDI MAKHLOUF wrote:
> Hi
excuse me but i don't understand what you mean by "terminal of mri_label2vol"
Thank you for help
Freesurfer mailing list
The information in this e-mail is i
How does the annot look on the surface (ie, intksurfer)? What is the
full terminal output of mri_label2vol?
On 06/28/2013 10:19 AM, LAOUCHEDI MAKHLOUF wrote:
> Hi
> i run mri_label2annot to get individual annot files for all
> labels, then i run mri_label2vol to get nifti volumes of my labe
i run mri_label2annot to get individual annot files for all labels, then i
run mri_label2vol to get nifti volumes of my labels using the following command
mri_label2vol --annot lh.G_and_S_cingul-Ant.annot --temp
SUBJ_DIR/ctr2/mri/brain.mgz --subject ctr2 --hemi lh --identity --
You will have to merge the labels into an annotation (mris_label2annot),
then the annotation to a segmentation volume (mri_aparc2aseg), then
apply mri_label2vol to the segmentation.
On 02/19/2013 10:45 AM, Vincent Koppelmans wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to convert Brodmann area 4a and
Hi all,
I am trying to convert Brodmann area 4a and 4p to .nii file format in native
space. I have used to following syntax:
tkregister2 --mov ${SUBJECTS_DIR}/mri/rawavg.mgz --noedit --s [SUBJECT_ID]
--regheader --reg ./register.dat
mri_label2vol --label [PATH-TO-LABEL-FILE] --temp
thanks it works now :)
On 04/12/2012 12:48 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> Take the inverse
> On 04/12/2012 01:47 PM, Johnson wrote:
>> I do the transformation in Matlab, I found out that the matlab
>> *load_mgh* function returns the vox2ras matrix, where can I find the
>> ras2vox matrix?
>> On 0
Take the inverse
On 04/12/2012 01:47 PM, Johnson wrote:
> I do the transformation in Matlab, I found out that the matlab
> *load_mgh* function returns the vox2ras matrix, where can I find the
> ras2vox matrix?
> On 04/12/2012 12:11 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>> yes
>> On Thu, 12 Apr 2012, Johnson
I do the transformation in Matlab, I found out that the matlab
*load_mgh* function returns the vox2ras matrix, where can I find the
ras2vox matrix?
On 04/12/2012 12:11 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
On Thu, 12 Apr 2012, Johnson wrote:
The vector coordinates will be in the voxel space
On 04/12/
On Thu, 12 Apr 2012, Johnson wrote:
> The vector coordinates will be in the voxel space
> On 04/12/2012 11:54 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>> Hi Johnson
>> it depends whether you are using the ras2vox or vox2ras. It should be:
>> V_rawavg = M_ras2vox_rawavg * inv(M_ras2vox_aseg) * V_aseg
The vector coordinates will be in the voxel space
On 04/12/2012 11:54 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Johnson
> it depends whether you are using the ras2vox or vox2ras. It should be:
> V_rawavg = M_ras2vox_rawavg * inv(M_ras2vox_aseg) * V_aseg
> Where the V_* are 4x1 homogenous vectors.
> ch
Hi Johnson
it depends whether you are using the ras2vox or vox2ras. It should be:
V_rawavg = M_ras2vox_rawavg * inv(M_ras2vox_aseg) * V_aseg
Where the V_* are 4x1 homogenous vectors.
On Thu, 12 Apr
2012, Johnson wrote:
> so to be clear about it, suppose T1 is the matrix in aseg
so to be clear about it, suppose T1 is the matrix in aseg and T2 is the
one in rawavg,
to transform from aseg to rawavg I will apply invert(T1)*T2 is that
On 4/11/2012 8:12 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>> Invert one and compose it with the other
>> On Apr 11, 2012, at 7:48 PM, John
so to be clear about it, suppose T1 is the matrix in aseg and T2 is the
one in rawavg,
to transform from aseg to rawavg I will apply invert(T1)*T2
is that correct?
On 4/11/2012 8:12 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Invert one and compose it with the other
> On Apr 11, 2012, at 7:48 PM, Johnson wr
Invert one and compose it with the other
On Apr 11, 2012, at 7:48 PM, Johnson wrote:
> there are two transformation matrices one in aseg and one in rawavg, how do I
> use them ?
> On 04/11/2012 6:12 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>> yes
>> On Wed, 11 Apr 2012, Johnson wrote:
>>> great, so if
there are two transformation matrices one in aseg and one in rawavg, how
do I use them ?
On 04/11/2012 6:12 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> yes
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2012, Johnson wrote:
>> great, so if I can read the header from the aseg file and the header from the
>> rawavg header file I would be able
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012, Johnson wrote:
> great, so if I can read the header from the aseg file and the header from the
> rawavg header file I would be able to transfer any point from the aseg space
> to the rawavg space is that correct ?
> On 04/11/2012 4:40 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>> it regi
Yes, that is correct.
On 04/11/2012 06:54 PM, Johnson wrote:
> great, so if I can read the header from the aseg file and the header
> from the rawavg header file I would be able to transfer any point from
> the aseg space to the rawavg space is that correct ?
> On 04/11/2012 4:40 PM, Bruce Fisch
great, so if I can read the header from the aseg file and the header
from the rawavg header file I would be able to transfer any point from
the aseg space to the rawavg space is that correct ?
On 04/11/2012 4:40 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> it registers them based on the header information, but sin
it registers them based on the header information, but since the aseg is
derived from the rawavg that should be exactly correct
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012, Johnson wrote:
> And it exactly does that, does it register them together or use a pre-known
> transformation matrix
> On 04/11/2012 3:46 PM, Bru
And it exactly does that, does it register them together or use a
pre-known transformation matrix
On 04/11/2012 3:46 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Johnson
> I believe it resamples the aseg to have the same geometry as the
> original scan.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Wed, 11 Apr 2012, Johnson wrote:
Hi Johnson
I believe it resamples the aseg to have the same geometry as the original
On Wed, 11 Apr 2012, Johnson wrote:
Can someone tell me please in details what does this line do?
mri_label2vol --seg aseg.mgz --temp rawavg.mgz --o aseg-in-rawavg.mgz --reg
Can someone tell me please in*_details_*what does this line do?
mri_label2vol --seg aseg.mgz --temp rawavg.mgz --o aseg-in-rawavg.mgz
--regheader aseg.mgz
Johnson J. GadElkarim
Research Assistant, Department Of Psychiatry,
PhD Candidate, Department Of Electrical& Computer Eng.,
if you email me the .mgz I'll fix it.
On Fri, 6 Apr 2012, Anthony Dick
> Hello--was wondering if you guys have any ideas. I am a bit stumped.
> Thanks for the help!
> Anthony
> On 4/4/12 4:50 PM, Anthony Dick wrote:
>> No, but the conversion from the original .nii works...
>> [mile
can you upload chuman_1.nii to our file drop?
On 04/06/2012 11:30 AM, Anthony Dick wrote:
> Hello--was wondering if you guys have any ideas. I am a bit stumped.
> Thanks for the help!
> Anthony
> On 4/4/12 4:50 PM, Anthony Dick wrote:
>> No, but the conversion from the original .nii works...
Hello--was wondering if you guys have any ideas. I am a bit stumped.
Thanks for the help!
On 4/4/12 4:50 PM, Anthony Dick wrote:
> No, but the conversion from the original .nii works...
> [miles:[PATH]] adick% mri_convert chuman_1.mgz junk.mgh
> mri_convert chuman_1.mgz junk.mgh
> $Id:
What version are you using? One of our versions had a problem with
creating bad mgzs. You probably don't need to convert it to mgz. Can you
run mri_label2vol with the original nii and see if it works?
On 04/04/2012 04:50 PM, Anthony Dick wrote:
> No, but the conversion from the original .ni
No, but the conversion from the original .nii works...
[miles:[PATH]] adick% mri_convert chuman_1.mgz junk.mgh
mri_convert chuman_1.mgz junk.mgh
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2011/05/16 20:53:47 greve Exp $
reading from chuman_1.mgz...
MRIallocIndices: could not allocate 1701979223 elt index arra
so how it is used here?
mri_label2vol --seg aseg.mgz --temp rawavg.mgz --o aseg-in-rawavg.mgz
--regheader aseg.mgz
On 04/04/2012 3:38 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
> If you pass it a registration (--reg) then it uses that. It can also
> compute a registration from the information about the geometr
Can you successfully run mri_convert on chuman_1.mgz, eg
mri_convert chuman_1.mgz junk.mgh
On 04/04/2012 12:29 PM, Anthony Dick wrote:
> Hello Bruce,
> Sorry--just getting back to this project. The basic problem is that I am
> trying to align a cerebellar parcellation with the underlay i
If you pass it a registration (--reg) then it uses that. It can also
compute a registration from the information about the geometry in the
header (--regheader) (assuming that the two volumes share a coordinate
On 04/04/2012 01:48 PM, Johnson wrote:
> Hi
> Can anyone tell me please
Can anyone tell me please how mri_label2vol works, I know what it does,
but I need to know how it works to take the FS space to the original
anatomy space: does it do registration or does it use a transformation
matrix. If the latest which one, where can I find it?
Johnson J. Ga
Hello Bruce,
Sorry--just getting back to this project. The basic problem is that I am
trying to align a cerebellar parcellation with the underlay in tkmedit.
I was working on this with Doug, and his suggestion actually worked, and
now I can't get it to work again (see thread:
Hi Anthony, what's in chuman_1.mgz? How many labels?
Anthony Dick wrote:
> Hello--I am giving this message a bump. Please let me know if there are
> any suggestions. Thanks!
> Anthony
> On 2/15/12 1:43 PM, Anthony Dick wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have run the following successfully, bu
Hi Anthony
sounds like there is something wrong with one of your volumes. Can you ru
mri_info on them?
On Wed, 7 Mar 2012, Anthony Dick wrote:
> Hello--I am giving this message a bump. Please let me know if there are
> any suggestions. Thanks!
> Anthony
> On 2/15/12 1:43 PM, Anthony D
Hello--I am giving this message a bump. Please let me know if there are
any suggestions. Thanks!
On 2/15/12 1:43 PM, Anthony Dick wrote:
> Hello,
> I have run the following successfully, but when I have moved on to other
> brains I get:
> mri_label2vol --seg chuman_1.mgz --temp orig.
I have run the following successfully, but when I have moved on to other
brains I get:
mri_label2vol --seg chuman_1.mgz --temp orig.mgz --regheader >
chuman_1.mgz --o chuman_1.conf.mgz
MRIalloc: could not allocate 975187978 frame
Cannot allocate memory
I am running a Mac Pro with 8GB R
Thank you. I succeeded to convert it, but the label is completely incorrect.
Actually, I can not understand how exactly it can work: when I make an
opposite direction with mri_label2vol I pass the registrer.dat file;
however, in mri_cor2label there is no such option. How then this
transformation ca
The id is the value in the mask. So if it's a binary mask, use --id 1
John Gelburg wrote:
> I am sorry, but I still struggle to make it work :(
> Here is my syntax:
> mri_cor2label --i my_Analyze_mask.nii --l ./freeSurferMask.label
> I am getting "ERROR: must supply a label id" error message.
what is the value of the binary volume? You have to tell mri_cor2label that
with --id I think.
On Sun, 11 Apr 2010, John Gelburg wrote:
> I am sorry, but I still struggle to make it work :(
> Here is my syntax:
> mri_cor2label --i my_Analyze_mask.nii --l ./freeSurferMask.label
> I
I am sorry, but I still struggle to make it work :(
Here is my syntax:
mri_cor2label --i my_Analyze_mask.nii --l ./freeSurferMask.label
I am getting "ERROR: must supply a label id" error message.
I do not have any label id, because it's my custom mask, which was created
in the SPM.
On Fri, Apr 9,
It will still work.
from mri_cor2label --help :
Note: the name of this program is a bit misleading as it will operate
on anything readble by mri_convert (eg, mgz, mgh, nifti, bhdr,
analyze, etc).
John Gelburg wrote:
> thanks, but isn't COR volume and my ANALYZE image is not the same thing?
thanks, but isn't COR volume and my ANALYZE image is not the same thing?
On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 8:02 PM, Douglas N Greve
> try mri_cor2label
> John Gelburg wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have ANLYZE binary mask which I would like to convert to FreeSurfer
>> labels. Is there any more automatic w
try mri_cor2label
John Gelburg wrote:
> Hi,
> I have ANLYZE binary mask which I would like to convert to FreeSurfer
> labels. Is there any more automatic way to do it than loading it as an
> overlay and then selecting manually as a label?
> Thanks for help,
> John
> -
I have ANLYZE binary mask which I would like to convert to FreeSurfer
labels. Is there any more automatic way to do it than loading it as an
overlay and then selecting manually as a label?
Thanks for help,
Freesurfer mailing list
ard.edu im Auftrag von Alex Fornito
> Gesendet: Do 22.10.2009 14:34
> An: Douglas N Greve
> Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] Mri_label2vol memory error
> Hi again,
> I have noticed that the standard freesurfer annots have the same number of
Betreff: Re: [Freesurfer] Mri_label2vol memory error
Hi again,
I have noticed that the standard freesurfer annots have the same number of
regions in each hemi. In my annot, I have different numbers; e.,g 1171 in
the left and 1187 in the right. Is this what's causing the outp
Hi again,
I have noticed that the standard freesurfer annots have the same number of
regions in each hemi. In my annot, I have different numbers; e.,g 1171 in
the left and 1187 in the right. Is this what's causing the output of
mri_aparc2aseg to label all right hemi cortical voxels with a 2000 (out
Hi again,
After running the command, the output image seems to have the left hemi
cortex parcellated, but the right is all assigned one intensity (2000). Is
there something I'm missing? Output below.
Thanks again,
mri_aparc2aseg --s fsaverage --rip-unknown --annot 1000_compact.aparc
I just created a ribbon.mgz (link below). Copy this into fsaverage/mri
and see if it works.
Alex Fornito wrote:
> Thanks, that did the trick.
> The only problem is that I would also like to do the same for fsaverage,
Thanks, that did the trick.
The only problem is that I would also like to do the same for fsaverage, but
in this case mri_aparc2aseg fails because it is looking for ribbon.mgz (see
below). Is there a work around for this?
Thanks again,
mri_aparc2aseg --s fsaverage/ --rip-unknown --annot 1000
Can you send me the orig.mgz and .annot file used as input to this? To
the file drop:
On Mon, 2009-10-19 at 13:38 +0100, Alex Fornito wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've tried running mri_label2vol on a few different computers now an
how many labels are in that annot? The way that mri_label2vol works is
to create a multi-frame volume with the number of frames equal to the
number of labels in the annotation. It then counts the number of times
each voxel "sees" a given label. It then assigns that voxel to the most
Hi all,
I've tried running mri_label2vol on a few different computers now and keep
encountering the same memory error. Can anyone provide suggestions as to how
to get around this problem? I've included the output from a run using linux
on a dual 3.05 GHz Xeon with 8GB ram below.
Thanks for your hel
Hi Natalia,
does the label line up in the volume when viewed with tkmedit? How are you
mapping it into standard coords? Are you using mri_label2label?
On Wed, 8 Jul 2009, Natalia Sanchez wrote:
Hi FreeSurfer experts!
I am kind of new to FreeSurfer and this is my first time us
Have you looked at the --help? There's quite a bit of documentation
there. Take a look and write back if you still have questions.
Natalia Sanchez wrote:
I am using mri_label2vol to create cortical regions of interest of M1.
What should I use for the template? (--temp argument?)
any of the conformed volumes should be fine, since they all have the same
geometry (orig.mgz, brain.mgz, ...)
On Wed, 8 Jul 2009, Natalia Sanchez
I am using mri_label2vol to create cortical regions of interest of M1. What
should I use for the template? (--temp argument?)
Thank you
I am using mri_label2vol to create cortical regions of interest of M1. What
should I use for the template? (--temp argument?)
Thank you
Natalia Sanchez
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