On 3/23/2021 4:54 PM, Devavrat Vartak wrote:
External Email - Use Caution
Hello freesurfer experts,
I am using mri_label2vol to convert my surface drawn label (of
functional activity) to functional space (nifti) for more analysis (prf).
When I open the label file in text editor - it shows two lines at the top
#!ascii label , from subject vox2ras=TkReg
1) Does the number 1287 represent selected voxels or does it represent
something else?
It is the number of points in the label
I use the following command to convert:
mri_label2vol --subject sub-01 --hemi lh --label
CustomLabel/lh.V1.label --regheader /sub-01/mri/orig.mgz --temp
/sub-01/ses-1/mri_files/func_ref_file.nii.gz --o
/prfdata/prfroi_mask/lh.V1.nii --fillthresh .3 --proj frac 0 1 .1
2) When I load the nifti file in python, I do not get 1287 voxels, I
get only ~300 voxels. Why do I get so few voxels ?
You mean 300 active voxels, right? There should be as many voxels as in
func_ref. Probably func_ref has a much larger voxels size, so there are
fewer voxels.
Any help is appreciated.
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