What version are you using? One of our versions had a problem with 
creating bad mgzs. You probably don't need to convert it to mgz. Can you 
run mri_label2vol with the original nii and see if it works?

On 04/04/2012 04:50 PM, Anthony Dick wrote:
> No, but the conversion from the original .nii works...
> [miles:[PATH]] adick% mri_convert chuman_1.mgz junk.mgh
> mri_convert chuman_1.mgz junk.mgh
> $Id: mri_convert.c,v 2011/05/16 20:53:47 greve Exp $
> reading from chuman_1.mgz...
> MRIallocIndices: could not allocate 1701979223 elt index array
> Cannot allocate memory
> [miles:[PATH]] adick% mri_convert chuman_1.nii chuman_1_new.mgz
> mri_convert chuman_1.nii chuman_1_new.mgz
> $Id: mri_convert.c,v 2011/05/16 20:53:47 greve Exp $
> reading from chuman_1.nii...
> TR=0.00, TE=0.00, TI=0.00, flip angle=0.00
> i_ras = (0.999687, 0.0236858, -0.00800704)
> j_ras = (-0.0228015, 0.995052, 0.0967044)
> k_ras = (0.0102579, -0.0964916, 0.995281)
> writing to chuman_1_new.mgz...
> On 4/4/12 4:47 PM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
>> Can you successfully run mri_convert on chuman_1.mgz, eg
>> mri_convert chuman_1.mgz junk.mgh
>> doug
>> On 04/04/2012 12:29 PM, Anthony Dick wrote:
>>> Hello Bruce,
>>> Sorry--just getting back to this project. The basic problem is that I am
>>> trying to align a cerebellar parcellation with the underlay in tkmedit.
>>> I was working on this with Doug, and his suggestion actually worked, and
>>> now I can't get it to work again (see thread:
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg21209.html).
>>> Here is the information you requested.
>>> Anthony
>>> [miles:[PATH]] adick% mri_info chuman_1.mgz
>>> Volume information for chuman_1.mgz
>>>               type: MGH
>>>         dimensions: 141 x 103 x 87
>>>        voxel sizes: 0.8083, 0.9715, 0.8214
>>>               type: FLOAT (3)
>>>                fov: 113.976
>>>                dof: 0
>>>             xstart: -57.0, xend: 57.0
>>>             ystart: -50.0, yend: 50.0
>>>             zstart: -35.7, zend: 35.7
>>>                 TR: 0.00 msec, TE: 0.00 msec, TI: 0.00 msec, flip angle:
>>> 0.00 degrees
>>>            nframes: 1
>>>            PhEncDir: UNKNOWN
>>> ras xform present
>>>         xform info: x_r =   0.9997, y_r =  -0.0228, z_r =   0.0103, c_r
>>> =     4.4598
>>>                   : x_a =   0.0237, y_a =   0.9951, z_a =  -0.0965, c_a
>>> =    15.3835
>>>                   : x_s =  -0.0080, y_s =   0.0967, z_s =   0.9953, c_s
>>> =    -6.8289
>>> talairach xfm :
>>> Orientation   : RAS
>>> Primary Slice Direction: axial
>>> voxel to ras transform:
>>>                     0.8081  -0.0222   0.0084   -51.7364
>>>                     0.0191   0.9666  -0.0793   -32.3006
>>>                    -0.0065   0.0939   0.8175   -46.7739
>>>                     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
>>> voxel-to-ras determinant 0.645035
>>> ras to voxel transform:
>>>                     1.2367   0.0293  -0.0099    64.4661
>>>                    -0.0235   1.0243   0.0995    36.5272
>>>                     0.0125  -0.1175   1.2117    53.5256
>>>                     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
>>> [miles:[PATH]] adick% mri_info orig.mgz
>>> Volume information for orig.mgz
>>>               type: MGH
>>>         dimensions: 256 x 256 x 256
>>>        voxel sizes: 1.0000, 1.0000, 1.0000
>>>               type: UCHAR (0)
>>>                fov: 256.000
>>>                dof: 0
>>>             xstart: -128.0, xend: 128.0
>>>             ystart: -128.0, yend: 128.0
>>>             zstart: -128.0, zend: 128.0
>>>                 TR: 0.00 msec, TE: 0.00 msec, TI: 0.00 msec, flip angle:
>>> 0.00 degrees
>>>            nframes: 1
>>>            PhEncDir: UNKNOWN
>>> ras xform present
>>>         xform info: x_r =  -1.0000, y_r =   0.0000, z_r =   0.0000, c_r
>>> =     6.0377
>>>                   : x_a =   0.0000, y_a =   0.0000, z_a =   1.0000, c_a
>>> =    60.9280
>>>                   : x_s =   0.0000, y_s =  -1.0000, z_s =   0.0000, c_s
>>> =    -1.0000
>>> talairach xfm : /[PATH]/subjects/01/mri/transforms/talairach.xfm
>>> Orientation   : LIA
>>> Primary Slice Direction: coronal
>>> voxel to ras transform:
>>>                    -1.0000   0.0000   0.0000   134.0377
>>>                     0.0000   0.0000   1.0000   -67.0720
>>>                     0.0000  -1.0000   0.0000   127.0000
>>>                     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
>>> voxel-to-ras determinant -1
>>> ras to voxel transform:
>>>                    -1.0000   0.0000   0.0000   134.0377
>>>                    -0.0000  -0.0000  -1.0000   127.0000
>>>                    -0.0000   1.0000  -0.0000    67.0720
>>>                     0.0000   0.0000   0.0000     1.0000
>>> [miles:[PATH]] adick% mri_label2vol --seg chuman_1.mgz --temp orig.mgz
>>> --regheader>    chuman_1.mgz --o chuman_1.conf.mgz
>>> MRIalloc: could not allocate 975187978 frame
>>> Cannot allocate memory
>>> On 3/7/12 9:17 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
>>>> Hi Anthony
>>>> sounds like there is something wrong with one of your volumes. Can you
>>>> ru mri_info on them?
>>>> Bruce
>>>> On Wed, 7 Mar 2012, Anthony Dick wrote:
>>>>> Hello--I am giving this message a bump. Please let me know if there are
>>>>> any suggestions. Thanks!
>>>>> Anthony
>>>>> On 2/15/12 1:43 PM, Anthony Dick wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I have run the following successfully, but when I have moved on to
>>>>>> other
>>>>>> brains I get:
>>>>>> mri_label2vol --seg chuman_1.mgz --temp orig.mgz --regheader>
>>>>>> chuman_1.mgz --o chuman_1.conf.mgz
>>>>>> MRIalloc: could not allocate 975187978 frame
>>>>>> Cannot allocate memory
>>>>>> I am running a Mac Pro with 8GB RAM.
>>>>>> Anthony
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>>>> it is
>>>> addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the
>>>> e-mail
>>>> contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance
>>>> HelpLine at
>>>> http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the e-mail was sent to you
>>>> in error
>>>> but does not contain patient information, please contact the sender
>>>> and properly
>>>> dispose of the e-mail.

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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