Re: Enable GitHub Discussions?

2022-04-21 Thread tison
You can ask for ASF INFRA to see whether there is a way to bring all activities of GitHub Discussion to a mailing list. Just like development activities to commits@. Best, tison. Niclas Hedhman 于2022年4月21日周四 20:16写道: > > If/when GitHub disappears, will the community suffer from m

Re: Enable GitHub Discussions?

2022-04-21 Thread tison
If we can bring GitHub Discussions threads to dev@ or users@ (by categorized), it won't affect workflow based on mailing list. Basically, you can discuss via GitHub Discussion by emails. Best, tison. Dianjin Wang 于2022年4月21日周四 21:43写道: > Agreed with @Enrico. If enabling th

Pulsar logging framework design

2022-06-21 Thread tison
ne of them (basically jul-to-slf4j) even if they don't depend on it effectively. Best, tison.

Re: Pulsar logging framework design

2022-06-21 Thread tison
Thanks for your input @Enrico! I'll do some investigation in these two weeks. Does this estimate meet the schedule of 2.11? BTW, there is another dependency change PR[1] waiting for review. I don't want to mix this thread but throw it here under the same topic for more visibility. B

Re: Pulsar logging framework design

2022-06-21 Thread tison
ly calling: SLF4JBridgeHandler.removeHandlersForRootLogger(); SLF4JBridgeHandler.install(); .. or any other use case. Best, tison. tison 于2022年6月21日周二 19:29写道: > Thanks for your input @Enrico! I'll do some investigation in these two > weeks. > Does this estimate meet the schedule of 2.11? &

Required and recommended JavaVersion for Pulsar broker

2022-06-22 Thread tison
n pulsar broker with JDK17. Best, tison. [1]

Re: Required and recommended JavaVersion for Pulsar broker

2022-06-22 Thread tison
Thanks for your information! Then I think we can merge PR-16163 to master and release with 2.11, while not to cherry-pick to <=2.10. Best, tison. Ran Gao 于2022年6月23日周四 10:01写道: > One problem is that the presto 334 needs jdk11+ and it didn't support > jdk8, maybe 2.11 is a

[DISCUSS] Enable GitHub Discussions?

2022-06-25 Thread tison
ll of Git notifications while we may sort them out to issues@ as in Apache Kvrocks[5]. Best, tison. [1] [2] [3]

Re: [DISCUSS] PIP-181: Pulsar Shell

2022-07-01 Thread tison
Hi Xiaoyu, IIUC patch release must not include new features but only bug fixes. Best, tison. Anon Hxy 于2022年7月1日周五 23:59写道: > Hi Nicolò Boschi, > > The Pulsar Shell is really cool and I like it. And also I have a question: > > > I'd like to target this feature

Re: Pulsar logging framework design

2022-07-02 Thread tison
or of this stuff. Best, tison. [1] tison 于2022年6月21日周二 23:01写道: > cc users@, > > Here is a discussion to remove jul-to-slf4j from pulsar's dependency tree. > > I'd like to do an investigation that whether any user depends

Re: How to Show Info about Community?

2022-07-03 Thread tison
ffinity, I suggest we don't include them since it's hard to maintain and in Apache we always play as individuals. Best, tison. [1] Yu 于2022年7月4日周一 12:35写道: > Hi team, > > We're updating [1] the "Meet the Community" info [2] since

Re: [VOTE] PIP-181: Pulsar Shell

2022-07-04 Thread tison
+1 (non-binding) I love this new tool :) Best, tison. Nicolò Boschi 于2022年7月4日周一 22:45写道: > Dear Community, > > I would like to start a VOTE on "PIP-181: Pulsar Shell" > > The proposal can be read at [0] and the discussion thread is available at > [1]. > Vot

Re: [VOTE] PIP-181: Pulsar Shell

2022-07-07 Thread tison
Great! I will give it a review in this weekend and see whether I can give a review before or after merge :) Best, tison. Nicolò Boschi 于2022年7月7日周四 22:46写道: > The PIP passes with 4 bindings and 6 non-bindings +1. > > Please note the first pull is already ready for review: > https:

Re: [DISCUSS] PIP-181: Pulsar Shell

2022-07-11 Thread tison
lve. Best, tison. [1] Asaf Mesika 于2022年7月11日周一 18:05写道: > Looks awesome. > I was wondering if you have thought about another direction which is > supplying a GraalVM compiled binary. This should take care of load time. So > in effect,

[VOTE] Enable GitHub Discussion for user-facing discussion

2022-07-12 Thread tison
nsus among the community and it's also required before INFRA team takes action. I'd like to start this voting thread for "Enable GitHub Discussion for user-facing discussion", please reply with your opinion: [ ] +1 approve [ ] +0 no opinion [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason

Re: [VOTE] Enable GitHub Discussion for user-facing discussion

2022-07-13 Thread tison
Thanks for your feedback. To be clear, I'll conclude the result after 72 hours from the first email sent if there's no objections. Best, tison. Qiang Huang 于2022年7月13日周三 14:10写道: > +1 > > guo jiwei 于2022年7月13日周三 10:11写道: > > > +1 > > > > > > R

Re: [VOTE] Enable GitHub Discussion for user-facing discussion

2022-07-15 Thread tison
+1 Thanks for voting for this proposal. I'll send a result mail and notify INFRA team to move forward. Best, tison. Haiting Jiang 于2022年7月14日周四 16:15写道: > +1 > > Thanks, > Haiting > > On 2022/07/12 10:00:27 tison wrote: > > Hi, > > > > In the previ

[RESULT][VOTE] Enable GitHub Discussion for user-facing discussion

2022-07-15 Thread tison
Hi, I'm happy to conclude that the proposal[1] is passed with 14 +1 votes, 0 objections. 6 binding votes: liuyu eolivelli wave mmerli penghui zixuan 8 non-binding votes: technoboy Qiang Huang zike Anon Hxy mmarshall Max Xu Haiting Jiang tison Thank everyone. Best, tison. [1]

[DISCUSS] Move Pulsar SQL to a separated repository?

2022-07-15 Thread tison
o overcome this issue. Do you think it's a good idea to move Pulsar SQL to a separated repository? Did you meet something less than awesome because Pulsar SQL is inside the main repo? Looking forward to your feedback on this topic. And perhaps you can help figure out why tests depends on MockedPulsa

Re: [DISCUSS] Move Pulsar SQL to a separated repository?

2022-07-19 Thread tison
sar presto distribution is baked in image "pulsar", "pulsar-all" adds builtin connectors and offloaders. Respect to the integration tests, I cannot run integration tests locally yet :/ Best, tison. [1] Lari Hotari 于2022年7月18日周一 15:

Re: [DISCUSS] Move Pulsar SQL to a separated repository?

2022-07-22 Thread tison
all Pulsar SQL snippet from among the PULSAR_HOME folder, so that we can later smoothly move out the Pulsar SQL components. Best, tison. [1] tison 于2022年7月19日周二 16:14写道: > Hi Lari, > > Thanks for your feedback! > > A quick update is tha

[DISCUSS] Does stale bot make value for you?

2022-07-29 Thread tison
e audiences reacted with negative emoji to those comments. Thus, I'd like to know whether you gain some value from the stale bot. To me, it seems a potential spammer, frustration maker, and resource consumer (we run a workflow to label them, and even tried to optimize its resource occupation[

Re: [DISCUSS] Does stale bot make value for you?

2022-07-29 Thread tison
ly for interaction and wastes CI resources. Besides, we have even two labels (Stale, lifecycle/stale). Project entropy increases if we treat broken windows as not a big deal. Best, tison. PengHui Li 于2022年7月30日周六 09:38写道: > Hi tison, > > Thanks for bringing up this discussion. > >

Re: [DISCUSS] Does stale bot make value for you?

2022-07-30 Thread tison
Here is a fresh bad case of stale impressions: Best, tison. tison 于2022年7月30日周六 13:20写道: > Hi Penghui, > > Thanks for your feedback! Comments inline: > > > If we removed the stale label, how can we know wh

Re: [DISCUSS] Does stale bot make value for you?

2022-07-30 Thread tison
whether "the stale bot" helps or it creates frustration, spamming comments, and consumes resources unnecessarily. We should always handle backlogs in some way, but may not with a stale bot. Best, tison. Dave Fisher 于2022年7月30日周六 22:50写道: > Perhaps 30 days is too quick? 90

Re: [DISCUSS] Does stale bot make value for you?

2022-07-30 Thread tison
search query mentioned above. I'm curious if our members treat an issue with/without the stale label differently. If not, I don't see the value we gain from running workflows and potentially spamming comments. Best, tison. tison 于2022年7月30日周六 23:00写道: > Hi Dave, > > >

Re: [DISCUSS] Does stale bot make value for you?

2022-08-01 Thread tison
le logic can be integrated into waiting-for-reviewer, which is better than "you are stale/inactive". Then a reviewer can label it as waiting-for-author so that we learn the state and the stale bot will skip it. What do you think? Best, tison. Zixuan Liu 于2022年8月1日周一 11:42写道: > Hi t

Re: [Vote] PIP 198: Standardize PR Naming Convention using GitHub Actions

2022-08-08 Thread tison
container for this content. If this proposal gets accepted, @Yu you can create an issue for the dev doc part and ping me. I can offer my help to write so. Best, tison. Zike Yang 于2022年8月8日周一 13:35写道: > +1 (non-binding) > > Thanks > Zike Yang > > On Mon, Aug 8, 2022 at 1:06 PM Xiang

Re: [Vote] PIP 198: Standardize PR Naming Convention using GitHub Actions

2022-08-09 Thread tison
s and components are not voted in this thread and postponed when we review the patch. Currently, I'd suggest: feature -> feat workflow -> ci improve/cleanup -> chore dependency -> dep function -> fn security -> sec website -> site ... Best, tison. Qiang Huang 于2022年8月9日周二 15:0

Re: [DISCUSS] Does stale bot make value for you?

2022-08-09 Thread tison
reduce the backlog. I will send a dedicated mail with title "[COMMITTER ATTENTION] You can close stale issues as not planned" tomorrow. Best, tison. [1]

Re: [DISCUSS] Does stale bot make value for you?

2022-08-09 Thread tison
A good example is Apache SkyWalking who has less than 100 issues. If we reach similar status, we don't have to worry about stale bot at all and even simply remove it - our committers should be able to handle such traffic. Best, tison. tison 于2022年8月9日周二 23:18写道: > After a discuss

[COMMITTER ATTENTION] You can close stale issues as not planned

2022-08-11 Thread tison
nstead of helping it. Close as not planned shows that the issue does get resolved, and that provides enough information to collaborate. Best, tison. [1] [2

Re: [DISCUSS] Switch to the Temurin JDK in the Docker image

2022-08-12 Thread tison
+1 Thanks for bringing this topic :) In Pulsar usages, these two distributions should not be quite different. Did you investigate the compatibility more? Best, tison. Zixuan Liu 于2022年8月12日周五 15:17写道: > Hi all, > > I noticed we are using OpenJDK in our Docker image, I sugges

Re: Questions about the release process

2022-08-12 Thread tison
it cannot help the current status, and I don't want to discuss details on this topic here. Again, just for your information :) Best, tison. [1] [2] Yunze Xu 于2022年8月12日周五 21:57写道: > Yeah, I a

Re: [Discuss] PIP 198: Standardize PR Naming Convention using GitHub Actions

2022-08-14 Thread tison
may not want it later, shall we customize it further then? +1 for Angular convention. Best, tison. [1] Qiang Huang 于2022年8月14日周日 12:15写道: > I agree that the customized one is better. +1 on the customized one. > > Jun M 于

Re: [Discuss] PIP 198: Standardize PR Naming Convention using GitHub Actions

2022-08-14 Thread tison
To clarify, I don't have a strong feeling about either convention. According to the reason above, I'd prefer the Angular convention, while +0 for the customized convention. Best, tison. tison 于2022年8月14日周日 23:40写道: > Technically, the regexp of both conventions are: > > *

Re: Spring for Apache Pulsar

2022-08-16 Thread tison
ound on this blog: > > > > Looking forward to any feedback, feature request and PR contributions!! > > Best Regards, > Soby Chacko > -- Best, tison.

[DISCUSS] PIP-200 Package Pulsar Trino distro and config in a dedicated folder

2022-08-17 Thread tison
Hello, This is a PIP to package the Pulsar Trino distro and config in a dedicated folder. Link: Prototype: Below you can find the proposal (I will amend the GH issue while we discuss it). Best, tison

Re: [DISCUSS] PIP-200 Package Pulsar Trino distro and config in a dedicated folder

2022-08-17 Thread tison
ed into packaging changes, possible doc changes, and possible Chart changes. Best, tison. Qiang Huang 于2022年8月17日周三 19:25写道: > Looks good. I have two points: > 1. It is necessary to supplement the upgrade and downgrade documentation in > Pulsar. > 2. There are 3 issues mentioned in the

[DISCUSS] Enable non-mandatory updating PR branches

2022-08-18 Thread tison
rom the PMC members. Previously I asked the INFRA team to turn on this option for Apache Kvrocks (Incubating)[2] and I believe the INFRA team would be happy to see an explicit community consensus. Best, tison. [1] [2]

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Jiwei Guo as a new PMC member in Pulsar

2022-08-18 Thread tison
Congratulations! Best, tison. Nicolò Boschi 于2022年8月18日周四 20:36写道: > Congratulations! > > Nicolò Boschi > > > Il giorno gio 18 ago 2022 alle ore 14:15 Anon Hxy ha > scritto: > > > Congratulations! > > > > Thanks, > > Xiaoyu Hou > > &g

Re: [Discussion] PIP 198 - How to define [type] and [scope]?

2022-08-18 Thread tison
e should I sort it to? Best, tison. Yu 于2022年8月18日周四 16:45写道: > Thank you all! > > Hi Zixuan and all, > > > - dep (abbr for dependency) -> deps > "dep" is abbr for "dependency" > while "deps" can be abbr for "dependencies" &g

Re: [DISCUSS] Enable non-mandatory updating PR branches

2022-08-18 Thread tison
Thanks for your feedback! @Nicolò sorry for accidentally fragmenting the discussion. As a PMC member, would you like to open an INFRA ticket later if no objection, said the next Monday? Or I'm glad to do a favor if you wish. Best, tison. PengHui Li 于2022年8月18日周四 22:02写道: > +1 &

Re: [DISCUSS] Enable non-mandatory updating PR branches

2022-08-19 Thread tison
I can see that Nico has submitted an INFRA ticket Thank you! Best, tison. tison 于2022年8月18日周四 23:04写道: > Thanks for your feedback! > > @Nicolò sorry for accidentally fragmenting the discussion. As a PMC > member, would you lik

Re: [DISCUSS] Enable non-mandatory updating PR branches

2022-08-19 Thread tison
FYI, the INFRA team has applied the change. This thread can be closed. Thanks for your participation. Best, tison. tison 于2022年8月19日周五 16:35写道: > I can see that Nico has submitted an INFRA ticket > > > Thank you! > > Best, &g

Re: [Discussion] PIP 198 - How to define [type] and [scope]?

2022-08-19 Thread tison
But yes, it's not a requirement but a suggestion. Best, tison.

Re: [Discussion] PIP 198 - How to define [type] and [scope]?

2022-08-19 Thread tison
quot;workflow" in such situations. > build system or external dependencies. So, it overlaps with deps. While I can regard it as Maven/Docker/Build script related changes, we may not have "pkg", "tool", "deploy" that can overlap with this. Best, tison. ti

Re: [Discussion] PIP 198 - How to define [type] and [scope]?

2022-08-19 Thread tison
. Best, tison. tison 于2022年8月19日周五 17:41写道: > > I intended to mean changes to "process / standard / guide" [2] rather > than "CI workflow", but it still causes confusion. > > How can a PR be relevant to these things? I think the result should be > either CI wo

Re: [Discussion] PIP 198 - How to define [type] and [scope]?

2022-08-19 Thread tison
BTW, how can I sort changes for the metadata store? Best, tison. tison 于2022年8月19日周五 17:44写道: > To proposal a workable solution, I suggest: > > replace > > * pkg > * tool > * deploy > * ci > * workflow > * build > > with > > * ci - CI workflow ch

Re: [DISCUSS] Make `Pulsar CI / CI - Unit - Brokers - Flaky` test group to be required

2022-08-22 Thread tison
it from the required status - it's quite unstable. Best, tison. mattison chao 于2022年8月22日周一 15:56写道: > Hi all > > Recently, some tests in the `broker-flaky` test group always failed, but > since it doesn't block CI, no one cared for a long time. > > This behaviour cau

Re: [Discussion] PIP 198 - How to define [type] and [scope]?

2022-08-22 Thread tison
d be fine. > "packaging logics" For example, build the docker image, build & publish shell scripts. > How about defining [build] refer to the following? Make sense. > Two quick questions need your vote! To save letters, B & A. Best, tison.

Re: [DISCUSS] PIP-200 Package Pulsar Trino distro and config in a dedicated folder

2022-08-24 Thread tison
SQL overview page should be enough. Best, tison. tison 于2022年8月17日周三 19:40写道: > Thanks for your feedback! > > 1. According to the upgrade and downgrade doc, I think the minimum > requirements are a release note. Describe the layout change and how users > should move the folder. I&#

Re: [DISCUSS] Move PIPs to the codebase?

2022-08-24 Thread tison
cs does and keep the number growing normally. I can provide experience to maintain this sort of resource. Best, tison.

Re: [DISCUSS] Move PIPs to the codebase?

2022-08-24 Thread tison
into making several PRs to move content fragmentedly. Best, tison. PengHui Li 于2022年8月25日周四 10:59写道: > Hi Tison, > > Thanks for providing more context. > > > Rust RFCs hold in a separate repo so that they can use the PR number as > the > proposal number to prevent dupli

Re: [Discussion] PIP 198 - How to define [type] and [scope]?

2022-08-24 Thread tison
ributors to tag the issue. I don't know whether it's possible, but it's better than setting up title rules. I can foresee that it's seldomly followed. Best, tison. Liu Yu 于2022年8月25日周四 12:59写道: > Thanks Max! > > Agree with applying the same rules ( [type] [scope

Re: [Discussion] PIP 198 - How to define [type] and [scope]?

2022-08-24 Thread tison
to sort out related components, but it's generally hard to do. I report a bug, how can I know which components are related? It is required I have to dig it out? Best, tison. tison 于2022年8月25日周四 13:08写道: > > Agree with applying the same rules ( [type] [scope] summary) for > writin

Re: [Discussion] PIP 198 - How to define [type] and [scope]?

2022-08-24 Thread tison
Anyway, it's a separate topic to discuss. If you want to discuss issue types and whether to label components, please start another thread. Best, tison. tison 于2022年8月25日周四 13:12写道: > From current issue templates, we already sort issues into bug reports, > improvements, doc cha

Re: [DISCUSS] PIP-200 Package Pulsar Trino distro and config in a dedicated folder

2022-08-25 Thread tison
Thanks for your input! I update the prototype as described in the proposal: Will initialize a vote for PIP-200 soon. Best, tison. Zhengxin Cai 于2022年8月26日周五 08:36写道: > +1 on this, > I think helm chart should not be a big issue, we can just u

[VOTE] PIP-200 Package Pulsar Trino distro and config in a dedicated folder

2022-08-29 Thread tison
link to the draft PR: Voting will stay open for at least 72h. Best, tison.

Re: [DISCUSS] PIP-200 Package Pulsar Trino distro and config in a dedicated folder

2022-08-29 Thread tison
Here is the vote thread: You're welcome to vote on the thread. Best, tison. tison 于2022年8月26日周五 09:06写道: > Thanks for your input! > > I update the prototype as described in the proposal: >

Re: [VOTE] PIP-205: Reactive Java client for Apache Pulsar

2022-08-31 Thread tison
+1 (non-binding) Best, tison. Enrico Olivelli 于2022年8月31日周三 22:10写道: > +1 (binding) > > Enrico > > Il giorno mer 31 ago 2022 alle ore 16:06 Lari Hotari > ha scritto: > > > > Hello, > > > > This is the official VOTE thread for PIP-205: Reactive Jav

Re: [DISCUSS] PIP-204: Reactive Java client for Apache Pulsar

2022-08-31 Thread tison
rs build applications/integrations around Apache Pulsar. I can participate in this effort :) Best, tison. Michael Marshall 于2022年8月31日周三 23:17写道: > +1 Great proposal. I think it makes sense to wrap the current pulsar > Java client to make this client available sooner. > > Also, as we bu

Re: [VOTE] [PIP-204] Extensions for BrokerInterceptor

2022-08-31 Thread tison
+1 (non-binding) Best, tison. PengHui Li 于2022年9月1日周四 11:20写道: > +1 (binding) > > Penghui > > On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 11:06 AM guo jiwei wrote: > > > +1 (binding) > > > > Regards > > Jiwei Guo (Tboy) > > > > > > On Wed, Aug

Re: [VOTE] PIP-200 Package Pulsar Trino distro and config in a dedicated folder

2022-09-01 Thread tison
eted, easy ;-) Best, tison. Aloys Zhang 于2022年9月1日周四 13:53写道: > +1(non-binding) > > guo jiwei 于2022年9月1日周四 10:31写道: > > > +1 (binding) > > > > > > Regards > > Jiwei Guo (Tboy) > > > > > > On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 1:36 AM Lari Hotari wrote: &g

Re: [VOTE] PIP-200 Package Pulsar Trino distro and config in a dedicated folder

2022-09-01 Thread tison
+1 (non-binding) Best, tison. tison 于2022年9月2日周五 09:46写道: > Thanks for your participation! I'm closing this vote now and summarize the > result. > > You're welcome to help with reviewing > and once it gets merged, I &

[RESULT][VOTE] PIP-200 Package Pulsar Trino distro and config in a dedicated folder

2022-09-01 Thread tison
Hi, Thanks to everyone who participated in the vote. The voting is now closed and it has passed with 4 binding +1, 5 non-binding +1, and no 0 or -1 votes. +1 bindings: Penghui Li Enrico Olivelli Lari Hotari Jiwei Guo +1 non-bindings: Nicolò Boschi Max Xu Zixuan Liu Aloys Zhang tison Best

Re: Pulsar CI congested, master branch build broken

2022-09-07 Thread tison
> selecting which jobs to process Do you have a patch to implement this? IIRC it requires interacting with outside service or at least we may add an ok-to-test label. Besides, it increases committers/PMC members' workload - be aware of it, or most of contributions will stall. Bes

Re: Pulsar CI congested, master branch build broken

2022-09-07 Thread tison
of releasing the guard to all PRs. > Fix quarantined flaky tests But yes, to overcome the workload brought by unnecessary reruns, it can be a solution that we treat all tests as "unstable" and un-require them while adding back in a timing manner. Best, tison. Lari Hotari 于2022年9月

Re: Pulsar CI congested, master branch build broken

2022-09-07 Thread tison
dy labeled); compared with now, we run for every issue/PR opened/labeled. Best, tison. tison 于2022年9月8日周四 01:27写道: > Today Pulsar repo runs almost up to one worflow run at the same time. It's > a new situation I didn't notice before. > > > drop the "required check

Re: [ANNOUNCE] New Pulsar Committer: Huanli Meng & Hang Chen

2020-10-26 Thread tison
Congratulations! Best, tison. Lan Liang 于2020年10月26日周一 下午3:03写道: > > > Congratulations! > > > > > Best Regards, > Lan Liang > On 10/26/2020 15:02,Dianjin Wang wrote: > Congratulations! > > > > Best, > Dianjin Wang > > > > > O

Re: A little question about doc bot

2021-11-02 Thread tison
Hi ZhangJian, I think you can fulfill the checkbox before create the PR. Just place - [x] `no-need-doc`. Best, tison. ZhangJian He 于2021年11月3日周三 下午12:55写道: > Can we check the pr is labeled after a time interval? > Now the bot check the pr immediately, I clicked the checkbox after post

Re: [Vote] PIP 109: Introduce Bot to Improve Efficiency of Developing Docs

2021-11-03 Thread tison
Isn't already into use? >From the proposal I don't know what the problem is to solve. Best, tison. PengHui Li 于2021年11月4日周四 上午8:05写道: > +1 > > Penghui > > On Wed, Nov 3, 2021 at 12:

Re: [Vote] PIP 109: Introduce Bot to Improve Efficiency of Developing Docs

2021-11-03 Thread tison
Yes I read it. It describes a lot of details which I can conclude is that "We need a bot". But we already have a bot running online So it confuses me. Best, tison. Anonymitaet _ 于2021年11月4日周四 下午2:4

Re: [Vote] PIP 109: Introduce Bot to Improve Efficiency of Developing Docs

2021-11-04 Thread tison
Aha. Get it. +1 Best, tison. Enrico Olivelli 于2021年11月4日周四 下午4:29写道: > Tison, > actually we already implemented it :-) > > I believe this thread is only for having a formal process and record the > work as a PIP > > > +1 > > Enrico > > Il giorno gio

Re: [DISCUSS] How to handle stale PRs

2021-12-03 Thread tison
l create many corner (bad) cases. Best, tison. Michael Marshall 于2021年12月4日周六 00:57写道: > Hi Pulsar Community, > > I am excited to start contributing as a committer! I have a question > about our process for closing stale PRs. > > We have ~300 open PRs right now. Do we have an

Re: [DISCUSS] Release DotPulsar 3.0.0

2023-08-28 Thread tison
-client-python [2]. Best, tison. [1] [2] Zike Yang 于2023年8月28日周一 14:59写道: > +1 > > I am looking forward to this new release. > >

Re: [DISCUSS] Release DotPulsar 3.0.0

2023-08-30 Thread tison
e NuGet package, see [1][2] for more information. Best, tison. [1] [2] tison 于2023年8月28日周一 22:43写道: > +1 > > Thanks for driving this release. You may call a vote once the release >

[VOTE] Pulsar DotPulsar Release 3.0.0 Candidate 1

2023-09-02 Thread tison
e the release [ ] -1, Do not approve the release (please provide specific comments) Best, tison.

[DISCUSS] Review broker features for a feature matrix

2023-09-05 Thread tison
t and cc in this mailing list for more visibility. Looking forward to your feedback! Best, tison. [1]

Re: [VOTE] PIP-277: Add `current` option in the Clusters list cmd

2023-09-06 Thread tison
+1 (binding) Trivial with low risk. Best, tison. mattison chao 于2023年9月6日周三 22:50写道: > +1 (binding) > > Best, > Mattison > On 6 Sep 2023 at 22:37 +0800, PengHui Li , wrote: > > +1 (binding) > > > > The proposal just added a new option to show which cluster is

Re: [VOTE] Pulsar DotPulsar Release 3.0.0 Candidate 1

2023-09-08 Thread tison
+1 (binding) I checked - Signature and checksums match - Build the client from the source - Run examples Best, tison. Yunze Xu 于2023年9月8日周五 01:15写道: > +1 (binding) > > - Verified signature and checksums > - Build from source with dotnet 7.0.400 on Windows 11 > - Run the ex

[RESULT][VOTE] Pulsar DotPulsar Release 3.0.0 Candidate 1

2023-09-11 Thread tison
Hello, The vote to release Apache Pulsar DotPulsar 3.0.0 has passed with 3 binding VOTES and 1 non-binding VOTE[1]. binding: - Yunze Xu - tison - Mattison non-binding: - David Jensen I will promote the artifacts to the SVN repo. Thank you all for testing this release. Best, tison. [1

Re: [VOTE] Pulsar DotPulsar Release 3.0.0 Candidate 1

2023-09-12 Thread tison
ation. And publish an X.Y.Z version on NuGet as a formal one when the vote is passed. Best, tison. mattison chao 于2023年9月11日周一 13:01写道: > +1 (binding) > > • Checked signature and checksums > • Built the client from the source > • Ran basic example. > > > Best, > Mattiso

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Pulsar DotPulsar 3.0.0 released

2023-09-19 Thread tison
The Apache Pulsar team is proud to announce Apache Pulsar DotPulsar 3.0.0. Pulsar is a highly scalable, low latency messaging platform running on commodity hardware. It provides simple pub-sub semantics over topics, guaranteed at-least-once delivery of messages, automatic cursor management for sub

How do we generate new versioned docs now?

2023-10-15 Thread tison
When running locally, it correctly copied from the NEXT version. cc the last two release managers - Best, tison.

Re: [DISCUSS] Moving to Java 21 for development and Pulsar server component runtime

2023-10-18 Thread tison
It's different to 1. be compatible with JDK 21 2. switch the runtime to JDK 21 The latter means we can break compatibility with early JRE. I totally support to be compatible with JDK 21 and saw your PRs to upgrade mockito version for so. But perhaps it's better to wait a bit for users feedback o

Re: [DISCUSS] Moving to Java 21 for development and Pulsar server component runtime

2023-10-18 Thread tison
> I think Java 21 can open the door for Virtual Threads[1]. Yep. This should be a good motivation for using JDK 21. We may start a survey in the community a few months later for JDK 21 feedback (as we /will/ switch the runtime to JDK 21 in Docker) and try to switch the toolkit. Best, ti

Re: [VOTE] PIP-307: Support subscribing multi-topics for WebSocket

2023-10-24 Thread tison
PIP number conflicts. May we keep using pip-xxx instead of pip_xxx so that Git can help detect number conflict.. Best, tison. 太上玄元道君 于2023年10月24日周二 23:50写道: > +1(no-binding) > > Thanks, > Tao Jiuming > > Cong Zhao 于2023年10月24日 周二16:03写道: > > > +1(no-binding) &g

[CALL FOR CONTRIBUTE] The broker feature matrix page

2023-10-30 Thread tison
embers for commenting the features you know, use, or contribute to the PR linked above[2], with the missing information for when they're experimental, beta, or stable, as well as any documents you ever read or referred to of them. Best, tison. [1] https://lists.ap

Re: [DISCUSS] Auto release Nuget artifacts for DotPulsar

2023-11-02 Thread tison
lsar-dotpulsar/pull/184#pullrequestreview-1710708673 . Best, tison. Enrico Olivelli 于2023年10月30日周一 15:09写道: > How do we handle the VOTE? > > Enrico > > Il Lun 30 Ott 2023, 08:06 Zike Yang ha scritto: > > > Hi, David > > > > Thanks for initializing this discuss

Re: [DISCUSS] Auto release Nuget artifacts for DotPulsar

2023-11-02 Thread tison
> the formal release to release artifacts of a formal version (no -rc). Best, tison. tison 于2023年11月3日周五 00:13写道: > > How do we handle the VOTE? > > It's recorded in the process doc. Basically, the formal release will be > triggered once the vote on list gets passed. &

Re: [Discuss] Disable `Rebase and Merge` on Pulsar Repo

2023-11-05 Thread tison
As it's a low traffic requirement, I agree that we can disable it and enable it temporarily when necessary. Although it introduces a bit chore commits to toggle the button, due to its low frequency, it should be fine. Best, tison. Heesung Sohn 于2023年11月6日周一 12:07写道: > Hi, > &g

[OT] Evaluate Virtual thread [WAS][DISCUSS] Moving to Java 21

2023-11-07 Thread tison
ing IO" but can be also Future::get or others. It's not easy to audit the change. Best, tison. [1] [2] [3]

Re: [DISCUSS] Replace stale bot with ping-pong workflow

2023-11-09 Thread tison
nday if no more objection. Best, tison. Asaf Mesika 于2023年11月9日周四 21:21写道: > Submitted a PR to disable it: > > On Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 3:58 PM Asaf Mesika wrote: > > > Tison let's start as you suggested by disabling it > > >

[VOTE] DotPulsar Release 3.1.0 RC 1

2023-11-20 Thread tison SHA-512 checksums: d96490c28be42707c906dfb2bba468b8880d6c4cbb76b13f6497e3ed3e9243d00ff778695f83442772ff7ccc2bad4afd6815b581f85281f81e4d6ba9afcd844b pulsar-dotpulsar-3.1.0-rc.1.tar.gz Best, tison.

[ANNOUNCE] New Committer: David Jensen

2023-11-27 Thread tison
, tison on behalf of the Pulsar PMC [1]

[ANNOUNCE] Daniel Blankensteiner as new PMC member in Apache Pulsar

2023-11-27 Thread tison
. DotPulsar is the official .NET client library for Apache Pulsar, written entirely in C# and implements Apache Pulsar's binary protocol. On behalf of the Pulsar PMC, we extend a heartfelt welcome and congratulations to Daniel Blankensteiner. Best, tison. [1]

[RESULT][VOTE] DotPulsar Release 3.1.0 RC 1

2023-11-28 Thread tison
Thanks for your participation! I'll close this vote with 3 +1 binding votes and 1 +1 non-binding vote: +1 binding Yunze Xu Zili Chen Lari Hotari +1 non-binding David Jensen I'll upload the artifacts and send an announcement later. Best, tison. Lari Hotari 于2023年11月27日周一 16:1

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Pulsar C# Client DotPulsar 3.1.0 released

2023-11-28 Thread tison
The Apache Pulsar team is proud to announce DotPulsar version 3.1.0. Pulsar is a highly scalable, low latency messaging platform running on commodity hardware. It provides simple pub-sub semantics over topics, guaranteed at-least-once delivery of messages, automatic cursor management for subscribe

[VOTE] DotPulsar Release 3.1.1 RC 1

2023-12-06 Thread tison
ksums: 784a0afb1a78122bb4c90ed8b2a3945b14628c78b9c0b902e376c74fa0b0d644ace8646357a22fbbebaac5929e0f7781deb416f17c68bb354903159023b5e012 pulsar-dotpulsar-3.1.1.tar.gz Best, tison.

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