Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-09-05 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hy Raymond, On 04.09.2013 18:33, Steele, Raymond wrote: You are right, I completely missed your post. I am updating my compiler (SolarisStudio 12.3) now. As far as I can see now, I do not have isfinite is not a member of std on my system. Although, Netbeans allows me to choose C++ Standard C+

Re: svn commit: r1519953 - in /openoffice/branches/l10n40/main/languages/source: af/ ar/ as/ ast/ be-BY/ bg/ bn/ bo/ br/ brx/ bs/ ca-XV/ ca/ cs/ cy/ da/ de/ dgo/ dz/ el/ en-AU/ en-GB/ en-ZA/ eo/ es/ e

2013-09-05 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Jan, [...] I have to ask very clearly; is the opinion of the community, that .po files is not to be considered a vital/integrated part of our source tree and should be moved away ? I believe they are as important as the source code. But they are not source code! Also templates, clip art, e

Re: about ooo export PDF file?

2013-09-05 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 05.09.2013 10:43, jianlizhao wrote: Hello my friend , Who can help me below problem? OOo export PDF files, how to know the number of the PDF document object? Please see the source file pdfwriter_impl.cxx [1]. You're probably looking for the PDFWriterImpl::emitDocumentMetadata() or the PDFW

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-09-06 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 05.09.2013 18:37, Steele, Raymond wrote: Thanks for the information. I will give this a try if my current strategy does not work. > Apparently, SolarisStudios 12.3 compiler is not compatible with c++11. We don't build in C++11 mode for (most of) our target platforms yet. I just finished

Re: Question to all developers and translators: How integrated should translation be ?

2013-09-06 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 06.09.2013 15:03, Rob Weir wrote: So maybe just rename "extras" to something else if it is merely the word that is offensive. But although translations are essential to the project, modularity is also important. For example, we don't put the website in /main do we, although that is importan

Re: bug 107063 (needs update)

2013-09-08 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 08.09.2013 23:38, Kay Schenk wrote: On Sun, Sep 8, 2013 at 6:55 AM, wrote: Can someone please set the bugs: 26331 20525 as duplicate of: 107063 And change the "Version" of 107063 to 4.0.1. I tested this on Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.1_Win_x86_install_en-GB.exe on XP and this bug still occurs.

Re: Wrong "vendor" on last dev build

2013-09-09 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 07.09.2013 10:39, Ricardo Berlasso wrote: Under Help → About OpenOffice it seems that the build system name is used as vendor: AOO401m3(Build:9712) - Rev. 1520285 2013-09-05 14:04 - Linux x86_64 Copyright © 2013 aoo_centos5_64. Este producto fue creado por aoo_centos5_64, basado en Apache

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-09-09 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 07.09.2013 00:17, Steele, Raymond wrote: To address the isfinite() issue I added the following to rtl/math.hxx: #ifdef SOLARIS #undef SAL_MATH_FINITE #define SAL_MATH_FINITE(d) finite(d) #endf Your links were very helpful. Thanks so much. Wonderful, so this problem is mostly solved. We jus

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-09-09 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Raymond, On 07.09.2013 02:17, Steele, Raymond wrote: Problem after problem. So far the problems where quite trivial platform differences. Of course the problems only become simple after their root cause is understood ;-) Now I am getting: Entering /opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/configmgr/source

Re: Example of spreadsheet formula testing

2013-09-10 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 09.09.2013 22:03, Andrea Pescetti wrote: On 03/09/2013 Herbert Duerr wrote: That's a good idea. Here is a first very rough draft: That link is behind an editor password. Here&

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-09-10 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 09.09.2013 19:59, Steele, Raymond wrote: I am using trying to build the source code that I pulled from here: Thanks for the info. Now I know better what to patch. I make the changes to my local copy of the files specified at http://svn

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-09-10 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Raymond, On 09.09.2013 19:13, Steele, Raymond wrote: Thanks for the information. I attached the new mathconf.h file with your patch. I then did a clean build and it compiles without error. Good. I created an issue ("Adaptions for building AOO 4.0.0 on Solaris") for all such adaptions that

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-09-11 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 10.09.2013 19:29, Steele, Raymond wrote: I cannot seem to figure out which integer_fw.hpp is using on my system. I put the following in scopeguard.cxx and received a void ScopeGuard::dismiss() { struct Dummy{} dummy = ::std::numeric_limits::digits; m_func.clear(); } Here is the

Re: IA2 Branch r1519381 IAccessible2 testing - failed Buildbot

2013-09-12 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 12.09.2013 05:21, V Stuart Foote wrote: Look to again have a clean and installable build of the IA2 branch -- r1519381 (wef 2013-09-02)-- to start working against. The latest builds #232 (forced by Andrew) and #233 (regular nightly build) were both successful [1] and built rev 1519381. [1

Re: bug 107063 (needs update)

2013-09-12 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 12.09.2013 11:34, wrote: Can someone please tell me how to change the "Latest Confirmation on:" field in a bug report on bugzilla? You have to be logged in for doing that. There is no userid "bugreporter99" and there are no issues mentioning this userid [1]. What

Re: IA2 Branch r1519381 IAccessible2 testing - failed Buildbot

2013-09-13 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Jean-Philippe, On 12.09.2013 21:02, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote: Could you tell me if there's a binary of this branch? I no longer find any downloadable binary for OOo with IA2. Please see for the windows install pack of the latest IA2 build

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-09-13 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 12.09.2013 20:15, Steele, Raymond wrote: Yes, the modified vigra config.hxx allowed basebmp to be built. I am using --with-system-boost, however, I just did a reconfigure after removing it and ran into issues during the boost build. I receive the following hundreds of times until it fail

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-09-18 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Raymond, On 16.09.2013 19:40, Steele, Raymond wrote: I removed the -library=no%Cstd from the two files and performed a clean build, but still have the same issues. Also, I am untarring the BOOST package version 1.48 so I downloaded the zipped version and unzipped it, placed the resulting

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-09-20 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Raymond, I found hash_set in ../main/stlport/systemstl Is that where it is supposed to be. Yes. Once, I added this to my SOLARINC and SOLARINV environment variables, everything was okay, but then I received a "/usr/local/include/boost/tr1/detail/config_all.hpp", line 161: Error: Could

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-09-20 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Raymond, On 20.09.2013 19:52, Steele, Raymond wrote: No problems on the delay. I am very greatful for your assistance!! Here is my compiler command and below are locations of my utility file. Hopefully this may help. I added utility to the include path, but still no luck. bash-3.2# /opt/so

Re: [RELEASE]: propose a further RC3 for AOO 4.0.1

2013-09-23 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Yuzhen, On 22.09.2013 10:47, Yuzhen Fan wrote: For RC3, could you please share a little bit more on the impact to the functions of the AOO, from testing perspective? QE have been doing RC build acceptance test on RC1 and RC2 from last week, we'd like to know then evaluate what level test we n

Re: [RELEASE]: propose a further RC3 for AOO 4.0.1

2013-09-23 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Yuzhen, On 22.09.2013 10:47, Yuzhen Fan wrote: For RC3, could you please share a little bit more on the impact to the functions of the AOO, from testing perspective? QE have been doing RC build acceptance test on RC1 and RC2 from last week, we'd like to know then evaluate what level test we n

Re: [VOTE]: Release Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 (RC3)

2013-09-25 Thread Herbert Duerr
this is a call for vote on releasing the RC3 release candidate as Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1. This will be an important update release for Apache OpenOffice 4.0 to fix some serious regressions and to introduce some new languages (Basque, Khmer, Lithuaian, Polish, Serbian Cyrillic, Swedish, Turkish, V

[RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache OpenOffice 4.0.1 (RC3)

2013-09-25 Thread Herbert Duerr
Tallying the answers to the release vote [1] resulted in ten binding +1, four non-binding +1 and one non-binding -1 votes. No other votes were cast. [1] The one negative vote has a lot of me

Re: [RELEASE] finishing release notes

2013-09-25 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hereby I request everybody to have a look at the current draft release notes for AOO 4.0.1 [1] in order to complete and 'tuned' them. [1] Also having more translations is encouraged. P.S.: Personally, I am currently

Re: Reminder: Time to update your entry in the Directory of Volunteers

2013-09-26 Thread Herbert Duerr
Николай Нинков wrote: > Because the translation of Bulgarian is almost ready, please do for me a dev > snapshot with the Bulgarian translation to carry out the necessary tests. > I do not want to promise but I will try to handle the tests so that you turn > the Bulgarian translation in the new Rel

Re: Building for MAC OS, gcc 4.0

2013-09-27 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Tal, On 26.09.2013 22:21, Tal Daniel wrote: Following the Building guide for MAC, I need help. My gcc version is 4.2, and the configure script outputs a warning that it needs 4.0. Is it a blocker? Do I need to install another gcc? ... checking the GNU gcc compiler version... configure: er

New localizations (was: Reminder: Time to update your entry in the Directory of Volunteers)

2013-09-27 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Jan, On 27.09.2013 10:27, janI wrote: On 27 September 2013 08:32, Herbert Duerr wrote: Николай Нинков wrote: Because the translation of Bulgarian is almost ready, please do for me a dev snapshot with the Bulgarian translation to carry out the necessary tests. I do not want to promise

Re: Building for MAC OS, gcc 4.0

2013-09-27 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 27.09.2013 13:39, Tal Daniel wrote: Thank you Herbert, I'm using Xcode 3.2.6, with gcc 4.2, so I'll wait with your branch. Oh, if you already XCode 3 then you're probably almost all set: Please check ls -l /usr/bin/gcc* AFAIK on a typical XCode3 system there should be gcc-4.0 and gcc

Re: [Mac] [Build] python headers not found

2013-09-27 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 27.09.2013 13:51, Tal Daniel wrote: Hi, I'm trying to follow the Building Guide for Mac, and not I'm struggling with Python: the configuration shell script can't find the Pyhon header files (python.h, ...). Jürgen recently [1][2] updated the python baseline to Python 2.7 [1] https://issues.

Re: [Accessibility] Calc and Impress got complete ia2 support -- (aoo-w7ia2) Buildbot currently failing

2013-09-27 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 27.09.2013 15:44, V Stuart Foote wrote: Great news! Once we have a useable build... I just checked and the current r1526782 based ia2 branch is failing snapshot Buildbot for "svn under cygwin" So the (aoo-w7ia2) Buildbot for the ia2 branch again needs some attention. bb-win7 says: svn: E

Re: [Mac] [Build] python headers not found

2013-09-30 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Tal, On 28.09.2013 11:14, Tal Daniel wrote: Herbert, thank you updating me on the SVN update, which updated Python definitions in; it makes things much more easier now, since Jürgen points now to the current version of Python. Would you share with us how do you track SVN updates

Re: [MAC][Build] Error at soltools mkdepend

2013-09-30 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 28.09.2013 12:40, Tal Daniel wrote: Hi, I get an error while building (below). Can anyone guide me how to check its source, and how can I get a more detailed error report? or... how to try to compile only this part in Xcode 3.2.6? [...] 1 module(s): soltools need(s) to be rebuilt Changing i

Re: AOO 4 unusable under Linux64?

2013-09-30 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 29.09.2013 21:12, Edwin Sharp wrote: [...] Not sure what is meant by Crash bug, but here is relevant information: Current distribution I use: A great distribution, I use that too! AOO was installed from arc file of the Buildbots. Ah, that's the reason. Linux has a

Re: svn commit: r1526917 - /openoffice/trunk/extras/l10n/source/bg/localize.sdf

2013-09-30 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 27.09.2013 16:59, janI wrote: Please make these changes in pootle instead, otherwise we loose them next time someone generates the sdf file, like I just did. I just wanted to give buildbots a chance to actually build them independent when their SDF file gets recreated. Also my chinese, bul

Re: svn commit: r1526917 - /openoffice/trunk/extras/l10n/source/bg/localize.sdf

2013-09-30 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 30.09.2013 13:40, janI wrote: Danish also had a problem in helpcontent2, but I solved that and committed a new sdf file. Thanks! Somewhere in the future, we should find a way to avoid tags in text, and only give translators what should be translated. Absolutely, these tags seem to be the

Re: AOO 4 unusable under Linux64?

2013-09-30 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 29.09.2013 07:30, Rainer Bielefeld wrote: Edwin Sharp and some other users found several bugs [1] under Linux64, in summary the conclusion seems to be that AOO currently is more or less unusable with Linux 64. Please see the thread on the QA list where things start to look as if buildbot ni

Re: New localizations for testing (Danish and Bulgarian)

2013-09-30 Thread Herbert Duerr
Many thanks to Jan for providing the *sdf files and for completing the danish translation. I fixed the remaining tag imbalances in the Bulgarian translation in both Pootle and SVN. The first test builds are available now for Bulgarian [1] and Danish [2]. For now only the Mac builds, Linux 64bi

Re: New localizations for testing (Danish and Bulgarian)

2013-10-01 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 30.09.2013 21:56, Andrea Pescetti wrote: On 30/09/2013 Herbert Duerr wrote: The first test builds are available now for Bulgarian [1] and Danish [2]. Now all the Bulgarian [1] and Danish [2] packages for Mac, Linux i686 and Linux amd64 as RPM and DEB are created and uploaded. Their

Re: Skills, Resources and Mentors

2013-10-01 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 01.10.2013 07:14, Rainer Bielefeld wrote: Tal Daniel schrieb: But I couldn't edit the wiki page (I'm logged in to as Talchu). Hi, I can confirm that problem. I am not familiar with with cwiki, but I added myself to "Directory of volunteers", where I currently also can't find a way how to e

Re: Skills, Resources and Mentors

2013-10-01 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 01.10.2013 14:03, Rob Weir wrote: On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 7:24 AM, Herbert Duerr wrote: On 01.10.2013 07:14, Rainer Bielefeld wrote: Tal Daniel schrieb: But I couldn't edit the wiki page (I'm logged in to as Talchu). Hi, I can confirm that problem. I am not familiar with

Re: Automating Error-prone Manual Release-related Files By Using Centralized Release Artifact Metadata

2013-10-01 Thread Herbert Duerr
Rob Weir wrote: > Every time we release we need to generate quite a few files related to > the release. > > Here's the list I know of: > > 1) The ASC/SHA/MD5 hashes and signature files, one for every released file We're using scripts for these of course. With the more than 400 packages we're pro

Re: [CWiki] new default access rights active

2013-10-02 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 02.10.2013 09:30, Andrea Pescetti wrote: Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote: We have already everything to whitelist CWiki users for our CWiki space ooousers and ooodev. Members of ooo-admins group are able to whitelist. Unfortunately, yes. So I whitelisted orw and rgb-es. Who needs whitelisting

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-10-02 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Raymond, On 02.10.2013 17:26, Steele, Raymond wrote: I have hit a stop work on the Solaris 10 port for now. We are in the process of moving over to Solaris 11. I will probably need to port OpenOffice to Solaris 11 soon. Thanks for the update! With the newer build environment there things

Re: [Mac] [Build] Successful Configuration, Example

2013-10-03 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Tal, Tal Daniel wrote: > Finally, I've managed to build AOO401 on MAC OSX 10.6.8! Congratulations! That's an important step in joining AOO development. > I'm publishing the steps needed, with configuration, for any comments. > Later on, I plan to edit the Mac Building Guide wiki page, accordi

Re: [MAC][Build] Error at soltools mkdepend

2013-10-03 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Tal, Tal Daniel wrote: > Thank you Herbert, that helped me to solve the issue. > > ccache gcc was looking for Mac OSX 10.4u SDK, so ... instead of installing > 10.4u SDK (xcode already installed), I created a symbolic link to 10.5. > Guess what, it works! A nice idea! And a lucky one because

Re: AOO 4 unusable under Linux64?

2013-10-04 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 02.10.2013 15:57, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote: Hi, On 30.09.2013 17:17, Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote: Hi, On 29.09.2013 07:30, Rainer Bielefeld wrote: Hi all, Edwin Sharp and some other users found several bugs [1] under Linux64, in summary the conclusion seems to be that AOO currently i

Re: [Mac] Development environment

2013-10-05 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Tal, Tal Daniel wrote: > I'm desperate for some mentoring regarding setting up the dev environment. > on the Mac. Herbert, can you direct me at the right direction, such as > which IDE, what project settings, The AOO build system is unfortunately not yet ready for a full IDE integration. On th

Re: [Mac] Development environment

2013-10-07 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Tal, On 05.10.2013 18:46, Tal Daniel wrote: On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 10:41 AM, Herbert Duerr wrote: [...] I'm not sure I understand the question. Do you mean how to build a third-party module such as main/icu? Yes, e.g, when you're done editing a cxx file, you enter the fold

Re: File needed, Kid for 4.0.1 (trunk)

2013-10-07 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 05.10.2013 23:36, Andrea Pescetti wrote: On 28/09/2013 janI wrote: I have btw changed xx_XX to xx-XX in branch l10n40, so we dont have a mix of _ and -. A good idea, thanks! main/i18npool/source/localedata/data consistently uses underscores. On the other hand, the old "extras/l10n/source"

Re: [Bugzilla] Vote and issue

2013-10-07 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 07.10.2013 16:20, FR web forum wrote: Some issue seems to be without possibility of vote. Like: Why? I guess this has to do with the product specific settings. For the "App Dev" product the "Maximum votes per person" has been set to zero.

Re: [Bugzilla] Vote and issue

2013-10-08 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 07.10.2013 16:56, Rob Weir wrote: [...] 1) Does auto-confirm make any sense for us? Remember, marking something as "confirmed" takes it off the radar for QA. But if something is in the unconfirmed state and many users are voting for it, shouldn't that mean that QA should give more attention

Re: Help Needed: Redo the /porting/mac page

2013-10-08 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 08.10.2013 22:33, Andrea Pescetti wrote: janI wrote: ... So my first question is - what does a MAC page have to do here. MAC is a supported platform, not third party ? - why does the porting page not have a link to the mac page ? The Mac version used t

Re: New record download day

2013-10-08 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 09.10.2013 01:32, Vladislav Stevanovic wrote: Is there any chance to improve options of getting data about downloads? For example, I want to know (for example) how much copies were downloaded for AOO 4.0.1 Serbian pack , in some (from - to) period? And how meny downloads (Serbian pack) are do

Re: Opensource and security

2013-10-09 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Guy, On 09.10.2013 09:32, Guy Waterval wrote: A little off topic perhaps, for this list, but perhaps also a frequent question to which it could be nice to have some answers. An opensource sofware has the advantage, in security terms, to grant that there are no spyware in it, that's OK. But is

Re: AOO Security Features without Mozilla

2013-10-23 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Pedro, Really nice to see nss being split soon. I hope we can use an external nss too as the one we include internally is somewhat outdated and potentially insecure. Absolutely. For the same reason the internal NSS should be updated. Would you be interested in doing it? You did a great job

Re: AOO Security Features without Mozilla

2013-10-23 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Andrew, On 22.10.2013 20:00, Andrew Rist wrote: On 10/22/2013 7:15 AM, Herbert Dürr wrote: [...] With these new insights I suggest to remove both the enable-mozilla and its eventual replacement enable-mozab-module before losing much more time on that topic. The sooner the better. +1 This s

Re: AOO Security Features without Mozilla

2013-10-23 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 23.10.2013 14:05, janI wrote: On 23 October 2013 13:57, Herbert Duerr wrote: [..] Really nice to see nss being split soon. I hope we can use an external nss too as the one we include internally is somewhat outdated and potentially insecure. Absolutely. For the same reason the internal

Re: AOO Security Features without Mozilla

2013-10-23 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 22.10.2013 22:33, Andrea Pescetti wrote: Herbert Dürr wrote: [1] [2] [3] This is an interesting reality check and I'm afraid the project

Re: ratscan

2013-11-03 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 03.11.2013 20:29, janI wrote: it sure looks like it, thx for correcting me. [...] Besides, build-bot openoffice-linux64-rat runs the target weekly: that runs on trunk, and not on the branches. Yes, I noticed that too. So I committed r879545/r879

Re: ratscan

2013-11-04 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 04.11.2013 15:30, Andre Fischer wrote: On 04.11.2013 10:36, janI wrote: [...] But my original question is still not answered, do we use the build system to do ratscan, or is the ratscan target an old relict ? I think that I have added the ext_libraries/ratscan/ module. It is built and sta

Re: ia2 Buildbot needs attention

2013-11-04 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 04.11.2013 14:44, V Stuart Foote wrote: The ia2 branch buildbot hung on initial build of the rev 1538382 build today---"Failed --all" It needs some attention. The error was "ia2_api_all.idl' not found, and can't be made" but Steve already committed

Re: ratscan

2013-11-04 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 04.11.2013 15:41, Herbert Duerr wrote: On 04.11.2013 15:30, Andre Fischer wrote: On 04.11.2013 10:36, janI wrote: [...] But my original question is still not answered, do we use the build system to do ratscan, or is the ratscan target an old relict ? I think that I have added the


2013-11-07 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Rainer, On 07.11.2013 09:23, Rainer Bielefeld wrote: it would be great if some volunteers would help to replace the question marks on by useful contents. I updated the topics - good sample docs - the bug status "confirmed" - bug summary in gen

Re: does something still depend on poppler?

2013-11-08 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Pedro, hi Armin, On 08.11.2013 10:06, Armin Le Grand wrote: On 07.11.2013 20:04, Pedro Giffuni wrote: I just noticed on FreeBSD port we have a dependency on poppler-glib. Opengrok reports it is detected in configure but it doesn't seem to be used elsewhere. The poppler license is cat-x so i

the Seamonkey has left the building

2013-11-08 Thread Herbert Duerr
As discussed in the thread "AOO Security Features without Mozilla" I removed the dependency on the ancient Seamonkey-1.1 binaries and use the NSS libraries ("Network Security Services") instead. This major rework has been integrated into trunk now. If you are working on trunk you'll notice tha

Re: the Seamonkey has left the building

2013-11-08 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 08.11.2013 13:39, Armin Le Grand wrote: On 08.11.2013 13:18, Herbert Duerr wrote: [...] If you are working on Windows then you'll notice that the --with-mozilla-build option is still there as NSS being part of the Mozilla project needs the Mozilla build environment. If you object to in

Re: Compile Openoffice/pyuno with UCS-4 support

2013-11-09 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Marcin, Marcin Tustin wrote: > Hi All, > > When openoffice builds python and pyuno, it builds with UCS-2 support, > which is the default for python. HOWEVER, python as shipped by fedora is > built with UCS-4 support. I'd like to be able to use the various pyuno bits > with my system python, an

Re: the Seamonkey has left the building

2013-11-11 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 10.11.2013 17:59, Andrea Pescetti wrote: On 08/11/2013 Herbert Duerr wrote: As discussed in the thread "AOO Security Features without Mozilla" I removed the dependency on the ancient Seamonkey-1.1 binaries and use the NSS libraries ("Network Security Services") instead. T

Re: the Seamonkey has left the building

2013-11-11 Thread Herbert Duerr
A followup to my earlier mail: Please try this patch and rebuild from nss: --- main/nss/ +++ main/nss/ @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ BUILD_DIR=mozilla$/security$/nss BUILD_ACTION= $(GNUMAKE) nss_build_all #See #i105566# && moz#513024# .IF "$(OS)"=="LINUX" -BUILD_ACTION+=FREEBL_N

Re: Failure with system NSS

2013-11-11 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Pedro, On 09.11.2013 01:58, Pedro Giffuni wrote: I tried the new --with-system-nss configure option but it failed in the libxmlsec module: checking for libxslt libraries >= 1.0.20... no checking for openssl libraries >= 0.9.6... no checking for nspr libraries >= 4.0... no checking

Re: Failure with system NSS

2013-11-11 Thread Herbert Duerr
Following up to myself: libxmlsec needs the nss development headers and libs. Are they available too? I just committed r1540735 to enable pkgconfig when system-nss is active. This should solve the config-problem on most systems. We could use new checks for configure for that scenario...

Re: [OS2] gcc 4.7.3, CPPULIB now required for some modules

2013-11-11 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 11.11.2013 20:52, Yuri Dario wrote: Hi, I moved building of AOO on OS/2 from gcc 4.4.6 to gcc 4.7.3. Everything seems of except for a minor issue: on some modules, UNO constructors from CPPULIB are now required to link dlls. I'm getting this errror Error! E2028: _uno_any_construct is an unde

Re: ia2 Buildbot needs attention

2013-11-12 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 11.11.2013 11:12, Steve Yin wrote: Based on Herbert suggestion, I will synchronize the branch with the latest trunk. And the build issue will go away. :) Thanks for synchronizing with trunk! That solved the problem, the ia2 builds are successful again and the install packages are available

Re: [OS2] gcc 4.7.3, CPPULIB now required for some modules

2013-11-12 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Yuri, On 12.11.2013 12:37, Yuri Dario wrote: Did you change the linker too? When linux distributions switched from the "bfd" to the "gold" linker there where problems that libraries that were only linked indirectly had to be mentioned directly [1] OS/2 does not use ld to link object files.

Re: XML files are binary?

2013-11-12 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 12.11.2013 14:59, Andre Fischer wrote: I just checked in some files for creating Windows patches (no, the work is not yet finished) and saw that the .xml files are flagged as binary. Checking their properties revealed that their mime type is correctly set to application/xml. Does anybody know

Re: [proposal] GIT mirror

2013-11-12 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 12.11.2013 16:48, janI wrote: based on the discussion in thread "XML files are binary" and herberts comments I had a chat with jfarrell (the infra git specialist). We can have a GIT Read/Only mirror very easy (standard) We cannot have a GIT Read/write mirror (restriction from infra) We can

Re: [proposal] GIT mirror

2013-11-12 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 12.11.2013 20:08, Andrea Pescetti wrote: Herbert Duerr wrote: On 12.11.2013 16:48, janI wrote: @herbert, if nobody objects will you reopen the ticket, or should I ? I have reopened the JIRA issue and requested a read-only mirror for now. And what would be the advantage for real

Re: [OS2] gcc 4.7.3, CPPULIB now required for some modules

2013-11-14 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Yuri, On 13.11.2013 11:04, Yuri Dario wrote: But maybe there really are new uses of cssu::Any in the modules you mentioned. Do the error messages say which object files need these methods that were missing without the CPPULIB dependency? yes, I see the module name. e.g. for graphicfilter it

Re: Build braker in rejuvenate01 cppu

2013-11-15 Thread Herbert Duerr
Just a small status update to my mail from Tuesday: On 12.11.2013 10:17, Herbert Dürr wrote: On 11.11.2013 10:47, Raphael Bircher wrote: I run in a build breaker in the rejuvenate01 branche dmake: Error: -- `' not found, and can't be made I just committed r1540968

Re: Apache OpenOffice 4.1 to Bring Enhanced Accessibility Support

2013-11-15 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 15.11.2013 17:06, V Stuart Foote wrote: Rob, Great news! Great blog post--subtle ;-) On a side bar, I see that Herbert and Oliver are hard at work correcting build issues for Steve's rev 1541847 integration done yesterday, getting the new IAccessible2 bridge to build cleanly on trunk is obvi

Re: Nepali or Hindi or Sanskrit using Devanagari Script

2013-11-18 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 17.11.2013 08:32, wrote: Sir those languages must be more developed for it. A great idea, thanks! What is mostly needed for this are translation volunteers. Can you help with that? Please see [1] for a start. [1]

Re: Build braker in rejuvenate01 cppu

2013-11-18 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Raphael, On 16.11.2013 06:23, Raphael Bircher wrote: Am 15.11.13 17:17, schrieb Herbert Duerr: Just a small status update to my mail from Tuesday: [...] The rejuvenate01 branch should build out of the box again. Note the working support for password protected documents and the latest

Re: many many stlport issues...can anyone help

2013-11-19 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 20.11.2013 02:00, Kay Schenk wrote: I installed the stlport provided by opensuse for my version -- it is 4.6.2, whereas the latest one at Sourceforge is 5.2.1. Yes. Stlport 4.6.2 was getting a bit old. As the latest maintenance version of the stlport4 series it was released in 2004. So Stlp

Re: many many stlport issues...can anyone help

2013-11-20 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 20.11.2013 09:20, Andre Fischer wrote: On 20.11.2013 08:33, Herbert Duerr wrote: Please use the --without-stlport configure switch. This option is the new default. Thanks to Jan for fixing But you'd need to update to the newest trunk version to benefit from Jan's

Re: trunk build failure: ld: library not found for -lc++ in comphelper

2013-11-20 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Pavel, > current trunk on unxmacxi: Pavel-Janiks-MacBook-Pro:comphelper pavel$ make [ build LNK ] Library/libcomphelpgcc3.dylib R=/Users/pavel/BUILD/BuildDir && S=$R/ooo_trunk_src && O=$S/solver/410/ && W=$O/workdir && mkdir -p $W/LinkTarget/Library/ && DYLIB_FILE=`/usr/bin/mkt

Re: many many stlport issues...can anyone help

2013-11-20 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 20.11.2013 09:54, Herbert Duerr wrote: [...] So the AOO evolution of the configure option was/is: 1) encourage the use of --without-stlport 2) identify and solve all issues on all target platforms 3) make --without-stlport the default 4) remove obsoleted code parts 5) remove --without

Re: many many stlport issues...can anyone help

2013-11-21 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 21.11.2013 01:27, Kay Schenk wrote: [...] short building xml2cmp/source/finder the reference to # include BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(utility) in ../boost/tr1/detail/config_all.hpp fails for me either from the externally installed boost or my local install. BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER(ut

Re: trunk build failure: ld: library not found for -lc++ in comphelper

2013-11-21 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 22.11.2013 08:17, Pavel Janík wrote: From where is -lc++ generated? I forgot to mention that I do not use 4u sdk, but MacOSX10.5.sdk only. The same issue later in module unoxml. Looks like something somewhere is doing s/-lstdc++/-lc++/ ie. removing the string std from the lib name. Hints

Re: trunk build failure: ld: library not found for -lc++ in comphelper

2013-11-22 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 22.11.2013 09:14, Pavel Janík wrote: Ah, now that you mention it: Such a replacement is done if MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET!=10.4. The unxmacx.* target is for the 10.4 SDK, but the newer mac targets for more recent SDKs use libc++ as their native STL. So if you adjusted the check in main/Repos

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-11-22 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Raymond, On 21.11.2013 22:27, Steele, Raymond wrote: Forget about my last report. We started over and figured out that an environment variable was causing the dmake issues. Once we cleared the environment of variables related to our other projects, the build took off. We will have to figu

Re: trunk: error: "STR_STYLE_ELEMTLIST" redefined

2013-11-22 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Pavel, On 22.11.2013 12:03, Pavel Janík wrote: Good afternoon, current trunk: [ build CXX ] sfx2/source/dialog/templdlg In file included from /Users/pavel/BUILD/BuildDir/ooo_trunk_src/sfx2/source/dialog/templdlg.cxx:64: /Users/pavel/BUILD/BuildDir/ooo_trunk_src/sfx2/source/dialog/

Re: trunk: error: "STR_STYLE_ELEMTLIST" redefined

2013-11-22 Thread Herbert Duerr
A follow up to my previous mail: On 22.11.2013 13:20, Herbert Duerr wrote: [...] Good catch! Looking at Mattias's commit [1] from two years ago the STR_STYLE_ELEMTLIST seems to be the right one. I'm cc'ing the expert. [1]

Re: Join the open office project

2013-11-28 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Andrea, > Still my build does not complete successfully, since it breaks in VCL. > The error I get is: > > [ build CXX ] vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salgdi3 > .../main/vcl/unx/generic/gdi/salgdi3.cxx: In member function 'virtual > void PspKernInfo::Initialize() const': > [...] > Has someone else alrea

Re: soltools need(s) to be rebuilt

2013-11-29 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 28.11.2013 18:31, Απόστολος Συρόπουλος wrote: [...] I am proceeding slowly now since many things fail and I have to do them manually. For example, the following fails configure: configuring in CoinUtils configure: running /bin/sh './configure' --prefix=/extra/sources/OpenOffice/aoo-4.0.1/ex

Re: soltools need(s) to be rebuilt

2013-12-02 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 01.12.2013 20:26, Απόστολος Συρόπουλος wrote: After reading the reply by jan I. I decided to try again with GCC. Now, compilation proceeds with no stupid problems as before. BTW, main/soltools/adjustvisibility/adjustvisibility.c does not compile with g++ but it compiles with CC so this is the

Re: Improvements of OUString

2013-12-03 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 03.12.2013 09:13, Andre Fischer wrote: A developer who apparently wants to remain anonymous has added the function isEmpty() to the rtl::OUString class. See main/sal/inc/rtl/ustring.hxx for not much more information. Sorry for being too short. The full semantic for isEmpty() is: "The metho

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-12-03 Thread Herbert Duerr
A small correction for my patch suggestion: On 03.12.2013 11:36, Herbert Duerr wrote: [...] +DEBUGBASE_ENSURE( !bOK, "### insertion failed!?" ); The condition there was inverted. It should have been DEBUGBASE_ENSURE( bOK, "### insertion failed

Re: EXTERNAL: Re: Building comphelper

2013-12-03 Thread Herbert Duerr
Hi Raymond, On 02.12.2013 23:34, Steele, Raymond wrote: Let me know if you did not get the attachment. Attachments usually get stripped on the mailing list, but I got it because was on CC. As the PDF only contained scanned text a simple copy+paste of that text would have been better. We a

Re: Improvements of OUString

2013-12-03 Thread Herbert Duerr
On 03.12.2013 13:02, Andre Fischer wrote: On 03.12.2013 10:35, Herbert Duerr wrote: On 03.12.2013 09:13, Andre Fischer wrote: [...] "The method isEmpty() returns true if the string is empty. If the length of the string is one or two or three or any number bigger than zero then isEmpty() re

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