Hi Raymond,

On 20.09.2013 19:52, Steele, Raymond wrote:
No problems on the delay. I am very greatful for your assistance!!

Here is my compiler command and below are locations of my utility file. 
Hopefully this may help. I added utility to the include path, but still no luck.

bash-3.2# /opt/solarisstudio12.3/bin/CC  -c -temp=/tmp -xarch=generic -xO3 
-I../../unxsoli4.pro/inc/oslall -I.. /inc -I../../inc/pch -I../../inc 
-I../../unx/inc -I../../unxsoli4.pro/inc -I. 
-I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solver/400/unxsoli4.pro/inc/externa l 
-I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solenv/unxsoli4/inc -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solenv/inc 
-I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/res -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solver/400/unx 
soli4.pro/inc/stl -I/opt/solarisstudio12.3/include 
-I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solenv/inc/Xp31 -I/usr/jdk/latest/include 
-I/usr/jdk/latest/include/solaris -I/usr/jdk/latest/include/native_threads 
/include: -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include/rasqal 
-I/usr/include/stdcxx4 -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/stlport/systemstl/: 
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/i nclude/rasqal 
-I/usr/include/stdcxx4 -I/opt/a
oo-4.0.0/main/stlport/systemstl/: -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include 
-I/usr/local/inclue/rasqal -I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/stlport/systemstl/ -I/opt 
-I/opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solver/400/unxsoli4.pro/inc/offuh -I. -I../../res -I. 
-features=no%altspell "-features=rvalueref" +w2 -erroff=doubunder,ident 
-DSOLAR_JAVA      -DEXCEPTIONS_ON  -o . ./../unxsoli4.pro/obj/debugbase.o 
"/usr/local/include/boost/tr1/detail/config_all.hpp", line 161: Error: Could not open 
include file<../include/utility>.


I think one of these two header files is the one we are looking for.
Boost is using the "relative include path" trick with its BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER() macro because the neat "include_next" extension is not supported in the solaris compiler.

One of the BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER defines in config_all.hpp is looking for the stdcxx4 path. I wonder why it isn't picked up. Either 1. one of the defines is wrong (__SUNPRO_CC,__STD_RWCOMPILER_H, ___RWSTD_VER) or boost erroneously doesn't pick it up 2. the -I/opt/solarisstudio12.3/prod/include/CC/Cstd/ part of the compile options should be changed to find /usr/include/stdcxx4/ instead
3. the BOOST_TR1_STD_HEADER define should be changed to "../Cstd/"

Which of the alternatives 2. or 3. is better depends on which of both STL header sets better implements C++'s std templates as defined in TR1. From the name I'd guess the Cstd one is better.


I found this about Solaris 11, but the fix appears to be included in boost 
version 1_48 (Mine is attached).


Interesting. Maybe the above and this are related.

Hope that helps. Have a nice weekend!

(about to upload AOO401rc3 to the snapshot page)

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