Hi Raymond,

I found hash_set in ../main/stlport/systemstl
Is that where it is supposed to be.

Once, I added this to my SOLARINC and SOLARINV environment variables, 
everything was okay, but then I received a

"/usr/local/include/boost/tr1/detail/config_all.hpp", line 161: Error: Could not open 
include file<../include/utility>
The <utility> header should come somewhere from your c++ compiler 
includes.  According to [1] it should be there somewhere. If it is not 
found we need to put its path at the end of the include paths.
[1] http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19205-01/819-5267/bkajw/index.html

Sorry for the late answer. I was busy with AOO401rc3.


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