Hi Raymond,

On 02.12.2013 23:34, Steele, Raymond wrote:
Let me know if you did not get the attachment.

Attachments usually get stripped on the mailing list, but I got it because was on CC. As the PDF only contained scanned text a simple copy+paste of that text would have been better.

We are having trouble interpreting the boost preprocessor macros. We are 
receiving the following output when compiling sal/osl/all.  I've attached the 
output as a pdf.

Line 133 of main/sal/osl/all/debugbase.cxx had a problem with a hand-crafted map::value_type and const correctness. Please try
this patch to make the construct more digestible:

--- main/sal/osl/all/debugbase.cxx
+++ main/sal/osl/all/debugbase.cxx
@@ -129,10 +129,9 @@ void SAL_CALL osl_detail_ObjectRegistry_registerObject(
     if (rData.m_bStoreAddresses) {
osl::MutexGuard const guard( osl_detail_ObjectRegistry_getMutex() ); - std::pair<osl::detail::VoidPointerSet::iterator, bool> const insertion(
-            rData.m_addresses.insert(pObj) );
-        DEBUGBASE_ENSURE( insertion.second, "### insertion failed!?" );
-        static_cast<void>(insertion);
+        const bool bOK = rData.m_addresses.insert(pObj).second;
+        DEBUGBASE_ENSURE( !bOK, "### insertion failed!?" );
+        (void)bOK; // unused for non-debug
     else {

Please report whether this helps, I'll commit the change then.


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