Hi Raymond, On 16.09.2013 19:40, Steele, Raymond wrote:
I removed the -library=no%Cstd from the two files and performed a clean build, but still have the same issues. Also, I am untarring the BOOST package version 1.48 so I downloaded the zipped version and unzipped it, placed the resulting boost directory in /usr/local/include after using --with-system-boost configuration. Still no luck. I also reconfigured with --without-stlport.
It still appears that I it is using /opt/aoo-4.0.0/main/solver/400/unxsoli4.pro/inc/stl/climits.SUNWCCh.
This file should and cannot be there if the --without-stlport build was clean. For its recipe see main/stlport/makefile.mk. Please retry doing the --without-stlport clean build, i.e. main/solver and */unxsoli4.pro output directories removed.
Herbert --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openoffice.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@openoffice.apache.org