On 20.11.2013 02:00, Kay Schenk wrote:
I installed the stlport provided by opensuse for my version -- it is 4.6.2,
whereas the latest one at Sourceforge is 5.2.1.

Yes. Stlport 4.6.2 was getting a bit old. As the latest maintenance version of the stlport4 series it was released in 2004. So Stlport 4 has been unmaintained for almost ten years now.

Since AOO 4 we are using the compiler/system provided STL and not stlport 4. We are lucky that the STL variants have been standardized with [1], so we can rely on them. Stlport 5.x follows this standard too, but Stlport 4 didn't, so it was no longer maintained. With AOO 4 we have abandoned it too.

Please use the --without-stlport configure switch. Stlport 4 was great for its time. OOo and AOO 3.x still used it many years after its last maintenance version which is a reverence to stlport4. But with AOO 4 it was overdue that we finally let it rest in peace. This gives AOO the chance to become more compliant with the rest of the C++ world.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C++_Technical_Report_1

A lot more work is needed to change all the many parts of the source code that use pre-standard STL constructs to their standard compliant counterparts. But the heavy lifting is already done and the individual adaptions can be done automatically by some scripting.

Should I install the newer version --  with gcc 4.7.2 in use.

You don't need stlport4 any longer. Please use the --without-stlport configure switch. The gcc provided libstdc++ library, boost/tr1 [2] and our stl wrappers will replace it just fine.

[2] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/doc/html/boost_tr1.html

Also, I see this page:

and since I seem to be getting a LOT of redefinition errors from what I'm
seeing, is this a namespace problem on my system? I also have C stdlib

Yes, the stdlib and the stdc++ libs are the standard libraries available on almost all Unixes nowadays. That's why we prefer using these libraries to provide the STL functionality we need. Having such native libs is much better than us shipping some an old stlport4 binary that is based on long unmaintained versions of a non-standard compliant library.

Finally, in order to do anything, I had to muck with the include (-I)
definitions since stlport was not in the generated includes. Maybe we need
to fix this since it's no longer provided locally?

All was more or less fine with my setup until this change -- now things are
not happy.

Please use the --without-stlport configure switch.

This option is the new default. Thanks to Jan for fixing configure.in. But you'd need to update to the newest trunk version to benefit from Jan's fix.


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