On 27.09.2013 13:51, Tal Daniel wrote:
Hi, I'm trying to follow the Building Guide for Mac,
and not I'm struggling with Python: the configuration shell script can't
find the Pyhon header files (python.h, ...).

Jürgen recently [1][2] updated the python baseline to Python 2.7

[1] https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=122010
[2] http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/openoffice/trunk/main/configure.in?r1=1485654&r2=1485653&pathrev=1485654

I installed [mac]port python33

I'm not sure whether a build against Python 3.3 is already possible

, and switched to it, and I know where its
headers folder is located.
I tried to change configure file, but it keeps reseting so I can't change
anything there (e.g. the PYTHON_CFLAG var).

Change the "configure.in" file, not the "configure" file! Then run autoconf to get the new and shiny and patched configure script ;-)

Hope that helps,

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