devfs backward compat. problem

2003-08-29 Thread hastings
Hi all, firstly please excuse possible line wrap problems and lack of my usual gpg signature. I'm sending this via squirrel mail for reasons described below. I'm running sid with a 2.6.0-test2 kernel with devfs. Yesterday I did a dist-upgrade and then shut down. The devfsd package was _not_ upgra

Re: About package libflash0

2003-02-17 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Rodrigo Sobrinho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030218 12:32]: > Hi all > > this package can be used with plugin for mozilla? If you're running unstable try flashplayer-mozilla. It works well for me. A nice site to test it is: Cheers, Ni

Re: Setting progs at a runlevel

2003-02-17 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, Regarding symlinks in /etc/rcN.d * Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030218 14:31]: > I have asked this question many times and so far no one has ever > supplied an answer. Why remove the symlinks instead of just removing > the package? Here's an answer. One reason is that a simple way

Re: Removing Package Dependencies

2003-02-18 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030218 16:52]: > > * nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-18 08:31]: > > Lukas Ruf said: > > > Is there any way to get rid of package dependencies? The reason for this > > > question: I have been using VIM ever since I am using Linux -- and do not > > > want t

Re: Removing Package Dependencies

2003-02-18 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi again, * Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030218 17:52]: > Hello Nick, > > * Nick Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-18 09:30]: > > > > > > > > This morning (CET) I run an update and performed an upgrade by > > > dselect with sid. T

Re: can anyone recomend an application ??? ...

2003-02-19 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Dave Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030220 08:52]: > I need an application to remind me when certain events are due, ie wifes > birthday etc !!, > > I have tried korganiser, which has an alarm facility to flash a warning on > the screen. This is AOK if the system is up and I am logged on as

Re: Loging to Debian Linux via SSH

2003-02-19 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * alef-forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030220 08:52]: > Hello debian-user, > > please help. > > I have a server running on Debian Linux. > When I'm trying to login via SSH it takes a lot of time. > > I enter username This puzzles me; what ssh client are you using? Sounds

Re: thumbnail+web page tool in woody?

2003-02-20 Thread Nick Hastings
* Michael Jinks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030221 09:03]: > Hi all. > > Some users are asking for tools that will take a batch of image files, > thumbnail them, and write out the HTML suitable for posting the whole > thing as a set of links to the original images. > > I'm sure there are probably half a

Re: HELP_NEWBIE! Dns under kde

2003-02-20 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Paolo Albanesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030221 10:22]: > Hi all! > I'm a very new linux user, and i have a single problem: > I'm trying to configure my network, but in kde is impossible. > In the official user-manual there is a command line to do it : > /usr/bin/ network-configlet-capplet > b

Re: /var/log/messages

2003-02-20 Thread Nick Hastings
* Dana J. Laude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030221 14:47]: > On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 09:39:11PM -0500 or thereabouts, Richard Beri wrote: > > My /var/log/messages and messages.0 are getting very large. messages > > alone is almost 500 meg. Is is safe to delete these files (I don't] > > need to read any b

Re: HELP_NEWBIE! Dns under kde

2003-02-23 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, firstly, please send your emails to the list only, not to individuals (unless they specifically request it). * PaoloAlbanesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030224 09:17]: > > let me ask you something more: > I've read the manual but something is not clear to me. I need to give a > gateway address

Re: getting bash back on a system

2003-02-26 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Eric R Cheney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030227 13:12]: > > Well, I managed the dumbest: I uninstalled bash (don't ask, please > don't ask why...). Though apt complained it didn't want to...I did. > Ouch! I'd be surprised if you could "unistall" bash. Surely you just deleted /bin/bash. No? If

Re: Newbie administrator

2003-02-26 Thread Nick Hastings
* Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030227 04:33]: > Is there a good book for beginner adimin's like me? apt-get install rutebook Then have look at /usr/share/doc/rutebook/html/rute.html Cheers, Nick. -- Debian testing/unstable Linux onefish 2.4.20-lavienx #1 Mon Jan 6 17:03:01 JST 2003 i686 unknow

Re: [OT] Complaint

2003-02-27 Thread Nick Hastings
* Joseph A Nagy Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030228 14:21]: > Manoj Srivastava wrote: > >--text follows this line-- > > > >>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Joseph A Nagy Jr > >><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > > > > > Actually, that Reply-to-list functionality can be implimented on > > > the l

Re: Using apt-get/dselect to download from a un-official repository.

2003-10-21 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Joseph Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031022 10:31]: > I'd like to download xfree86 4.3.0 from this repository: > > > I found it whilst Googling round for 4.3.0 for Debian, it was mentioned > in a mailing list archive. Could anyone tell me

Re: Using apt-get/dselect to download from a un-official repository.

2003-10-22 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi again, * Joseph Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031023 03:57]: > Nick Hastings wrote: > >* Joseph Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031022 10:31]: > > > > > >>I'd like to download xfree86 4.3.0 from this repository: > >>http://people.debian.or

Re: Debian ISO Images

2003-10-27 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031027 15:28]: > To Whom It may Concerned: > > I have downloaded the ISO images of Woody and there are seven > from it. It is categorized as BOOT(Non-US)GENERIC, BOOT(US)GENERIC, > VANILLA, COMPACT, IDEPCI and BF2.4 BOOT. When to use these differe

Re: USB subsystem problems?! or only mouse?

2003-10-27 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Lorenzo Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031027 15:57]: > I'm sorry Nicos...for the reply..I did not see the "to:" > > > Thanks for your suggestions Nicos, > > I have mounted, as you explain, the usbfs, and now I can see devices > with command "lsusb", and also following the path /proc/bus/

Re: USB subsystem problems?! or only mouse?

2003-10-27 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Lorenzo Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031028 09:47]: > Nicos, > > I tried also display octal caracters... but without > results..:( > No caracters are show on terminal... Ok, so /dev/input/mice is not working. > I have the following entries in my XF86config-4 file: Since the devi

Re: remote update -> how to re-enforce

2003-10-27 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031028 09:43]: > Dear all, > > Debian is great for remote system administration. Thus, I make use > of it for several "head-less" servers that are only adminstratable by > remote-login via network interface. Usually, I do an upgrade/update > at the same time

Re: want to install testing distribution on Intel system using network install CD

2003-10-27 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi James, * James Oldham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031028 09:46]: > I am new to Debian and a relative novice with Linux. I want to > install the testing distribution on an IBM Pentium II (model > 6285-66U, 384 ram, plenty of disk space, 4MB S3 on the motherboard). Welcome. Tip number 1- wrap your line

Acronyms (was Re: reiserfs)

2003-10-28 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Micha Feigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031028 14:48]: > On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 00:51, Hoyt Bailey wrote: > > Speaking for myself only. I have to make do with whatever is provided. I > > am trying to learn to speak debian but it is tough when words have meanings > > that arnt in the dic. see the

Re: remote update -> how to re-enforce

2003-10-28 Thread Nick Hastings
* Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031028 17:12]: > > Nick Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-10-28 03:11]: > > > > > > When I logged in again on the remote boxes I simply restarted the > > > update process, but then I realized that dselect considers

Re: xterm title and xconsole

2003-10-29 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi Lukas, * Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031029 18:18]: > Dear all, > > I would like to run an xterm window without title-bar on the top of > the window. I fiddled around for quite a while but have not managed > to arrive at a point that makes sense. I run > > ii fvwm 2.4.16-2 F(?)

Re: install local deb file

2003-11-03 Thread Nick Hastings
Evening, * Haines Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031103 12:06]: > Osamu sama wrote: > > On Sun, Nov 02, 2003 at 03:15:06PM -0500, Haines Brown wrote: > > > I've spent some time pouring over apt-HOWTO, and just don't > > > understand. I want to use aptitude to install a local .deb file. I > > > place i

Re: install local deb file

2003-11-04 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Haines Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031104 10:29]: > A question about how to handle dependencies when using dpkg -i. What > I'm trying to do is install libdvdcss2, which depends on my upgrading > libc6, and that, in turn depends on libdb1-compat. > > If I run dpkg -i on just the libdvdcss2

Re: Going to give it another shot-need more help

2003-11-07 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi Mark, * Mark Healey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031107 18:32]: > On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 21:34:57 -0600, Kent West wrote: > > >I would suggest (modestly?) that you read "Kent's 10-Step Procedure to > >Compiling a Debian Kernel", which is the bottom section of "README.gz" > >in /usr/share/doc/kernel-pa

Re: proxy configuration

2003-11-12 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Haiko Etzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031112 11:12]: > Hello, > my server is behind a proxy-server with authentification. > I installed debian through http, where I inserted the proxy informations. For package installation with apt-get have a look in /etc/apt/apt.conf > But now I need to change

Re: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 question

2003-11-12 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Jimmy Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031113 08:16]: > Hi, > > I tried to do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 yesterday expecting it to > create a new XF86Config-4 file, but it didn't. I moved the old > XF86Config-4 to my /home/ directory and ran dpkg-reconfigure > xserver-xfree86. Am I supp

Re: kernel-source-2.6.0-test9 & linux-wlan-ng Problem

2003-11-12 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi Thomas, * Thomas H. George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031113 08:18]: > I compiled a new kernel from kernel-source-2.6.0-test9 and, after > installing module-init-tools, most of my modules are loaded and working > except for my pci wireless networking card. This has always been > something of a p

Re: window manager recomendation

2003-11-12 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Burkhard Woelfel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031113 13:14]: > -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- > Hash: SHA1 > > On Thursday 13 November 2003 03:18, Jamin W. Collins wrote: > > On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 03:51:10AM +0200, Micha Feigin wrote: > > > Hoping this won't turn into a flame war, I am lookin

Re: Another dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 question

2003-11-12 Thread Nick Hastings
* Mike Fedyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031113 14:20]: > > With xserver-xfree86 it suggests a few hardware detection packages, that > should detect the hardware I have. (I tested discover, and read-edid > manually, and they did discover the hardware I have). So how do I get > xserver-xfree86 to use t

Re: (newbie) Still no network...

2003-11-13 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi Kevin, please wrap you lines at 72 characters. * Kevin Krumwiede <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031114 13:50]: > I've installed 3.0r1 a few times now on my laptop, and I'm still > running into problems. I used apt-get to install a newer > kernel-image and matching kernel-pcmcia-modules. It boots

Re: module installation for Intel on-board NIC

2003-01-28 Thread Nick Hastings
el was compiled with this driver as a module then just % modpobe (exclude the .o extension) b. If your kernel does not have this driver as a module: compile your own, or install one that does. Have a look at kpkg for the first option and "apt-get ins

Re: I810 video problems

2003-01-28 Thread Nick Hastings
u using? Is it a Debian kernel %uname -r see if the modules exist %find /lib/modules/`uname -r` agpgart.o %find /lib/modules/`uname -r` i810.o Nick. -- Nick Hastings_ \_\ Phone: +81 298 64 5200, ext 2429 Belle Group, KEK, /_/ _)O: Fax: +81 298 64 5340

Re: Download installed .debs??

2003-01-30 Thread Nick Hastings
-get-selections | grep '\ | cut -f1 | sort > pkg.txt then apt-get install --reinstall --download-only `cat pkg.txt` then if apt-get complains about some package being "unistallable", edit pkg.txt and delete the line with the offending package. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Hastings

Re: How crazy is it to run 2.4.20 on woody?

2003-01-30 Thread Nick Hastings
grade anything else, from testing/unstable it would be simplest to download the .deb manually. I Additionally, if you do not normally compile your own kernels, you could just down load and install kernel-image-2.4.20-. Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Hastings_ \_\ Phone: +81 298 64

Re: gcc not working

2003-02-01 Thread Nick Hastings
ious step), what are the outputs of: which gcc ls -l `which gcc` gcc --version dpkg -l gcc Cheers, Nick. -- Nick Hastings_ \_\ Phone: +81 298 64 5200, ext 2429 Belle Group, KEK, /_/ _)O: Fax: +81 298 64 5340 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-shi, :O(_ /_/

Re: Books

2003-02-02 Thread Nick Hastings
* Daniel L. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030131 12:28]: > Anybody got some recommendations for Debian books - books that have good > coverage of Debian-specific topics like APT and MODCONF? My fav. is th Rute book. sudo apt-get install rutebook Nick. -- Debian testing/unstable Linux onefish 2.4

Re: List of users from a certain group

2003-02-02 Thread Nick Hastings
* Neal Lippman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030203 07:40]: > On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 14:18, Jason Lunz wrote: > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] said: > > > I have a group of users in my system just for mail, the name of that > > > group is "correo". > > > > > > My question is, how do I obtain a list of users from this

Re: More detailed post ...

2003-02-04 Thread Nick Hastings
* Dave Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030205 07:52]: > OK Ive had a brainstorming session on how to do this, what I need to know is, > > 1. Is there a downloader for debian that will handle broken downloads ? If > not can anyone recommend one ? apt-get install wget wget -c

Re: out of space in /var/cache/apt/archives

2003-02-04 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Nori Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030205 11:31]: > my /var is 465M. i'm trying to do and apt-get upgrade, which i > haven't in a while, and got the following message: > > Need to get 69.0MB/109MB of archives. After unpacking 39.1MB will be > used. > E: Sorry, you don't have enough free s

Re: Highlighted in X, is there a buffer ?

2003-02-05 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Dave Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030205 16:20]: > When using X, you can highlight text and copy it to another area via the > middle mouse button. > > Is there a buffer file that holds the highlighted text ? This would be very > usefull for passing URLs etc to the ctrl-alt-f1 command line.

Re: Highlighted in X, is there a buffer ?

2003-02-05 Thread Nick Hastings
* Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030206 10:41]: > On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Thorsten Haude wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > * Timothy Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-05 18:27]: > > >Have a read at what a horrible nightmare cut&paste is under X. > > > > > > > I c

Re: 2 apt-get questions

2003-02-05 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Hal Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030206 15:22]: > I know this should be very simple and easy to find, but I'm having trouble > answering these two questions. I've been through the apt-get man page a few > times. Since I'm trying to do something on a "one-time-only" basis, this > shouldn

Re: How can I synch Galeon bookmark files on mutliple machines?

2003-02-09 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030210 00:37]: > I have several machiens that I run Galeon on (homw, work, etc)/ How can I > synch Galeon's bookmarks files on all of them? It's automated, but galeon does have a nice "Import Bookmarks" function that will actually merge bookmarks.xbel files. I gene

Re: More detailed post ...

2003-02-10 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Fred Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030210 16:41]: > On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 01:46, Thorsten Haude wrote: > > I'm not intimate with the datails of Netscape's usage; you arbitrary > > send the mail to two addresses where one is enough to do the work. > > > > Please explain where the value is in se

Re: importing audio cassettes

2003-02-13 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Aryan Ameri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030213 17:49]: > Hi there: > > When I used RedHat 7.3, there was a command line utility there for recording > audio called "record" It was a good way for me to import my audio cassettes > and mp3 or ogg them. But in Debian I can't find this utility, even i

Re: mounting sound cdroms

2003-02-14 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Joris Huizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030214 17:42]: > Hello everybody, > > I can mount a cdrom with files/programs without any > problem - but when I try to use cdparanoia on a sound > cd it won't work. > I tried the following: > > - mounting manually, won't work - I get: > mount: wrong fs t

Re: kmix doesn't show anything

2003-02-14 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Joel Alexandre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030214 18:38]: > hi, i've just installed my sound card(ac97) with kudzo. > as root there are no problems, but as a user i couldn't access /dev/dsp. so > i changed the permissions of /dev/dsp and now it works. The problem is > that the sound is too low and

Re: Package cleanup following demise of /usr

2003-02-16 Thread Nick Hastings
* Frank Gevaerts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030217 08:44]: > On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 11:08:10AM +, John M. Adams wrote: > > Dear Friends, > > > > I recently lost the disk dedicated to /usr. I happened to have plenty > > of extra partition space and a /usr from a recent debian install on > > another

Re: Backup MX server

2003-02-16 Thread Nick Hastings
Please: sane quoting and no top posting. Reformatted for your convenience: > > > On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 01:32:07PM +1100, Ross Tsolakidis wrote: > > > > > > I want to take the Backup MX domains off our external mail server as > > > its being loaded down heavily when our clients mail servers go d

Re: Using multiple keys with ssh-agent

2003-02-16 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030217 16:02]: > > I want to be able to ssh into machine "remote" and have pine start > automatically. But I also want to be able to ssh in and have a normal > shell. > > So, I created a new key pair with: > > ssh-keygen -t dsa -f id_dsa_pine > > t

Re: Using multiple keys with ssh-agent

2003-02-17 Thread Nick Hastings
* Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030217 17:01]: > On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Nick Hastings wrote: > > > Maybe I'm missing something but surely it would be easier to just have > > the one key and then just run > > > > ssh remote pine -i > > I could

Re: Problem compileing

2003-09-07 Thread Nick Hastings
* setty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030908 10:11]: > The error i get is "checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt > 3.0.3) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation! Perhaps the following? apt-get install libqt-mt-dev Nick. -- Debian testing/unstable Linux twofish 2.6.0-

Re: Modconf for 2.6 kernel

2003-09-08 Thread Nick Hastings
* CaT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030909 09:41]: > On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 07:07:26PM +0530, Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote: > > Hi, > > > > Is there a modconf for the 2.6 kenel. The earlier one doesn't work for the > > newer kernel. > > Yup. sid has it. > > apt-get -b source module-init-tools Me thinks not

Re: Getting a wireless card to work play with debian

2003-09-10 Thread Nick Hastings
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030911 13:14]: > Good questions. I'm starting easy: no WEP. The router is a linksys > WRTG54G with default settings. I thought Managed was eqivalent to > Infrastructure mode. Doing a little more reading now. I also figured > this problem stems from my lack o

Re: boot, init and config

2003-09-11 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030912 09:35]: > What config file tels the linux system to turn on programs like apache or > others which go of at boot? It's not a config file, but the presence of a file... read on. > > I am looking in to the init stuffies all but I would like my m

Re: xdm setup

2003-09-16 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * David List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030916 17:15]: > I'm looking into the graphical login setup on my newly installed Debian > Woody. I'm used to having a line near the end of /etc/inittab that says > how the graphical login screen should behave, for instance: > > # Run XDM in run level 5 > x:

Re: failed upgrade to unstable... libxrender1

2003-09-17 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Michael Kahle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030917 13:22]: > Hello, > > I am getting an error when upgrading my distribution to unstable... > > dpkg-divert: 'diversion of /usr/X11R6/lib/ to > /usr/X11R6/lib/ by libxrender1' clashes with 'diversion > of /usr/X11R6/l

Re: remap caps lock key to control

2003-09-18 Thread Nick Hastings
Howdy, * tvn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030919 11:49]: > I used the following in .Xmodmap , it behaves somewhat as the control > key except Control (Caps Lock) + a should move to the beginning of the > line, but in my case it doesn't . The normal Control key works fine > though. Any idea/suggestion ?

Re: why won't 2.6.0-test4 compile\

2003-09-18 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Matt Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030919 14:27]: > hi everyone, > > haven't been able to get kerel 2.6.0-test4 to compile on my mixed > sid/sarge machine. I have gcc 2.95, 3.2, and 3.3 installed, and have > tried setting HOSTCC to gcc-2.95 and gcc-3.2, but even in the > best-case scenario I

Re: modconf under 2.6.0-testn

2003-09-21 Thread Nick Hastings
* Neal Lippman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030922 07:55]: > I have been unable to get modconf to work under 2.6.0-test2 or -test4. > The program runs, but shows only the "exit" option, with no modules > displayed for selecting. Has anyone else seen this sort of problem,and > if, any suggestions? Modconf

Re: Source file for at.c

2003-09-25 Thread Nick Hastings
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030923 15:00]: > > > apt-get source at > > thanks for this! Extremely easy solution, but still I did not find it > using man pages or Google :-( man apt-get Nick. -- Debian testing/unstable Linux twofish 2.6.0-test3-looxt93c3 i686 GNU/Linux signature

Re: 2.6.0-test4, ALSA and Ensoniq 1371 sound card

2003-09-28 Thread Nick Hastings
* Christopher L. Everett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030929 10:37]: > when Gnome 2.2 cranks up after I log in, I get an error message > saying "Couldn't open mixer device /dev/sound/mixer". > > perusing /dev, I see a /dev/sound directory, but no /dev/sound/mixer > > I compiled all the sound modules into

Re: rpm packages - alien

2003-10-02 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Uwe Dippel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031002 17:24]: > I have to install am rpm-package (Radeon driver) in Woody. > Newbie as I am, I found alien to use rpms. > But an apt-get install alien gets me > Package alien has no available version, but exists in the database. > This typically means that th

Re: wine

2003-10-06 Thread Nick Hastings
* Peter Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031007 12:44]: > Hi I'm a freebsd user but decided to try woody at the suggestion of a > friend. It's great also. I got most things to work the first time. Welcome. > I have a question though. I installed wine Did you install a .deb package or did you build

Re: How to manage services?

2003-10-07 Thread Nick Hastings
* Sudeep Mukherjee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031008 10:17]: > Hi > > I want to disable some services, e.g., Samba. What is the Debian way > to do it? Since no one seems to have mentioned it sofar, I will; rcconf. This is a front end to update-rc.d. Cheers, Nick. -- Debian testing/unstable Linux tw

Re: Unidentified subject!

2003-10-09 Thread Nick Hastings
Hm, is this another one of those weird spams, like the ones that were coming from aol? Anyway, I'll try to help just in case it's for real. * liana hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031009 15:59]: > hi well im sending you this to see if maybe you can help me. my > computer burner is not wo

Re: How do I prevent User 'A' from seeing User 'B' /home contents

2003-10-12 Thread Nick Hastings
* Ryan Nowakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031012 16:56]: > On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 10:53:46AM -0500, Wathen, Metherion wrote: > > Hi all, > > I need to know how to change permissions of each user so that > > they only see their own home directory. As I write this i'm thinking > > that I have to chan

Re: How do I prevent User 'A' from seeing User 'B' /home contents

2003-10-13 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031014 10:42]: > On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 05:23:44PM +0900, Nick Hastings wrote: > > * Ryan Nowakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031012 16:56]: > > > On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 10:53:46AM -0500, Wathen, Metherion wrote: > > >

Re: tetex on unstable: dvips (5.92b) -Ppdf problem

2003-10-14 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi Mark, * Mark M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031014 10:50]: > Hi, > I am using unstable with dvips 5.92b. When I try: > > dvips -Ppdf process.dvi -o I might be missing something but doesn't the -P flag specify a printer and -o specifies an output file? Surely you only want one or the other.

Re: cd's listing

2002-10-07 Thread Nick Hastings
* Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021008 10:03]: > > You might not want to download the CDs at all, then. Just download what > you need for installation, and install the rest from the net. The first CD image is enough for this. It will give you a fully operational system with X and friends. O


2002-10-07 Thread Nick Hastings
Please wrap your lines at about 72 characters. * Felipe Martínez Hermo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021008 17:08]: > > Hi everybody! > > I am trying to set up wmaker to be my default wm. When I log in > through xdm I only get X working with one shell window (I assume > there's no wm running). I have

Re: change modem serial port

2002-10-08 Thread Nick Hastings
Howdy, * Michael R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021008 22:00]: > > > I just installed Debian on my computer and I guess I choose the wrong > serial port for my modem because it doesn't work, I tried to find some way > to change it without having to go through the entire reinstallation process > but

Re: debian emacs policy and configuring mutt

2002-10-08 Thread Nick Hastings
Slight tangent... * Robert Wilhelm Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021008 22:00]: > > Additionaly - are these links a debian way of setting up a system?, > I'm really confused! Yes. This is the Debian "alternatives" system. Since there are often many different programs that will perform the same

Re: Shutting down X

2002-10-09 Thread Nick Hastings
* lameth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021009 15:45]: > How do you shut X-windows down and get to the command prompt? > Depending on the response I get from another post I'm thinking of > upgrading the drivers for my video card and I'm sure it wouldn't be a > bad idea to turn X off while I do so. If you

Re: Debian Linux Compatability

2002-10-14 Thread Nick Hastings
Howdy, * Marcus Bendall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021014 16:11]: > I am considering using Debian Linux, but I have one question. Can you > install Debian onto a computer running Windows 98, and keep 98 as the > main OS so that it automatically runs on startup, and then run Debian if > I want from Wind

Re: Debian Linux Compatability

2002-10-14 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Claudio Bley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021015 00:34]: > On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 16:50, Nick Hastings wrote: > > > > As other posters have stated, you can install and run either. More > > specifically you can _boot_ to either. You can not "run Debian _from_ >

Re: How to add "testing" source to my apt.conf?

2002-11-05 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, your subject line asks what to add to apt.conf. ... the short answer is nothing, to upgrade using apt-get you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list. Replace all instances of "potato" with "woody". * Haralambos Geortgilakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021105 21:39]: > > Hi all, > > my eyes are tur

Re: Debian installation: monitor/videocard problem

2002-11-18 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021118 17:11]: > run: > cd /root ; X -configure > > that will attempt to identify all your settings, when it exits > run > > XFree86 -xf86config /root/ Just as an aside, the Debian way here would be: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 Cheers, Nick

Re: remove or install a broken package

2002-11-19 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021120 10:25]: > Haste make waste, as it always turns out. > > I installed ipmasq and iptables. I then tried to remove both packages but > ipmasq choked: > > # apt-get remove ipmasq > Reading Package Lists... Done > Building Dependency Tree... Done > The

Re: simple (hopefully obvious) question + thankyou

2002-11-25 Thread Nick Hastings
* matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021126 15:44]: > easy question...I need to load two kernel modules (mga.o and sb.o) but > they don't show up in the modconf menu like in potato. where are they? > lsmod dosn't show them. where/how can i download them? there's mention > in the installation manual of

Re: Books on Debian

2002-11-25 Thread Nick Hastings
Howdy, * Joshua Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021126 14:52]: > On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 12:34:08PM -0800, Gene wrote: > > New to debian, more of freebsd and other OS users (except MS, although > > not by choice at work), anyways, any good reading on using debian that > > anybody could recommend... >

Re: need help with mailfolders

2002-11-25 Thread Nick Hastings
* ernst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021126 18:19]: > Hi > > I have done something really stupid, playing around with emacs reading > mail, when my primary mailclient is pine. Everyting from > /var/spool/mail/username is gone to ~/RMAIL, and I don't know how to get > it back;( In emacs: M-x unrmail > C

Re: simple (hopefully obvious) question + thankyou

2002-11-26 Thread Nick Hastings
* Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021127 12:23]: > > kernel-release is 2.2.20-idepci (same that was used durring install), > and the output of both find commands is nothing. OK, that kernel doesn't have those modules. > is is possible to download > the modules from somewhere?  I've looked through a d

Re: cannot open /dev/dsp (permission denied)??

2002-11-27 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * D.H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021127 19:51]: > I don't know if it is appropriate to send this email here. Every time > I start the KDE environment, it tells me that "cannot open > /dev/dsp(permission denied)", so I login with root account and give > all the users read permission to that file, but

Re: Autoload Modules

2002-11-27 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Rus Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021127 19:41]: > Hi All, I've just installed woody on my laptop and all is fine apart > from the sis900 module for LAN isn't being autoloaded. Congrats. > If I do a manal modprobe I can then do ifup eth0 with no problems. > What file do I have to edit to aut

Re: two different netenvs (work and home)

2002-11-27 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Rohan Nicholls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021128 09:18]: > > Netenv cannot deal with my adsl connection, so I would like to disable > it and make a script that calls dhcp (work) or calls my pptp script. > The problem is in init.d there is netenv, but I can find nothing in the > rcX.d dirs that

Re: compile 2.4.19 kernel,.. the debian way?

2002-11-27 Thread Nick Hastings
> drivers but it is built against the 2.4.19 kernel. > > I just downloaded 2.4.19.tar.bz2 from but now i' reading debian > specifics and there is a package kernel-image-2.4.19-386? is this an apt-get > package? hastings@onefish ~ 8% apt-cache search kernel-image-2.4.

Re: dselect trying to remove newer stuff in favor of older stuff

2002-11-27 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Tim Verry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021128 12:13]: > > I've also noticed dozens of posts to this list with "apt-get ..." and almost > none that mention dselect, what's up with that? Cause we all love apt-get, and only use dselect if we really have to... I haven't used it in about 2 years. How

Re: how to make hda become hdb?

2002-11-28 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021129 16:53]: > > I have debian installed on /dev/hda, how can I switch this hard drive to > become /dev/hdb? I'm anything but a hardware expert, but I suspect you need to switch the ide cables on each disk. Nick. -- Debian testing/unstable Li

Re: audio cd

2002-12-03 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 13:04]: > Shawn, > > Well, here's what I have so far. > > /cdromroot > /dev/cdrom root > /dev/hdc disk > > I took the liberty to add myself to group disk. I recomend that you remove yourself from the

Re: .Xresources file

2002-12-03 Thread Nick Hastings
* Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 13:13]: > Hello Debian users, > > I just recently realized that my .Xresources file is not being run > everytime I log into my account. While I can easily put this in my .bashrc xrdb -merge ${HOME}/.Xresources > file and execute it with the xrdb command,

Re: audio cd

2002-12-03 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 14:04]: > Nick, > > I took myself off the disk group. I see your point in how dangerous that > can become. > You stated you have this: > >lrwxrwxrwx1 root root8 2000-11-08 18:13 /dev/cdrom -> > >/dev/hdc > >brw-rw-rw-1 root

Re: audio problem restated

2002-12-03 Thread Nick Hastings
* Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 14:13]: > Hello Debian users, > > I'm going to restate my problem regarding this audio cd problem that I'm > having. But first, I would like to thank all those that have contributed in > this matter. > I am currently running kernel 2.4.18-bf24. I have

Re: .Xresources file

2002-12-03 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * sean finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 14:23]: > heya, > > iirc, .Xresources is deprecated in favor of .Xdefaults. Hmm, I thought it was the other way around .Xdefaults deprecated... anyway I always make one a symlink to the other. Just my 2 yen, Nick. -- Debian testing/unstable Lin

Re: audio cd

2002-12-04 Thread Nick Hastings
HI Bruce, * Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021205 11:03]: > Nick, > > It seems you are absolutely correct about using cdplay. It's better to > concentrate on the initial source of the problem rather than use XMMS and > see if that's the problem. This is how you should approach most problems,

Re: audio problem restated

2002-12-04 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi * Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021205 10:57]: > On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 02:17:20PM +0900, Nick Hastings wrote: > > > > * Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 14:13]: > > I don't think it's a group related problem. When I run XMMS from the shell,

Re: Why make-kpkg? What and Where is apt-src?

2002-12-05 Thread Nick Hastings
Hi, * Thomas H. George,,, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021206 11:45]: > > and then copying the new bzImage to /boot, running lilo and rebooting. > One set of instructions seems to indicate I can still use this approach > using apt-src after I have downloaded pcmcia-cs.tar.gz to /usr/src and > unpack

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