Hi all,
firstly please excuse possible line wrap problems and lack of my usual gpg
signature. I'm sending this via squirrel mail for reasons described below.
I'm running sid with a 2.6.0-test2 kernel with devfs. Yesterday I did a
dist-upgrade and then shut down. The devfsd package was _not_ upgra
* Rodrigo Sobrinho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030218 12:32]:
> Hi all
> this package can be used with plugin for mozilla?
If you're running unstable try flashplayer-mozilla. It works well for
A nice site to test it is:
Regarding symlinks in /etc/rcN.d
* Bob Proulx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030218 14:31]:
> I have asked this question many times and so far no one has ever
> supplied an answer. Why remove the symlinks instead of just removing
> the package?
Here's an answer.
One reason is that a simple way
* Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030218 16:52]:
> * nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-18 08:31]:
> > Lukas Ruf said:
> > > Is there any way to get rid of package dependencies? The reason for this
> > > question: I have been using VIM ever since I am using Linux -- and do not
> > > want t
Hi again,
* Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030218 17:52]:
> Hello Nick,
> * Nick Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-18 09:30]:
> >
> > >
> > > This morning (CET) I run an update and performed an upgrade by
> > > dselect with sid. T
* Dave Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030220 08:52]:
> I need an application to remind me when certain events are due, ie wifes
> birthday etc !!,
> I have tried korganiser, which has an alarm facility to flash a warning on
> the screen. This is AOK if the system is up and I am logged on as
* alef-forum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030220 08:52]:
> Hello debian-user,
> please help.
> I have a server running on Debian Linux.
> When I'm trying to login via SSH it takes a lot of time.
> I enter username
This puzzles me; what ssh client are you using? Sounds
* Michael Jinks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030221 09:03]:
> Hi all.
> Some users are asking for tools that will take a batch of image files,
> thumbnail them, and write out the HTML suitable for posting the whole
> thing as a set of links to the original images.
> I'm sure there are probably half a
* Paolo Albanesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030221 10:22]:
> Hi all!
> I'm a very new linux user, and i have a single problem:
> I'm trying to configure my network, but in kde is impossible.
> In the official user-manual there is a command line to do it :
> /usr/bin/ network-configlet-capplet
> b
* Dana J. Laude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030221 14:47]:
> On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 09:39:11PM -0500 or thereabouts, Richard Beri wrote:
> > My /var/log/messages and messages.0 are getting very large. messages
> > alone is almost 500 meg. Is is safe to delete these files (I don't]
> > need to read any b
firstly, please send your emails to the list only, not to
individuals (unless they specifically request it).
* PaoloAlbanesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030224 09:17]:
> let me ask you something more:
> I've read the manual but something is not clear to me. I need to give a
> gateway address
* Eric R Cheney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030227 13:12]:
> Well, I managed the dumbest: I uninstalled bash (don't ask, please
> don't ask why...). Though apt complained it didn't want to...I did.
> Ouch!
I'd be surprised if you could "unistall" bash. Surely you just deleted
/bin/bash. No?
* Phil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030227 04:33]:
> Is there a good book for beginner adimin's like me?
apt-get install rutebook
Then have look at
Debian testing/unstable
Linux onefish 2.4.20-lavienx #1 Mon Jan 6 17:03:01 JST 2003
i686 unknow
* Joseph A Nagy Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030228 14:21]:
> Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> >--text follows this line--
> >
> >>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Joseph A Nagy Jr
> >><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> >
> > > Actually, that Reply-to-list functionality can be implimented on
> > > the l
* Joseph Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031022 10:31]:
> I'd like to download xfree86 4.3.0 from this repository:
> http://people.debian.org/~mmagallo/packages/xfree86/
> I found it whilst Googling round for 4.3.0 for Debian, it was mentioned
> in a mailing list archive. Could anyone tell me
Hi again,
* Joseph Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031023 03:57]:
> Nick Hastings wrote:
> >* Joseph Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031022 10:31]:
> >
> >
> >>I'd like to download xfree86 4.3.0 from this repository:
> >>http://people.debian.or
> To Whom It may Concerned:
> I have downloaded the ISO images of Woody and there are seven
> from it. It is categorized as BOOT(Non-US)GENERIC, BOOT(US)GENERIC,
> VANILLA, COMPACT, IDEPCI and BF2.4 BOOT. When to use these differe
* Lorenzo Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031027 15:57]:
> I'm sorry Nicos...for the reply..I did not see the "to:"
> Thanks for your suggestions Nicos,
> I have mounted, as you explain, the usbfs, and now I can see devices
> with command "lsusb", and also following the path /proc/bus/
* Lorenzo Rossi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031028 09:47]:
> Nicos,
> I tried also this...to display octal caracters... but without
> results..:(
> No caracters are show on terminal...
Ok, so /dev/input/mice is not working.
> I have the following entries in my XF86config-4 file:
Since the devi
* Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031028 09:43]:
> Dear all,
> Debian is great for remote system administration. Thus, I make use
> of it for several "head-less" servers that are only adminstratable by
> remote-login via network interface. Usually, I do an upgrade/update
> at the same time
Hi James,
* James Oldham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031028 09:46]:
> I am new to Debian and a relative novice with Linux. I want to
> install the testing distribution on an IBM Pentium II (model
> 6285-66U, 384 ram, plenty of disk space, 4MB S3 on the motherboard).
Welcome. Tip number 1- wrap your line
* Micha Feigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031028 14:48]:
> On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 00:51, Hoyt Bailey wrote:
> > Speaking for myself only. I have to make do with whatever is provided. I
> > am trying to learn to speak debian but it is tough when words have meanings
> > that arnt in the dic. see the
* Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031028 17:12]:
> > Nick Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-10-28 03:11]:
> > >
> > > When I logged in again on the remote boxes I simply restarted the
> > > update process, but then I realized that dselect considers
Hi Lukas,
* Lukas Ruf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031029 18:18]:
> Dear all,
> I would like to run an xterm window without title-bar on the top of
> the window. I fiddled around for quite a while but have not managed
> to arrive at a point that makes sense. I run
> ii fvwm 2.4.16-2 F(?)
* Haines Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031103 12:06]:
> Osamu sama wrote:
> > On Sun, Nov 02, 2003 at 03:15:06PM -0500, Haines Brown wrote:
> > > I've spent some time pouring over apt-HOWTO, and just don't
> > > understand. I want to use aptitude to install a local .deb file. I
> > > place i
* Haines Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031104 10:29]:
> A question about how to handle dependencies when using dpkg -i. What
> I'm trying to do is install libdvdcss2, which depends on my upgrading
> libc6, and that, in turn depends on libdb1-compat.
> If I run dpkg -i on just the libdvdcss2
Hi Mark,
* Mark Healey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031107 18:32]:
> On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 21:34:57 -0600, Kent West wrote:
> >I would suggest (modestly?) that you read "Kent's 10-Step Procedure to
> >Compiling a Debian Kernel", which is the bottom section of "README.gz"
> >in /usr/share/doc/kernel-pa
* Haiko Etzel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031112 11:12]:
> Hello,
> my server is behind a proxy-server with authentification.
> I installed debian through http, where I inserted the proxy informations.
For package installation with apt-get have a look in /etc/apt/apt.conf
> But now I need to change
* Jimmy Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031113 08:16]:
> Hi,
> I tried to do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 yesterday expecting it to
> create a new XF86Config-4 file, but it didn't. I moved the old
> XF86Config-4 to my /home/ directory and ran dpkg-reconfigure
> xserver-xfree86. Am I supp
Hi Thomas,
* Thomas H. George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031113 08:18]:
> I compiled a new kernel from kernel-source-2.6.0-test9 and, after
> installing module-init-tools, most of my modules are loaded and working
> except for my pci wireless networking card. This has always been
> something of a p
* Burkhard Woelfel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031113 13:14]:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thursday 13 November 2003 03:18, Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> > On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 03:51:10AM +0200, Micha Feigin wrote:
> > > Hoping this won't turn into a flame war, I am lookin
* Mike Fedyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031113 14:20]:
> With xserver-xfree86 it suggests a few hardware detection packages, that
> should detect the hardware I have. (I tested discover, and read-edid
> manually, and they did discover the hardware I have). So how do I get
> xserver-xfree86 to use t
Hi Kevin,
please wrap you lines at 72 characters.
* Kevin Krumwiede <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031114 13:50]:
> I've installed 3.0r1 a few times now on my laptop, and I'm still
> running into problems. I used apt-get to install a newer
> kernel-image and matching kernel-pcmcia-modules. It boots
el was compiled with this driver as a module then just
% modpobe
(exclude the .o extension)
b. If your kernel does not have this driver as a module: compile your
own, or install one that does.
Have a look at kpkg for the first option and
"apt-get ins
u using? Is it a Debian kernel
%uname -r
see if the modules exist
%find /lib/modules/`uname -r` agpgart.o
%find /lib/modules/`uname -r` i810.o
Nick Hastings_ \_\ Phone: +81 298 64 5200, ext 2429
Belle Group, KEK, /_/ _)O: Fax: +81 298 64 5340
-get-selections | grep '\ | cut -f1 | sort > pkg.txt
apt-get install --reinstall --download-only `cat pkg.txt`
then if apt-get complains about some package being "unistallable",
edit pkg.txt and delete the line with the offending package.
Nick Hastings
grade anything else, from testing/unstable it
would be simplest to download the .deb manually. I
Additionally, if you do not normally compile your own kernels, you
could just down load and install kernel-image-2.4.20-.
Nick Hastings_ \_\ Phone: +81 298 64
ious step), what are the outputs of:
which gcc
ls -l `which gcc`
gcc --version
dpkg -l gcc
Nick Hastings_ \_\ Phone: +81 298 64 5200, ext 2429
Belle Group, KEK, /_/ _)O: Fax: +81 298 64 5340
1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-shi, :O(_ /_/
* Daniel L. Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030131 12:28]:
> Anybody got some recommendations for Debian books - books that have good
> coverage of Debian-specific topics like APT and MODCONF?
My fav. is th Rute book.
sudo apt-get install rutebook
Debian testing/unstable
Linux onefish 2.4
* Neal Lippman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030203 07:40]:
> On Sun, 2003-02-02 at 14:18, Jason Lunz wrote:
> > > I have a group of users in my system just for mail, the name of that
> > > group is "correo".
> > >
> > > My question is, how do I obtain a list of users from this
* Dave Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030205 07:52]:
> OK Ive had a brainstorming session on how to do this, what I need to know is,
> 1. Is there a downloader for debian that will handle broken downloads ? If
> not can anyone recommend one ?
apt-get install wget
wget -c http://whatever.you.want
* Nori Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030205 11:31]:
> my /var is 465M. i'm trying to do and apt-get upgrade, which i
> haven't in a while, and got the following message:
> Need to get 69.0MB/109MB of archives. After unpacking 39.1MB will be
> used.
> E: Sorry, you don't have enough free s
* Dave Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030205 16:20]:
> When using X, you can highlight text and copy it to another area via the
> middle mouse button.
> Is there a buffer file that holds the highlighted text ? This would be very
> usefull for passing URLs etc to the ctrl-alt-f1 command line.
* Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030206 10:41]:
> On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, Thorsten Haude wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > * Timothy Ball <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-02-05 18:27]:
> > >Have a read at what a horrible nightmare cut&paste is under X.
> > >http://www.jwz.org/doc/x-cut-and-paste.html
> >
> > I c
* Hal Vaughan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030206 15:22]:
> I know this should be very simple and easy to find, but I'm having trouble
> answering these two questions. I've been through the apt-get man page a few
> times. Since I'm trying to do something on a "one-time-only" basis, this
> shouldn
* stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030210 00:37]:
> I have several machiens that I run Galeon on (homw, work, etc)/ How can I
> synch Galeon's bookmarks files on all of them?
It's automated, but galeon does have a nice "Import Bookmarks"
function that will actually merge bookmarks.xbel files. I gene
* Fred Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030210 16:41]:
> On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 01:46, Thorsten Haude wrote:
> > I'm not intimate with the datails of Netscape's usage; you arbitrary
> > send the mail to two addresses where one is enough to do the work.
> >
> > Please explain where the value is in se
* Aryan Ameri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030213 17:49]:
> Hi there:
> When I used RedHat 7.3, there was a command line utility there for recording
> audio called "record" It was a good way for me to import my audio cassettes
> and mp3 or ogg them. But in Debian I can't find this utility, even i
* Joris Huizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030214 17:42]:
> Hello everybody,
> I can mount a cdrom with files/programs without any
> problem - but when I try to use cdparanoia on a sound
> cd it won't work.
> I tried the following:
> - mounting manually, won't work - I get:
> mount: wrong fs t
* Joel Alexandre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030214 18:38]:
> hi, i've just installed my sound card(ac97) with kudzo.
> as root there are no problems, but as a user i couldn't access /dev/dsp. so
> i changed the permissions of /dev/dsp and now it works. The problem is
> that the sound is too low and
* Frank Gevaerts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030217 08:44]:
> On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 11:08:10AM +, John M. Adams wrote:
> > Dear Friends,
> >
> > I recently lost the disk dedicated to /usr. I happened to have plenty
> > of extra partition space and a /usr from a recent debian install on
> > another
Please: sane quoting and no top posting.
Reformatted for your convenience:
> > > On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 01:32:07PM +1100, Ross Tsolakidis wrote:
> > >
> > > I want to take the Backup MX domains off our external mail server as
> > > its being loaded down heavily when our clients mail servers go d
* Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030217 16:02]:
> I want to be able to ssh into machine "remote" and have pine start
> automatically. But I also want to be able to ssh in and have a normal
> shell.
> So, I created a new key pair with:
> ssh-keygen -t dsa -f id_dsa_pine
> t
* Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030217 17:01]:
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Nick Hastings wrote:
> > Maybe I'm missing something but surely it would be easier to just have
> > the one key and then just run
> >
> > ssh remote pine -i
> I could
* setty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030908 10:11]:
> The error i get is "checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt
> 3.0.3) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!
Perhaps the following?
apt-get install libqt-mt-dev
Debian testing/unstable
Linux twofish 2.6.0-
* CaT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030909 09:41]:
> On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 07:07:26PM +0530, Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Is there a modconf for the 2.6 kenel. The earlier one doesn't work for the
> > newer kernel.
> Yup. sid has it.
> apt-get -b source module-init-tools
Me thinks not
> Good questions. I'm starting easy: no WEP. The router is a linksys
> WRTG54G with default settings. I thought Managed was eqivalent to
> Infrastructure mode. Doing a little more reading now. I also figured
> this problem stems from my lack o
> What config file tels the linux system to turn on programs like apache or
> others which go of at boot?
It's not a config file, but the presence of a file... read on.
> I am looking in to the init stuffies all but I would like my m
* David List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030916 17:15]:
> I'm looking into the graphical login setup on my newly installed Debian
> Woody. I'm used to having a line near the end of /etc/inittab that says
> how the graphical login screen should behave, for instance:
> # Run XDM in run level 5
> x:
* Michael Kahle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030917 13:22]:
> Hello,
> I am getting an error when upgrading my distribution to unstable...
> dpkg-divert: 'diversion of /usr/X11R6/lib/libXrender.so.1 to
> /usr/X11R6/lib/libXrender-1.1.so.1 by libxrender1' clashes with 'diversion
> of /usr/X11R6/l
* tvn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030919 11:49]:
> I used the following in .Xmodmap , it behaves somewhat as the control
> key except Control (Caps Lock) + a should move to the beginning of the
> line, but in my case it doesn't . The normal Control key works fine
> though. Any idea/suggestion ?
* Matt Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030919 14:27]:
> hi everyone,
> haven't been able to get kerel 2.6.0-test4 to compile on my mixed
> sid/sarge machine. I have gcc 2.95, 3.2, and 3.3 installed, and have
> tried setting HOSTCC to gcc-2.95 and gcc-3.2, but even in the
> best-case scenario I
* Neal Lippman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030922 07:55]:
> I have been unable to get modconf to work under 2.6.0-test2 or -test4.
> The program runs, but shows only the "exit" option, with no modules
> displayed for selecting. Has anyone else seen this sort of problem,and
> if, any suggestions?
> > apt-get source at
> thanks for this! Extremely easy solution, but still I did not find it
> using man pages or Google :-(
man apt-get
Debian testing/unstable
Linux twofish 2.6.0-test3-looxt93c3 i686 GNU/Linux
* Christopher L. Everett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030929 10:37]:
> when Gnome 2.2 cranks up after I log in, I get an error message
> saying "Couldn't open mixer device /dev/sound/mixer".
> perusing /dev, I see a /dev/sound directory, but no /dev/sound/mixer
> I compiled all the sound modules into
* Uwe Dippel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031002 17:24]:
> I have to install am rpm-package (Radeon driver) in Woody.
> Newbie as I am, I found alien to use rpms.
> But an apt-get install alien gets me
> Package alien has no available version, but exists in the database.
> This typically means that th
* Peter Fraser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031007 12:44]:
> Hi I'm a freebsd user but decided to try woody at the suggestion of a
> friend. It's great also. I got most things to work the first time.
> I have a question though. I installed wine
Did you install a .deb package or did you build
* Sudeep Mukherjee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031008 10:17]:
> Hi
> I want to disable some services, e.g., Samba. What is the Debian way
> to do it?
Since no one seems to have mentioned it sofar, I will; rcconf. This is
a front end to update-rc.d.
Debian testing/unstable
Linux tw
is this another one of those weird spams, like the ones that were
coming from aol?
Anyway, I'll try to help just in case it's for real.
* liana hernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031009 15:59]:
> hi well im sending you this to see if maybe you can help me. my
> computer burner is not wo
* Ryan Nowakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031012 16:56]:
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 10:53:46AM -0500, Wathen, Metherion wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I need to know how to change permissions of each user so that
> > they only see their own home directory. As I write this i'm thinking
> > that I have to chan
* Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031014 10:42]:
> On Sun, Oct 12, 2003 at 05:23:44PM +0900, Nick Hastings wrote:
> > * Ryan Nowakowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031012 16:56]:
> > > On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 10:53:46AM -0500, Wathen, Metherion wrote:
> > >
Hi Mark,
* Mark M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [031014 10:50]:
> Hi,
> I am using unstable with dvips 5.92b. When I try:
> dvips -Ppdf process.dvi -o process.ps
I might be missing something but doesn't the -P flag specify a printer
and -o specifies an output file? Surely you only want one or the other.
* Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021008 10:03]:
> You might not want to download the CDs at all, then. Just download what
> you need for installation, and install the rest from the net.
The first CD image is enough for this. It will give you a fully
operational system with X and friends.
Please wrap your lines at about 72 characters.
* Felipe Martínez Hermo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021008 17:08]:
> Hi everybody!
> I am trying to set up wmaker to be my default wm. When I log in
> through xdm I only get X working with one shell window (I assume
> there's no wm running). I have
* Michael R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021008 22:00]:
> I just installed Debian on my computer and I guess I choose the wrong
> serial port for my modem because it doesn't work, I tried to find some way
> to change it without having to go through the entire reinstallation process
> but
Slight tangent...
* Robert Wilhelm Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021008 22:00]:
> Additionaly - are these links a debian way of setting up a system?,
> I'm really confused!
Yes. This is the Debian "alternatives" system. Since there are often
many different programs that will perform the same
* lameth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021009 15:45]:
> How do you shut X-windows down and get to the command prompt?
> Depending on the response I get from another post I'm thinking of
> upgrading the drivers for my video card and I'm sure it wouldn't be a
> bad idea to turn X off while I do so.
If you
* Marcus Bendall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021014 16:11]:
> I am considering using Debian Linux, but I have one question. Can you
> install Debian onto a computer running Windows 98, and keep 98 as the
> main OS so that it automatically runs on startup, and then run Debian if
> I want from Wind
* Claudio Bley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021015 00:34]:
> On Mon, 2002-10-14 at 16:50, Nick Hastings wrote:
> >
> > As other posters have stated, you can install and run either. More
> > specifically you can _boot_ to either. You can not "run Debian _from_
your subject line asks what to add to apt.conf. ... the short
answer is nothing, to upgrade using apt-get you need to edit
/etc/apt/sources.list. Replace all instances of "potato" with "woody".
* Haralambos Geortgilakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021105 21:39]:
> Hi all,
> my eyes are tur
* nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021118 17:11]:
> run:
> cd /root ; X -configure
> that will attempt to identify all your settings, when it exits
> run
> XFree86 -xf86config /root/XF86Config.new
Just as an aside, the Debian way here would be:
dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86
* Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021120 10:25]:
> Haste make waste, as it always turns out.
> I installed ipmasq and iptables. I then tried to remove both packages but
> ipmasq choked:
> # apt-get remove ipmasq
> Reading Package Lists... Done
> Building Dependency Tree... Done
> The
* matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021126 15:44]:
> easy question...I need to load two kernel modules (mga.o and sb.o) but
> they don't show up in the modconf menu like in potato. where are they?
> lsmod dosn't show them. where/how can i download them? there's mention
> in the installation manual of
* Joshua Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021126 14:52]:
> On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 12:34:08PM -0800, Gene wrote:
> > New to debian, more of freebsd and other OS users (except MS, although
> > not by choice at work), anyways, any good reading on using debian that
> > anybody could recommend...
* ernst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021126 18:19]:
> Hi
> I have done something really stupid, playing around with emacs reading
> mail, when my primary mailclient is pine. Everyting from
> /var/spool/mail/username is gone to ~/RMAIL, and I don't know how to get
> it back;(
In emacs:
M-x unrmail
> C
* Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021127 12:23]:
> kernel-release is 2.2.20-idepci (same that was used durring install),
> and the output of both find commands is nothing.
OK, that kernel doesn't have those modules.
> is is possible to download
> the modules from somewhere? I've looked through a d
* D.H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021127 19:51]:
> I don't know if it is appropriate to send this email here. Every time
> I start the KDE environment, it tells me that "cannot open
> /dev/dsp(permission denied)", so I login with root account and give
> all the users read permission to that file, but
* Rus Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021127 19:41]:
> Hi All, I've just installed woody on my laptop and all is fine apart
> from the sis900 module for LAN isn't being autoloaded.
> If I do a manal modprobe I can then do ifup eth0 with no problems.
> What file do I have to edit to aut
* Rohan Nicholls <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021128 09:18]:
> Netenv cannot deal with my adsl connection, so I would like to disable
> it and make a script that calls dhcp (work) or calls my pptp script.
> The problem is in init.d there is netenv, but I can find nothing in the
> rcX.d dirs that
> drivers but it is built against the 2.4.19 kernel.
> I just downloaded 2.4.19.tar.bz2 from kernel.org but now i' reading debian
> specifics and there is a package kernel-image-2.4.19-386? is this an apt-get
> package?
hastings@onefish ~ 8% apt-cache search kernel-image-2.4.
* Tim Verry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021128 12:13]:
> I've also noticed dozens of posts to this list with "apt-get ..." and almost
> none that mention dselect, what's up with that?
Cause we all love apt-get, and only use dselect if we really have
to... I haven't used it in about 2 years. How
> I have debian installed on /dev/hda, how can I switch this hard drive to
> become /dev/hdb?
I'm anything but a hardware expert, but I suspect you need to
switch the ide cables on each disk.
Debian testing/unstable
* Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 13:04]:
> Shawn,
> Well, here's what I have so far.
> /cdromroot
> /dev/cdrom root
> /dev/hdc disk
> I took the liberty to add myself to group disk.
I recomend that you remove yourself from the
* Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 13:13]:
> Hello Debian users,
> I just recently realized that my .Xresources file is not being run
> everytime I log into my account. While I can easily put this in my .bashrc
xrdb -merge ${HOME}/.Xresources
> file and execute it with the xrdb command,
* Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 14:04]:
> Nick,
> I took myself off the disk group. I see your point in how dangerous that
> can become.
> You stated you have this:
> >lrwxrwxrwx1 root root8 2000-11-08 18:13 /dev/cdrom ->
> >/dev/hdc
> >brw-rw-rw-1 root
* Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 14:13]:
> Hello Debian users,
> I'm going to restate my problem regarding this audio cd problem that I'm
> having. But first, I would like to thank all those that have contributed in
> this matter.
> I am currently running kernel 2.4.18-bf24. I have
* sean finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 14:23]:
> heya,
> iirc, .Xresources is deprecated in favor of .Xdefaults.
Hmm, I thought it was the other way around .Xdefaults deprecated...
anyway I always make one a symlink to the other.
Just my 2 yen,
Debian testing/unstable
HI Bruce,
* Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021205 11:03]:
> Nick,
> It seems you are absolutely correct about using cdplay. It's better to
> concentrate on the initial source of the problem rather than use XMMS and
> see if that's the problem.
This is how you should approach most problems,
* Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021205 10:57]:
> On Wed, Dec 04, 2002 at 02:17:20PM +0900, Nick Hastings wrote:
> >
> > * Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 14:13]:
> > I don't think it's a group related problem. When I run XMMS from the shell,
* Thomas H. George,,, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021206 11:45]:
> and then copying the new bzImage to /boot, running lilo and rebooting.
> One set of instructions seems to indicate I can still use this approach
> using apt-src after I have downloaded pcmcia-cs.tar.gz to /usr/src and
> unpack
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