* Andrew Perrin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030131 07:39]:
> Greetings-
> I'd like to use kernel 2.4.20 because (apparently) it drives my machine's
> built-in sound
> ref: 
> But I don't want to upgrade to testing or unstable in general. How crazy
> is it to do this? What will I break? (I'm comfortable self-compiling
> kernels.)

I don't think it would be crazy at all.

> If I do it, is the best way to download kernel-source-2.4.20.deb and then
> do a dpkg -i locally, or should I tweak /etc/apt/sources.list?

If you don't want to upgrade anything else, from testing/unstable it
would be simplest to download the .deb manually. I
Additionally, if you do not normally compile your own kernels, you
could just down load and install kernel-image-2.4.20-<arch>.



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