
* Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 14:04]:
> Nick,
> I took myself off the disk group. I see your point in how dangerous that 
> can become.
> You stated you have this:
> >lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            8 2000-11-08 18:13 /dev/cdrom -> 
> >/dev/hdc
> >brw-rw-rw-    1 root     disk      22,   0 2002-05-13 18:06 /dev/hdc
> Guess what? That' exactly what I have.

Ok good.

> I have the xmms cd-read plugin as well and nothing is working. My
> question is, what exactly happens when this works? Does konqueror pop
> up with the audio files?

Next step. As so many other posters have already stated, for now
forget about xmms, forget about konqueror or whatever gui. You need to
simplify the situation to work out where there problem is. For now use
a command line cd player. One that springs to mind is cdplay from the
cdtool package. Put in a cd and type cdplay on the command line. Then
tell us what happens.


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