* Bruce Park <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [021204 14:13]:
> Hello Debian users,
>  I'm going to restate my problem regarding this audio cd problem that I'm 
> having. But first, I would like to thank all those that have contributed in 
> this matter.
>  I am currently running kernel 2.4.18-bf24. I have a IDE-CDRW from LG. I'm 
> running KDE3.0.5 and I have XMMS with the cd-read plugin. I have absolutely 
> no trouble at all reading data cds as a normal user. With this being said, 
> I don't think it's a group related problem. When I run XMMS from the shell, 
> I get this error:
> libmikmod.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Ahhhh!!! this is an sound output library... you must be telling xmms
to use it even though you havn't installed it. See my last email. Or
if you mest do this the hard was tell xmms to use a diffent output
plugin or apt-get install libmikmod2

> Would that error possible cause all this nuisance?

Well it sure is causing a problem. But please just ditch xmms for now.


Debian testing/unstable
Linux onefish 2.4.19-lavienx #1 Sat Sep 21 19:58:12 EST 2002
i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux

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