Package: bugreporter-udeb
Version: 0.27
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch, d-i
As you all know, there are more PC with USB port than one with floppy
drive these days. But, bugreporter-udeb try to save data in floppy.
As I start playing d-i, I realized pluging in empty vfat formatted USB
key b
Christian Perrier wrote:
> Alioth is down since the beginning of the evening of last
> Thursday. It's Saturday morning here now an it is still down.
> We're losing lots of developers work power because of this and the
> development is stucked.
> As I haven't read any statement from Alioth adm
> As I haven't read any statement from Alioth admins (maybe looking at
> the wrong place, no idea), I have no idea about when the server will
FYI, Roland Mas just posted some news in -devel for those of you who
don't read this list
with a subject o
(Sorry to debian-boot)
I have made a new modified RC1 netinst image which should fix all DMA
related issues when mounted CD has some flakey conditions.
RC1 it self had some fix, but this is even better.
Then download sarge-i386-netinst-hacked.iso
I have made a new modified RC1 netinst image which should fix all DMA
related issues when mounted CD has some flakey conditions.
RC1 it self had some fix, but this is even better.
Then download sarge-i386-netinst-hacked.iso
Does this fix problem?
Title: conquistador phenomenal explicable
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> tags 267168 patch
Bug#267168: Successful cdrom-detect (w/ osamu fix) in normal IDE
There were no tags set.
Bug#265636: dma issues cause cdrom mount error
Tags added: patch
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
tags 267168 patch
Since I posted many buggy codes :-( , I post the working one here.
(The bottom of BTS for cdrom-detect.)
This should solve most of cdrom-detect bug reports :-)
I reported success for Dell DMA case on 265636 using this patch.
#! /bin/sh
set -e
. /usr/share/debcon
Package: rootskel
Version: 0.79
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch
When playing with bugreporter-udeb, I had a good look at init code
in this package's src-bootfloppy directory.
find /dev/scsi
This list many useless entries. Assuming no one wish to use partition
after part9, changing above
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> clone 263849 -1
Bug#263849: must ifup cardbus NIC manually every time
Bug 263849 cloned as bug 267242.
> retitle -1 Please allow network configuration in the second stage
Bug#267242: must ifup cardbus NIC manually every time
Changed Bug title.
> sever
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version 2.8.4
> severity 264476 minor
Bug#264476: Allow "don't configure network" when mii-diag ordains static configuration
Severity set to `minor'.
End of message, stopping processing here.
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> retitle 256935 Failed to detect keyboard and monitor res
Bug#256935: Did not configure ethernet card or DHCP after reboot
Changed Bug title.
> reassign 256935 kbd-chooser
Bug#256935: Failed to detect keyboard and monitor res
Bug reassigned from package
Konstantinos Margaritis ÑÐÐ:
> Hi, I'd like to make a complete list of every X keyboard config for each locale.
> I'm certain I miss many entries, but I would appreciate it if you sent me feedback
> to make sure that all locales have the correct config. Here is the list so far
> (borrowed and
yesterday I've installed Debian using Debian Installer RC1 ISO
after installation, the /etc/hosts file starts with the following line: localhost.localdomain localhost
where is the computer name given during install after the
DHCP/network config dialog.
I'd like to know if it's
On Fri, 20 Aug 2004, Joey Hess wrote:
> maks attems wrote:
> >
> > the error dialog opened 2 times, but had no konsequences.
> > reported that minor issue, because didn't see similiar message
> > on debian-boot.
> This is not the problem I was thinking of. If you can send us the
> /var/log/deb
Since my patch was not so simple but practically complete shuffle of
shell script, let me explain for the record.
Basically, old postinst script for cdrom-detect had scattered codes
failed CD mounting/umounting CD handling.
My patch send to this bug number reorders shell code to clean up th
Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: rc1
uname -a: Linux Torrance 2.4.26-1-586tsc #1 Thu Jul 22 12:53:42 JST 2004
i586 GNU/Linux
Date: today
Method: floppies, (fetching packages from net)
Machine: IBM Thinkpad 560x
Processor: intel mobile pentium 233 mmx stepping
VSJ wrote:
yesterday I've installed Debian using Debian Installer RC1 ISO
after installation, the /etc/hosts file starts with the following line: localhost.localdomain localhost
where is the computer name given during install after the
DHCP/network config dialog.
I'd like to know
The Best 0n|ine Phar-macy is here.
Why pay m0re when you can enjoy at a specia| disc0unt?
and many many more!
Visit Us t0day!
This 0ne-time mai-|ing. N0 re m0val are requ|red
Hello again, this is a follow-up report afterwards.
(BJust now, I upgraded to language-env 0.57.1 by apt-get:
(B testing/main language-env 0.57.1 [181kB]
$B%Q%C%1!<%80lMw$r<[EMAIL PROTECTED](B...
(BCanna $B%5!<%P!<$,F0$$$F$$$^$9!#(B
(BWnn $B%5!<%P!<$,F0$$$F$$$
Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: RC1
uname -a: Not available
Date: Aug 14
Method: Burned CD from Sarge Debian Installer RC1 image
Machine: HP Pavilion N5430
Processor: AMD Duron 850
Memory: 256KB
Root Device: hda
Root Size/partition table: Not available
Output of lspci and
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> reassign 266686 locales
Bug#266686: Segment fault on setting locale
Warning: Unknown package 'usr'
Bug reassigned from package `/usr/sbin/locale-gen' to `locales'.
> reassign 267123
Bug#267123: OpenOffice won't start: relocation error
Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: netinst-iso as of 2004/08/20 and rc1
uname -a: Linux sarge 2.6.7-1-386 #1 Thu Jul 8 05:08:04 EDT 2004 i686 GNU/Linux
Date: 21st August 2004
Method: CD-ROM (Net-In
Hash: SHA1
On Friday 20 August 2004 12:41, Joey Hess wrote:
> Frederik Dannemare wrote:
> > I just tried to install sarge onto my STB-3036 unit via netbooting
> > (dhcpd/tftpd). The only 'disks' available on this unit is 2x128 MB
> > usb memory sticks.
> >
> > Ha
I have just been trying pxelinux netbooting of d-i rc1 and d-i sarge
I have been doing this on a serial console and would like to suggest 2
additions to the files in pxeboot.tar.gz.
(1) ./pxelinux.cfg/serial-9600 alongside ./pxelinux.cfg/default.
The current ./pxelinux.cfg/d
Hi there,
When one is configuring the partitions he is asked about where to mount each
partition and with what flags. So I set /var to have nosuid,nodev,noexec
The installation failed a little latter because the installer could not
execute scripts from /var. This is not a problem
Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: August 20 daily build, 2.6 kernel netboot image,
uname -a: Linux hyperprism #4 Thu Aug 19 19:49:26 PDT 2004 i686
unknown unknown GNU/Linux
Date: Sat Aug 21 13:02
[I should have sent this to the bug email adress. Sorry]
> Here is a patch for discover1-data, which adds your e100 network
> and all 2.4.27/modules.pcimap e100 network cards which are not
I should have told you more about the NIC. Intel's Windows drivers
claim it is an PRO/100 VE
Hello d-i developers.
Some friend of mine which tried to install sarge few houres ago told me
that there is a typo in some Polish word.
The word ZAUWAŻ (WARNING) which uses some national Polish character in
the last letter is being displayed without this national character,
but latin Z character
Sk, 2004-08-22 00:00, Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo raÅÄ:
> Any hints? Suggestions? Is it possible that d-i uses fonts which don't
> include capital letters in foreign languages?
> Does any other language has similar problems?
> I haven't filled bug yet, cause I even don't really know which part of
Package: installation-reports
uname -a: Linux 2.6.7-powerpc
Date: Sat Aug 21 2004
Method: Sarge-powerpc-netinst CD
Machine: Apple Cube G4
On Sat, Aug 21, 2004 at 11:12:45PM +0300, Kęstutis Bili?nas wrote:
> > Any hints? Suggestions? Is it possible that d-i uses fonts which don't
> > include capital letters in foreign languages?
> > Does any other language has similar problems?
> >
> > I haven't filled bug yet, cause I even don't rea
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> tags 264780 + moreinfo
Bug#264780: dhcp not proposed
Tags were: d-i
Tags added: moreinfo
> stop
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
On Sat, Aug 21, 2004 at 11:00:28PM +0200, Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo wrote:
> Hello d-i developers.
> Some friend of mine which tried to install sarge few houres ago told me
> that there is a typo in some Polish word.
> The word ZAUWAÅ (WARNING) which uses some national Polish character in
> the l
On Sat, Aug 21, 2004 at 03:06:11PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > Is it possible that installer has problems with capital national
> > characters? Friend told me that every other national characters are ok, but
> > occurencies of national character "with capslock" are broken.
> > The other exa
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version 2.8.4
> package netcfg netcfg netcfg-dhcp netcfg-static
Ignoring bugs not assigned to: netcfg-static netcfg netcfg-dhcp
> tags 261460 + pending
Bug#261460: netcfg: manual configuration infini
On Sun, Aug 22, 2004 at 12:17:20AM +0200, Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 21, 2004 at 03:06:11PM -0700, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > > Is it possible that installer has problems with capital national
> > > characters? Friend told me that every other national characters are ok, but
> > >
discover1-data_1.2004.08.11_i386.changes uploaded successfully to localhost
along with the files:
Your Debian queue daemon
Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: netinst-iso as of 2004/08/20 and rc1
uname -a: (was not possible)
Date: 21st August 2004
Method: CD-ROM (Net-Install-CD)
Machine: custom built with ASUS P4P 800 mot
Your message dated Sat, 21 Aug 2004 19:02:05 -0400
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Bug#265477: fixed in discover1-data 1.2004.08.11
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case
Your message dated Sat, 21 Aug 2004 19:02:05 -0400
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Bug#267055: fixed in discover1-data 1.2004.08.11
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case
Your message dated Sat, 21 Aug 2004 19:02:05 -0400
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Bug#265556: fixed in discover1-data 1.2004.08.11
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case
to pool/main/d/discover1-data/discover1-data-udeb_1.2004.08.11_all.udeb
to pool/main/d/discover1-data/discover1-data_1.2004.08.11.dsc
to pool/main/d/discover1-data/discover1
Package: netcfg
d-i made the following /etc/hosts entry: localhost.localdomain localhost qube
Even though DHCP found my domain (, it is not mentioned
anywhere. Now "hostname" produces "qube" whereas "hostname -f" gives
"localhost.localdomain". I think this is a bro
Why "Change debconf priority" in the menu is so low.
Why not on the top (or at least before "detect and mount CD-ROM")?
Then expert mode will be more natural. People should feel not asked too
much by choosing medium in earlier time even if they do not know.
Any previous discussion on this?
Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: RC1. Followed link on devel/debian-installer to
CD download via bittorrent; not sure where it actually went.
Downloaded 8/15/2004.
uname -a:
Linux edgar 2.4.26-1-386 #1 Thu Jul 22 12:46:23 JST 2004 i686 GNU/Linux
I'm installing sarge on a hard disk with a cross install. The target
disk has been partitioned and has the reiserfs filesystem. The target
disk / directory is mounted on my running system from which is run
debootstrap checks and validates a long list of packages that are
downloaded in
Package: installation-reports
uname -a : i dont think busybox has that...
Date : Sat Aug 21 19:51:17 CEST 2004
Method : install from netinst image on homebaked cdrom
Machine : pc
Processor: yes
Isn't a problem to give a hostname mapping to localhost on your /etc/hosts file, in
general that should not break any configuration. The
thing that need to avoid is to map a FQDN to loopback, that is a problem. In special
if you run any type of dedicated SMTP server or
any kind of service
Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: rc1
uname -a: Linux andrewpollock 2.4.26-1-386 #1 Thu Jul 22 12:46:23 JST 2004 i686
Date: Sun Aug 22 11:46:32 EST 2004
Method: Booted from netinst CD, installed from HTTP mirror (,
transparently p
I think to have found the problem and a solution (or a workaround?!). Searching
in Google this seems to be a problem occured to a lot of other people using
Debian with 2.6 kernel.
Problem: the 2.6 kernel manage my SATA device as SCSI but it's configured
to manage it as IDE (right because my d
Hi, good news.
Bug to USB stick works ! so does flakey CDROM works :-)
My concept code has been debuged and working. I did some code cleaning
so auto detected device nasme can be identified in the log in case it
does not work.
This should allow people to use any vfat formated USB device or norm
During this nigh (UTC), Wichert Akkerman (back from holidays, IIRC)
finally repaired the Alioth LDAP database, if I understand well my IRC
Then alioth worked well for a couple of hoursHowever it looks like
it's hosed again this morning:-(
53 matches
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