Your message dated Sat, 21 Aug 2004 19:02:05 -0400
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Bug#267055: fixed in discover1-data 1.2004.08.11
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at submit) by; 20 Aug 2004 12:37:26 +0000
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Aug 20 05:37:26 2004
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Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 14:37:24 +0200
From: Thomas Poindessous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: discover1-data: patch for all 2.4.27 sata modules
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="vkogqOf2sHV7VnPd"
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Package: discover1-data
Severity: normal


there are a lot of bugreports for RC1 about missing sata detection.

Here are three patchs which corrects this detection :

- first one : sata_mdk.diff : I took pci.lst for Mandrake CVS and I checked
  sata lines. I verified them with
- second one : pci.lst.diff : sata_mdk.diff + 2 corrections from

- third one : ata_2.6.diff : this one is not really a patch, it's all
  sata_ and ata_ modules which are in 2.6 kernel and not in 2.4. I don't
  know how discover1-data handles 2.6 kernel, so I didn't make a aptch
  for theses ids.

Thanks for your work.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 3.1
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.6.7-1-k7

Thomas Poindessous

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ata_2.6.diff"

--- /tmp/ata_2.4        2004-08-20 14:28:00.000000000 +0200
+++ /tmp/ata_2.6        2004-08-20 14:27:51.000000000 +0200
@@ -11,7 +11,20 @@
 10953112       sata_sil
 10953114       sata_sil
 10953512       sata_sil
+10de0036       sata_nv
+10de003e       sata_nv
+10de0054       sata_nv
+10de0055       sata_nv
+10de008e       sata_nv
+10de00e3       sata_nv
+10de00ee       sata_nv
 11063149       sata_via
 11660240       sata_svw
 17257174       sata_vsc
+808624d1       ata_piix
+808624df       ata_piix
+808625a3       ata_piix
+808625b0       ata_piix
+80862651       ata_piix
+80862652       ata_piix
 80863200       sata_vsc

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="pci.lst.diff"

--- pci.lst.orig        2004-08-20 11:19:47.000000000 +0200
+++ pci.lst     2004-08-20 14:16:14.000000000 +0200
@@ -932,6 +932,8 @@
        10390008        unknown unknown SiS85C503/5513 (LPC Bridge)
        10390009        pmc     ignore  ACPI
        10390018        bridge  ignore  SiS85C503/5513 (LPC Bridge)
+       10390180        ide     sata_sis        RAID bus controller 180 SATA/PATA
+       10390181        ide     sata_sis        SATA
        10390200        video   Server:XFree86(sis)     5597/5598/6326 VGA
        10390204        video   Server:XF86_SVGA        82C204
        10390205        video   Server:XFree86(sis)     SG86C205
@@ -1236,6 +1238,7 @@
        105a1275        unknown unknown 20275
        105a3318        ide     sata_promise    PDC20318 (SATA150 TX4)
        105a3319        ide     sata_promise    PDC20319 (SATA150 TX4)
+       105a3371        ide     sata_promise    PDC20371 (SATA150 TX2plus)
        105a3373        ide     sata_promise    PDC20378 (SATA150 TX)
        105a3375        ide     sata_promise    PDC20375 (SATA150 TX2plus)
        105a3376        ide     sata_promise    PDC20376 (SATA150 TX2)
@@ -1557,7 +1560,7 @@
        1093c831        unknown unknown PCI-GPIB bridge
 1094 First International Computers [FIC]
 1095 CMD Technology Inc
-       10950240        unknown unknown Adaptec AAR-1210SA SATA HostRAID Controller
+       10950240        ide     sata_sil        Adaptec AAR-1210SA SATA HostRAID 
        10950640        unknown unknown PCI0640
        10950643        unknown unknown PCI0643
        10950646        unknown unknown PCI0646
@@ -1568,7 +1571,7 @@
        10950670        usb     usb-ohci        USB0670
        10950673        usb     usb-ohci        USB0673
        10950680        ide     siimage PCI0680 Ultra ATA-133 Host Controller
-       10953112        ide     medley  Silicon Image Serial ATARaid Controller [ 
CMD/Sil 3112/3112A ]
+       10953112        ide     sata_sil        Silicon Image Serial ATARaid 
Controller [ CMD/Sil 3112/3112A ]
        10953114        ide     sata_sil        Silicon Image SiI 3114 SATARaid 
        10953512        ide     sata_sil        Silicon Image Serial ATARaid 
Controller [ CMD/Sil 3512 ]
 1096 Alacron
@@ -4815,6 +4818,8 @@
        170b0100        unknown unknown NSP2000-SSL crypto accelerator
 170c YottaYotta Inc.
 172a Accelerated Encryption
+1725 Vitesse Semiconductor
+       17257174        ide     sata_vsc        VSC7174 PCI/PCI-X Serial ATA Host Bus 
 1737 Linksys
        17371032        ethernet        unknown Gigabit Network Adapter
        17371064        ethernet        unknown Gigabit Network Adapter
@@ -5421,7 +5426,7 @@
        8086266f        unknown unknown I/O Controller Hub PATA
        80862782        unknown unknown Graphics Controller
        80863092        unknown i2o_block       Integrated RAID
-       80863200        unknown unknown GD31244 PCI-X SATA HBA
+       80863200        ide     sata_vsc        GD31244 PCI-X SATA HBA
        80863340        unknown unknown 82855PM Processor to I/O Controller
        80863341        unknown unknown 82855PM Processor to AGP Controller
        80863575        bridge  agpgart 82830 830 Chipset Host Bridge

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sata_mdk.diff"

--- pci.lst.orig        2004-08-20 11:19:47.000000000 +0200
+++ pci.lst     2004-08-20 14:06:18.000000000 +0200
@@ -932,6 +932,8 @@
        10390008        unknown unknown SiS85C503/5513 (LPC Bridge)
        10390009        pmc     ignore  ACPI
        10390018        bridge  ignore  SiS85C503/5513 (LPC Bridge)
+       10390180        ide     sata_sis        RAID bus controller 180 SATA/PATA
+       10390181        ide     sata_sis        SATA
        10390200        video   Server:XFree86(sis)     5597/5598/6326 VGA
        10390204        video   Server:XF86_SVGA        82C204
        10390205        video   Server:XFree86(sis)     SG86C205
@@ -1236,6 +1238,7 @@
        105a1275        unknown unknown 20275
        105a3318        ide     sata_promise    PDC20318 (SATA150 TX4)
        105a3319        ide     sata_promise    PDC20319 (SATA150 TX4)
+       105a3371        ide     sata_promise    PDC20371 (SATA150 TX2plus)
        105a3373        ide     sata_promise    PDC20378 (SATA150 TX)
        105a3375        ide     sata_promise    PDC20375 (SATA150 TX2plus)
        105a3376        ide     sata_promise    PDC20376 (SATA150 TX2)
@@ -1557,7 +1560,7 @@
        1093c831        unknown unknown PCI-GPIB bridge
 1094 First International Computers [FIC]
 1095 CMD Technology Inc
-       10950240        unknown unknown Adaptec AAR-1210SA SATA HostRAID Controller
+       10950240        ide     sata_sil        Adaptec AAR-1210SA SATA HostRAID 
        10950640        unknown unknown PCI0640
        10950643        unknown unknown PCI0643
        10950646        unknown unknown PCI0646
@@ -4815,6 +4818,8 @@
        170b0100        unknown unknown NSP2000-SSL crypto accelerator
 170c YottaYotta Inc.
 172a Accelerated Encryption
+1725 Vitesse Semiconductor
+       17257174        ide     sata_vsc        VSC7174 PCI/PCI-X Serial ATA Host Bus 
 1737 Linksys
        17371032        ethernet        unknown Gigabit Network Adapter
        17371064        ethernet        unknown Gigabit Network Adapter


Received: (at 267055-close) by; 21 Aug 2004 23:08:21 +0000
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sat Aug 21 16:08:21 2004
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        by with esmtp (Exim 3.35 1 (Debian))
        id 1ByeyD-00086U-00; Sat, 21 Aug 2004 16:08:21 -0700
Received: from katie by with local (Exim 3.35 1 (Debian))
        id 1Byes9-0003Fo-00; Sat, 21 Aug 2004 19:02:05 -0400
From: David Nusinow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Katie: $Revision: 1.51 $
Subject: Bug#267055: fixed in discover1-data 1.2004.08.11
Sender: Archive Administrator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 19:02:05 -0400
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.60-bugs.debian.org_2004_03_25 
        (1.212-2003-09-23-exp) on
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-6.0 required=4.0 tests=BAYES_00,HAS_BUG_NUMBER 
        autolearn=no version=2.60-bugs.debian.org_2004_03_25
X-CrossAssassin-Score: 3

Source: discover1-data
Source-Version: 1.2004.08.11

We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
discover1-data, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:

  to pool/main/d/discover1-data/discover1-data-udeb_1.2004.08.11_all.udeb
  to pool/main/d/discover1-data/discover1-data_1.2004.08.11.dsc
  to pool/main/d/discover1-data/discover1-data_1.2004.08.11.tar.gz
  to pool/main/d/discover1-data/discover1-data_1.2004.08.11_all.deb

A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is

Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed.  If you
have further comments please address them to [EMAIL PROTECTED],
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.

Debian distribution maintenance software
David Nusinow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (supplier of updated discover1-data package)

(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 11:09:18 -0400
Source: discover1-data
Binary: discover1-data discover1-data-udeb
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.2004.08.11
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Debian Install System Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Changed-By: David Nusinow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 discover1-data - hardware lists for libdiscover1
 discover1-data-udeb - hardware lists for libdiscover1 (short list) (udeb)
Closes: 265477 265556 267055
 discover1-data (1.2004.08.11) unstable; urgency=high
   * David Nusinow
     - Urgency set to high to make the propagation deadline
     - Fix detection of Dell R.A.C. to not load aacraid; Closes: #265477
     - Have DECchip 21140 load de4x5 rather than tulip; Closes: #265556
     - Apply Thomas Poindessous' excellent pci.lst.diff patch for SATA
       detection; Closes: #267055
 d56db0332e6925532aec40eb4ef1879e 741 libs optional discover1-data_1.2004.08.11.dsc
 bba49efbc096a6e949a498d44705b407 93688 libs optional 
 d536aa9f9b8ccc4c5a51a3dc84574a3c 90462 libs optional 
 8929bad222e06be6f4847a769e7eebe0 15230 debian-installer extra 
package-type: udeb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


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