On Sat, Aug 21, 2004 at 11:00:28PM +0200, Bartosz Fenski aka fEnIo wrote:
> Hello d-i developers.

> Some friend of mine which tried to install sarge few houres ago told me 
> that there is a typo in some Polish word.

> The word ZAUWAÅ (WARNING) which uses some national Polish character in
> the last letter is being displayed without this national character,
> but latin Z character instead.

> I checked my translations and I'm using proper national character there.

> Is it possible that installer has problems with capital national
> characters? Friend told me that every other national characters are ok, but
> occurencies of national character "with capslock" are broken.

> The other example is PRZESTRZEÅ (AREA) which is shown as PRZESTRZEN.

Do you know if these are represented as pre-composed characters in your
translations, or if your translations contain combining characters for
some accents?  bterm (the framebuffer unicode terminal used by d-i) does
not appear to support combining characters.

> Any hints? Suggestions? Is it possible that d-i uses fonts which don't
> include capital letters in foreign languages?
> Does any other language has similar problems?

It's possible, but that doesn't really explain why the right letter
would appear without the accent.  That would specifically require a
buggy font that has the glyph for Z where it should have Å.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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