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On Friday 20 August 2004 12:41, Joey Hess wrote:
> Frederik Dannemare wrote:
> > I just tried to install sarge onto my STB-3036 unit via netbooting
> > (dhcpd/tftpd). The only 'disks' available on this unit is 2x128 MB
> > usb memory sticks.
> >
> > Had to boot with "linux debian-installer/framebuffer=false".
> >
> > The netboot image, however, doesn't have the usb-storage module
> > included. Thus, I had to extract this module from
> > kernel-image-2.4.26-1-386_2.4.26-4_i386.deb and place it on a web
> > server available to the STB-3036.
> Why? If you can netboot then you can presumably download the rest of
> the installer over the network, which will happen automatically. This
> is how netboot installs are designed to work. And it will of course
> include full support for usb storage.

But usb-storage.o was really not to be found. Lots of other modules was 
downloaded (including sd_mod.o) along with the rest of the installer. 

I redid the install (netboot RC1) about 5 or 6 times (had to figure out 
how to make it fit on 2x128 MB), and I would always have to download 
usb-storage.o separately. It was not in  
lib/modules/2.4.26-1-386/kernel/drivers/usb/storage, where I would 
expect to find it (nor was it anywhere else).
- -- 
Frederik Dannemare | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://frederik.dannemare.net | http://www.linuxworlddomination.dk
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