Yao Wei,
> First, I found that only you and I are discussing about the budget. There's
> no third person involved in the discussion, at least since last 2 weeks.
I think part of that is because you are doing a good job juggling all
the responsibilities, contacts, estimates and figures that others
On 2018-05-08 09:17, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi,
> On Tue, May 08, 2018 at 05:41:22AM +, Yao Wei wrote:
>> First, I found that only you and I are discussing about the budget. There's
>> no third person involved in the discussion, at least since last 2 weeks.
> I never stop following this
On Tue, May 08, 2018 at 01:17:04PM +, Holger Levsen wrote:
> > Second, sometimes I don't have context what you are referring to. For
> > example "The current state of the budget", I actually don't know what kind
> > of state you are looking for so I simply guess it. I probably need to ask
On Tue, May 08, 2018 at 05:41:22AM +, Yao Wei wrote:
> First, I found that only you and I are discussing about the budget. There's
> no third person involved in the discussion, at least since last 2 weeks.
I never stop following this discussion, I just had nothing to add
> Seco
Hi Chris,
Isn't the next step just pay and spend? Many things needs money to go to
further. That's it.
Or we still missed some questions not answered. I'll answer it.
Yours Sincerely,
On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 9:59 AM, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Hi Yao,
> > > Whats the current state of the b
First, I found that only you and I are discussing about the budget. There's
no third person involved in the discussion, at least since last 2 weeks. I
would like to let others join the thread and explain or translate the
Second, sometimes I don't have context what you are referring t
Yao Wei,
> > I think working out some kind of solution to these communication
> > problems _now_ would be productive.
> >
> > Do you have any ideas? :)
> I think it could be better letting others being treasurer than me.
Oh. Isn't that a bit.. premature? I remain optimistic we can work
this out
I think it could be better letting others being treasurer than me.
Yao Wei
On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 13:18 Chris Lamb wrote:
> [re-adding CCs]
> Yao Wei,
> > > > > Whats the current state of the budget as a whole? For the avoidance
> > > > > of doubt, I believe the ball is in your court
[re-adding CCs]
Yao Wei,
> > > > Whats the current state of the budget as a whole? For the avoidance
> > > > of doubt, I believe the ball is in your court at the moment.
> > >
> > > I am currently in charge of the budget yes. Currently, only few of those
> > > pre-approved budget (stickers and p
Hi Yao,
> > Whats the current state of the budget as a whole? For the avoidance
> > of doubt, I believe the ball is in your court at the moment.
> I am currently in charge of the budget yes. Currently, only few of those
> pre-approved budget (stickers and posters) has been paid by OCF.
No, s
On Tue, May 8, 2018 at 00:11 Chris Lamb wrote:
> Whats the current state of the budget as a whole? For the avoidance
> of doubt, I believe the ball is in your court at the moment.
I am currently in charge of the budget yes. Currently, only few of those
pre-approved budget (stickers and po
Hi Yao,
> > Thank you for your quick reply. :) I was wondering whether you
> > could quickly speak to the organisers of previous DebConfs and ask
> > them to comment briefly on these numbers given the current
> > dates / stage [0] of registration?
> pollo said in IRC that they "picked a number
On Wed, May 02, 2018 at 05:40:06PM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Thank you for your quick reply. :) I was wondering whether you
> could quickly speak to the organisers of previous DebConfs and ask
> them to comment briefly on these numbers given the current
> dates / stage [0] of registration?
Hi Yao,
> Currently my sole estimation about the number is that we have lower
> bound of 300 people: we have 296 people finished their registration on
> site, and we need to consider about people not able to come if they
> don't receive bursaries, and people that register late.
Thank you for your
On Tue, May 01, 2018 at 04:47:29PM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> I am now confused why you have done this. I was not asking you to
> adjust the estimation and all the questions I previously had about
> the estimation of 400 naturally still apply to this new number.
> I'm not sure how I could h
Yao Wei,
> We can further crank down the estimation down to 320.
I am now confused why you have done this. I was not asking you to
adjust the estimation and all the questions I previously had about
the estimation of 400 naturally still apply to this new number.
I'm not sure how I could have been
On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 11:59:39PM +0800, Yao Wei wrote:
> I will make another estimation based on 320 attendees tomorrow.
This is the updated budget list with 320 attendees. In addition to the
lower number of attendees, this incorporates the changes below:
* There will be additional 50 t-
I will make another estimation based on 320 attendees tomorrow.
Replying your messages in-line:
On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 01:25:25PM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Dear Yao,
> > > I would like to see the explicit calculations and assumptions
> > > the went into this figure, including estimates
Dear Yao,
> > I would like to see the explicit calculations and assumptions
> > the went into this figure, including estimates of any error bars.
> > This would lead to upper and lower bounds for the total budget.
> 294 people completed registration
> 221 requested accommodation
> 50 peop
On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 21:57 Chris Lamb wrote:
> > This estimation is for 400 people.
> So, naturally this is most important figure or "knob" that affects
> the entire budget.
> I think I would like to see explicitcalculations and assumptions
> that went into this figure, including estimates
On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 02:56:58PM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> > This estimation is for 400 people.
> So, naturally this is most important figure or "knob" that affects
> the entire budget.
> I think I would like to see explicitcalculations and assumptions
> that went into this figure, includi
Hi Yao,
Firstly, thank you for sending this over; really appreciate the
Secondly, apologies in advance for any possibly-newbie or dumb
DC18-related questions. Unfortunately, I've not been in a position
to follow the day-to-day updates and thus there are some big gaps
in my knowledge rega
This is a budget approval request.
The changes since the last review is:
* Increase the budget of accommodation (2.5 USD/person/day from
1.5 USD/person/day). The reason behind this is that NCTU don't
provide sleeping bags or mattresses. Our previous estimation
includes these tw
Hi Daniel,
> congratulations on your successful re-election!
> It means have the current budget draft scrutinized by the team another
> $period and then - in case no significant issues were identified - ask
> for DPL approval of that latest iteration.
Great and thanks for the clarificat
On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 02:23:00AM +0200, Daniel Lange wrote:
> Am 21.04.2018 um 19:08 schrieb Chris Lamb:
> > I feel really bad, but I don't know what "for review for a period" means.
> It means have the current budget draft scrutinized by the team another
> $period and then - in case no s
congratulations on your successful re-election!
Am 21.04.2018 um 19:08 schrieb Chris Lamb:
> I feel really bad, but I don't know what "for review for a period" means.
It means have the current budget draft scrutinized by the team another
$period and then - in case no significant issues we
Yao Wei,
> Well... my uncertainty hits me hard. We can put this updated budget for
> review for a period.
I feel really bad, but I don't know what "for review for a period" means.
: :' : Chris Lamb
`. `'` la...@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk
On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 05:11:32PM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Sorry to be a stickler but as you're probably online at the moment,
> I think I'd like something a little stronger than "I think". I
> mean, does the rest of the team agree? :-)
Well... my uncertainty hits me hard. We can put this upda
Hi Yao,
> > Sorry to sound like a broken record but can I gently repeat my
> > request you that be 100% clear on whether you are simply providing
> > an FYI or asking for this updated budget to be approved?
> I think we can ask for approval this time since everything else looks
> good.
Sorry t
On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 04:54:07PM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Hi Yao,
> > Here comes the update of the budget list, which includes the following
> > changes:
> Sorry to sound like a broken record but can I gently repeat my
> request you that be 100% clear on whether you are simply providing
Hi Yao,
> Here comes the update of the budget list, which includes the following
> changes:
Sorry to sound like a broken record but can I gently repeat my
request you that be 100% clear on whether you are simply providing
an FYI or asking for this updated budget to be approved?
> * Increase th
Here comes the update of the budget list, which includes the following
* Merge all the food stuff into food budget (as this was what DC17
have done), and decrease the budget of pastries from TWD 100/person
to TWD 50/person, and deduct the day of conference dinner.
* Incre
On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 12:43:34PM +0800, Yao Wei wrote:
> > * Re-decrease the estimations of total attendees to 400 people
> > * Use another spreadsheet to estimate the budgets of food and
> > accommodation.
> >
> > https://storm.debian.net/shared/JChakMNcTAnTRqQov5WcwtUw8SvSeoOZ
Hi Lucas et al.,
> > Sorry that I am relatively new to budget stuffs. If any of the items is
> > far off the previous DebConf, please tell me and I can try to fix it.
> You are doing great, don't worry
First, thanks for all the updates and posing of questions.
Indeed, there absolutely no need
Oops, sorry, the mail below was intended as an out-of-band email to
Chris and the DebConf committee, and ENOTENOUGHCOFFEE hit again :-(
Well, at least that's full transparency :-), so let me rephrase and ask
the questions directly:
1/ regarding the fundraising amounts listed in the budget: are th
I think that the budget now looks sane.
It should still be clarified whether:
- the fundraising amounts are those that are already committed (but I
think they are)
- they have plans to cover the USD 16569.5 deficit, or if Debian will
have to cover this for sure. But even if Debian has to
I made another mistake by using expense digits to estimate food and
accommodation income.
This fixes the digits by using the fee we charge from attendees.
On Tue, Apr 17, 2018 at 12:29:16PM +0800, Yao Wei wrote:
> * Re-decrease the estimations of total attendees to 400 people
> * Use another s
On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 04:05:20PM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Ping on this?
> I would not like to reach a point where I need to be concerned that
> requests for clarification are unanswered, particularly when they
> originate from the person who needs approves the budget.
> (After some consid
[please retain leader@ in any CCs...]
Chris Lamb wrote:
> > The reason restoring to 600 people was that we are trying to find people
> > interested in contributing to Debian
> I'm probably missing something here but is that not the wrong way
> around? ie. find these people first and then incre
at bottom :-
On 14/04/2018, Yao Wei wrote:
> Hi,
> The estimation of accommodation and food is actually not aligned to past
> DebConf, but we are making some assumptions based on current pricing
> these and the estimations of attendees.
> (Well... I hope to make a more realistic estimations.
first of all: thanks for all your work on the budget. In general it looks
pretty good to me! Just two minor points (though the first is maybe not
so minor...)
On Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 03:35:46PM +0800, Yao Wei wrote:
> * Increase the estimation of attendees from 400 to 600
there's 270 registr
On 14/04/18 at 15:35 +0800, Yao Wei wrote:
>USD -211715.5 Income
> USD -88000.0Attendee
> USD -23000.0 Accommodation
> USD -65000.0 Food
The comment in ethercalc says:
"'mwei: estimating if 200 people in 300 in DebCamp, and 400 of 600 people in
The estimation of accommodation and food is actually not aligned to past
DebConf, but we are making some assumptions based on current pricing
these and the estimations of attendees.
(Well... I hope to make a more realistic estimations. Estimating 300/600
people is too optimistic for me neithe
Hi Yao,
> The reason restoring to 600 people was that we are trying to find people
> interested in contributing to Debian
I'm probably missing something here but is that not the wrong way
around? ie. find these people first and then increase the estimate
to match?
On Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 08:42:18AM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Hi Yao,
> > * Increase the estimation of attendees from 400 to 600
> Can you briefly outline you reasoning for this change, including
> where the initial 400 was derived from?
The 600 was our initial estimation during the bidding
Hi Yao,
> * Increase the estimation of attendees from 400 to 600
Can you briefly outline you reasoning for this change, including
where the initial 400 was derived from?
> > Please do let me know what you need from me at this point.
(This still stands.)
: :' :
I updated the budget list to better reflect our current sponsors, and
current estimated spendings. Changes are:
* Increase the estimation of attendees from 400 to 600
* Increase the price of food/catering from TWD 60/120/180 to TWD 100/150/200
* Increase the childcare expense from USD 1000 t
Hi Yao et al.,
> > Here are the current budget previsions.
Any update on this? :)
: :' : Chris Lamb
`. `'` la...@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk
Hi Yao Wei,
> Here are the current budget previsions.
Thanks for sending this over; it was actually well-timed in that I
had a calendar entry for today to "check in" with you folks on this. :)
Please do let me know what you need from me at this point.
Best wishes,
: :' :
Here are the current budget previsions.
There are some of the items missing intentionally, since the venue, on-site
accommodation and most of the equipments required by video team are sponsored
by NCTU.
Also, we are going to send another list of sponsors, mostly targeted to local
50 matches
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