Hi Yao, > Currently my sole estimation about the number is that we have lower > bound of 300 people: we have 296 people finished their registration on > site, and we need to consider about people not able to come if they > don't receive bursaries, and people that register late.
Thank you for your quick reply. :) I was wondering whether you could quickly speak to the organisers of previous DebConfs and ask them to comment briefly on these numbers given the current dates / stage [0] of registration? For example, they might be able to say that they get a /lot/ of registrations at the last moment which would make us less certain about our current numbers. Again, that's just an example of what could be said, it's just that this is not the first Debian event, after all... [0] https://debconf18.debconf.org/schedule/important-dates/ (No need to apologise about lack of certainty around the numbers!) Regards, -- ,''`. : :' : Chris Lamb `. `'` la...@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk `-