
On Tue, May 08, 2018 at 05:41:22AM +0000, Yao Wei wrote:
> First, I found that only you and I are discussing about the budget. There's
> no third person involved in the discussion, at least since last 2 weeks. 

I never stop following this discussion, I just had nothing to add

> Second, sometimes I don't have context what you are referring to. For
> example "The current state of the budget", I actually don't know what kind
> of state you are looking for so I simply guess it. I probably need to ask
> about what exactly you are looking for before answering the questions.

(AIUI) the last draft of the budget was still a working draft, but nothing you
considered final enough to be presented to the DPL for approval. That's
why (AIUI) the DPL said the "ball is in your court", it's your turn to
ask the DPL to approve the budget.

In theory you can only start spending money, once the budget is
approved. In practice/reality some money needs to be spend before…

Once the preliminary budget is approved however, you can have confidence
that the money you spent is on behalf of the Debian project and approved
by the DPL.

Also: the budget will *never* be final, until half a year *after*
DebConf18. It will change along the way, because you budget for (for
example) 370 people and then 353 show up, so you change the numbers to
reflect reality.

> Sorry for my premature reply. I am stressed out because it involves money
> and we are having communication problems.

Don't worry, you are doing fine. The budget doesnt have to be 100 or
even 95% accurate now, it should be as accurate as possible, but as thie
point in time I think it's great if a budget is in the *right
magnitude*, IOW it shouldn't be more than 50% too few or 150% too much.
(or maybe thats rather for 1-2 months ago and todays budget should
reflect reality with a margin of 85-115% or so.)


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